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CMFI KOREA 1950 MOD scenario creation thread (and later with PBEM DAR)

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1 hour ago, Vacillator said:

You mean in CMFI or am I misunderstanding?

Looking forward to this.  Will Gary win again?

Yes, I meant CMFI has no ATR.


I had not won in the ASL scenario of this battle but we'll see here. I have an M24 and a meatchopper quad 50 halftrack. If I get a good LOS with that, I can really do some damage.

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From the original ASL scenario card...


Kadong-ni, Korea. July 15, 1950. The North Koreans were crossing the Kum river everywhere in front of the U.S. 19th Infantry Regiment, a unit nicknamed "The Rock of Chickamauga" from its history in the U.S. Civil War. As early as 0630, Colonel Winstead reported that his command post and Mortar Company were under attack, and that the center of his battalion was falling back. The enemy made deep penetrations, overrunning part of A and B Companies, then continued south across the paddies,seizing the high ground at Kadong-ni. This incursion had to be thrown back if the 19th Infantry was to hold its position.

Historical Result: Colonel Meloy and Colonel Winstead immediately set about organizing a counterattack force from the 1st Battalion and Regimental Headquarters Companies, consisting of all officers present, cooks, drivers, mechanics, clerks, and the security platoon. Colonel Meloy brought up a tank and a quad-50 antiaircraft artillery half-track to help in the counterattack. This counterattack force engaged the North Koreans and drove them from the high ground at Kadong-ni by 1200. Some of the enemy ran to the river and crossed back to the north side.

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My force starts on the map and 2-man scout teams move forward up the slope. The rest of the squads split into 2 parts and listen to old sarge who was in dubbya dubbya 2,



I want to get a few teams to the first spot of high ground and then observe. Maybe somebody with some binoculars. 😮

I have 2 platoons of rifle squads with limited ammo due to the initial logistics difficulties in Korea. A company commander and a platoon leader are there as well as a 60mm mortar and a .30 cal MMG. I will observe carefully off that left edge in case he has his Maxim out there. I plan to try and take the high ground first and sweep his cabbage chomping commie butt off the hill.



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No contact yet. My follow on force arrives in a few minutes back along the west edge. I need that M24!

If my probes detect even a sound contact I will hold up or maybe pull back a bit. Wait for the firepower of that tank! I typically rush too fast. I will slow down and use "Made in U.S.A." AFV to clear the path.

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Looking back at the ASL version of this battle, I had this as my AAR...

Kohlenklau (Phil) Victories: 13
Gary Victories: 23

16 October 2023 THE ROCK OF CHICKAMAUGA (Phil as US/Gary as North Koreans) Gary won. Gary had racked up only 5 VP of the 20 required for victory. A very exciting game. But I only captured the hill VP area - but couldn't get 1 of the others required.

This means that he had caused me casualties but only 5 of 20 "points" to achieve victory outright. As the US side, I had to get 2 of 3 victory areas. I had that high ground but couldn't get 1 of the others. Either the multi-hex building - or - 5 out of 9 village houses. I ran out of time. He nailed my guys as we approached the multi-hex building. ASL is often about the die roll! The dice gods? 

EDIT: A BIG Thank You! to Gary for all these ASL games we have played. It is actually VASL through Vassal. We talk using Discord with headsets. Tons of fun. Gary racks up ALL the battles. He is the guru for VASL. I DID make some counters for various items in VASL. BUFLA! DIANA! I pay him back with this CM scenario creation. Reminds me of that old song about me and Mrs...Mrs Jones. "We got a thing goin' on...!"


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Next we have First Blood and the semi-naked girl on the poster will be...


Nothing posted. The man might be watching me.

So, no chick. 


It goes to NKPA...


But I followed shortly with some savage mortar action with several KIA. 2+?


I will maybe blow through all my 60mm mortar ammo but if I secure this high ground objective it is well worth it.


I have lost 4 or so guys. I see maybe 3 teams of his. I think Gary would divide them up from squads so to be less juicy of a target.

My reinforcements just arrived!

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The Colonel came through. Here comes the counterattack force!


I decided to stay at distance form the enemy. My green troops seem less affected. 208m range.


That 2-man scout team is under the bead of this other NKPA team.


Bad news: I lost a few more guys that walked into fire. Good news: My tank is on line and dealing out death! corniness 7 of 9?



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Some more screenshots from the final turns of last night's play.

I tried to have a US team move ahead of the tank to deal with any infantry trying to grenade the tank...


"Rebel's Roost" also moved slowly forward but did not fire at the hidden NKPA infantry. 



So, they got the jump on my boys


ABOVE: I scratched my head a second seeing that name Cheung. Did I goof up my mods? It can happen. But NO. It IS a name in the original BFC US Soldiers names text file. 


BELOW: and also threw a NKPA stick grenade. edit: I took the regular German stick grenade into Blender and scaled it to look like the more stumpy NKPA stick grenade. I modded the bmp image so the handle is a darker species of wood and the metal case is grey without any German label.


yikes, right in the kisser!


The tank then was able to finally see the NKPA grunts and sliced them all up.



The meatchopper is on her way!


10 minutes elapsed and Gary should have his first wave of reinforcements arriving down by the river bank...

I will clean up the high ground using my tank and try and bring some squads around behind the high ground and head toward that peaceful serene orchard. On the first bit of high ground I will set up a MG and lay fire into the village. I think I heard a Maxim down by the village.


The "Meatchopper" must carefully reverse into a position where it can lay down long range fire on his guys moving in from the river BUT NOT get return fire from the village or the Temple. It has that quad-50 but still is a paper thin tin can death trap. Corniness 8 of 10?

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This is the 3rd scenario I have created for the KOREA 1950 Mod. I am 99% no longer doing any AI plans but if anybody out there wants this mod and the head to head scenarios, please PM me. I might send it to the bootie CMMODS website later in December after I improve a few things. I also goofed around with editing some QB maps to be Korean and added the modtag [korea]. I have not tested how to play the mod as a QB battle. I think it could work. I would need to make a little guidance pdf manual thingy.

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I have a big dining room project to focus on but still have time to send a few turns today. But it will pick back up later after supper.

I have the Meatchopper in a decent position. I will move it NEXT turn in case he tries to mortar it.

The tank will now zip back to help Sgt Cheung and lay fire on the Temple. I think he has his Maxim in there. Sgt Cheung was ordered to go and buddy aid his wounded men. He then took more fire from that Maxim. Maxim has gotta get suppressed ASAP.


A fresh platoon of clerks and cooks with an HQ will reposition over to my right flank as the force to take the orchard in a turn or 4.

Once I think I suppress that Maxim I will move my 60mm mortar into a good position to drop rounds where needed. 19 mortar bombs available. 

24 minutes remain on the clock with possibly up to 5 extra minutes.

Snuck one more turn in before headed to the job!

An NKPA HQ team tried to rush the tank and maybe take it out. Fortunately I had already planned to get it out of there. His NKPA team did get a few of my guys but not the tank. Now the officer is there by himself with just a sidearm. I doubt he will surrender.


BELOW: the NKPA leader fires with his pistol. His rifleman and the US rifleman both killed each other shortly after this shot was taken. He is there by himself as the turn ended.


The tank arrives over by Sgt Cheung and starts to lay fire on "The Temple".


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The NKPA leader gets nailed by somebody. About 20 guys were plinking away at him.


I am setting up to try and take the orchard and approach in the blind area where the village cannot see me. First I will direct fire at a sound contact in the orchard with the tank, the mortar and the Meatchopper. Their fire is set to turn off after 30 seconds or so. I have a 3-man team on delay and then will try to rush in and maybe get a small toehold in the orchard.


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A Company has gotten into the orchard. No sign of anybody or any bodies in there. My guys are green so there could be a hidden enemy team waiting without being detected. B Company had been slated but instead will be moving into position to attack the village.


The Commie hordes are rushing towards the Temple and the Village!


I have targeted their path with several weapons... 





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