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CMFI FRANCE 1940 DAR "1914 DEJA VU" (infantry battle)

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7 minutes ago, kohlenklau said:

 Voulez-vous PBEM avec moi ce soir?

@FalaiseFalaise and I decided to do a PBEM to showcase the infantry aspects of the new mod. He defends as the French and I am the Germans.

I am multi-tasking on the armour PBEM DAR so this one will be a bit more paced out...

exiting moment... @Falaise I hope he took the dust of his helmet and his curving pipe, to join the party, I want to see a France Allemagne 2-0 "Allez les Poilus" 

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I modded a splash background just to set the mood a bit better.


Here is the scenario cover view


Here is the map I made. A farmhouse on a small hill beyond the creek. In the distance is some road the Germans use for running supplies as they race towards the Meuse or the English Channel. The French are using the farmhouse to spot for artillery and this Waffen-SS platoon must eliminate the farmhouse.


Here is my Waffen-SS platoon trying to be as "France 1940" as I can get them.


I am not a TOE expert. I asked one of the BFC bubbas for help and I got no reply. Maybe I am "persona non grata"? I attached a 50mm mortar to the platoon of 4 squads. 



I can only do what I can do. If you don't like this, I know it isn't perfect, but please just move along...


I am not Audie Murphy so this thread isn't about great tactics but I will use what Dick Winters taught me when I watched "Band of Brothers" and set up a base of fire off on my left flank. 2 of my 4 squads will go over there along with the 50mm mortar.  Suppress the farmhouse and allow the remaining 2 squads to make their approach and close assault the joint. If needed.

But first I gotta cross the creek. I made the map so I know where all the fjords are. FJORDS? They are in Norway son! What we have here is shallow fords. Like a Pinto with bad shocks? hahaha, what a jokester. 

I do not know where Falaise has set up but I will use the magic of television to show what his troops look like. He made some great gear mods and I think our France 1940 French Army ensemble looks tres magnefique. That is French for "we can do this crap but BFC can't?"

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Here is the briefing for the French. 


Here is the French set-up. I used 3 different color zones to kind of force or allow some stuff to happen. left and right flank positions and the main area at the farmhouse. He has an LMG. A squad. A Breach team. A platoon leader and Capitaine Gourmand. Plus 3 foxholes.


Let us look at some of the French troops...(P.S. I don't have a PhD in French Military History, ok. Just trying to have fun and be creative.)

These are colonial troops. I guess from Africa. Their helmet has a crescent moon and R.F. emblem. Courtesy of @JM Stuff Merci JM. 


This is a Breach team of French. Falaise made the greatcoats and one has the collar badges for the regiment. He also made a bunch of gear and I will swing around to take a shot of their back sides. 😮



...and le derriere! Check out the canteen we made in Blender. It actually holds wine according to Falaise. (Red with beef. White with fish and chicken). He made all the textures. We are still migrating them out to the other troops. These guys are pretty much fully equipped.


Here is our rendition of the France 1940 French army squad. We wish we could ditch the SMG as desired but it isn't editable. We can play tricks to make it go away and not be present in a battle. The French had very few SMG's. They got several thousand out of Spain after the Spanish Civil War. They started making one. MAS-38. I am trying to get it Blender modded. No luck yet. I haven't had any success making a MAS-36 either. z4cDRGT.png

Here is another @JM Stuff Maybe he hangs around the docks late at night and got this 3D model off some drunk sailor? I don't know. Merci JM.


I made this mod of an SMG in Blender after seeing a photo in an Osprey book. Whatever!


Here is LT Falaise...What a man! Carries 333 rounds of ammo. WTF? I dialed the headcount down but the game doesn't dial down the ammo. hmmmm


Last but not least, Capitaine Gourmand. Where did they get that radio from? Jeez. I better swap that out for 2 tin cans and some string or maybe one of those funky Italian radios with the big hoola-hoop antenna?




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1 hour ago, kohlenklau said:

Here is the briefing for the French. 


Here is the French set-up. I used 3 different color zones to kind of force or allow some stuff to happen. left and right flank positions and the main area at the farmhouse. He has an LMG. A squad. A Breach team. A platoon leader and Capitaine Gourmand. Plus 3 foxholes.


Let us look at some of the French troops...(P.S. I don't have a PhD in French Military History, ok. Just trying to have fun and be creative.)

These are colonial troops. I guess from Africa. Their helmet has a crescent moon and R.F. emblem. Courtesy of @JM Stuff Merci JM. 


This is a Breach team of French. Falaise made the greatcoats and one has the collar badges for the regiment. He also made a bunch of gear and I will swing around to take a shot of their back sides. 😮



...and le derriere! Check out the canteen we made in Blender. It actually holds wine according to Falaise. (Red with beef. White with fish and chicken). He made all the textures. We are still migrating them out to the other troops. These guys are pretty much fully equipped.


Here is our rendition of the France 1940 French army squad. We wish we could ditch the SMG as desired but it isn't editable. We can play tricks to make it go away and not be present in a battle. The French had very few SMG's. They got several thousand out of Spain after the Spanish Civil War. They started making one. MAS-38. I am trying to get it Blender modded. No luck yet. I haven't had any success making a MAS-36 either. z4cDRGT.png

Here is another @JM Stuff Maybe he hangs around the docks late at night and got this 3D model off some drunk sailor? I don't know. Merci JM.


I made this mod of an SMG in Blender after seeing a photo in an Osprey book. Whatever!


Here is LT Falaise...What a man! Carries 333 rounds of ammo. WTF? I dialed the headcount down but the game doesn't dial down the ammo. hmmmm


Last but not least, Capitaine Gourmand. Where did they get that radio from? Jeez. I better swap that out for 2 tin cans and some string or maybe one of those funky Italian radios with the big hoola-hoop antenna?




just amazing all the stuffs that dedicated all the team.

I feel that we need really this period of war, later, we can than jump to another part of Europa to created I m sure Poland 1939.

Yes like @PEB14 said Phill you have already a foot in the BFC stairhouse  !

Edit and you deserve it !

Mais avant tout Steph @Falaise doit bouter les "Krauts" !!

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The freedom to work on what I want at any pace or never even finish it is what I enjoy. I could not "work" for BFC. They never asked me so I guess we see eye to eye! I probably wouldn't last a few weeks if they DID ask me and I DID join. hahaha. I wish them the best and I will happily stay in my little playground for the rest of the year and then I am planning on punching out of this hobby for good. I plan to mod my heart out and then it will be time to move on. 


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19 minutes ago, kohlenklau said:

The freedom to work on what I want at any pace or never even finish it is what I enjoy. I could not "work" for BFC. They never asked me so I guess we see eye to eye! I probably wouldn't last a few weeks if they DID ask me and I DID join. hahaha. I wish them the best and I will happily stay in my little playground for the rest of the year and then I am planning on punching out of this hobby for good. I plan to mod my heart out and then it will be time to move on. 


Yes the best is to devote more time to a heart that awaits us, M. sometimes reminds me of this and I drop the mouse, for the good of all of us...

by the music I would prefer, Rush 



a little like BFC and France 1940, but is only My opinion 😉

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Good morning, we now will fire up the old DAR machine. FRAPS activated. Paint.NET activated. Imgur activated. All systems go.

@Falaise is there right now in France as I play from Texas. 

We will work together to have a fun PBEM and maybe he will post some screenshots now or maybe later to preserve his security/securite'. No worry :D


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The platoon mortar team gets into position on the far left flank. 


Under the cover of 2 squads that have already crossed, the remainder of the platoon wades across the creek.


We see our first French soldier. But maybe he also sees us. (Stick fence from CMRT. Wall texture from a CMBN mod or maybe stock, I forget.)


The mortar team has binoculars and reports seeing a small vehicle approaching the farmhouse.


It seems to be some hack job mod of the Opel Kadet from CMRT. Needs a better paint job but at least has some markings.


The platoon is doing just as they trained.



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Meanwhile...out at the road. The convoy is stopped as one truck has suffered a breakdown.


Can the French OP be wiped out before the artillery can target the convoy? 

Obersturmfuhrer Sumbrunn brings his final squad up on line as he orders the other 3 squads and the mortar to pour it on to suppress that HMG and the farmhouse 2nd and 3rd floors. He will accompany the assault squad.



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The squads use the firepower of the MG34 to get the French HMG gunner to duck his head.




Sumbrunn eyes the barn but sees no windows on the 2nd floor facing his men. It might be ok. But they will stay on the near side of this hedge. Or is it a low bocage? Hmmm. 


There is a chance to be ambushed by some hidden defenders. Perhaps a short burst of fire at the barn is prudent...

Sumbrunn adjusts his plan. 1st squad will come up to suppress the barn and the entire hedgerow while 2nd squad takes the assault mission up through the crops (Lucky_Strike's gorgeous mod) and towards the farmhouse...keeping a clump of trees between them and that HMG.

The mortar rounds fall near the HMG's position...


2nd squad splits into 3 parts and runs forward through the crops.


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Meanwhile out on the supply road... the drivers are told to look over the engines while they await a tow truck for Johan's Opel Blitz.


Sumbrunn runs forward to the hedge along with 2nd squad.


1st squad covers the right flank and suppresses the barn "just in case"...


Sumbrunn orders 4th squad to cross the field headed directly north to the farm road. As a diversion and then to come around behind the farmhouse and catch any escaping French troops.

It was a wise decision as they quickly detect the French squad leader with his SMG...


... and one of his rifle teams.


The French HMG team has displaced from the foxholes and set-up near the stick fence! The mortar rounds land perfectly into the unoccupied foxholes!


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The fire team crossing the field is hit by flanking fire and 2 men go down in quick succession.




The fire team approaching first to the farmhouse is wiped out by grenades from the French riflemen.



Sumbrunn's command team takes the French under fire and drives them off


Sumbrunn orders 1st squad to swing around behind 2nd squad and take over the assault. The mortar is told to shift fire to the HMG's new position.

Sumbrunn's team takes a casualty. Muller, the young Schutze from Munich.


Sumbrunn takes out one of the French to avenge Muller.


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Savage fire erupts from a well-concealed French Colonial with an LMG!


The French soldiers at the stone wall throw down their rifles and surrender


The brave French colonial gunner goes down...


Another French fire team gives up or runs away...


Sumbrunn orders a squad to approach the farmhouse. The artillery might be firing at any moment. The trucks are unknowingly in the cross-hairs of a great barrage...


The farmhouse is well defended



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  • 2 months later...
46 minutes ago, gregb41352 said:

Kohlenklau you're a legend.

I appreciate it! Thanks. I have definitely had great enjoyment from doing mods and TRYING to go outside the envelope. 

More important is if you are enjoying the mod. I hope you played some of the scenarios. I do have more coming. PM me if you have any comments, good or bad. I am happy to listen. 

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I'm hopeful of designing a scenario or two after I poke around a bit.

I'm confused though in that none of the FR40 scenarios that I've put in the scenarios folder seem to be accessible in game.

More investigating needed.   This is my dream game (unless BFC does a WWI variant ;)

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54 minutes ago, gregb41352 said:

I'm confused though in that none of the FR40 scenarios that I've put in the scenarios folder seem to be accessible in game.

OK, let me think. Uh, this is using CMFI. Right? And do you have all the CMFI modules? Base game, Gustav Line and Rome to Victory. All 3 icons in the lower left.

Do you have the latest engine? v2.11 Game Engine 4 should be in the lower right corner. Like below.


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5 hours ago, kohlenklau said:

OK, let me think. Uh, this is using CMFI. Right?   YES      And do you have all the CMFI modules? Base game, Gustav Line and Rome to Victory. All 3 icons in the lower left.   YEP

Do you have the latest engine? v2.11 Game Engine 4 should be in the lower right corner. Like below.    AFFIRMATIVE SIR

Very curious.   Maybe I'll do a re-install.



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5 hours ago, gregb41352 said:

Very curious.   Maybe I'll do a re-install.

ok, how experienced are you with downloading a mod folder? Especially my style of a folder with inner folders?

Download from CMMODS to your normal downloads folder.

Unzip there (or anywhere you prefer) into a folder with subfolders.

The scenarios are the *.btt files and can be dropped into your scenario folder.

They start with prefix FR40...so they should be damn easy to see.


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