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1 hour ago, kohlenklau said:

right now (I THINK) these are the only guys who want the mod and scenarios:




@JM Stuff

@Ivan Zaitzev




So we have to make publicity and AAR to motivated the rest of the community.

What can be attractiv is some minis campaigns, and eventual playing in Pbem, but we have to take the time to prepare them.

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8 hours ago, Erwin said:

Most people don't know what they want until you sell em...  Marketing is key.  :)


Well, I can say that "marketing" has been done and still no major influx of interest. I have a youtube channel. But I have had several youtube videos created by Smartwargames and 37mm. I appreciated their exposure. This was not for France1940 but for many other mods and it was all crickets except for maybe a handful of people commenting.


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It would be a big ego boost if a hundred people said they wanted this humble mod...or any of my other mods.

Possibly folks consider it as amateur and half-*** or not the real deal if not made by BFC.

But as I always say they are free and worth every penny. :D


Just having a small group actually has many benefits. You all know me and can just ask me to look at any issues if there is a glitch.



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1 hour ago, kohlenklau said:

This is my last mod ever so I am TRYING to go out in style. All the bells and whistles.

'Tis not too late to seek a newer world.
Push off, and sitting well in order smite
The sounding furrows; for my purpose holds
To sail beyond the sunset, and the baths
Of all the western stars, until I die.
It may be that the gulfs will wash us down;
It may be we shall touch the Happy Isles,
And see the great Achilles, whom we knew.
Though much is taken, much abides; and though
We are not now that strength which in old days
Moved earth and heaven, that which we are, we are,
One equal temper of heroic hearts,
Made weak by time and fate, but strong in will
To strive, to seek, to find, and not to yield.

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On 3/15/2023 at 2:48 AM, kohlenklau said:

right now (I THINK) these are the only guys who want the mod and scenarios:




@JM Stuff

@Ivan Zaitzev




I'm totally looking forward to it! Normandy, Battle of the Bulge and all that feature in every game about WW2. France is so rare. I loved the early years in Steel Panthers back in the day.

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Tonight we have a new PBEM presented as I play it and post some screenshots with some funny commentary.


Part 1

The French tank forces launch an attack into a section of the German lines with their objective to cut the rail line that passes near the small village of Saint-Grammont-sur-Merde...


The French force is composed of 2 platoons of Char R35's and 1 platoon of Char B1 bis. A total of 15 vehicles.



It is a skinny long map...


we will go on the left, the right and the middle. Or as we say in Saumur, "gauche, droit et centre"


An enemy gun is detected on the right flank near the first phase line!


The phase lines are named after the women of the Battalion Commander...

Phase Lines Abigail, Beatrice, Claudette, Daniella, Elaine, Francesca, Gabrielle and Helena.

We have reached Phase Line Abigail!


The light tanks risk bogging in the muddy creek...


The training of the tank force has been less than desired. One tank races ahead of the others. Perhaps he seeks glory?


In another area a great traffic jam wastes valuable time...


A tank is hit by a grenade and the crew becomes excited...




continued on next post...



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Part 2

The attack presses forward despite the loss of a third of our force. We are about halfway to Saint Grammont...

Viva La France!!!


One of our vehicle crews has bailed out and fires at the nearby enemy in panic.


It helps another vehicle to make it through...


Our tanks have reached Phase Line Claudette under German mortar fire.


You know...this crap aint easy to do. 


We knocked-out a German truck. The crew will paint a "kill marking" on their barrel...and leave their insurance papers for the driver to avoid any police involvement.


The Germans used up about a dozen grenades to knock-out the abandoned tank.


ohhh, but it was successful


Back at Phase Line Beatrice...the crew in an immobilized R35 sit quietly and await their fate. 


The German anti-tank gun fires a long range "hail Mary" shot to try and KO an R35. It ricochets into the air. (I measured it at about 550 meters)


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Part 2 continued...

The lead tanks move across Phase Line Elaine having crossed the big creek.


As the turn ends, automatic cannon fire comes from a sound contact further down the road to Saint-Grammont.


The lead vehicle encounters a German Panzer III Ausf F armed with a 37mm gun. The enemy tank has an excellent crew with outstanding gunnery skills. The shell hits the lower front hull and puts the 75 out of action.


She fires back and hits the panzer in the upper front hull.


As that KO'd panzer's crew bails out, our Char gets LOS on another PzIIIF.qGubIVm.png

Suddenly, a massive explosion rocks the Char.


Has our lead tank been destroyed?

Continued in Part 3...

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Part 3

The lead tank survives!


The culprit is spotted, a Panzer IV Ausf D with short barrel 75mm cannon. Maybe it was a HEAT round? Just to the right on the other side of the hedge is a Pz II Ausf A firing the 20mm autocannon. This crew has avoir les boules!!!9eYrLad.png

In France, we can take off the tops of the trees for use in a delicate pastry...or to better see the battle of char versus panzer


THERE! There is the black-hearted beast of Krupp steel! Having come directly from a paint shop,  in preparation for the victory parade in Paris, the Black beast's crew is extremely hesitant to get their panzer damaged.


The Panzer II Ausf A dies in a ball of flame. uhhh, ball of..smoke? :D


"BOURRASQUE" retreats back. She is scarred and ravaged but still alive.




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32 minutes ago, kohlenklau said:

Part 3

The lead tank survives!


The culprit is spotted, a Panzer IV Ausf D with short barrel 75mm cannon. Maybe it was a HEAT round? Just to the right on the other side of the hedge is a Pz II Ausf A firing the 20mm autocannon. This crew has avoir les boules!!!9eYrLad.png

In France, we can take off the tops of the trees for use in a delicate pastry...or to better see the battle of char versus panzer


THERE! There is the black-hearted beast of Krupp steel!


The Panzer II Ausf A dies in a ball of flame. uhhh, ball of..smoke? :D


"BOURRASQUE" retreats back. She is scarred and ravaged but still alive.




so the legend is true that the b1 were ones of the best tank !

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...and now Part 4

The new lead tank might have suffered a concussive effect from the enemy shells as the crew seems to go crazy and drive  their tank backwards towards the German Panzers!


It seems they have damage to their radio and maybe the crew is voting on what to do after each man gets several minutes to explain his opinion...?


The intensity of the fight at the tip of the spear contrasts greatly with the lightness of mood back at an immobilized tank far from the fray. Mexondeaux hums a little tune as he watches through the vision slit. 

I see trees of green, red roses too
I see them bloom for me and you
And I think to myself
What a wonderful world
I see skies of blue and clouds of white
The bright blessed days, the dark sacred nights
And I think to myself
What a wonderful world


The crazed tank is commanded by Sergente Floch! What the floch is he doing?


Major Tron's tank has advanced into the lead...

His driver exclaims loudly over  the intercom

"We've penetrated Francesca!!"

Major Tron frowns and kicks the driver in the head with his boot.



In a fit of jealous rage, Major Tron orders the entire crew outside to settle the matter without rank. He was a boxer before the army. But not a very good boxer - so the crew agrees.


The matter is quickly settled and Major Tron swears them all to not disclose what has occurred. He then orders all tanks to briefly halt to review their status before the final push on Saint-Grammont.




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1 hour ago, kohlenklau said:

drive  their tank backwards towards the German Panzers!

I think we've all experienced such things, as @cbennett88 can no doubt confirm. In CMFB Meijel Mayhem I had two Panthers cosy up their backsides, with one obviously facing away from the enemy.  A short time later, that Panther paid the price.  And no orders I had issued would explain their behaviour, but never mind.

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