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Once upon a time there was mention by Steve of the desire to do an elite units pack for CMFI with units such as the First Special Service Force and 442 regiment. I know things change, but maybe this is still somewhere on his wish list? 

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47 minutes ago, Sequoia said:

there was mention by Steve of the desire to do an elite units pack for CMFI

Well, Steve @Battlefront.com is with us in this thread (which is great), so I'm sure he can confirm or deny that.  I imagine it's a bit too much of a skyscraper to build for the likely return.  Whereas Kursk would be just a couple of little skyscrapers for a much greater return.  No really, it would 😉.

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I think we need this damn war to end so BFC can publish CMSU "Combat Mission Slava Ukraini"

and sell 100,000+ copies.

THENNNNNNNN Steve comes back to bust out some early war. No, not early war as early last year 2022 for Ukraine War!

I mean early in the last century 1939/1940/1941. 

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On 3/2/2023 at 9:37 AM, kohlenklau said:

I think we need this damn war to end so BFC can publish CMSU "Combat Mission Slava Ukraini"

and sell 100,000+ copies.

THENNNNNNNN Steve comes back to bust out some early war. No, not early war as early last year 2022 for Ukraine War!

I mean early in the last century 1939/1940/1941. 

YESSS!! This war could definitely use the full Combat Mission treatment. We can do some stuff in CMBS (limit the Ukrainian tanks to T-64BVs, limit the Russian tanks to T-72B3s, give the Americans Ukrainian uniforms and voices so we can use their Javelin teams, etc...), but it is fairly limited and doesn't come close to representing the full scope of the war as it has unfolded. We need a whole host of different Russian tanks (T-72B, T-72B3M, T-80BV, etc...). For the Ukrainian side we need the T-64BV 2017, Warsaw Pact tanks (T-72M/M1), western vehicles (largely APCs, MRAPS, and Humvees for 2022, but IFVs and tanks will also be needed for 2023), artillery, small arms (seeing a lot of M4s in the combat footage these days), and anti-tank weapons (NLAWs, AT4s, Pzf 3s etc...). New formations will be needed. The Russian side will need L/DPR forces, Wagner mercenaries, and the VDV. The Ukrainian side will need the Territorial Defense and the International Legion.

It's a lot, which is one reason why BFC might choose not to do it. But I think it would be worth it. And there may be a strong market for it, it being a recent and highly publicized war (by the time they release it (obviously it's still an ongoing war at the time of this post)). My guess is that the soonest we can hope to get it is 2025. Assuming that the war ends in 2023 and that CMSU takes two years to develop (I am absolutely in favor of calling it Combat Mission: Slava Ukraini). If the war ends in 2024 then adjust that estimate to 2026 (and so on if it lasts longer, although even at my most pessimistic I don't think it will go into 2025). In order to cut down on the amount of work needed the easiest thing might be to release the base game with just enough content to represent the initial phase of the war, from the start of the invasion to the Russian retreat from Kyiv. And then release modules to cover later phases in the war in order to ease the burden of cramming all of that equipment into the game. The fact that between CMSF2 and CMBS a large chunk of the equipment is already done should make it a bit more feasible.

Edited by Centurian52
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18 hours ago, Artkin said:

Limit the russians to t72b3? You should check out Oryx lol there's a lot more than t-72b3 being fielded currently. Same for ukrainians and t-64.

The T-72B3 is the only Russian tank in CMBS that is actually present in large numbers. So a realistic scenario representing the current war in CMBS would have to limit the Russians to the T-72B3. Same goes for the Ukrainians and the T-64BV (actually The Military Balance 2021 says they should have had about 100 Bulats at the start of the war, but I haven't seen very many Bulats show up on Oryx). In order to represent the other tanks that they are using in large number in this war (T-72B, T-64BV 2017, T-72B3M, T-72M/M1, T-80BV, etc...) we would need BFC to release a new game or module that included all of those vehicles.

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44 minutes ago, Centurian52 said:

The T-72B3 is the only Russian tank in CMBS that is actually present in large numbers. So a realistic scenario representing the current war in CMBS would have to limit the Russians to the T-72B3. Same goes for the Ukrainians and the T-64BV (actually The Military Balance 2021 says they should have had about 100 Bulats at the start of the war, but I haven't seen very many Bulats show up on Oryx). In order to represent the other tanks that they are using in large number in this war (T-72B, T-64BV 2017, T-72B3M, T-72M/M1, T-80BV, etc...) we would need BFC to release a new game or module that included all of those vehicles.

Well Phil was talking about a whole new game. We have seen 50 T-90s of varying design, nearly 100 each of T-80U and T-80BVM, almost 250 T-80BV and T-72B each. I wouldnt limit the RUAF to strictly T-72B3. 

Besides it seems the Russians are beginning to use their better kit more liberally now. There are 15 T-90M alone on oryx now. Thats a large jump compared to earlier in the war when we weren't sure if they would be fielded at all

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4 hours ago, Artkin said:

Well Phil was talking about a whole new game.

And I was emphasizing how valuable a whole new game would be, because there is only so much we can do with CMBS.

The 14 T90Ms we've seen on Oryx are hardly what I would call large numbers. And CMBS doesn't have T-72Bs, T-72B3Ms, T-80BVs, T80Us, or T80BVMs. It does have T-90As, and those are more common than T-90Ms (perhaps common enough to warrent representation), though those should still be rare in scenarios based on the current war. So yeah, until we get a new game, scenarios using what we have in CMBS should mostly limit the Russians to T-72B3s (perhaps very occasionally they can have T-90As). My point is that I was agreeing that a full new game based on the current Russo-Ukrainian war would be nice to have.

Edited by Centurian52
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On 2/13/2023 at 6:21 AM, Battlefront.com said:

I've been lectured almost identically by polite and impolite customers since 1998 when this forum first opened (this is the 2nd iteration as the first one died in a harddrive crash).  I appreciate you being one of the polite ones, but it seems standing up for ourselves in a reasonable way hasn't put us out of business yet, so I'm inclined to just as politely say that I have a different point of view.

Well, I was so ashamed about putting more oil into the fire, I only have the courage to answer now.

I didn't want to lecture you nor do I ever want to lecture anyone about their own business. It was a weak moment. So I want to apologized for my statements which weren't very hostile but still contributed nothing in a constructive way.

I would have not written anything and I certainly wouldn't come here now to apologize if I wasn't so deeply enamoured with the CM games. And while I disagree that they are without any competition, I do heartily agree that they are best at what they are trying to do. But once you reach such a level of a creative product, people get passionate and dream of even higher heights. I think what I am trying to say is, probably most if not all of the people here love your games and it is unlikely that will ever change.


It is also refreshing to see how this thread has Kohlenklau spiralling a bit. Now that he is certain that there will never be an early WW2 CM game, he is indulging in his own thread and making lunatic statements to himself while planning for a gigantic early war mod like a criminal mastermind. He seems to laugh manically, and I laugh not about but with him. So if anything, this thread did accomplish that.

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14 hours ago, Sunbather said:

Well, I was so ashamed about putting more oil into the fire, I only have the courage to answer now.

I didn't want to lecture you nor do I ever want to lecture anyone about their own business. It was a weak moment. So I want to apologized for my statements which weren't very hostile but still contributed nothing in a constructive way.

Not to worry.  I can assure you that you didn't step over the line in any significant way.  Note the tone of my response to your post compared to some from earlier in this thread.  Not accidental ;)

It can be a bit surprising, if not shocking, to see a product maker not fully endorsing "the customer is always right" mindset.  It comes mostly from the fact that we have no single customer and yet we have to make a single product within the constraints of staying in business.  Someone isn't going to get what they want and we shouldn't have to apologize for that.  In fact, I find it to be highly disrespectful towards our customer base as a whole.  Far better to be honest and upfront about what our position is, as disagreeable as it may be to some, than to waft smoke up people's backsides.

14 hours ago, Sunbather said:

I would have not written anything and I certainly wouldn't come here now to apologize if I wasn't so deeply enamoured with the CM games. And while I disagree that they are without any competition, I do heartily agree that they are best at what they are trying to do. But once you reach such a level of a creative product, people get passionate and dream of even higher heights. I think what I am trying to say is, probably most if not all of the people here love your games and it is unlikely that will ever change.

For sure products that have real meaning to people inflame passions and that sometimes shows up unexpectedly, even to the person typing it out.  Doesn't matter if it is a game, a spreadsheet, or some sort of physical product.  It's an understood part of the job, so no worries.

14 hours ago, Sunbather said:

It is also refreshing to see how this thread has Kohlenklau spiralling a bit. Now that he is certain that there will never be an early WW2 CM game, he is indulging in his own thread and making lunatic statements to himself while planning for a gigantic early war mod like a criminal mastermind. He seems to laugh manically, and I laugh not about but with him. So if anything, this thread did accomplish that.



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8 minutes ago, Battlefront.com said:

The patches for Steam went up this past weekend.  At least that is what I was told, I haven't double checked ;)


I had updates to apply on the steam versions of CMSF2 and CMBS this weekend, so I think the patches went out

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9 hours ago, Battlefront.com said:

The patches for Steam went up this past weekend.  At least that is what I was told, I haven't double checked ;)


Matrix announced that the patches for CMBS and CMSF2 were available on Friday. As  @Ithikial_AU mentioned they announced during the Tea Time broadcast that CMBN and all of the modules will be released on the 27th.  It was also mentioned that going forward they expect to make a CM release each quarter.


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On 3/2/2023 at 11:14 AM, Sequoia said:

Once upon a time there was mention by Steve of the desire to do an elite units pack for CMFI with units such as the First Special Service Force and 442 regiment. I know things change, but maybe this is still somewhere on his wish list? 

Hopefully that net can be widened for the Jewish Brigade, Greek Brigade, Co-Belligerents, RSI Partisans etc. I would just say to look at what Eugen did in their Italy DLC for Steel Division 2. It was the most multinational theatre of war for the Western Allies, there's a great opportunity there to showcase it. 


e: I did not read the preceding discussion and don't want to cause trouble or anything. I just like reading the OOBs for the Italian Campaign and think Eugen did a good job. I just happen to believe Battlefront can do it better. 

Edited by DougPhresh
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Hi Steve,

Can you please give me some small amount of support to my CMFI France 1940 Mod?

1. Can I get the "raw" texture photoshop files (with layers) for a few vehicles? Removing camo patterns is very difficult.

2. Can someone help me with a few of my vehicle mdr hacks? I just have a few little problems that an insider might clear up.

A few man-hours of somebody's time.

Thanks and I hope you say yes.


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4 minutes ago, kohlenklau said:

Hi Steve,

Can you please give me some small amount of support to my CMFI France 1940 Mod?

1. Can I get the "raw" texture photoshop files (with layers) for a few vehicles? Removing camo patterns is very difficult.

2. Can someone help me with a few of my vehicle mdr hacks? I just have a few little problems that an insider might clear up.

A few man-hours of somebody's time.

Thanks and I hope you say yes.


yes is easy to say !! 😊 

not sure that  I can do something but I can check !

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7 hours ago, Artkin said:

Now that the CMBN module is finished and ready to be out the door.... can we please have a sneak peek at some of the maps from the new module? Something cool in the works hopefully? Too soon?

Unsure what CMBN module has just been finished. :) If you mean sneak peaks at the new Battle Pack Utah Beach there was a separate bone post in the CMBN forum earlier in the year. Lots of pics.

The Battlepack for Utah Beach is not completed and won't be released at the same time as CMBN on Steam. It was never the plan to hold up Steam releases for a small battlepack.

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5 hours ago, Ithikial_AU said:

Unsure what CMBN module has just been finished. :) If you mean sneak peaks at the new Battle Pack Utah Beach there was a separate bone post in the CMBN forum earlier in the year. Lots of pics.

The Battlepack for Utah Beach is not completed and won't be released at the same time as CMBN on Steam. It was never the plan to hold up Steam releases for a small battlepack.

Hmmmm I guess the community is misunderstood then. This is what Marco posted on the discord: 

@everyone Hi everyone, 

we are proud to announce that the DLCs for Battle for Normandy are going to be released alongside the base game on March 28th. 

Maybe we are using DLC differently

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3 hours ago, Artkin said:

Maybe we are using DLC differently

I sure hope not 🙂 I think he means that the modules for CMBN (Commonwealth, Market Garden, Vehicle Pack, Battle Pack1) will be available on Matrix/Steam at the same time as the base game.

The DLC that @Ithikial_AU is working on is something he is still working on 🙂 It's not ready yet.

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