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Long 88mm lacking punch?

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Mr. Johnson-<THC>-:

Charles and Steve,

Why are you letting these guys suck you in. Your have stated you reasoning for making the decisions you have while making YOUR GAME. These people obviously just want to make you pull your hair out. They don't make any valid points, why waste you time and energy? If they have a prob with the 88 lang not penetrating at long range as much as they "THINK" should, instead of asking GOD ie Steve&Charles to give them the ubergun to kill satan, why don't they as a commander fiqure out a way to win a battle under those constrants? They obviously want to go play Command and Conquer 2:TS and use the hand of nod all night long, then be forced to make tough command decisions.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Err Excuse me what do you mean sucked in? reasnable questions were asked obviously or else the thread would be locked, why would they pull their hair out?.

I believe valid points were made on both sides in this thread. I aknowleged Charle's points etc, even provided evidence for one, they aknowledged their points.

You are correct its their game they can do absolutely whatever they wish. Did someone say it was not?. Would you prefer we not discuss anything that can be percieved a negative comment against CM?.

Would you prefer that the Tiger mantlet was never fixed to refelect reality?, or the 50cal was still as deadly as in 1.03 moveing at full speed?, all this was corrected due in part to CM user input, these wern't negative comments but ppl who saw something wrong and questioned it, and in the end were obviously correct as it was patched.

Ubergun? has anyone here asked Charles to change the gun value? because this thread in its current state is NOT about CM, it has evolved beyond CM.

Regards, John Waters


"Go For the eyes Boo, go for the eyes!!".

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Vanir:

Ah. I'm glad you cleared that up. Notice I did say 2 or 3 wink.gif That was because I wasn't sure where you were going with this.




Actually, we want the same thing: as good a game as we can get. I'm only sticking up for BTS because their arguements in favor of their curren system have struck me as very logical and well reasoned. If some one does come up with solid facts saying their wrong I'll admit it as I suspect Steve and Charles will as well. You are correct that for those who still think something is amiss, a carefull study of the British report is the only way to go.

Well... time for some CM! smile.gif


Exactly!! finaly someone else understands my questioning this. smile.gif. Oh I agree they drfintly currently have the upper hand wink.gif. thats why I am not commenting on it anymore, at this time.

The person whom discovered the flaw (& the 1 person whom I wish was here) is Robert Livingston, he's well known among ppl interested in WW2 armor & gun data, in fact he probably has more data on WW2 penetration then Aberdeen, & Bovington, combined.

Anyway he discovered the error or someone in his group did IIRC while going through the Report, you can see alot of his work on Claus Bonnesons "On Armor" site. If he ever finishes his book we will all learn alot.

Regards, John Waters


People who can smile when things go wrong

have found someone else to blame.

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Guest KwazyDog

"Kwazudog makes a nice post, with good points, and then ruins it by marginalizing his argument."

Mental note to self : Stop marginalizing your personal opinions, it apparently annoys people wink.gif

"The choices are not between "calculated statistics" and "blind faith". The arguments presented by John and others are quite convincing, but then, so are the arguments provided by BTS."

Hmmmm, interesting point Jeff. True, I can understand how someone could read my post that way if they read it swiftly *BUT* I did state that it was my opinion, nothing more whatsoever. Am I allowed my opinion Jeff, I so hope so...

The guys discussing this with Charles and Steve have addressed thier side well and generally in good form but it was my *personal* opinion that the details provided by Charles and Steve outweighted the evidence produced by their side in this debate. Personally I feel considering what we are talking about was half a century ago now it is best to base calculations on formula rather than other peoples numbers yes, but then again I probably see it that way becuase I have a degree in science not statistics, so that is purely my *personal* opinion, NOTHING more.

"to portray one side as reasoned and the other as ridiculous makes you look like you have an agenda, not a point."

Hmmm, as is responding to my post in the manner you did Jeff, which is interesting.

I stated it was my *opinion*, NOTHING MORE. If I had an agenda I would have been posting in this thread from day one, wouldnt I? Instead I sat back, read bot sides of the argument and gave my opinion at a point where no further evidence was being presented, thats all...oh, if thats ok with you, of course smile.gif

So Jeff, my thought is what indeed is your agenda here, hmmmm.....I wonder wink.gif

[This message has been edited by KwazyDog (edited 08-25-2000).]

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Guest KwazyDog

John, apologies if my 'blind faith' comment sounded like an attack, it was not intended as so though I can understand as it may have come across as one. I guess my point was more along the lines of why these figures are considered accurate. But no need to answer, I think youve covered that already along with more than Id ever thought I would have know about this subject, hehe.

Its been a pleasure to read a somewhat heated debate at this one without it turning into a flame war!


Disclaimer : This post is intended solely as an opinion of the above user and contains no hidden agendas that the user is aware of. smile.gif

[This message has been edited by KwazyDog (edited 08-24-2000).]

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Guest machineman

For me the reason this discussion is a big deal is if Big Time Software is right, a LOT of people are wrong. Just rummaging through the war book pile I see 'Tank Killers' by Ian Hogg, 'Tiger Tanks' by Michael Green, and 'German Tanks of WWII' by George Forty. All excellent books I've found and ALL have the higher penetration specs for the 88mm/L71 gun. (mind, most seem to quote the same 'captured German war data').

And of course, this is no ordinary tank gun, but the one claimed to be the best all around tank gun of the war, so it is a bit more special than most.

Maybe BTS is right, and the formula rules. Maybe Lakowski is right, and the long rod penetrator concept (or something else we don't know about) made the difference. How to know for sure? Unless one of those things could be taken out to the firing range and tried out (or some new, definative evidence found) I think all parties will just have to agree to disagree.

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Big Time Software:


Jentz and Hogg are the closest ones to one another. They are similar at 500m and 1000m, but start to differ significantly at 2000m (by 5.3%).

WO185 differs even more from Jentz beyond 500m. At 1000m the difference is 2.4%, and at 2000m it's 9.1%!

Oh boy now we get to WO219 which is different from everybody. Comparing to Jentz, we get a 3.8% difference at 500m and a whopping 17.9% difference at 1000m. This is HUGE! eek.gif

And I haven't even mentioned the Bovington numbers yet. So stop acting as if the Bovington numbers are a single outlier. Clearly - and we're using the data that you provided, Helge - none of these data sets agree. The other four are not close to one another. Some of the differences (up to 17.9%!!!) are major.

Is 17.9% enough variance for you to consider it significant, Helge? How can you overlook a difference that large?

In fact, WO219 gives a penetration value at 1000m for the 88 L/71 that is less than the value given in Combat Mission! If I am to take you at face value and "just use the published figures" then perhaps I should choose WO219 and lower the capability of the 88 L/71 in CM even further? By your reasoning, this is what I should do.

To sum up, the published figures - not even considering the Bovington data - are NOT close to one another. They do NOT agree.

Even your own figures clearly indicate that you are wrong.


There is no wrong data just wrong interpretations of the data.

Armor penetration follows a normal distribution so that the ballistic limit value is actually a average of a whole number of results from any given test firing at a given range and angle of attack.

The variation on this is up to ± 40% for AP type shots at ordnance and sub ordnance velocity.If you truncate the results to the most likely 80-90% , the values is ± 20°.

With about 2/3 of results being ~ ± 5%.

However to compound things each country uses its own defination of what is a 'complete penetration' and 'partial penetration'.

The USARMY used the US NAVY standard untill 1955[ I think?] . This standard classifies penetration as when the projectile completely clears the plate and penetrates a 'witness plate' behind the armor. This roughly corresponds to 75-80% of hits successfully penetrate, which is similar to the Soviet standard which is ~ 75%.... In other wards penetration is not reported to occur until that many complete penetrations occur.

Afterwards they changed to the 'inital breaking point' which corresponds to ~ 20% of hits penetrating.

The Germans and most modern armies and researchers use the 50% ballistic limit value cause its the easiest to determine accurately.

I'm not sure about the brits as theres was ~ 80% for the 2Lb, but I was always told it was 50% like the Germans.

So what does all this mean ... If your data is American or Soviet from the 50s it may be under rating penetration by ~ upto 20%, when compared to German or research data.

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I repeat does anyone have weight, length, diameter differences between the german 88L56 and the 88L71?

I think the german 88L71 had phenom tungsten penetration also? Didnt certain german guns use progressive rifling? theres lots of variables and formulas cant take in all variables. Also ammo has quality problems/variance. Who knows what got shipped to aberdeen and fired.

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Except for one crucial point, Paul: that the formulae we use correctly match all test data we've come across except for the data from the 88 L/71, which for all the reasons listed above (which you continue to dodge, even though we challenge you directly to refute them) are clearly suspect and inconsistent.

For a 50-year old formula, that's pretty good. It matches everything except one set of data that is clearly frought with problems itself.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Oh my wink.gif

Charles, Steve,

I understand all your points made, that your formula matches the data you have available from Bovington and Aberdeen except the 88/L71. That you have chosen to base your formula on this 50 years old report and that you think we have too much blind faith in Jentz data. That´s all fine for me, believe me I can live with that. But that´s not the point here.

You indirectly question the credibility of commonly accepted primary source material and the work of quite a lot of very credible people if you take the liberty to back up your data with german penetration test result data for the 88/L56 and 75/L70 but refuse the 88/L71 data because it doesn´t fit your formula.

To the results your formula is producing concerning all other guns which are in the game. I took the liberty to compare the results the CM engine is producing with the data wich is commonly available at David Honners Website [http://www.wargamer.org/GvA/]. The sources for his data are publicly stated and are basing on the well accepted publications by Chamberlain, Gudgin, Hogg, Hunnicutt, Gander, Jentz, Spielberger and von Senger and Etterlin to name a few. I put all the 30 degrees data into one Excel file to grafically analyze it. [i know that this method isn´t holding scientific standards, but you easyly can see tendencies]. Bottomline is that the results your formula produces have a perfect fit with the german data in case of the 88/L56 and the 75/L70, furthermore for the US 75/L40 but hugely differ [even more than the 88L/71 values in question do] in other cases.

So what do I have to believe ? The data which is published from well accepted authorities in the field or the data your formula is producing ?

Do you want me to send you the file or do you want to compare the data yourself by extracting them from David Honners website ?

BTW: If you would say you don´t want to change the data because you don´t feel the need out of gamedesign decisions that´s fine for me, as I already said earlier in this thread . But arguing the credibility of LF testresults in one case and backing up your point with them in another case makes me scratch my head.


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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Chamberlain, Gudgin, Hogg, Hunnicutt, Gander, Jentz, Spielberger and von Senger and Etterlin<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Geez, Helge you just can't do that. These guys all got their info from someone elses tests. Are they the same original source or different ones? Did they do their own analysis of the raw data or do they use the analysis given by the guys testing? You may be right but it is impossible to know from what you say.

<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>But arguing the credibility of LF testresults in one case and backing up your point with them in another case makes me scratch my head.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

???? You are just obscuring the issue by that statement. I fail to see how all the german tests in WW2 could be considered as one homogeneous entity. Why should they be considered as such? Even with each gun and ammo type there may have been multiple tests. Hypothetically speaking would you consider someone 'concerned' about the results of one experiment as having challenged the credibility of them all even when they are quite distinct? Your answer should prove illuminating.

Will someone please answer Lewis's question as it seems pretty pertinent.

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Guest Big Time Software

Did I mention that you haven't answered any of the direct questions posed to you? Perhaps you didn't read our repeated requests.

<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>So what do I have to believe ? The data which is published from well accepted authorities in the field or the data your formula is producing ?<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

The real question is:

are we going to keep arguing with 1-3 people who REFUSE TO ANSWER OUR DIRECT QUESTIONS and insist that we are full of crap without presenting a directly stated case other than "how can you doubt the word of God, even if there is more than one God to listen to".

The answer is NO. Nobody is backing you up on this one because you are ducking all the direct questions and something called...


Did I mention that you haven't answered any of the direct questions posed to you? Perhaps you didn't read our repeated requests.

My time is better spent discussing things with people that don't try to win their arguments by dodging VERY SPECIFIC questions over and over and over again. Our credibility is intact here. You can piss on science, logic, and common sense all you want, but it is making little favorable impression of you or your abilities.

Did I mention that you haven't answered any of the direct questions posed to you? Perhaps you didn't read our repeated requests.


Did I mention that you haven't answered any of the direct questions posed to you? Perhaps you didn't read our repeated requests.

[This message has been edited by Big Time Software (edited 08-25-2000).]

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Guest Big Time Software

Did I mention that you haven't answered any of the direct questions posed to you? Perhaps you didn't read our repeated requests.

Just thought I would check yet again in case you missed the other dozen challenges to deal with reality.


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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Big Time Software:

1. Do agree that several different, and independently credible, sources have produced different results for the same weapon?




2. Do you agree that it is impossible for different sources to come up with different results if all are based on the same testing standards?


Yes and No , Cause there not baced on the same penetratio criteria and the ones that are close are well within one standard deviation of expected results.


3. Do you agree that it is inherently flawed to pick one set of the credible numbers over another set without any other reason than blind faith that the one you are picking is correct?


It doesn't matter what data points you choose as long as the modle includes a normal distibution and the test data is adjusted for test conditions.And adjusting for differences in each sides testing criteria .


4. Do you agree that our physics model is only in dispute in relation to the 88L/71 data that you support. Not to any other data from any other weapon from any other nation?


Not nessesarily I haven't yet look at the others, yet.


5. Do you agree that if our equations are incorrect that means that all other data it produces is also incorrect?


Quite possibly, but again if the normal distribution of expected results is there it might be adjustable, and fit.


6. Do you agree that there is a credible set of test data, for many guns from many nations, that agrees with our mathematical equations' output?


No unless you use the 'modern research method 'as thats the only one that is .


7. Do you agree with the scientific approach that when you have differing data, from credible sources, that you must look to another scientific (or primary source) to explain which of the conflicting data sets is correct?


They are all correct if taken from the right point of view accounting fo test conditions.


8. Do you think it is more probably that there is one set of questionable data for the 88L/71 or that all the other test results, for all weapons from all countries, is in error?


Not likely see above.


9. If our equations are outdated and inaccurate, can you please explain how it is that our results match those of test data from three different nations for dozens of guns? Put another way, how can a flawed set of equations come up with the correct results and still be flawed?


In sufficent data to answer that question at this time.


10. Which is more credible; blind faith that can not account for differing data or mathematical results, or a reasoned scientific approach that can account for everything using primary materials AND mathematical computations?


Math approach is best if its done right and accounts for the test results.

[This message has been edited by Paul Lakowski (edited 08-26-2000).]

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>You can piss on science, logic, and common sense all you want, but it is making little favorable impression of you or your abilities.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

It would be desirable if it would be possible to agree that we are NOT discussing anyones abilities here. Actually I don´t care what you think the above stated impression might be.

Such comments aren´t very helpfull discussing the matter in question.

Or do you want me to go down to the level of speach you have chosen ?

I certainly will not do that. So please drop it, otherwise one might get the impression that if you can´t attack the argument you have to attack the person.

The question remains and no factual proof has been brought to light how you backup your questioning of the WaffenPruefamt data except with your mathematical solution.


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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Geez, Helge you just can't do that. These guys all got their info from someone elses tests. Are they the same original source or different ones? Did they do their own analysis of the raw data or do they use the analysis given by the guys testing? You may be right but it is impossible to know from what you say.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Actually I can and the outcome should be pretty close to the results which are produced with the mathematical solution, IF....IF the mathematical solution is able to sufficiently accurate describe the event all results should fit within the tolerance.

<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>???? You are just obscuring the issue by that statement. I fail to see how all the german tests in WW2 could be considered as one homogeneous entity. Why should they be considered as such? Even with each gun and ammo type there may have been multiple tests.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Sure you have multiple tests. What do you think, how many testshots are sufficient to produce a firm result ? Perhaps what you mean is standardisation of the lifefiring trials ? This indeed has to be made to minimize all variables you can control. IIRC some of the standardprocedures used by Waffenpruefamt have been posted in this thread.

<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Hypothetically speaking would you consider someone 'concerned' about the results of one experiment as having challenged the credibility of them all even when they are quite distinct? Your answer should prove illuminating.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

It depends on variation. If testparameters are standardized the testresults should follow a normaldistribution. If the result in question is within the normaldistribution...no problem, if it isn´t, something is wrong.


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While the debate goes on, the research continues...

I found this article:

Penetration characteristics of Allied and German guns and armour plate protection.

Done in 1960. As soon as I get the article, I will forward the testing methods and penetration of the weapons. I also got a hold of other articles but I have not seen them yet.


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According to Panzertruppen 88mmL56 Pnzgr39 weighs 10.2 Kg. So does the 88L71 but is listed as Pzgr39-1.

So they are weighing the same and now how are they shaped? Length, width, etc?

I also want to reiterate a point I have said before. The best data is from weapons shoots on captured vehicles (up to a point, see later commentat)I know of at least two field shoots of 17 lbr (I assume NON apds ammo) on Panthers. This is real data that I would hope my model would work around this especially. I have seen some tanks turned into swiss cheese and doubt the data because of weakening of the vehicle. My game uses this whenever I can get it.


[This message has been edited by :USERNAME: (edited 08-25-2000).]

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Just read through this entire beast in one sitting,and I actually learned quite a bit that I didn't know about penetration testing and the sources for them.

I especially commend Charles for the lucid and entertaining posts-you are a formidable debater,and you make a rather dry and esoteric topic quite compelling.And I would also add that you have made the strongest argument,at least from my vantage point.

And,no,I'm not trying to be a kiss-ass. wink.gif


[This message has been edited by Mike Oberly (edited 08-25-2000).]

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Heres a link to the Tank NEt where I posted some Jpegs of the 'S curve' used to determine 'ballistic limit' values and a basic idea of 'some of the penetrating critera'[Zukas , Impact Dynamics].

Robert wrote more extensively 'bout this I'll see if I can find it.

And I recall Jentz has a paragraph 'bout some of the german techniques in his latest works ,which I don't have in front of me.If anyone else has it handy maybe they could post it.

Included is a similar Jpeg for APFSDS[int. J.Impact Engng]


Heres the link to the Int.J.Impact Engng, if you guys are serious about ballistics you need to subscribe to this.

[HTML] [url="http://www.elsevier.nl/inca/publications/store/7/0/0/700.bio1.shtml"]http://www.elsevier.nl/inca/publications/store/7/0/0/700.bio1.shtml[/url]

[This message has been edited by Paul Lakowski (edited 08-25-2000).]

[This message has been edited by Paul Lakowski (edited 08-25-2000).]

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Charles on what page on the 1950 British report do I look to find the data that states the live fire test data for the 8.8cm KwK.43 ammunition is invalid, and the formula used for that determination?.

Regards, John Waters


"Go for the eyes Boo, go for the eyes!!".

[This message has been edited by PzKpfw 1 (edited 08-25-2000).]

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Very interesting thread. A couple of points - and I'm no ballistics expert so please correct me smile.gif

I understood the US Army usd the "through crack" ballistic limit until the end of WWII and thereafter introduced the "specified damage to thin reference plate..." limit. It did not use the US Navy's ballistic limit of "complete penetration".

This means that penetration figures even for US Army equipments tested before/during and after the war are not directly comparable. I assume(!) the British tests used the "complete penetration" limit - their naval testing was obsessed with penetration with shell remaining in a condition fit to burst.

Unless the Germans also used comparable ballistic limits the German proof figures are not comparable to those conducted by the US and UK. Different German proof test may also have had different ballistic limits. Even if they all used (for example) the "specified damage to thin reference plate..." ballisitc limt, there is enormous scope for difference in the required amount of damage to the reference plate and the distance the reference plate was positioned behind the armour plate.

The fact that target plates have different brinnel hardnesses is another problem (I assume the plates were face hardened). If the plates were not of the same quality (metallurgical flaws, rather more important for face hardened armour than homogenous armour), if the plates were not of constant hardness, to what depth did the hardening extend - how deep was the transitional layer...Again unless these are constant between the different testers the comparisons are very difficult.

Finally, whilst the ogive, hardness and nose height (as Paul noted) are important and will effect penetration of otherwise identical shells, the same is also true of the shape and hardness of the armour piercing cap against face hardened armour. This is complicated by the fact that the shape/hardness of both cap and shell will be more or less optimised (effective)for a particular range of impact angles. A design which works well over (say) 0-30 degrees will not be as effective over 30-60 degrees, so whether you perform the test at 30 degrees or 0 degrees is important. The shape, particularly of the cap, is also important in detemining if the shell richochets or not - especially when considering impacts at higher angles of impact. Simple scaling of results to compensate for differing slopes will not suffice even for the same projectile, let alone ones with different ogive/caps/hardness...

My point is that proof tests such as quoted earlier by different testing bodies are extremely difficult to compare without prodigious ammounts of imformation, probably no longer available.

The values given for the penetration of the 88/71 therfore do not seem to be inconsistent given the variables discussed above (and I did not mention shell quality, barrel wear..).

The Jentz figures do not have to be "wrong" (or anyone else's), they may accurately represent a particular behaviour under what are unique circumstances (that series of tests).

This might mean that CM is lousy at modelling that situation but great for the other 95% of the time.

Since the aliies do not seem to have produced a gun/shell with sufficiently similar shape/hardness/calibre/velocity to that of the 88/L71 at the same velocity an easy test comparison is impossible.


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