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Breakthrough to Kovel, my unintentional story/aar/review

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On 10/8/2022 at 8:32 PM, Phantom Captain said:

This particular Panther has been utilized as my main scout tank.  His frontal armor tells the tale of either the quality of said armor or my incredible luck so far.

That's nothing, one of my Panthers in 'A Muddy Affair' with @RMM earned the name 'The Cheese Panther'.  If only the gun mounts were anywhere near as tough 🙄.

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My objectives are split, one on the north end of the Warazyk Forest, one on the south end.

5th Kompanie and 4 StuGs arrive first.  Soon to be followed by 3rd Kompanie on halftracks, 4 Panthers, mortars and mortar halftracks.  I have various machinegun emplacements in foxholes left by the Soviets to cover the Warazyk forest while my men move to their own objectives.  5th Kompanie will move east to take the Approach to Warazyk, while 3 Kompanie will move to take the high ground south of the forest.  When my Panthers arrive they will assist.  

One platoon of 5th Kompanie on StuGs, supported by a platoon from 3rd Kompanie on halftracks will move northeast through the forest using a road that bisects the woods to link up with the Nicolussi-Luck and his SS Panzer Wikings already in Kovel.

Almost every squad in every platoon of 5th Kompanie has walking wounded so I decide to load them up on my StuGs to get them forward more rapidly.  I have a wide swath of space to cover in a very limited amount of time.


Guarding our left flank and looking for anything that moves on the northern edge of the Warazyk forest, a 50mm Pak 30 hopes to return back some bad news to the Soviets.


The 4 Panthers from 6th Kompanie, 5th Division SS have shown up to assist.



Time is moving very quickly just getting my units into place when Red Army soldiers are heard and then spotted along the southern edge of the Warazyk Forest, apparently preparing to attack my MG emplacements.  The men charge their weapons and hold their collective breath.  


We have one hour left to complete our mission and a lot of ground to cover.  Not to mention, still hardly any contact with the enemy.  I know they are out there, just waiting to spring their ambushes on us.


And just for reference, it's snowing and my men are freezing on top of it.  The only thing to do is keep moving forward.




Edited by Phantom Captain
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4 hours ago, ratdeath said:

I started to play this campaign now :)

Still on the first mission, lost 1 panther :( But I have taken the first occupy objective.

Excellent!  Good luck!  I hope you enjoy the campaign as much as I have!  It's so entirely immersive once you get into it.

Not bad at all.  I didn't lose one that mission but 3 or 4 were damaged pretty heavily.  Just remember they are core units and you have a long way to go.  

It was battle 4 or 5 (I can't remember!) that I lost one of my Crack Panthers.  That one really hurt me.  Additionally, during the night counterattack at the rail station where I had two immobilized Panthers, commander Fass of one of those Panthers, was killed by one of the first shots of the battle.  That one hurt too.  But darkness was falling and I had to have those tanks opened up to see what was coming.  War is hell.


Edited by Phantom Captain
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5 hours ago, ratdeath said:

I started to play this campaign now :)

Still on the first mission, lost 1 panther :( But I have taken the first occupy objective.

Xnt!  :)   

I have 15 minutes to go in Mission 1 and while have suffered  only about 30 inf casualties and 1 tank, I fear running out of time as I still have one more "touch" objective and two "occupy" objectives to attain.  

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1 hour ago, Bearstronaut said:

I only have one squad in the entire company that has more than five soldiers in it.

Sorry to hear that. You could chance and use the heavy machine gun platoon as infantry and hope the soviet infantry stays in the wood. You could also use some of your panzergrenadiere to help 5. Kompanie. You could also use your recon squads as normal infantry to "beef" up 5. Kompanie. Hope you will be able to win this mission, you are getting very close to the goal line 😉.

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On 10/15/2022 at 12:15 PM, Vacillator said:

Sorry for the confusion. 'A Muddy Affair' is a Final Blitzkrieg battle so not in this campaign.  Was just commenting on the 'holy' Panther.

Still in the middle of it actually!  It's saved for when I need to step away to a different theater, haha!  I am the Americans in that one though!

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On 10/16/2022 at 3:23 PM, Bearstronaut said:

I just started Warazyk Forest. I am quite dismayed that I only have 5th Company from the 434th. I only have one squad in the entire company that has more than five soldiers in it. This may be where my campaign ends.

That's rough, luckily for me, my 5th Kompanie has a few more than that, haha!  Pics coming shortly...


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3 hours ago, ratdeath said:

War, war never changes :) First mission done, German Army Total Victory.

12 Men Killed, 24 Men Wounded and 1 Tank Lost.

Soviets lost 171 men and 86 wounded.

Onto the next battle!

Excellent, congrats!  I had almost the exact same numbers for that battle.  Enjoy the Pripyat Marshes next!  Hehehe....

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My men are very leary of what dangers may be hiding in the Warazyk forest.  And to reinforce that fear, a Soviet armored car is spotted scouting along the northern edge of the forest.


Due, once again, to the immensity of the ground and space we have to cross, I don't really have a choice but to thrust my armor out front and let them scout ahead.  It's only a matter of time until the rounds start coming in.


Guns are loaded, eyes are open and on hyper alert.


My recon team, 12th SS Wiking, scouts along the left scanning both ahead to the objective as well as keeping eyes on the north end of the forest.  One platoon of 5th Kompanie has mounted on two StuGs and one platoon from 3rd Kompanie will support from their halftracks.  Additionally, I have broken off one of my Panthers to lead the way through the forest down a very foreboding road.  Speed is becoming more and more necessary with every passing minute and I don't have the luxury (or time) to scout as thoroughly as I would like.  

Finally, one platoon from 5th Kompanie is staging to attack the Warazyk OP and the rest of 3rd Kompanie and my Panthers are pushing on the right for the final objective.


Who wants to take point eh?  One squad from 5th Kompanie, thankfully with the support of the StuG, draws the short straw.  However, I have decided to wait for one lone Panther that I am rushing up to lead the way.  The stuff of commander's nightmares...


On the right my Panthers continue to move forward waiting for the inevitable.


My one lone Lynx PzII, at the front of the pack, finally has eyes on one Soviet AT gun.



And almost immediately the Soviet gun makes him pay for creeping up alone.


First hit kills the driver, second round kills the commander and loader.  Only the gunner escapes traumatized.  But now we know where the AT gun(s) are.


In the middle, 5th Kompanie dismounts and takes up a line along the edge of the woods while they wait for the Panther to arrive.


The Panther does arrive and it's fearless crew let the infantry know they will handle whatever lies down that path.  The men mount back up on their StuGs to follow the Panther through.


The tension can be cut with a knife.


However, the crew stills feels very much out of their element. This is not prime tank country.


On the right, another platoon from 5th Kompanie are now in position to assault Warazyk.



Artillery is called and the men wait and make ready to make their assault.



In the middle my Panther begins creeping down the forest road.


And out of the gloom, a Valentine is spotted moving through the woods towards the German position.  My vet Panther immediately spots him and makes short work of it.


Taking no chances, my Panther lets him have two or three rounds, just to be sure.



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5 hours ago, Phantom Captain said:

Excellent, congrats!  I had almost the exact same numbers for that battle.  Enjoy the Pripyat Marshes next!  Hehehe....

Thank you :)

I loaded up that battle and saved it, I will try to make a plan that will be successful and hopefully it will not be known as the Dead Marshes after the battle.

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On 10/16/2022 at 5:32 PM, Lille Fiskerby said:

Sorry to hear that. You could chance and use the heavy machine gun platoon as infantry and hope the soviet infantry stays in the wood. You could also use some of your panzergrenadiere to help 5. Kompanie. You could also use your recon squads as normal infantry to "beef" up 5. Kompanie. Hope you will be able to win this mission, you are getting very close to the goal line 😉.

I got through with a Total Victory. Guess I shouldn’t have worried so much. I just avoided the forest altogether. Used 434 troops to screen the edges and pushed up the right with armor. I lost two Panthers breaking up the Pak line but once that was dealt with it was fairly simple to clear out the place with the PzG company.

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