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Breakthrough to Kovel, my unintentional story/aar/review

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On 9/29/2022 at 6:41 PM, Erwin said:

A fun AAR.  I need to play this campaign! :)   When time allows... :(


Thanks @Erwin .  Glad you enjoy it!  You really should play this campaign, it's really enjoyable and immersive and one of the best campaign experiences I've played.  I hope everyone takes the opportunity to get into this one.  I started back in April and still haven't finished!  I've put a ton of hours into it so far.  Seriously, what other game gives you that much just from one user created campaign!

Battle 8 has started...

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The garrison around Kovel has been stabilized with the arrival of the 5th Wiking Panzers who have bought time in neutralizing the Soviet counter blow.  Battle 8 commences with our battalion attacking into Kruhel to destroy the enemy and capture both the town and a farm complex.  The terrain is awful for my armor as the town of Kruhel is completely dominated on one side by a series of low wetlands and marshes.  Again, more frozen wet muck for my troops to navigate.

Infantry begins scouting forward into the vast open Russian countryside that we know hides the resolute and stubborn defenders. 



On my right and on the other side of the marshes lies the village of Krasnoduby.  I begin to recon into the village cautiously.  The eastern edge of town is on a ridgeline giving a wide view across the marshes and into Kruhel.  It must be secured.  A platoon of Panzer II Lynx on this side of the marsh also begin to slowly scout up into Krasnoduby following my recon teams and FO.



Creeping through the village of Krasnoduby my recon units make sure the way to the edge of town is safe.  My men are alert and aware their enemy could be anywhere.


Meanwhile, on my left two companies, 6th and 7th of II Battalion Panzergrenadier Regt. 434 Germania, on the other side of the marshes from Krasnoduby and directly in front of Kruhel, get the order to begin moving toward their objective.  Panthers and PzIVs and various ad-hoc artillery will also be along to support today's attack.  Also along is an armored recon unit from II Battalion 5th SS Panzer Division Wiking who are immediately ordered to rush forward to seize a small farm and set up an OP.


A kilometer and a half of open ground waits to swallow my troops whole. But holding their breath they race across the distance and set upon the farm.



An initial success without casualties is a good omen.  The wide Russian countryside is oppressive and bleak in the snow.


The situation so far...

Krasnoduby is at the bottom right, 6th and 7th Kompanie are on the left making their approach to stage an attack into Kruhel west and then east, and then finally to seize the farm complex.  The Wiking armored recon units are at center left where they have seized OP Blau.  Spreading out their maps in their halftracks my officers curse the ever present swamps and marshes in this particular region.  A platoon of Panzer IVs has now also shown up on the east side of the marshes in Krasnoduby.  To get them over to support the attacks in Kruhel we must secure the only available bridge across the marshes which causes a natural chokepoint.  We have no doubt both enemy artillery and AT guns have pre-registered the spot far in advance.


A view of the choke point from the Soviet side.


The western edge of Kruhel in the calm before the storm.


And finally, the farm complex at the opposite end of the oblong village.  


Suddenly an unspotted AT gun opens on my OP Blau and brews up one of my halftracks.  


It's a precursor to an incoming attack on the outpost as enemy soldiers burst through the scrub.



Machineguns, rifles and SMGs from my recon platoon all open at once and stun the enemy platoon.  From idyllic silence to raging cacophony in an instance.  My men fight like the old veterans they are and hold on stubbornly to the OP.



Almost forgetting the lull on my right, one of my Lynx sneaks up the far side of Krasnoduby and begins scanning across the countryside when we are rudely reminded, again, that the Soviets are waiting for us and prepared.  The dreaded Ratcha-bum 76mm lights up my Panzer before he even knows what hit him.  Things are starting to heat up.






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Despite other RL demands your xnt AAR tempted me to look at the campaign and b4 I knew it I find that I am in the middle of Mission 1.  Xnt map and situation.  You originally started your AAR for Mission 1 elsewhere?  Where did your AAR start?  I'd like to read it from the beginning as I play.

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4 hours ago, Lille Fiskerby said:

Fantastic screen-shots ! just curious, how many core StuG's do you have left in 2. Batterie ?

They have been instrumental in the entire campaign!  The last mission alone couldn't have been completed without them.  I have five!  Two of them are crack.  Additionally, 6 Panther tanks have shown up and two of those units are also crack status!  These are old experienced vets, haha!



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5 hours ago, Erwin said:

Despite other RL demands your xnt AAR tempted me to look at the campaign and b4 I knew it I find that I am in the middle of Mission 1.  Xnt map and situation.  You originally started your AAR for Mission 1 elsewhere?  Where did your AAR start?  I'd like to read it from the beginning as I play.

This is excellent!  I'm so glad you are also giving it a go!  I do know you will be as sucked in as I am once it all starts developing. Now I am going to be curious to your progress as you ride along with Battalion Germania and the 5th SS Panzer Wikings!  Stay warm though. :)

Haha!  Well...it all started on page 82 of the RT Screenshots thread about 2/3rds down the page.

The first mission is the least detailed as I really didn't plan on doing this and just posted a few screenshots from the first battle.  From there, it become more intense and detailed with each passing post as @Lille Fiskerby kept goading me on, haha!  I think it gets much clearer and more detailed with battle 2.  I can't wait to see your reaction to those Pripyat Marshes!  Also, I totally misidentified my units on battle 2 and mixed up the unit numbers for the Heer and SS units.  Reading back I call squads platoons in different parts of the story too.  Oh well, can't re-edit.

Battle 1 was so excellent and a perfect intro to the campaign and... the MAPS!  Then Battle 2 comes and you really get your first real experience with the terrain and those marshes.  Oh it's a lovely punch in the mouth...hehehe.  Honestly, it really was one of those CM moments you don't forget.  I was like, how am I going to deal with this and somehow complete my objectives??  Playing single battles I would load up something like that and decide, no I'm not playing that one.  But since it's a campaign you are forced out of your comfort zone and that was what makes this whole campaign entirely epic.  

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My tendrils creep slowly up to Kruhel.  6th Kompanie is on the north of the paved road, 7th Kompanie moves on the south of the road.  The platoon of PzIVs has shown up to the south of Krasnoduby along with mortars and two 75mm halftracks. 


My men have grown all too familiar with the lowland marshes and use it to get within striking distance of the enemy.  Panthers and StuGs in support begin to spray every building and possible enemy position they can see.


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Out of the swamps and into Kruhel.  Suddenly enemy soldiers are everywhere!  


Combined arms support!  My men love their StuG campaign comrades.


MG-42s contribute with suppressing fire from the edge of the swamp.


The low marshes covered my men exactly as I planned and allowed us to get up close for the assault.


Panthers and Panzergrenadiers burst into Kruhel west.



Postcards from the front...



Kruhel west falls quickly as the defenders crumble under the intense pressure.  We have gained the foothold necessary to continue our thrust.


Sensing an opportunity my soldiers and tanks keep pressing with no time to stop and rest.  As the enemy waivers my hardened veterans press the attack without letup.


There is always a sense of victory when a soldier carries enemy works.  The enemy always fights bravely but my troops strike like an iron fist.


One of my lead scouts pays the ultimate price exactly because of the momentum of the attack.  As he struck the hedge line he is mowed down by a burst of PPsh from two Soviets waiting in ambush.  Death was instantaneous.


No matter.  On my far left, the Wiking recon team is loaded up and ready to make a quick dash to OP Rot.  Nerves again are as a taught as a piano wire.


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Pushing through town elements of 7th Kompanie and my armor run through bullets to keep the pressure on.


Every new hedge and house becomes a firefight at close range.


One particular village dwelling evolves into a hotbed of fierce resistance.  While one squad suppresses another moves to flank the enemy.


The enemy fights tooth and nail and casualties can't be avoided.  My men fight and press on...



The Soviets do all they can but the pressure is too much.  My men pounce and eliminate any in their path.  Despite the vast open land these battles still devolve into up close and personal knife fights.


On my right, one of my Panther's is jarred by a round deflecting off the hull and immediately begins to reverse.  Again the Panther armor shrugs off a direct hit, dead center. Retribution is swift and my intrepid crew get off a shot while reversing away.


Another building, another nest of defenders.  A Panzerschreck team decides to do things the easy way.


On the left my Wiking recon team is spooked by a shot from they don't know where.   And decide to rethink their rush to the next OP.


Kruhel west is now in our control and my attack continues to move into the rest of the town.  Artillery is falling on spotted AT positions on the east of town.


1st Kompanie, completely fresh and at full strength has also just arrived outside Krasnoduby.  Once the AT threats have been neutralized and Kruhel east has been seized, both 1st Kompanie and my platoon of PzIVs will make a run across the chokepoint and prepare to assault the farm.  We only hope we can maintain our momentum and not run out of time.

The hardest part of being a soldier is the anxious waiting before being thrust into battle.


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As the fight rages through Kruhel this mad Soviet officer goes all Saving Private Ryan and tries to stop Panthers with a pistol


The enemy is driven from their works and only seen in flashes as they dash through the village and fall back under the onslaught of German armor.



Kruhel east is now about to fall.  However there are still one or two AT guns at the end of the village that I have been creeping around and toward.  I have yet to get eyes on them though.  


Finally, my platoon of Panther IVs, Lynxes and 1st Kompanie make a dash across the choke point and into the far south east of Kruhel while 6th and 7th Kompanie fight to take the rest of the town.  So far all have made the run without damage.


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Fighting continues to blaze through the village as we sense that we can not let up our momentum as we watch the enemy surrender or flee.  


My soldiers continue to fight even in the still occupied foxholes of the enemy.  The prisoners now find themselves in the most uncomfortable place of taking fire from front and behind.  




Soviet armor has not been seen since the fight started so my Panzerschrecks have been put to "anti-personal" uses insted.


My crack StuG takes a round to the face but shrugs it off and answers with it's own personal reply.


The Soviet 76mm guns have been a constant thorn in our side, but finally we start to knock out those that my rolling attack unmasks.



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Am playing mission one and am impressed with the map, situation and formations.  It's been harder than expected as the designer has been very cute in ensuring that the Russian ATG's have some very long LOS opportunities to kill the Panthers when they are forced to slow down at certain choke places on the map(!)   But, very enjoyable.  IIRC the briefing says that all ammo will be restored in M2.  That's good as one needs a lot of HE to blast the Russians and save the inf much blood.  

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10 hours ago, Erwin said:

Am playing mission one and am impressed with the map, situation and formations.  It's been harder than expected as the designer has been very cute in ensuring that the Russian ATG's have some very long LOS opportunities to kill the Panthers when they are forced to slow down at certain choke places on the map(!)   But, very enjoyable.  IIRC the briefing says that all ammo will be restored in M2.  That's good as one needs a lot of HE to blast the Russians and save the inf much blood.  

Ha!  Slow down!  Scout with one or two Panthers forward and a line of them following close behind.  Use the eyes of the infantry to scout too.  Recon by fire and then use those Panthers to engage everything from as far away as possible and definitely use all that HE.  My Panthers did all the work in that one and most of them burned through all or most of their HE.  Many of them had lots of dings in their armor after that one.

I can't wait til you really get into the marshes in battle 2.  I'll not soon forget it.

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The Soviet AT guns are maddening!


Because of the terrain and the still unspotted enemy 76mms out there we are forced to leapfrog house to house on approach to the farm objective.  Both Panthers and infantry take turns doing bounding leaps to dig out the still fighting defenders.  Time is very much starting to creep up on me and I can feel the clock ticking now but I don't really have any alternative than to take the time it takes to fight like this.  Both 6th and 7th Kompanie are starting to feel chewed up after the long battle through the village.




This particular Panther has been utilized as my main scout tank.  His frontal armor tells the tale of either the quality of said armor or my incredible luck so far.  And still there are enemy guns out there unseen although we now have an idea of their general direction and I've decided to call the last of my artillery on those locations.  


I don't know what else to do than continue to absorb the enemy fire and to push on the farm with both Panthers and 6th and 7th Kompanie. War is all hell. 1st Kompanie, who is still fresh and ready in their tracks begins to line up in the southwest of town getting prepared to make the final push across the swamp and the final narrow bridge.

The shear amount of enemy hits, regardless of bouncing off my hull, have done damage.  No radio, no optics and both his tracks and main gun are moderately damaged.  Again, the only way to go is forward.


My Panzer II Lynx, damaged with no main gun, makes a daring run out to the foot of the bridge.  Suprisingly, no fire has been taken once past the farm and after my Panthers have dealt with another pair of enemy infantry guns. Maybe, just maybe, 1st Kompanie, in concert with my PzIV platoon, my Panthers and my StuGs can make a run across the bridge into the approach at the other side.


A prize paid for with blood.


My men still creep and bound closer and closer to the farm complex.  The Panthers have been shelling and sweeping the large buildings with continuous MG fire.  Still, there are enemy troops dug in all over the complex.


On my right, 1st Zug, 7th Kompanie, grabs a foothold in a large dwelling overlooking the entire farm complex.


The Soviets appear to be everywhere and it's our job to drive them out.


Building, by building, by building...


Closing on the farm complex, elements of 6th and 7th Kompanie continue to press as hard as they can.





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Even when you think you are safe, when you move your armor to a spot that you are sure has been covered and is seemingly out of sight of enemy guns, suddenly a white hot flash, and one of my PzIVs explodes killing the entire crew.  Not what I needed right now...  The burning tank sits right in the road that I am going to use to rush 1st Kompanie up and across the swamp when the time comes.  And now, it's just an additional obstacle.


There is a perfect keyhole to a hidden AT gun, even now the StuG in front remains unseen and has actually been in the same spot for the past few minutes.  There is a tiny dip in the road and the StuG's lower profile is what has kept it hidden I think.  In stunned silence the crew decides to stay exactly where they are.


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Another PzIV is KO'd on the road just before making his run but the rest of the platoon and 1st Kompanie are already on the move. My last two mortar teams, with any ammo left, lay into the patch of woods on the north end of the battlefield where I have finally picked up AT gun contacts and immediately go to work suppressing or destroying those guns.  6th and 7th Kompanie abruptly seize the farm complex and the lead platoon of 1st Kompanie bolts across the bridge!  As so many times in battle, just when you feel like you are losing and can't break through the pressure, the tide turns and we literally begin driving the enemy before us.





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2 hours ago, Phantom Captain said:

Even when you think you are safe, when you move your armor to a spot that you are sure has been covered and is seemingly out of sight of enemy guns, suddenly a white hot flash, and one of my PzIVs explodes killing the entire crew.

Yes, the designer has been very clever in creating long range LOS opportunities for the well-hidden Soviet ATG's.  It's probably impossible not to lose tanks - unless one forces the inf to do all the advancing and spotting of ATG's so they can be killed with arty.  But, without close armor support the inf losses can be unacceptable - since (IIRC) your core units are not replaced.  Enjoying the camp thanks to your AAR!

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You will lose tanks, it can't be avoided.  However, at long range the Panther is pretty darn good at shrugging off a lot of what's thrown at them.  In this battle, 8, my Panthers have taken a literal beating but I haven't lost one yet.  Like I said, I have really been coordinating my infantry with my Panthers and using the infantry as eyes to creep through and then support each other.  It's the long range AT guns that keep bouncing stuff off me, but that's exactly why I lead with my Panthers.  I've been using the same tactic for both my armor and infantry throughout this campaign which is mostly leading with one element forward, be it a squad with scouts in advance or a lone Panther with the rest of the platoon in line close behind.  Both are pretty flexible formations and allow for concentrating firepower where needed pretty rapidly.  It's kind of forced in this environment and I think plays into a lot of the German's strengths.  

It's a different story for my Lynx tanks and PzIVs of which I have lost one and another with no main gun now, and two of my PzIVs are KIA.  Neither can stand that 76mm round like the Panther can!  It's an incredible campaign to have to keep changing your tactics from long to close up to long range to close up and then to have to keep adjusting your armor and infantry according to the situation.  Both have been instrumental.  Lack of close up ATM assets for the Soviets really plays into the Panthers wheelhouse throughout this campaign as they do have to do so much fighting far away and then have to suck it up and move in close too.  I do dread the unseen Soviet squad that ambushes my onrushing Panthers with a barrage of grenades and then immobilization.  It's happened to me a few times this campaign but sometimes you just have to move forward!  :)

And no, core units are not replaced!  It's so excellent, haha!  11th Kompanie was decimated in battle 5 for me and was supposed to come in as support for battle 6 but when they appeared it was about 25 men total.  Not much help!  But I love that aspect of campaigns and having to really try to preserve those core units.  Take care of both your Panthers and your StuGs!! 


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With the Red Army running before the muzzles of our guns we quickly strike ahead and touch our last objectives with only a few minutes remaining.  All Soviet AT assets have been destroyed and only mopping up of the scattered survivors remains.  The battle has ended upon my ceasefire and I have to say this one was TOUGH.



Battle 9 will continue later this cold and now snowy morning of April 4th, 1944...


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