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How Hot is Ukraine Gonna Get?


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5 hours ago, Bulletpoint said:

Meanwhile, in America


In an age of uber-industrialized addiction, lack of affordable & indigent housing, lack of any real systems of drug treatment, lack of adequate mental health support, WTF do we expect?  I see & hear lots of people s--ing on the homeless (not you, Bulletpoint), but this is not all just due to being lazy & immoral like many folks seem to think.  This is a symptom of our society's unaddressed problems, not the underlying disease.

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This was posted on another forum should be of interest here:


Ukrainian EW and drone specialist Serhii Flash estimates the effectiveness of Ukrainian FPVs to be around 30%, highly dependent on the unit.

Дуже багатьох цікавить питання ефективності FPV.

До целi долітає та попадае 30% FPV. Це середня цифра по країни. І то її ніхто ніколи не рахував, це просто моє припущення. В одних підрозділів вона може бути часом 70%, а в інших 20%.

Залежить це від таких факторів:
1. Якість БПЛА
2. Правильний підбір частот та протоколів для конкретної ділянки фронту
3. Активність російського РЕБ на дільниці фронту
4. Досвід пілотiв
5. Правильність та достовірність розвідки

Бувае так шо одним підрозділам постiйно дають «жирні» та точні цілі і вонi мають успішність 60%. Їх ставлять у приклад, всіх тягнуть під їхній показник, натомість замовчуючи, як він досягається

Я прошу великих командирів на фронтах «не гнати план». Зростання показників має бути з МІСЯЦЯМИ. Це означає, що підрозділ розвивається.
Але успішність на усiх фронтах різна.

Якщо цікавить моя особиста думка, то довгостроковий показник 50% - це дуже, дуже хороший результат. Але не завжди його реально досягти.
Many are interested in the question of FPV efficiency.

30% FPV reaches and hits the target. This is the average figure for the country. And no one has ever counted her, this is just my guess. In some divisions, it can sometimes be 70%, and in others 20%.

It depends on the following factors:

1. UAV quality
2. Correct selection of frequencies and protocols for a specific section of the front
3. The activity of the Russian EW on the front line
4. Experience of pilots
5. Correctness and reliability of intelligence

It happens that some divisions are constantly given "fat" and precise goals and they have a success rate of 60%. They are set as an example, everyone is dragged under their indicator, instead of keeping silent about how it is achieved

I ask the great commanders on the fronts "not to pursue the plan." The increase in indicators should be with MONTHS. This means that the unit is developing.

But success on all fronts is different.

If you're interested in my personal opinion, a long-term figure of 50% is a very, very good result. But it is not always realistic to achieve it.
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On 1/19/2024 at 10:19 AM, billbindc said:

Per the DPRK conversation, it seems like it would be strange choice for Kim to sell all of his arty stockpiles to Russia if he were planning on engaging in a full on conquest of the RoK: 


I suspects his statements are the usual “saber rattling” to get attention. KUY would have to be completely delusional if he thinks his forces could match his Grandfather’s early successes. The conditions were completely different in 1950. The Truman Administration were afraid the SK President Park would invade NK (they were most likely right), so they refused to supply SK with heavy artillery, and SK and the U.S. Army with heavy MBTs because someone in Washington decided that MBTs couldn’t used in Korea. The U.S. Army and the ROK army were woefully under armed and untrained. That situation does not exist now, so all KUY has is to rattle his little butter knife and cry for world to do what he can’t and feed his people! His folly would end up worse than Putin’s SMO!

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 Anthony Di Stasio, head of the Pentagon’s Manufacturing Capability Expansion & Investment Prioritisation directorate. By one reckoning, shaped-charge explosives made with cl-20 have up to 40% more armour-penetrating power than those made with hmx.


This is by far the most comprehensible article I have read about new chemistries for explosives, and solid fuel propellants. 

Edit: I suspect the materials science work Google has been cranking out will move this field right along.

Edited by dan/california
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Not directly related to the events in Ukraine, but I enjoyed this weekend quick read about how rebels in Myanmar are using drones: https://www.theguardian.com/world/2024/jan/20/myanmar-rebels-junta-above-drones


“The use of drones has created a tectonic shift in Myanmar’s battlefield,” said Angshuman Choudhury, an associate fellow at Delhi-based thinktank Centre for Policy Research. “They have not completely closed the tactical asymmetry between the military and resistance forces, but have diminished it significantly.”


The CNA is now one of the rebel armies that has a dedicated drones department, established over a year ago, whose footsoldiers have learned to operate the technology mostly through months of operational practice and tutorials on YouTube.

“The drone department consists of skilled young fighters – some who were engineering students and some who have gained knowledge of drones as a hobby,” said [CNA assistant general secretary] Cung. “The department also relies hugely on the internet to upgrade the skills and train more people.”

The technology, said Cung, was “turning the tables” but added: “Procuring weapons and drones is not easy for us. There is nothing easy in war.”

The future of warfare is here, folks.

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4 hours ago, Haiduk said:

Heh, I've missed this show %)

Scott Ritter makes a speech in front of "legions of Kadyrov's sardukars"



Well, I guess it beats working at an actual job.  Especially when you are f-ing insane and no one will hire you.

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9 hours ago, Battlefront.com said:

Article in NYT about the recent strikes on petroleum storage facilities:


One angle that I had not thought of is targeting aviation fuel storage specifically.  As I'm sure everybody knows, the fuel used by aviation is specific to it.  As a % of fuel produced, and therefore stored, it is probably relatively small and concentrated.  Add to this the different grades of aviation fuel for the different types of aircraft, making disruption of any one specific type easier still.


What we call JP4 is pretty much the universal fuel for turbine engines. It’s basically kerosene, or what the British call Paraffin in. It is also used in most turbine powered vehicles such as tanks.

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27 minutes ago, alison said:

Not directly related to the events in Ukraine, but I enjoyed this weekend quick read about how rebels in Myanmar are using drones: https://www.theguardian.com/world/2024/jan/20/myanmar-rebels-junta-above-drones

The future of warfare is here, folks.

Yes it is, and a workable way of knocking them down on the scale required seems to nowhere close. 

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CCTV cameras in the Russian city of Tula, which is only 200km south of Moscow, captured a large explosion.

Source: t.me/operativnoZSU/132971



Heavy explosions and large fires in the Leningrad Region, Russia, almost 900km from the Ukrainian border. According to the governor of the Leningrad region, the facilities of the Novatek natural gas company are compromised. Locals reported that they heard the sounds of drones before the explosion.

Source: t.me/uniannet


Ukraines strategic bombing campaign continues quite successfully 


One of the hits in Tula was at the Shcheglovskiy Val plant. A Russian military-industrial complex enterprise that manufactures military products. It is known that this is one of the places in Russia where the Pantsir-S(1) is being assembled as well as armored vehicles.



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Never mind the tweet itself. A lot of the kit which is mentioned in this tweet is already promised or sent over. Well maybe not in the numbers that we wanted like ATACMS and Abrams tanks.

But is it a good sign that Mike Johnson is saying the right weapons are not being sent? Suggesting he is open to supporting Ukraine with more military aid as long as they gets the right weapons?

Would be interested in hearing from folks who really follow D.C. politics. @billbindc

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Ukraine's 'Blackjack' hackers breached 500 Russian military sites and caused chaos, says military intelligence (msn.com)


"Blackjack," a Ukrainian group of hackers with possible ties to the country's main spy agency, stole construction plans for over 500 Russian military sites, Newsweek reported.

The cyber operatives are believed to have links to the Security Service of Ukraine.

Ukraine's military-intelligence agency, the Defence Intelligence of Ukraine, or GUR, confirmed the successful operation on Friday.

GUR said a successful cyberattack had been launched against a Russian state enterprise overseeing all construction contracts for Russia's Ministry of Defence.

They wrote that operatives had transferred critical information about Russian military facilities that have already been completed, constructed, reconstructed, or planned for construction to the Security and Defense Forces of Ukraine.

The Blackjack group amassed 1.2 terabytes of classified data on Vladimir Putin's military apparatus.

The data includes detailed maps of more than 500 Russian military bases across Russia and Russian-occupied Ukrainian territories.

The mined information includes crucial data about Russian Army headquarters, air-defense installations, and weapons arsenals.

The Ukrainian public broadcaster Suspilne said the group also took down seven servers and encrypted over 150 of the Russian contractor's employee computers.

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38 minutes ago, Harmon Rabb said:

Never mind the tweet itself. A lot of the kit which is mentioned in this tweet is already promised or sent over. Well maybe not in the numbers that we wanted like ATACMS and Abrams tanks.

But is it a good sign that Mike Johnson is saying the right weapons are not being sent? Suggesting he is open to supporting Ukraine with more military aid as long as they gets the right weapons?

Would be interested in hearing from folks who really follow D.C. politics. @billbindc

The bottom line is that Mike Johnson's caucus at this point will be against anything they think will get Biden reelected. So...they are against  a border deal they support and similarly they are against a Ukraine deal that also most of them support. The countervailing weight is that most of the Senate GOP realizes this is a complete electoral disaster and is urging a better strategy. We'll see.

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Civilians killed by a strike on Donetsk market.

I’ll be really interested to see what the story behind this ends up being.  If it was a Ukrainian error then a quick admission and mea culpa would be the best response, I think.  Otherwise I’d like to think it was a Russian strike, if only so I don’t have to think it was a deliberate attack by Ukraine.

No evidence either way yet, from this article at least.  I dare say, in time, Haiduk et al might be able to let us know what the words in the grapevine is.

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Someone used the CM:BS engine to recreate an encounter from Kharkiv  in 22. It's short and not that detailed (it's not turn by turn and not much details about the units), but I thought it's cool that someone is using it that way.


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15 minutes ago, Carolus said:


Someone used the CM:BS engine to recreate an encounter from Kharkiv  in 22. It's short and not that detailed (it's not turn by turn and not much details about the units), but I thought it's cool that someone is using it that way.


Super cool, thanks for sharing.  I would love to fight Ukraine war 2022.  I would vote to make that product, but I also respect the opinion that it's rather unseemly.  Of course, I am probably rather unseemly and that's what I think it's OK.

edit:  same guy has battle for kyiv scenario video also:


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14 hours ago, zinz said:

Ukraines strategic bombing campaign continues quite successfully 


For those, who hasn't TG

Tula - the strike on military factory, producing Pantsyr-S1 SAM and upgrading the armor. Locals wrote about 5-7 explosions were heard, but likely this was AD work 


Ust'-Luga port on Finnish Gulf of Baltic Sea. LNG "Novatek" terminal was hit. Firemen all day were extinguishing the fire. Currently all technological processees on the LNG are halted. 

UKR UAV flies to terminal



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Bad day for situation on Kupiansk and Avdiivka directions

Russians could capture Krokhmal'ne village. Despaite this is tiny vilage, which had 45 settlers before a war, this is not good, because Russians came on R-07 Kupiansk - Svatove road and now threten to right flank and rear of UKR tropos in Kyslivka northern


In Avdiivka Russians multiplied airstrikes and infantry assaults. After losing of many armor in previous asault several days ago, they shifted own efforts to the south and could capture UKR fortified positions near "Tsar hunting" recreation complex. Two days ago Russian recon groups already came to southern streets of Avdiivka, but were expeleld by drone strikes. Now came bad news, Russians managed gain foothold in several buildings on these streets again. 

Defense of our troops holds on FPV drones, bwcause we have limited ammo for atrillery, very big lack and exhausting of personnel - 110th mech. brigade fights here almost 1,5 years so far. But previuos days reportedly had bad weather for FPV, so Russians using multiple infantry small groups could adbance from the south. Details maybe will come further. Now our forces try to conduct stabilization measures. image.thumb.png.c44d6b5c23e7fe1507b51fcecb588d14.png

Video of 4 FAB-500 (of its gliding variant) hit UKR positions (video filmed by Russians). Long-range AD is absent here, so Russian aviation can feel almost free here. 

One more video of gliding bomb strike - FAB-1500 on Pivdenno-Donbaska coal mine No.3 - main stronghold of UKR troops on Vuhledar - Mariinka sector. It's great we will receive per 50 AASM gliding bombs from France, but Russians drop the same number each 1-2 days... For example, Avdiivka area was hit with 250+ bombs since the year has began, when for whole 2023 the city was hit only with 148 bombs.


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3 minutes ago, LongLeftFlank said:

An oldie but a goodie...

Totally and completely off topic.  And funny.  thx

Maybe Putin's PR team will make videos of conquered towns like Bakhmut, of how they are saving civilization, come visit!  

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