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2022, the Year In Preview!

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If you are still unsure of what to focus on for the CMFI battle pack may I make a suggestion? I would like to see it focused on some of the Allied nations who aren't very well represented. Most of the game's stock scenarios are either the US or British armies. The Brazilians, French, Canadians, and Indians only have 2 each I believe. The New Zealanders only have one (very small) scenario. I would love for the focus to be on these guys. Other than that, thanks for making a great product and providing me with hours of entertainment.

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On 12/26/2015 at 6:07 PM, ChrisND said:

Our current plan for filling out Fortress Italy is the following. NOTE THAT THIS IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE. Nothing here is laid in stone yet.

  • Gothic Line Module (that won't be the actual name for it) that pushes the timeline to the end of the war. Details on it are already present in the first post. Basically this module pushes the timeline to the end, and rounds out missing Commonwealth and German forces.
  • An Italian Forces Pack that adds a ton of Post-Armistice Italian forces to the Allies and Axis sides. Italian partisans, captured Italian equipment in use by Germans, actual Italian military forces operating under Allied and Axis sides, the works. This would be a pretty big Pack that will completely revolve around the Italians. I'm personally super excited for this pack, it will be a lot of fun to make and play.
  • An Elite Forces Pack that includes such things as Commandos and 1st Special Service Force. This would be a pretty small Pack, and may just get rolled into something else. Details are murky at this point.

Would you say these are the contender for Fortress Italy's Battle Pack? A combination of all three? (You've had 6 years to work on it 😜)

What I would hope for is focussing the pack for Fortress Italy on filling out the Italian roster in Sicily, then moving on to add Partisans, RSI and Co-Belligerents. The upcoming Steel Division 2 DLC, "Tribute to the Liberation of Italy" is doing just that.

Working on the Italians would add diverse content for the full period from 43-45.  Much of the equipment and vehicles could be used in a great variety of scenarios, and by a variety of forces under the Italian Banner, RSI, Co-Belligerents, and impressed into German Service. It's the most bang for your buck! 

I hope you take this under consideration, as Italy's continued role on both sides after the Armistice, as well as the Italian Civil War are often forgotten, and I think there are some opportunities here for very unique OOBs and TOEs adding a lot of diversity and fitting well into existing modules and scenarios. 


Happy New Year!

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4 hours ago, DerKommissar said:

Wunderbar! 👏

Can't wait for the next pre-order!

I think I overheard rumors of a new Cold War module, any truth to that? Or should I get my proverbial ears checked?


11 hours ago, The_Capt said:

Not much more but there will be hints dropped along the way.  I will say that we are not looking at 4 years until the first CMCW DLC, much less than that.

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16 hours ago, Artkin said:

Aw yeah. So cool. I didnt realize the marines ever had trophy issued to them.

Speculative, but not totally out there:



The USMC M1A1 Trophy Technology Demonstrator (TD) is part of the US Army Ex APS program. This project will deliver a first increment hard-kill APS and enable crews to determine hostile fire point-of-origin. In 2017, the Trophy Active Protection System was installed and tested on a USMC M1A1; this effort has informed requirements, set the conditions for a future program of record, and contributed to performance characterization of the system with the Army.


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Excellent! It looks like this is going to be a very good year. No mention of a Cold War module. I assume either that's not far along enough to make a guess on when it'll be out, or that it's expected to come out in 2023? No matter, I'm willing to wait for quality (also I'm still working through literally thousands of CM scenarios (including CMx1) in chronological order and I'm still in early WW2, so It'll be a while before I get to Cold War anyway). But I am anxious to get to see the BOAR and Bundeswehr in action.

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Wow this is pretty great news and its looking to be an exciting new year. I'm stoked that we'll be seeing the Engine 5 upgrade for free for all customers, so thank you for that! Since you mentioned that there are still some unanounced things planned, I wondered if one of those would be a module adding Hungarian and Romanian (or maybe even finnish) forces to RT? Especially considering we already have the land tileset and several campaigns/scenarios that take place in Hungary. I don't think I've seen any other sort of wargame take on late war minor axis nations which would be very interesting, except maybe Gary Grigsby's war in the East.


Furthermore, do you have any updates on the status of your communications with the devs of CM: Afghanistan? It would be great to know if an updated version is still a possibility to look forward to in the future.


Regardless, thanks for all of the hard work for everyone at @Battlefront.com !

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The last rumor I heard (and let me stress RUMORS), communication with the original CM Afghanistan developers would have to be through Ouija board or via seance. But I'm terrible at rumors. Working remote from home, I'm not even privy to the usual water cooler gossip.


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5 minutes ago, Sgt.Squarehead said:

So.....We'll call that an Afghanistan Module for CM:CW confirmed then.  B)


Certainly no more so than the T-90AM & BM Oplot.  ;)


For 2017 sure but as far as I know production has been ramped up for the T-90AM. I think it's a little early for M1A2SEPv3 on the 2017 timeline too

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Once the WWII games get transferred to Steam, (being the only ones i own), what does this actually mean? You just sign up to Steam and play as "normal"? What are the benefits of this? Will Steam be the only platform the games are accessible in the future? Also, what could be the downside of this?

Soz for all the questions, would like to know the pro,s n con,s before signing up to anything.

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5 minutes ago, chocice said:

Once the WWII games get transferred to Steam, (being the only ones i own), what does this actually mean? You just sign up to Steam and play as "normal"? What are the benefits of this? Will Steam be the only platform the games are accessible in the future? Also, what could be the downside of this?

Soz for all the questions, would like to know the pro,s n con,s before signing up to anything.

The main benefit is that the game will remain in your steam library thus making it much easier to install\reinstall without potential difficulties with retrieving your battlefront account, emailed key, downloading the installation package etc.

The con is launching process takes a bit longer time, plus some of the products may be first released here and on Steam later (I hope they will be released simultaneously, but who knows).


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17 minutes ago, dbsapp said:

The main benefit is that the game will remain in your steam library thus making it much easier to install\reinstall without potential difficulties with retrieving your battlefront account, emailed key, downloading the installation package etc.

The con is launching process takes a bit longer time, plus some of the products may be first released here and on Steam later (I hope they will be released simultaneously, but who knows).


Thanks dbsapp, so not much difference at all then really! Will probably take the plunge once the time comes. thanks again.

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30 minutes ago, chocice said:

Once the WWII games get transferred to Steam, (being the only ones i own), what does this actually mean? You just sign up to Steam and play as "normal"? What are the benefits of this? Will Steam be the only platform the games are accessible in the future? Also, what could be the downside of this?

Soz for all the questions, would like to know the pro,s n con,s before signing up to anything.

Using Steam is optional, you can continue using the battlefront installation :)

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26 minutes ago, Sgt.Squarehead said:

It's ironic, I've had a Steam account from the beginning and I've played CM for decades, but the idea of combining the two still seems wrong somehow.  :unsure:

I know what you mean. It's like your favorite actor suddenly announces that he likes to wear a dress at home. You know it's modern and entirely hus business, but you can never look the same at him again.

Edited by Aragorn2002
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I am super happy to see a CMBS module coming. While I am happy to see new toys, I wish there is also inclusion of few old toys such as:

Few variants of BMP-1 like BMP-1, BMP-1P, BMP-1PK, BMP-1K
Few variants of T-55 like T-55MV, T-55-1974, T-55-1970
Few variants of BTR-60 like BTR-60PB, BTR-60PBK

Anti-Tanks like SPG-9, RPG-18, RPG-29, variants of AT-3 like AT-3B, AT-3C, AT-3D perhaps AT-4A

Small arms like AKM, AKMS, RPD, DSHKM, NSV

Few more artillery like:
M1937 82mm mortar
M46 130mm field gun
D30 122mm howitzer
BM-21 Grad rocket artillery
BM-30 Smerch rocket artillery
9A52-4 Tornado rocket artillery

Also, winter textures included by default in the game without mods.

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