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Combat Mission Professional

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5 hours ago, Bulletpoint said:

basically means it's a Combat Mission that's modable

Hopefully that means we can experiment with Early WW2 and DAK as well as other interesting situations like Arab-Israeli, India-China, Taiwan etc.

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6 hours ago, AlexUK said:

Is it not also possible to export a full battle replay as one file?

I am curious where you heard that...

A while back this was also brought up on the Steam forum and Steve gave me a tidbit to share. We were curious how long it would take to be noticed here. So far it had not. I guess the two forums are more separated than I though. Anyway check out it out here:



6 hours ago, AlexUK said:

I think that was discussed (and hopefully coming to standard CM soon).

Spoiler alert: this is not coming to our version of CM.

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6 hours ago, AlexUK said:

Is it not also possible to export a full battle replay as one file? I think that was discussed (and hopefully coming to standard CM soon).

This is part of CM Pro but as Ian says in his link, it's kinda clunky and eats up computers. But it works. It's a feature that people have asked for since CMBO. Me personally? I have zero interest in it. When I'm finished a battle I am finished with it. But I am not everyone. I would not expect to see it in CM2. Could a version of it be in CM3? Who knows. I don't know. Unlike the feature below there is no harm in it for the integrity of the game. My guess would be that if it isn't in CM3 then it is because the programming time for it would exceed the time to make it worth doing.


On 8/7/2021 at 6:30 PM, Glubokii Boy said:

To me...This statement looks the most intresting i think...😎

"Add new equipment or modify the capabilities of any item in a database from WWII to the modern era"


Yes, you can do that with CM Pro. Well, not with WWII stuff because it's not in it but it is true that you can modify anything in the game. As Ian mentioned in the link he posted, I changed a tank (I forget which) to have a top speed of 1,000kph. I can change anything. Rate of fire, gun that a tank has, armor thickness, you name it. This will never ever ever never ever ever ever be on a publicly released version of Combat Mission. Part of what we feel makes Combat Mission so great is the attention to detail of TO&E and vehicle assets and functionality. We wear it like a badge of honor. Having people be able to make Frankentanks is not going to happen.


It's probably not appropriate for me to speak to any other features but since these had already been approved to be spoken of I figure, what's the harm. One thing that both of these features share is that you can easily see the military would want (and need) features like this for training. The ability to replay a battle and show where a player did well and could have done better is excellent for training. Because of the detail in CM changing vehicles and TO&E is an excellent way to experiment with possible real world changes in formations and vehicles. So, if you're in the mood to try and guess other features a good place to start would be to think along the lines of what the military would need to get the most out of the game for training and experimentation.

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On 8/7/2021 at 9:59 AM, George MC said:

hhmmm. Maybe. But you know what the first rule of ‘Fight Club’ is…?

There is an actual Fight Club. It isn't secret but I do think that it isn't open to the public. They even have a Twitter account. I did a zoom meeting with them a few months ago. It isn't what I thought it was when I first started speaking with them. They do hardcore training with it. I had thought it was group that ran tournaments and ladders and things like that. Nope. They mean business. They use the public version of Black Sea.

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I figure it would be good to clear up a few things ;)

Currently we have four versions of Combat Mission 2:

1.  Commercial (what you guys know and love)

2.  Student

3.  Academic

4.  Professional

All four of these use exactly the same game engine, including grid size.  The difference is what bells and whistles are available. 

The Student version is basically just specific playable content, but otherwise no difference in features.  The Academic version has some features that are intended to help with gathering large sets of data output (number of rounds fired, tallies of shot results, etc.) for analysis purposes.  New this month, FightClub is being used as the vehicle for harvesting that data.  Professional has all the features of Academic plus the ability to add/modify all kinds of things.  Adding units, modifying weapons characteristics, changing select game variables, creating/modifying TO&E, etc.

None of the features in Professional are coming to Commercial.


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12 minutes ago, BFCElvis said:

 So, if you're in the mood to try and guess other features a good place to start would be to think along the lines of what the military would need to get the most out of the game for training and experimentation.

Hmm... "How to conceal civilian casualties?"

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thanks for nothing, Steve.  I was all geared up for weeks of uninformed, pointless speculation by us all on the forum and you've ruined it by providing clear and complete information.  Unless maybe this is some kind of false flag post where it's just to distract us from conjuring up all sorts of "what's really happening" items which might actually get too close the truth..... yeah, that's gotta be it, we're not gonna fall for this obvious ploy.  :)

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6 hours ago, BFCElvis said:

This will never ever ever never ever ever ever be on a publicly released version of Combat Mission.


1 hour ago, Vergeltungswaffe said:

So, you're saying there's a chance, Re: CW.

Yep. I interpret that as Battlefront is still on the fence. Maybe leaning a bit to the no side, but that could just be my imagination. 😁

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What's interesting to me is who qualifies for 2, 3, and / or 4? Do individuals only get access by working for large organizations? 

I could care less about 2. 3. 4. as a player, but I am  interested in how the NDA/CDA process works within security regulated ultimately by the Defense Department.

Command Modern Operations  and Combat Mission Pros could be a security mess. 



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14 minutes ago, dbsapp said:

Combat mission at least 4 hours a day

Recon is finished go to the fridge and open a stubby of beer. Think it over for three hours what to do next. Nah tomorrow morning is better. Wonder why that crack unit panicked they had only one dead and three wounded.

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18 hours ago, Battlefront.com said:

One of the contracts consisted of a few hundred pages, so Slitherine is welcome to that job ;) 

Sounds like government contracts...  Prolly only ~3 pages worth of useful non-boilerplate non-legalese verbiage. 🤣😬🤣

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Y'all won't be able to wheedle details about this from the Beta testers because, with one or two exceptions, even Beta testers didn't see any of this stuff, either. I had to renew my American passport for a security check just to be able to texture a few standard IU interface buttons. ^_^

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CM3? A man can dream.


No CoPlay in CM2 at all, but yeah... if it were practical to add there certainly are plenty of military customers who would be interested in it.  They've told us as much over many years, so unless they are all fibbing, there is a for sure market out there 😉



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