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Ok folks, here's the pictures! Someone is free to stick them up on a web site with our comments. Hope the other guys who went pop in and make comments too smile.gif


This is the Gerbil stuck on the Daimler! Ok, so Germanboy says it's a desert rat, we know the truth tho!


Parking your Daimler is a doddle with these handy mirrors!


The mighty T34, with optional log.


Three of the shell holes in the Jagdpanther, later on we get a comparisson with a human so you can see it more in scale.


*slip click oops* Tiger Tracks I think


From the right hand side of the JP looking in


From the left hand side looking in. Note the nehverhamsterwaffeliron in the top right.


The JP's bloddy big gun.


The drivers position on left hand side of tank. Comfy.


Ain't we the cutest bunch of freaks you ever saw? From left to right, Jon (Chupacabra), Peter (PeterNZ), Andreas (Germanboy), Mattias (Dr Alimantido), not pictured, CoralSaw our glorious digicam owner *worship*


Navingerwomblechucker, yes, the dreaded AP mortar that fires from the top of the JP. Breech loading explosive hamster chucker. More of that in other pics I think.


Germanboy is so evil, he can pry back raw JP flank armor with his thumb.


A V1 rocket.


Inside the Daimler I believe.

ok more in next post.

PeterNZ (worshipper of CoralSaw)


<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Hamsters Wrote:

PeterNZ: He hasn’t proven to be particularly valiant but I think he’d make a good doorman<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

[This message has been edited by PeterNZer (edited 10-08-2000).]

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Guest Germanboy

Great work Peter - the tracks belong to the JP, and the inside picture you think is the Daimler was the M3 Grant (Monty's command tank).

And yes, the JP is bloody big, and the T34-85 is quite small in comparison. I have to get the film developed and post the pictures from the field-mods on the Sherman shot traps.

And not to forget, get a digital camera...



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Shameless plug for Canon Ixus digital: This thing ROX!

I think the gerbil is hard scientific evidence that certain unnamed rodents indeed found their way into the allied armour ranks. biggrin.gif

Hope the JP folks were out visiting when the 3 shells came-a-knocking...



The best things in life are sniped at...

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Part 2 of CoralSaw's pics. O also, thanks to PanzerShark for hosting, I just threw the pics up on our CombatVision space. Do him a favour and visit


Onwards christian and pagan and assorted other soldiers!


Nice pic of the Daimlers markings.


The 20mm that GermyGirl trained on in the German army, he can tell you what it's all about if you're interested.


An 88! From behind (duh).


German 20mm AA gun. GermanBoy, Dr Alimantado and Chupacabra


Aww, shucks, I'm so damn in love with the Daimler. I think the guy is trying to use a remote control on it, it's cute yes, but not THAT cute.


Mark V Tommy WW1 tank, boring. Next.


The best quality jeep I've ever seen, it was in better nick than a showroom car! We have more photos of it later some time.


Sherman from the top. You can just see the welded plates that block the shot trap, a good 3 inches thick they were too. See where the hull machinegun pops out, just behind it is one of the shot traps and the plate.


A lynx. Ha! kidding, it's a Jagdpanther. You can clearly see the four holes that took it out.


A map from an exhibit on the eastern front showing suspected Russian positions and actual Germy positions before operation BabaraBush. Map stretched from Norway to the Black Sea.


An enigma machine, going going gone!


The latest in high-tech anti tank weaponry as used by the Finns. As they lived in a forest. While surviving on squirrels. Or rocks and bark. Drinking their own urine. Killing divisions singlehanded. Gosh darn those crazy Finns!


Germanboy "seee! see! an MG42! They can run!"

Germanboy *chortle cackle I have steve now chortle*

PeterNZ "they could just be walking bent over to keep low"

Germanboy *drolls and giggles hysterically to self, making 'nyuk nyuk' noises*

Dr Alimantado *flash of brilliance in his eyes* "ahh but why is his mouth open!?"

and on that brilliant stroke of Swedish logic, I decided to quit with that argument! biggrin.gif

more soon...


[This message has been edited by PeterNZer (edited 10-08-2000).]

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I should note I did NOT take these pictures, just posted them and the Groganardish comments wink.gif CoralSaw has the bloody fantastic cam.

Here's the last lot.


Churchill: "The english... have never... had... penis envy.."

The entrance to the IWM. You can see three of us as blurry blobs by a pillar.


Mark *cough*BORING*cough* V ww1 tank.


A lovely Sherman. You can quite clearly see the shot-trap protection. I wonder how standard that was? Also, on both sides, those two welded plates on the hull. A question clearly rises from this picture: "why has Dr Alimantado got his hands in his pants?". The answer is obvious, it's a LOVELY Sherman.


A v2 insides. Dunno how Hitler thought they'd work with their bits all exposed like that.


The back of GermyPoof's head! O, and some tank thing.


The nebelwurfer! See the barrels? This thing could throw 6 high-explossive hamsters for miles. Compare it to the sherman, tiny isn't it!


This mother-humper is the Churchill VIII. Not much to say really, bloody big in'it?


Dramatic frontal shot.


75mm arty piece? Germanboy will know.


"#27 no friggin idea"


The back of that Pak40 I was talking about in the other post. See how small and low it is!


Germanboy, still chortling, chortles at English tank design as he stands in front of the Matilda (?)


Inside the Grant.


My darling!


Can you say no to a face like that?


Bike mock-up

Well that's about all we have for you right now. More in a few days smile.gif


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Guest *Captain Foobar*

Guys, thank you SO much for posting the pictures... some of us dont have the opportunity to go the the museum, because our wives made us go to harrod's instead of the Imperial War museum, but no! I'm not bitter! smile.gif

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Peter, the long brown object on the T-34 is not a log, but is actually a family sized Slim-Jim. They were used as Hamster bait on the Eastern Front. I can see how you would be confused though. smile.gif

And the gun you say is a 75mm arty piece is actually a British 6 Pounder, I believe. I base that on recollections of the Tamiya modelling catalogue from when I was a kid, so I could be wrong.

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Guest Madmatt

As I was corrected on this last year from Scott Clinton I believe (I think it was you Scott! wink.gif ) That Jagdpanther was NOT taken out from those rear rounds. Those were done later on at close range as part of a battery of penetration tests after that vehicle was in US hands.

Also, look at the side mounted cannon on the WWI Mark V. THAT is what I am looking into in this picture and NO, its not a telescope!!! glance.jpg

Good job though, that place is a blast! Heheee get it?!? Blast!

oh never mind...



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[This message has been edited by Madmatt (edited 10-09-2000).]

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"Dr Alimantado *flash of brilliance in his eyes* "ahh but why is his mouth open!?""

Because he is in the middle of saying, "Scheisse, this is heavy! There is no way I can run with it!" wink.gif


We eat like kings, drink like czars, and game like fat drunken king-czars. - CaSCa

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...And behind the V-2, hanging from the roof is (I believe) an RE8 or Harry Tate scout/bomber two-seater (WW1). An other great example of useless British design.

Took real courage to go up in one of those.

"Let's see, we've got balsa wood, some wires and an engine and to be sure of your eventual death we've painted the whole thing in highly flammable dope. Any takers? It´s really slow too."

God you guys look even worse than I imagined possible. Where´s the Focke-Wulfe you bastards?

Great pics and initiative boys.



"The succesful execution of a well devised plan often looks like luck to saps."

Dashiell Hammett

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Guest Germanboy

<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Pvt. Ryan:

Peter, the long brown object on the T-34 is not a log, but is actually a family sized Slim-Jim. They were used as Hamster bait on the Eastern Front. I can see how you would be confused though. smile.gif

And the gun you say is a 75mm arty piece is actually a British 6 Pounder, I believe. I base that on recollections of the Tamiya modelling catalogue from when I was a kid, so I could be wrong.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Hamsterbait my rear-end. They were ammo for the specially trained Beaver units operating in the German rear damming them in.

The gun is in actual fact a desert cmo 25pdr. (That's okay Senileleech, stop drooling - stop it! Alright, go on then, but not on the carpet) It is very small, in relation to the damage it inflicts. While the Churchill is just laughable. Typical mid-20th century (it went downhill from there) UK engineering. I bet those tread wheels were a hell of a design and really cool, unless you actually wanted to use the tank outside the drawing room. Bit like Spitfire cars or Jaguars. Liked the Matilda. They have a lot of AT-rifles from the early war. You must be a loony to start actually using them against tanks. I wonder if you can run with them though...

The serial number is the one of the Sherman, not the Daimler.



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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Supertanker:

"Dr Alimantado *flash of brilliance in his eyes* "ahh but why is his mouth open!?""

Because he is in the middle of saying, "Scheisse, this is heavy! There is no way I can run with it!" wink.gif<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Me? Nawh, dunno what you are talking about. Chupacabra told me that I would look sexy if I had my mouth open. But I guess that was a sneaky plan from his side to make hilmself look better.

And then there is the fact that they pumped me full with heavy sedatives before we entered the museum, so that I would not try anything stupid while we were in there. ... I did not want anything big .. just the Jagdpanther .. or the T-34/85 ... is that to much to ask for in a world like this? smile.gif

DrAlimantado aka Elvis Presley

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Madmatt:

As I was corrected on this last year from Scott Clinton I believe (I think it was you Scott! wink.gif ) That Jagdpanther was NOT taken out from those rear rounds. Those were done later on at close range as part of a battery of penetration tests after that vehicle was in US hands.



According to the display in the museum, the Jagdpanther was taken out by a Cromwell which flanked it and put those four rounds in it, the last one in the engine compartment, immobilizing it.

If this is incorrect, someone should take it up with the IWM tongue.gif


Soy super bien, soy super super bien, soy bien bien super bien bien bien super super.

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Guest Rex_Bellator


I've posted details of the huge War & Peace Show/Beltring which the assistant was talking about on your complimentary thread if you want to take a look.

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Sounds good!

O, and folks, I'll be posting my 36 or so pictures tonight as well smile.gif



<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Hamsters Wrote:

PeterNZ: He hasn’t proven to be particularly valiant but I think he’d make a good doorman<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

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Guest Germanboy

Roight, well, checked Bovington location and driving distance. About 130 miles, 2.5hrs 1-way. Cost in the 'Red Baron' about £6/head, less if I can get the AFV (alternative fuel vehicle) from my employers. Preliminary H-hour 0800 04112000 at map location 'Norbury Station' grid reference unknown, on East Croydon Line from Victoria or London Bridge. The usual, first out of the trench will be the first to bite the bullet. Four places available. Carry on now.



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