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AI plans and a more responsive AI

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On 6/14/2020 at 6:00 PM, RockinHarry said:

Hope we could start some "Scripting AIP solution center" sort of thread anytime soon. After the next patch release maybe.

If you are talking about the patch release which comes with the new Red Thunder DLC, so yes. But now when there apparently is an engine 5 coming in a few years, I think we shouldn't wait that long but start that thread asap so BF could have a thread with collected requests and  changes we'd like to the games which they could go to and see what their fanbase, or whatever we could call ourselves, would like to have as a way to improve the games.

Edited by BornGinger
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What has been annonced is not a NEW game engine but rather an updated version of the current one, CM2.

We are currently playing version 4 of that engine.

The update is not years away. It's scheduled to be released this year.

The new game engine that people are talking about is CM3...and that one probably is quite some time away...

Edited by RepsolCBR
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1 hour ago, BornGinger said:

Time to wake this thread up with a question.

How is it with AI triggers and quick battles? Don't they have any function in quick battles? 

I'm making a quick battle map and painted an "AI Trigger (enemy)" line and after that did a test in Author Mode with my troops reaching and thus activating that trigger just to see that the AI-group didn't react. 

Try 'trigger friendly'....


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2 hours ago, RepsolCBR said:

not a NEW game engine but rather an updated version of the current one

I know. But Steve called it Engine 5 in the bones thread he posted some weeks ago so that is what I did.


Try 'trigger friendly'....

I have put the AI-group to be not Normal, not Cautious but Active. So they are trigger friendly alright.

But if you meant Trigger (Friendly), that won't help as they are supposed to rush forward and deal with the player's opposing troops.

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This might sound silly, but I've done it myself.....Are you writing the AI for the right side?

When you go back into the editor after testing something it always defaults to Blue Plan 1.....It is remarkably easy to forget this after a long session of scripting & testing, leading to much frustration until either coffee or sleep resolves things!  ;)

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It seems I have to explain how I planned this: The AI-group belongs to the AI-Allies and is supposed to rush forward to a position from where they can shoot at the Axis-Player. To make this possible I painted an area as Trigger (Enemy) so that when the Axis-Player's troops enter that area the Trigger (enemy) area-trigger gets activated and the AI-group does its duty. But nothing happens.

After having checked other quick battle maps, it seems that none of them is using triggers of any kind, no Trigger (enemy) and no Trigger (Friendly), but all of them use only the order "Exit between... and" with movements for ever minute after the previous movement.

So after Setup it's usually for example: [Order 2] Exit between 02:00 and 03:00, [Order 3] exit between 03:00 and 04:00, [Order 4] exit between 04:00 and 05:00 and so on.

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12 hours ago, BornGinger said:

Time to wake this thread up with a question.

How is it with AI triggers and quick battles? Don't they have any function in quick battles?  ...

In working on my CM:RT project, I've been unable to get terrain triggers to work in the QB environment. Testing shows the same setup will function in scenario mode, but not QB ...which really bites. Hope there is a workaround or code fix on the horizon.

The context I've been testing in is trying to have AI troops hide during setup to protect from arty and have them unhide when the player's forces move in to attack. Again...haven't been able to get it to work in QB mode.

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As stated above from @RepsolCBR
it seems triggers, which actually are terrain object markers but used in another way than terrain objects, don't work in quick battles.

So I'm afraid you'll have to change those quick battle plans to be the usual "Exit between... and" and make the best of it.

Hopefully Battlefront will make quick battles last longer than the two hours they are now and also allow us to make quick battles a bit more challenging to play.

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On 1/17/2021 at 3:04 PM, Macisle said:

In working on my CM:RT project, I've been unable to get terrain triggers to work in the QB environment. Testing shows the same setup will function in scenario mode, but not QB ...which really bites. Hope there is a workaround or code fix on the horizon.

The context I've been testing in is trying to have AI troops hide during setup to protect from arty and have them unhide when the player's forces move in to attack. Again...haven't been able to get it to work in QB mode.

I'm not calling you a liar, but are you sure about that...?

I don't use them very often (sheer laziness), but I could swear that the times I have tried they have worked. I wonder if the terrain objectives that get converted to 'occupy' are just the 'touch' objectives (even then, I'm sure these have worked in some of the QB maps that come with the games, but I may be remembering Scenarios - I've never played with touch objectives myself).

The way I've done it is to set a very wide time range for the event and make use of the trigger, so that both the trigger and the timing are activated. I didn't do a careful test, but it seemed to work. And this was in a QB map.

Has anyone else tried this and could shed some light on it...?

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4 hours ago, Freyberg said:

I'm not calling you a liar, but are you sure about that...?

I don't use them very often (sheer laziness), but I could swear that the times I have tried they have worked. I wonder if the terrain objectives that get converted to 'occupy' are just the 'touch' objectives (even then, I'm sure these have worked in some of the QB maps that come with the games, but I may be remembering Scenarios - I've never played with touch objectives myself).

The way I've done it is to set a very wide time range for the event and make use of the trigger, so that both the trigger and the timing are activated. I didn't do a careful test, but it seemed to work. And this was in a QB map.

Has anyone else tried this and could shed some light on it...?

It's been a number months since I worked with it. My recollection is that I ran, maybe, 5-10 tests and could never get troops to hide and be triggered to unhide using terrain objectives as you would in a scenario. They would not wait for the trigger to unhide. I also recall testing by using the same QB plan in the scenario environment and it worked there with no changes. As others have said, standard timed orders work fine in both QB and regular environments. I do also recall using the wide time range technique, as that's SOP for me on such a trigger. But again, the same AI plan worked when played as a scenario.

I don't have time to do any more testing right now. Hopefully, there is an easy workaround. If not, I would hope that BF would update to make things work. Timed orders are not a satisfactory substitute for terrain triggers.

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1 hour ago, BornGinger said:

By "ping" do you mean something like @RepsolCBR? If that's what you mean, just type an @ after which you start writing the forum name of the person you'd like to ping. If you did it correctly it should look like the one above.


13 minutes ago, Sgt.Squarehead said:

Wot 'e said!  ;)

Just typing an '@' followed by any letter should bring up a dropdown with suggested forum ID's.

Thanks guys, will try...



Some of us have a question regarding QB maps. The manual is somewhat unclear on this point...

- Is it possible to use TERRAIN OBJECTIVE triggers on QB-maps or do those also get changed to the OCCUPY type ?

Any help will be apprisiated, thanks !



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6 hours ago, RepsolCBR said:


Thanks guys, will try...



Some of us have a question regarding QB maps. The manual is somewhat unclear on this point...

- Is it possible to use TERRAIN OBJECTIVE triggers on QB-maps or do those also get changed to the OCCUPY type ?

Any help will be apprisiated, thanks !



I suspect that you won't get a response - he's not been around for a while.

Otherwise, I've only vaguely tinkered with QBs.  The way I find stuff out about the editor is to go in and look at things.  Crack open any of the QB maps that bundled with titles that came out after triggers were brought in.  If any of the plans have triggers then it is clearly possible.  If not I would suggest that it isn't possible.

Alternately create a simple test QB and see if you can get triggers to work.

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19 hours ago, Macisle said:

It's been a number months since I worked with it. My recollection is that I ran, maybe, 5-10 tests and could never get troops to hide and be triggered to unhide using terrain objectives as you would in a scenario. ...

I just ran a very simple test 5 times. You're right.

Enemy trigger objectives are ignored, and the touch objective disappeared.

Such disappointed...

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12 minutes ago, Freyberg said:

I just ran a very simple test 5 times. You're right.

Enemy trigger objectives are ignored, and the touch objective disappeared.

Such disappointed...

I wounder why that is ? Afterall the AI plans for QBs are made by the designers...simular to scenarìos.

The AI doesn't do anything on its own...all the movements and what not are scripted just like in scenarios...If a terrain objective is a touch, occupy or terraintrigger shouldn't reallt be a problem. It's the designer that guides the AI in QBs as well as in scenarios.

Strange !

Thanks for testing though...


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