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Issues with tank targeting accuracy

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1 hour ago, Bulletpoint said:

What's the big deal with the early war?

Completely different challenges with weaker German armor having to use new tactics to deal with the (on paper) stronger and better French and Russian armor.  We currently have many different WW2 versions of CM2 but they are all late war and all feature essentially the same equipment (and usually similar tactics).  I don't know if you played CM1, but those of us who did, greatly enjoyed being able to play early war scenarios where new equipment was still being tested where one hit did not always mean a kill.

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About tanks sitting and taking it. In my experience, oftentimes tanks will freak and back away when targeted (or lased in CMBS) and pop smoke if they got it. Admittedly, I don't play King Tigers & Panthers very often. T34s, Shermans, M10s (and Valentines ;)) aren't particularly fond of sitting and waiting to be holed. Especially when they know they're not liable to KO the opponent.

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totally hear you BulletPoint, not everyone wants 1941.  But 1942, 1943?  Epic.  Winter battles, summer battles, Operation Blau.  Don't need the best tanks to be epic.  Operation Winter Storm, Operations Uranus & Saturn, Kursk?  Epic for sure.   It's all good: 44-45, 41-43.  Different but all good.

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2 hours ago, Erwin said:

Completely different challenges with weaker German armor having to use new tactics to deal with the (on paper) stronger and better French and Russian armor.  We currently have many different WW2 versions of CM2 but they are all late war and all feature essentially the same equipment (and usually similar tactics).  I don't know if you played CM1, but those of us who did, greatly enjoyed being able to play early war scenarios where new equipment was still being tested where one hit did not always mean a kill.

Thanks for the answer. Sounds interesting.

I never played CM1, and I don't think I played any other early war game.

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Apparently the vision ports and 'spotting ability' from the earlier Soviet tanks are very poor.  No cupola?  Two man turret as well IIRC for the T34.  No radio either.  I can already hear the complaints about 'why can't my T34 see that Pz III sitting out in the open right in front of me?'

Edited by ASL Veteran
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3 hours ago, Bulletpoint said:

Ok, so that's a strong Russian tank compared to weak German armour at the time. How is this tactically different from playing Commonwealth forces and going up against German panthers?

This is a valid point. The anser (atleast for me) is....


Call it silly if you will 😉...but i find that timeperiod...and theatre far more intresting...

And thereby more FUN to play and also create scenarios covering.

A village attack scenario is a village attack scenario no matter if it is set in France 1944 or in Russia 1941...but still...i would enjoy playing it in russia, 41...far more 😊.

Simply because i find the period more intresting.

As far as scenariodesigning goes....with Russia 44 - 45 for example i don't really have any ' given' ideas for a scenario to try and design....with 41 - 43 i would have a never ending stream of ideas to try....both historical and fictional.

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and that KV1, that is just a beautiful machine.  True, had quality issues, but it was well ahead of it's time in a number of ways.  And just looks soooooo good.  Like Hannibal hitting the romans with elephants.  Think of the battles -- with your 38Ts, pz3 w 37mm guns, combined arms tactics, you are tearing up the battle field; but then two of these insane beasts show up and your shells bounce off like pebbles.  How is that not crazy good fun?

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Re Early war:   It will be nice to have some totally different vehicles.

Re Tank gun accuracy:  It is is odd that the tests show hits all over the front of the tank while when it hides behind a tree, all the hits are absorbed by the tree.  Aside from the questions re why can a tree absorb dozens of rounds and still stand, how come the hit distribution shown by the tests not mean that some of the shots would miss the tree and hit the tank.  Does the game simulate trees as being 10 feet wide?

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On 7/9/2020 at 9:44 PM, MikeyD said:

m reminded of 17 pounder and 6 pounder APDS rounds. In the real world either the round was accurate or it REALLY wasn't, all having to do with how  the core and sabot separated. Ideally, in CM titles the occasional round would just go crazy, fly off at an odd angle. But I suspect players would REALLY REALLY hate that happening

Really the big trick Battlefront is missing is that these games are packed with detail but essentially none of it is explained. If the game explained why something happened or changed it'd go a long way to improving player interaction because right now you practically need your own military library to get much depth out of the series. And while I'm okay spending $80 for Bloody Streets most people aren't so the fact that the game is detailed doesn't really matter.


On 7/10/2020 at 12:51 PM, Bulletpoint said:

Honest question: What is it about the early war that makes it more epic or interesting than the late war?

There are a ton of little factors but to engage it in the broadest terms the farther back you go in time the less deadly being spotted is. Essentially combat is a SEE -> SHOOT -> KILL loop but the efficiency of that loop changes.

  • Black Sea to Shock Force sees a reduction in that efficiency.
  • Shock Force to the WW2 games sees a reduction.
  • '44/'45 to '41/'42 sees a reduction.

To put it in the simplest in 1941 fighting is quaint. You've got nearly all bolt-actions, the scary 37mm gun, what is a shaped charge? jump ahead to '45 and its MORE DAKKA. More automatics, more semi-autos, more shaped charges, larger caliber guns , etc....

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2 hours ago, Howler said:

@ErwinThe tree(s) you see on the screen aren't a true representation and will differ even more depending on mod used. It's best to assume a tree trunk can/will be obstructive any/everywhere in the action spot.


Yes, what I was trying to say is that CM features huge abstractions like the perceived size/width of a tree and its durability vs sustained large calibre fire, and nit-picking other aspects in a selective manner is perhaps unfair to the game.  

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3 hours ago, com-intern said:

Really the big trick Battlefront is missing is that these games are packed with detail but essentially none of it is explained.

I agree with the sentiment of this. While I think the game manuals and engine manual does a good job of explaining the gameplay mechanics (well most of the most relevant ones) I do wish we as the player got a bit more in game info. For example, I wish tanks would list the specific round they are firing (such as M829A2/4 for the Abrams) and other small details like that. I can understand why they do not add this info, as to not clutter the UI, but I would still rather have it than not. Just my personal preference. 

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30 minutes ago, Thewood1 said:

That is why you have option switches.  When you are new to the game, you would want more of that into.  As you gain experience you shut it off.

I agree, but who knows how flexible or inflexible the UI coding is? While I think the UI is highly utilitarian (in a good way) I also think that if it were so easy to change/modulate like that, it likely would have been. 

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19 hours ago, IICptMillerII said:

I agree with the sentiment of this. While I think the game manuals and engine manual does a good job of explaining the gameplay mechanics (well most of the most relevant ones) I do wish we as the player got a bit more in game info. For example, I wish tanks would list the specific round they are firing (such as M829A2/4 for the Abrams) and other small details like that. I can understand why they do not add this info, as to not clutter the UI, but I would still rather have it than not. Just my personal preference. 

Yep, I've been doing a LOT of wiki-googling with this game. The side effect of which is that I've also learnt a lot of other useless trivia :)

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