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Question - Amiens Tonight, Prelude on the Seine

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I've been enjoying playing this large-scale battle, but have also gotten a little curious about how to "occupy" objectives. I have an under strength platoon on Objective Don (Sawmill) and it is still showing two transparent icons for German squads there -  when there are clearly no more Germans there.  That made me curious, so I wanted to see how I was doing so far in the game. I clicked ceasefire (after saving game under different title of course). The game results show a check mark for Objective Don, but zero points... I am guessing that is because I don't have enough troops occupying it. My question is, how may troops are needed to get credit for occupying an objective? Or is something else the issue?

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There will sometimes be faded icons representing dead, wounded, or missing enemy, normally, but not always these will disappear completely as the battle goes on.

As for what you are seeing on the results screen, that doesn't sound right to me. If the objective has been ticked off then you should get 90 points. It has been a long time since I tried this campaign, hopefully someone who has played it recently might be able to shed some light.


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Thanks Warts 'n' all,

I also took Objective Beer (the Chateau) - I currently have an entire company there and it shows both the check mark and gives me 90 points for occupying that objective. So maybe it has to do with the number of troops located there? I will be moving on to the other objectives now, so it will be interesting to see if I lose the 90 points after I take most of the company off Objective Beer as I advance further.

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2 hours ago, BluecherForward said:

I guess if there was still a German hiding somewhere in the objective area it would not be ticked, right?

Correct a single enemy soldier on the objective would deny you points for it.  Also an immobilized but occupied enemy vehicle on the objective will keep you from getting points.  I mention this since I just saw it happen yesterday playing a different scenario.  There was an enemy tank in the occupy objective that I thought was knocked out.  Closer inspection on the AAR review map revealed that it was immobilized and a few surviving crew were still in the tank (apparently listening to an oldies station on the radio or some such). :D     

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3 minutes ago, MOS:96B2P said:

Correct a single enemy soldier on the objective would deny you points for it.  Also an immobilized but occupied enemy vehicle on the objective will keep you from getting points.  I mention this since I just saw it happen yesterday playing a different scenario.  There was an enemy tank in the occupy objective that I thought was knocked out.  Closer inspection on the AAR review map revealed that it was immobilized and a few surviving crew were still in the tank (apparently listening to an oldies station on the radio or some such). :D     

Thanks MOS:96B2P, I have been having my Tommies comb the area, but I am coming up with nothing - its not that big of an objective area. The Objective is marked checked off in green in the ceasefire results, just no points.

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It's a mistake with that scenario.  If you have a green check then you control that objective and should get the points for it, but the campaign creator missed adding the points for that objective when he made it.  So you get nothing for your efforts to take it.

As shown by the attached thread, I reported this issue nearly four years ago.  The campaign creator acknowledged it and said he'd upload a fixed version.

Sadly, there were other niggling issues with that campaign: a scenario in which the OOB for an infantry platoon can change every time you play it.  Sometimes it will have an attached 51mm mortar team and other times it won't.  (It was as tough scenario that I restarted several times in order to win it, but also had to restart numerous other times just to get that mortar which I found to be very important to having any chance to win.)  And another scenario that has flamethrower teams without flamethrowers.  When I saw that I threw in the towel.   That was four years ago.  Maybe those issues have been fixed in one of the patches/upgrades.

Edited by Myles Keogh
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AMIENS SPOILERS AHEAD:   I give up.  I was getting whupped at the sawmill due to an unexpected arty strike, losing 2 carriers & lots of men.  On the center-left I had a strong force moving through the woods, one bright spot.  On the right ran into stiff opposition.  Decided to see what would would happen in next battle if I just gave up.  What a waste of time.  Walk forever through the woods w no armor support.  After 40 minutes get 3 armored cars, one of which is worthless, like a carrier w wheels.  cromwells won't show up for another 15 minutes when I stopped.  So I cease fire only to find that my force is outgunned and about equal in men.  I am supposed to take woods then towns when I don't even have superiority in men?   Maybe that's historical but a campaign starting w a sure loss is not much fun.  Maybe I was due to get like 20 cromwells?  That would've made it possible to win, but it said I only get a troop, which would not be enough once I saw what was waiting in the many, many, many buildings.

Oh well, there's plenty of better stuff to play in CM.  I am just unhappy at wasting so much time on this.  

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If the problems haven't been addressed. And I might call at Cease Fire at Don. I certainly don't like the idea of taking it and not getting the points for it. One thing I remember from a couple of years ago was calling in arty in a forest is a real pain. And I suffered a bit of friendly fire.

I've never read a detailed account of the fight through the Foret de Vernon, so I don't know how accurate this mission is. But, I will battle on for the time being and see what happens.

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There are OOB issues in (at least) the next two scenarios after this one too; watch out. 

It's really not good enough when part of a paid for bundle!

The map is lovely, though I do agree that the forces you're given are rather low for the amount of enemy encountered - I only managed a tactical defeat in the end, I got the sawmill and the manor house/chateau and ran out of time.  The Jellalabad objective is quite large and I didn't notice it went on up into the village which I neglected to clear.  

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On 1/18/2020 at 9:41 AM, BluecherForward said:

<snip>I have an under strength platoon on Objective Don (Sawmill) and it is still showing two transparent icons for German squads there -  when there are clearly no more Germans there.<snip>


On 1/18/2020 at 11:23 AM, Warts 'n' all said:

There will sometimes be faded icons representing dead, wounded, or missing enemy, normally, but not always these will disappear completely as the battle goes on. <snip>

Just to add a comment on the contact icons that hang around. If you have no units selected the enemy contact icons you see are a big picture combination of contacts. It combines the knowledge of everyone on the map. If you select a specific unit the contact icons will change to those that that unit knows about. How does that relate to this situation? If you watch for it you will see this happen frequently. Your platoon has cleared the objective and knows there is no one there - if you select the platoon elements there will be no contacts on the objective but the higher level combined intel picture still has contact information - usually that was passed up the chain of command. As @Warts 'n' all says those fade over time as the intel gets old. If your platoon elements have a contact in a building that is part of the objective you can move them to that building and the contact icon will go away (or turn out to be an enemy unit :-) *for that unit*. Once your unit shares its intel with the HQ it should go away from the HQ's intel picture too. If the contact was passed to other elements of the platoon they should update their picture too once the sharing passes. For that to happen there has to be C2 between all those elements. Sometimes this takes a while to clear up.

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Current SITREP: So I am down to under 30 minutes left in the scenario. I tried to follow the guidelines for the scenario at first - leapfrogging companies toward the JELLALABAD Objective, while sending B Company to Objective Don. Very slow moving, but makes for some excitement when contact is made. After encountering two Panzer IVs and a platoon-plus of infantry on Obj JELLALABAD - as well as taking some heavy losses from arty en-route, I decided to use arty and smoke (in sequence) to suppress the enemy at JELLALABAD. The arty - full blast of 25 pounders - did a number on the infantry. Since I did not have my tanks yet, I tried to advance PIATS - using cover of smoke - to take out the Panzer IVs. This did not go well - although it did force the panzers back over the crest of the hill. They kept backing-up as my Tommies fired PIATs. The panzers are still there, however, and now I have less PIATs...

So I decided to avoid enemy strength and go for an indirect approach - sending my tanks, once they arrived, on an end-run over Objective DON (which I had already taken) towards Objective ACK, reinforcing B Company. I used smoke from 51mm mortars to get A Company across the stream to advance on Obj CHARLIE, while D Company (reinforced by the two remaining armored cars - mines!) exploited the woods to skirt the panzers to the east (right) - taking the Chateau (Obj BEER) - en route to Bois Jerome. I left C Co, the under-strength company, in a defensive / blocking position on JELLALABAD. Maybe it will be able to exploit forward as the situation develops.

In the meantime, I am fighting off a platoon-sized counterattack on Obj DON (maybe that is why I did not get the 90 points?).  My plan is to either leverage the panzers back off Obj JELLALABAD as I advance on both flanks and behind them, or attack them from all sides once I have them cut off - we'll see. I am suspecting that the enemy will get a vote on all of this as well. There is also the time factor. I have included the map image below to illustrate the situation.


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It seems like I didn't get punished for losing the first one, so I might continue on w this campaign sometime.  If you try to win this you'll probably get awfully chewed up.  Unless lots of cromwells.  Anyone know how many cromwells show up?

Good luck Bluecher.  I actually had my main force moving to the center left, where on your picture it says "phase line goose".  I was bypassing the german armor.  It's a long walk but was pretty easy up to the point where I quit.  Maybe there was stiff opposition ahead, maybe not?  I got to the open field w very minimal casualties (where your map shows "(30 pts)"

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