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Scenario Editor Bug

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Just like to highlight a bug in the Scenario editor for CMSF2.

Setting up terrain based preserve and destroy objectives seems to be very hit and miss; as in sometime they will appear in a map they are setup for and sometimes they will not.

Ive done some playing around (including uninstalling SF2 and reinstalling, tried loads of combos on maps and cant see why this is the case.

At the moment its unworkable because they simply do not show up in a completed map.

Anybody had this issue or know of a work around?













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When they appear on the map depends upon who can see them.  You can set terrain objectives for one side to see or the other side to see, or you can set them for both sides to see or neither side to see.  They don't show up when you are looking at the map in 3D preview mode and when you are playing they will only show up when the appropriate side is being played and the objective is visible to that particular side.  When you are in the editor to deploy troops all terrain objectives set up within that side's victory section should show up regardless as to who can see them while playing IIRC.  So yeah, the terrain objectives will appear and disappear depending upon how you are trying to view them and what part of the game you happen to be in at the time.

Example: I can set a terrain touch objective for a house while in the Blue forces section of the mission objectives.  I can then set that objective so that it can only be seen by the Red Force.  Thus, when I play the game as the blue force the objective will not be visible.  When I play the game as the Red force the objective will be visible as an objective for the blue force.  When I go into the editor to deploy Red Forces the objective will not appear and when I go into the editor to deploy Blue forces the objective will appear.  If I go into the map 3D editor I will also not see the objective. 

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Thanks for the replys - understand what you are both saying - but Im sure Ive got it right and it seems to be a bug.

Ive done a dummy QB map its here;


Youll see when you go into the editor their are 6 objs for red, 6 for blue with a mix of occupy nd presrve types and mixed by who can see them.ObjectivesExample2.thumb.png.93c7f10ac80bb23f1d428992e8f3dec9.pngExampl4.jpg.5fae6f3ac076abc0a73645f01183d1db.jpg

If you start a QB using the map you will see the correct objectives do not come thru (or they do not come thru for me anyway!!!!!)

Ive also dropped in Huge Assault Map for Conventional vs Conventionals - Feel free to use and distribute as much a you can!!!!!!

the reason for this post is that once I have these objectives issues sorted out for preserve and destroy I can then complete a dedicated uncons vs conv

QB map as well.

Now I Im guessing their will be no issues if you create a scenario out of this - but Im specifically wanting to create a QB map - not a scenario map and my specific aim is to have it as a working QB map. From what I can see the issue is a bug - unless Im missing something.....





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Here's what I see as the Blue Player (in Iron mode):


& as Red:


Based on what I'm seeing in the 'Terrain Objectives' section of the AI, what I see above is exactly as I'd expect it to be.

It seems you are not seeing the friendly objectives.....I have no idea why this would be, they work fine for me.  :wacko:

PS - Alt J turns objectives on and off, AFAIK this should turn ALL objectives on and off, but maybe try it, see if anything changes when you turn them back on? 




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What youve shown is what should be showing up. Im assuming you are looking at this in the deployment screen in the scenario editor????  If I use the deployment mode in the scenario editor this works for me as well.

Its when you load it up into a QB it will not work. I usually test out my maps in a 2 player hotseat PBEM or just one player turn mode.

Can you see if you get the same result in a QB????



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Checking now.....Will edit post shortly.

At present the game refuses to see either of your maps as a viable QB map on my system.....I'm very, very confused?

Kudos on a lovely looking map.....Gonna go have a closer look at your buildings (for reasons of my own).  ;)

@MikeyD, @Combatintman, @MOS:96B2P, @George MC.....Could anyone shed further light on this mystery? 

There's clearly something about QB maps that I'm missing too.  :unsure:



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19 minutes ago, Sgt.Squarehead said:

Checking now.....Will edit post shortly.

At present the game refuses to see the test map as a viable QB map on my system?



When you start your QB it has to be set as Medium - attack I believe then it should show.....

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OK, having sussed the intricacies of finding the right map in QB mode (I'm a Scenarios man TBH), I'm now getting the same results as yourself on the test map.....The enemy KTB Objectives are visible, but the friendly objectives are all missing!

Tried repainting all your zones and re-running the test.....Same result, no friendly objectives visible.

Just occurred to me that shared names for objectives might be an issue.....Going to rename and repaint them.

That didn't work either.  :(


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I made a completely new test map, along the same lines as yours, giving each side three occupy objectives (KTP, KTB, KTE).....In this test as Blue I can see all of 'my' (Blue Terrain) objectives, including the one I shouldn't see, but they're all yellow not green!

I can't see ANY of the enemy objectives, regardless of whether I should or not.....WTF?  :o




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Ok - so I know its not just my setup - and certaily seems to be a bug - what you see in the editor - which is working correctly is what you should see in the QB.

56 minutes ago, Sgt.Squarehead said:

Kudos on a lovely looking map.....Gonna go have a closer look at your buildings (for reasons of my own).  ;)

@MikeyD, @Combatintman, @MOS:96B2P, @George MC.....Could anyone shed further light on this mystery? 

There's clearly something about QB maps that I'm missing too.  :unsure:



I didnt create the whole map - it is what I like to call an ubanised enhancement to the stock map that comes with the Brits module - UK Armoured Assault.

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I'm wondering if there isn't something fundamental about QB maps that we're both missing here?  :unsure:

I'm beginning to wonder if the 'KTE' type objective is actually functional in QB mode.....I can see good reasons for disabling it (it's not like you would get a briefing warning you to seek hidden things after all).

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Its can also be a random error sometimes as well - I think Ive tried putting dummy units in the QB map  - ie I just purchase a platoon of supply tricks for each side - and then I think the obj you see can change - but still not correct. These truck dont show in a QB game as you then ovbiously get to make your own troop selection...

The fact the editor seems to show exactly what  you should in the deployment part - and this is not replicated when you start a QB game - tells me its likely a bug...

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Quick Battles work a little different and I suspect this is the core of the problem. 

4.0 Engine Manual Page 27 - Only two types of Victory conditions are available.  Terrain objectives and unit casualties.  If you change it to a scenario more can be done.  If you are leaving it a QB and attempting to play it as a QB I think the above restrictions would apply.    

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As I said earlier, I've just been placing these objectives all over a whopping map and having just tested I'm relieved to say that everything (KTP, KTB, KTE) works exactly as it should in a scenario.....Why it should be different in a QB is beyond me.

My apologies for not being able to help more. 

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Thats a shame - I had a cunning plan to make a ready to go - uncons vs con QB map that anybody could use to have uncon QBs with preserve objectives setup to encourage the conventional s not to just level everything!!!!!

Perhaps a functionality to add to the QB maps in the future if BF get around to it - I also had a post with suggestions for uncons as well - I think it opens up a whole lot of options for player vs player QBs.....

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Make it a scenario.....I'd be happy to test it with you, I like that sort of thing!  :ph34r:

PS - @MOS:96B2P  I now have a fairly reliable player controlled 'Suicide Bomber Assault' SFX option.....It's very target specific (you know how I do these things), but it actually looks pretty convincing 'in game' (the more so if you have two or more AI plans, for better bomb placement).

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5 minutes ago, Gazmaps said:

Thats a shame - I had a cunning plan to make a ready to go - uncons vs con QB map that anybody could use

You can do that (if I understand what you're saying) it's just called a scenario.  Which is much better with more options.  The QB is for the computer to be able to select and deploy units etc.  So this is probably why it is limited.  A scenario can be Human vs AI or Human vs Human.  However you want to build it.   

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7 minutes ago, Sgt.Squarehead said:

PS - @MOS:96B2P  I now have a fairly reliable player controlled 'Suicide Bomber Assault' SFX option.....It's very target specific (you know how I do these things), but it actually looks pretty convincing 'in game' (the more so if you have two or more AI plans, for better bomb placement).

Very cool.  A bet the chaos from that is massive.  

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9 minutes ago, MOS:96B2P said:

bet the chaos from that is massive.

Not so much (I only used 2xlarge).....It's in the shared place (play as Blue, just run your dudes into the Mosque....The faster the better, 90% of the time you should get a result). 

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 It's stupidly simple stuff, just for effects, getting an AI equivalent to be sufficiently reliable may prove rather more challenging.....Attaching a couple of triggermen to a fighter/combatant assault group would probably be the best bet on that front.

PS - If I can get it working reliably it'll make keeping bad guys off touch objectives a much higher priority!  :P

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