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You know war hero Audie Murphy, but look who Canada produced for a hero

John Kettler

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Found out about this guy via a miniature series called Stoessel's Heroes, which cover soldiers and other combatants on both the Allied and Axis end. The brief paragraph on a private who captured a city (yes, you read that correctly) is a must read for students of war and the power of will and creativity alike. I give you the incredible story of French Canadian Private Leo Major. Not only was he a WW II hero, but he did it again in Korea against the Chinese. According to one of the comments, not only does the IDF know him and study his actions, but twice his tactics to take a city have been used successfully. Unfortuantely, I do not believe CM can accommodate the weapon load this man took into battle or the Stealth mode changing footwear afforded him.


Trailer (with English subtitles) from what looks to be a superb doc about him. Must see!


John Kettler

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Have been on the CM Forums since January 2000, during which there have been all manner of discussions NOT on the GDF about various military and civilian people, not to mention multiple threads and a fair number of OPs regarding military books. Yet there is only one person being singled out by you for posting such, and that's me. This is twice in one week, and I'm tired of it! The GDF is, by Forum activity standards, practically dead, so it makes sense to put posts where they will be read. I deliberately made this post to what I felt was the best Forum for it that WASN'T the CM GDF, but you're still on me about it. Face it, you want me gone. Only then will you be truly at peace, yet I am NOT the one causing an uproar on the Forums. You are. You're the one acting like negative vibe Moriarty here, not me. This is harassment under color of authority you do NOT have. Stop!

John Kettler

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On 11/22/2018 at 5:20 AM, LukeFF said:

John, FFS, this is a CM forum. Post this stuff down below in General Discussion.

I am a little puzzled, since this is the GDF. Is there a more „general“ place, to post „general“ topics?

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Mods moved it from CM-GD to GDF as JK was cluttering up CM Game topic forums with random military history posts , such as this thread, not directly related to CM titles / gameplay.

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Are you telling me there have never been any Audie Murphy discussions or, for that matter, Smokey Smith discussions on any of the CM game forums, as opposed to the GDF? How about this?


And this?


Still working on Smokey Smith, but one exception disproves the rule, and I've already found two threads in which several different people talk about Audie Murphy. Given this, pray explain why the only Canadian to win a VC is irrelevant, especially when accompanied with some thoughts on current game limitations in modeling this amazing man and what he did to be awarded that oft posthumous VC.


John Kettler

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Are you now saying that CM should model Canadian pixeltroopen avec plimsoll super stealth equipment option.

As even in your original misplaced post you stated it wasn't applicable to CM  ..." I do not believe CM can accommodate the weapon load this man took into battle or the Stealth mode changing footwear afforded him."

Come on JK you've had to be literally potty trained on this forum as you had to learn the hard way to self-moderate yourself with making Woo posts by following simple rules governing your behaviour - quite sucessfully if I may say so - though you still rage and harbour bitterness with the site's owners for making you do so. (despite free access to other outlets for that content i.e your own website, etc.)    Then to make up for it you embarked compulsively posting anything and everything military related turning this forum into a directory of random links that pass by your eye with all the subtlety and thought of a search engine algorithm gone amok.


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You really need to get over my posts from long ago and take a deep look at why  you, to this day, feel compelled to belittle, even attack me. It's not as if you can't be both reasonable and helpful, after all. You have NEVER owned your years of savagery toward me, to the point where it, from you and well-known others, practically drove me mad and cost me four (4) months of recovery progress from my TBI. And when I cried out and begged you all to stop, you kept at it. This revealed your true colors in a way nothing else could. Such was your animus toward me that you didn't care that you were severely harming me. Shame on the lot of you!


John Kettler

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I think maybe a little self reflection on the compulsion to post stuff that anyone could find on the internet.  While I am glad you found the inner strength to keep it to the general forum, I frequent this part of the BFC forums even less now that half the content seems to be random posts from Mr. Kettler.

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16 hours ago, John Kettler said:


You really need to get over my posts from long ago and take a deep look at why  you, to this day, feel compelled to belittle, even attack me. It's not as if you can't be both reasonable and helpful, after all. You have NEVER owned your years of savagery toward me, to the point where it, from you and well-known others, practically drove me mad and cost me four (4) months of recovery progress from my TBI. And when I cried out and begged you all to stop, you kept at it. This revealed your true colors in a way nothing else could. Such was your animus toward me that you didn't care that you were severely harming me. Shame on the lot of you!


John Kettler

JK the last major kooky thread instigated by you culminated over 5 years ago! - you weren't 'savagely attacked' but lampooned for your ludicrous claims you posted on a public forum.  There are no cries from you in that thread for anyone to stop - instead when no one believed you or took you seriously, you posted yet more silly claims with various woo links before it seems you withdrew in a huff/out of sheer embarrassment/moderators orders.  Some time after that forum moderators suggested by your own admission, that you best limit your posts to less controversial and more verifiable type posts so you wouldn't get upset at the rejection of your bizarre ideas.  As you've generally abided by this it shows you're well on the road to recovery and can self-differentiate what's real and what's not before posting - well done! no doubt because you are now getting professional medical treatment for whatever ails you, but occasionally you still need a nudge to keep things on track - as it was when your posting exhibited incontinence in the CM forums and become annoying and you were simply directed to the correct place.


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If forum posts are driving you mad on any forum, I would think the common sense thing to do is stop posting there.  Your professional care givers are performing malpractice if they aren't telling you to stop frequenting a forum that causes you so much pain.

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3 hours ago, Thewood1 said:

If forum posts are driving you mad on any forum, I would think the common sense thing to do is stop posting there.  Your professional care givers are performing malpractice if they aren't telling you to stop frequenting a forum that causes you so much pain.

absolutely and it goes for anyone.  If you find yourself getting too wound up in "conversation" online with people you don't even know it really is time to take a breath, go outside and meet some real people and have normal conversations.  Online is such a bizarre experience in some ways you really need to know when you aren't handling it well.

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I started the Omnibus Post so that I wouldn't have to deal with all the complaints about my starting lots and lots of new threads. That, of course, didn't stop the complaints and instead brought another one!

Regarding sanity retention and the Forums, had the Forum Rules been enforced instead of blatantly ignored when it came to violations typically aimed at me and sometimes others, there would NEVER have been a crisis to begin with. The situation got so bad that some of the old hands here publicly concluded that attacking me was de facto BFC policy. Wouldn't go that far, but I will say that the Mod involved for years messaged me that and more privately, making it quite clear his first objective was to find an excuse to suspend me, with the goal of banning me. In his own words, he deemed me a threat to both the Forums and to BFC. Who knew I wielded such power?  THAT is why the haters time and again knowingly, willfully, grossly and flagrantly violated practically every single one of the Forum Rules, yet NEVER were dinged or suspended, still less banned. And I wasn't the only person who noticed this and sounded off, either.

But that same Mod gave me an official ding for the nonexistent offense of inviting someone look up certain specifics (after challenging me on something I said) on my internet abode--without posting the verboten URL. That is why the Forums became so super stressful that they were damaging to me, for this showed the haters that I was fair game. But the damage was really worse, for the Forums were a great place for me to connect with generally nice people from all over the world and helped destress me. While I take sburke's point about internet conversations, the simple truth is that the board bullies were allowed to operate unchecked, and I was told by others they'd either left the Forums or ceased posting because of what was done to them by those same bullies. Long ago I decided I was NOT going to be treated thus, both on principle and for personal reasons. Should NEVER have had to fight this battle (okay, long campaign) to begin with.

Wrapping up, there seems to be this strange belief among the haters that I am required to do their bidding or else be (justifiably) assailed, when that assailment is yet another prohibited behavior that contravenes the Forum Rules. Those Rules need to be fairly and consistently applied, which they manifestly have not been  in the past.


John Kettler


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John I'd suggest letting this go.  First off accusing the moderator of deliberately trying to find an excuse to ban you is a really strong allegation.  Especially if you take no ownership of just why they might feel that way if in fact they did.

As someone who has posted in the past in frustration and sarcasm in response to some of your posts I had to ask myself as to why I was letting your stuff get to me so much.  Yeah they were over the top and ridiculous, but I had no rational reason for feeling I HAD to reply.  So for a while I just set your stuff to ignore.  I don't like doing that, it smacks too much of censorship but frankly for my own piece of mind I needed some distance from the sheer amount of stuff you spew out there.  Once in a while there is a decent nugget, but most of it feels like you are just spamming the forum.

If you would try and put yourself in our position - Ask yourself this honestly - does anyone else at all post to the degree you do of extraneous information that we somehow find interesting on the internet that is not specifically related to Combat Mission?  Not just occasional stuff but sometimes multiple threads per day.  If you had someone coming up all day to bug you with odd stuff they found all day on the internet, do you think after a while you might ask them to stop?

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As I have said in the past, I am very selfish in my push on Kettler's posting style.  I only check some of these forums once a week or once a month.  To come in and find half the posts from Kettler and game-related or topic-related stuff being pushed off the front page force me to start hunting for stuff.  There are numerous forums around the web that are more appropriate for this type of posting.  Kettler sometimes posts something that might be interesting.  But I, and I think numerous other people, don't even look at it because so much of what gets posted is drivel and incredibly inane.

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I agree. If anything theyve let JK get away with quite a bit. Usually such divisive people are kicked off or made not welcome because theyre causing problems.  At the end of the day John does post good links sometimes, but as others said its all painfully easy stuff we all could have found too.  And on his crazy koo koo posts I never once saw anyone at all agree with him on any allegations yet he.s consistently stuck his head in the sand and refused utterly to accept anyone elses version of history that doesnt have great anecdotes like

Germans making psychic contsct with aliens in 1917

The nuke vbied at kursk

Saying the US had predator like style invisibility suits back in Grenada in the 80s

Flying saucers with underslung panther turrets

And more. The only response he.d ever deign to even give was his backround as a consultant 3 decades ago and mysterious sources he can never reveal.

This is one of my biggest problems with his posts on the forum - he never admits hes wrong, no matter quality or weight of evidence.  Historians should always be open to correction and learning, and anyone trying to make a very serious historical argument by demanding we take their word for it is frankly not a real historian, such methods fly in the face of what even amateur historians like myself consider acceptable and not 1 of these crazy theories would ever passany muster at any real college or study of history.

Theres a lot to be said with sometimes just realizing a place isnt for you or your just not wanted. Sometimes its utterly unfair but its still how it is.  On the DCS boards I dont have anything near the history or ludicrous claims etc JK has. Yet i kept gettng pounced on by a couple posters who.d report me whenever I responded. F it its just not fair but I stopped posting there. I could honestly care less, on top of that they PMd on me but if every other post I made caused everyone to get upset over and over - and Im not willing to adress what literally has the entire forum except like 5 people either annoyed or ignoring me; I wouldnt blame the mods for banning me. Unfair? Maybe but why annoy everyone for one person? Its catering to one person who definitely seems kinda "crazy".  So while this may actually be unfair to JK sometimes, or whatever, this has been going on forever, and he.s literally had to be told about 50 different things or ways he could or could not do things. Ive never seen any other poster basically be led by the hand because their posts annoyed/outraged/caused such mockery and continually go back to the same nonsense and NOT be punished to be honest.

And mind you like I said some isnt fair to JK - I had an issue with soneone named here downvoting (when you could) every damned post I made no matter what I said at all. Did they piss me off? Sure. Did they ban me and violate the rules insanely? No.

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Congratulations on grossly misrepresenting pretty much everything in your last reply! It is a tour de force piece of mischaracterization, wholesale distortion and unwillingness to accept any responsibility for multitudinous bad acts, some devastating,  as part of a coterie which has been on me going at least as far back as eight (8) years, based on message traffic. 


Aside from the initial warning message, apparently lost in a server issue, I have copies of what was said by the then mod. Accurately reported what was said and done. Ref posts, compared to what it was, my volume of posting is way down, because, since I'm still, sadly and many months later (last played in August)  in no shape to play CM, I am more active on a CoC FB board and another for a gaming group near me that plays all sorts of minis. I also set up a single thread on the original GDF for things not falling under a direct CM ambit. Am trying to be judicious about what I put where, too, when it is CM type material regarding history, organization, weapon performance, tactics, etc. Clearly, some things I've posted in the past haven't been your (and some others) cup of tea, but that doesn't necessarily negate them, however out there they may seem to you through your perceptual lens.


Have responded to your posting complaints, and you didn't like what I did, either, in an effort to address them. Actions I have taken include: not starting as many threads, taking a more rigorous approach to posting in the CM threads and creating the omnibus thread in the original GDF as well. 


Time and again you insist on dinging me about topics you know perfectly well I'm not supposed to talk about. Will say, though, that there is solid evidence, has been for decades, the first is true. Do some research on Maria Orsitch (sometimes Orsic) and see for yourself. 1stmuse has a very good writeup, and there was/is a YT video which gets into the matter, too.  The second has also been extensively discussed, and somewhere around here I have the title of a German book published by a German veteran who personally saw the distinctive detonation phenomena. Regarding the third, you have conflated two different things and gotten a location wrong as well.  The Predator suit was not used in Grenada. The Predator suit was in the jihadist video shot in Iraq. What I've said in the past was the US had  man-portable HELs in Panama. That came from a soldier who was there who blurted it out to some close friends of mine. He also said: "The dudes looked like Robo Cop." Stand by reported confirmations on both. Am not replying directly to the fifth, since it's guaranteed trouble for me, but I will say you ought to check out the works of academic Dr. Michael Salla. He has, I think, created his own niche of study, and he consults with governments, think tanks and corporations on matters which may surprise you.

I have given numerous responses over the years and have said as much as I could, given the very real restrictions under which I operated, of which first and foremost was source protection. Have no idea why it is people so blithely accept day in and day out unnamed sources in the MSM, magazines, newspapers, etc., but then seem to think I'm supposed to give up my sources, just because they say so. Because Steve required this of me ref intel stuff, I had to refrain from posting lots of excellent material on Ukraine and other matters. 

You are incorrect in claiming I've never admitted I'm wrong, for I have on a bunch of occasions. Will say, though, that sometimes Capricorn tenacity and Teutonic stubbornness make it hard for me to get there. Being under heavy Forum fire doesn't help, either, for it overloads my brain.  Also, I had a father who was as intransigent as the day is long when it came to ceding a point in a debate. Relative to him, I'm a pussycat, but I'm sure what he modeled affected me considerably. Nor does my neurological situation help at times. 

Don't know why you are getting so much flak on the DCS boards, since I have no idea what you're saying that is so upsetting to some, but I do belong here and have no intention of leaving my online home of nearly 20 years. Most of my 15K+ posts have not been extraneous info, either. This is readily demonstrable.


John Kettler



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JK you just can't help yourself 

"...academic D r. Michael Salla . He has, I think, created his own niche of study, and he consults with governments, think tanks and corporations on matters which may surprise you."

In your argument from authority, you'll likely find he's got a 25 yard swimming certificate and a degree but at the end of the day he's a certifiable woo merchant.

"He is listed as course instructor at the Exopolitics Institute, along with journalist Paola Harris and former lawyer Manuel Lamiroy. The institute offers a so-called "Galactic Diplomacy Certificate," among other scamsqualifications. Cost of that course is $1500 plus extras for seminar tuition — a trivial investment, really, when one considers what an asset such a certificate would be if applying for a job in, say, corporate management"  https://rationalwiki.org/wiki/Michael_Salla

”The central belief of every moron is that he is the victim of a mysterious conspiracy against his common rights and true deserts. He ascribes all his failure to get on in the world, all of his congenital incapacity and damfoolishness, to the machinations of werewolves assembled in Wall Street, or some other such den of infamy. (Add Battlefront.com forum mods to the list!)
—H.L. Mencken

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51 minutes ago, John Kettler said:

Am not replying directly to the fifth, since it's guaranteed trouble for me, but I will say you ought to check out the works of academic Dr. Michael Salla. He has, I think, created his own niche of study, and he consults with governments, think tanks and corporations on matters which may surprise you.

Oh FFS.....If you insist JK, if you really insist:


Oooops.....@Wicky beat me to it.  Either way quoting total nutters does not help your cause even slightly.  :rolleyes:

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On ‎12‎/‎9‎/‎2018 at 3:57 PM, Wicky said:

JK the last major kooky thread instigated by you culminated over 5 years ago! - you weren't 'savagely attacked' but lampooned for your ludicrous claims you posted on a public forum.  There are no cries from you in that thread for anyone to stop - instead when no one believed you or took you seriously, you posted yet more silly claims with various woo links before it seems you withdrew in a huff/out of sheer embarrassment/moderators orders.  Some time after that forum moderators suggested by your own admission, that you best limit your posts to less controversial and more verifiable type posts so you wouldn't get upset at the rejection of your bizarre ideas.  As you've generally abided by this it shows you're well on the road to recovery and can self-differentiate what's real and what's not before posting - well done! no doubt because you are now getting professional medical treatment for whatever ails you, but occasionally you still need a nudge to keep things on track - as it was when your posting exhibited incontinence in the CM forums and become annoying and you were simply directed to the correct place.


Holy smoke … that's the first time I've seen that thread …  a definite 'oh dear'.

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