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Gauging Combat Mission Interest

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The following is based on all time page views from my Battle Drill blog (active for 5 years now), but I think it might show a trend that could indicate which countries have the largest wargaming populations or at least where Combat Mission is most popular...  I don't know if there is anything to this, or if Battlefront's Combat Mission sales bear these numbers out, but I found it interesting:


USA 54.45%
UK 11.11%
Russia 7.39%
Germany 6.41%
Canada 5.35%
France 4.09%
Australia 2.29%
Ukraine 2.20%
Sweden 1.37%
Spain 1.25%

Based on the above numbers, I can understand why Battlefront loves releasing games featuring US forces.

Edited by Bil Hardenberger
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As we know, in cardboard wargame days (20+ years ago) , everyone wanted to play the Germans... Western Allies came a distant 2nd and you'd practically have to pay an oppo to play the Soviets.

So, not sure if it's a self-fulfilling prophecy to market mostly to a US-oriented market, or it's indicative of a generational change.

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59 minutes ago, Bil Hardenberger said:

Based on the above numbers, I can understand why Battlefront loves releasing games featuring US forces.

"This is a local shop for local people.  There's nothing for you here...."  Edward (The League of Gentlemen)



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My location of traffic map from Youtube looks pretty similar this year (might need a magnifying glass for those numbers, sorry!):


US dominates, followed at distance by the UK, then a mix of the English speaking world and Western/Northern Europe.

Edited by Hapless
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2 hours ago, sburke said:

Not me. I wanted to play the Marines. I was psyched when ASL released Gung Ho. 

I occasionally show up to the forums to suggest Combat Mission: Pacific, but if memory serves, the folks at Battlefront are not interested in the pacific campaigns. *sigh* It doesn't stop me from hoping! 😃 It could start with Guadalcanal and USMC, and later modules add US Army, then Commonwealth, and then China. 

Right, back to my waiting chair and refreshing the home page. 

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I would be curious to see the average age of the players of "combat mission"
I think it's 40-50 years
In France for the blog of mister Hardenberger, the difficulty is the language
Here almost nobody reads English, especially in the generation of over 40 years
There is here an equivalent of blog  which is a true mine and it recommend  the reading of "battle drill blog" it is like this that I discovered it and that I came after on the forum and whith this i can improve my english like the say EWR
i play almost exclusivly at "Normandie"  and for the french units 2th Armoured Division Leclerc it's the same of US armoured troop. But i play too at "shockforce" and there the french troop could be a "plus"  whith the foreign legion for exemple and probably more french player were coming

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Some of you guys are probably correct that the weighting is mainly based on language.  I wonder how much of a factor that is when purchasing CM...

@Falaise, I know the blog you are referring to.  I have read that blog too.  Maybe Google translate is better from French to English?  Because I can easily understand what is being written there using it  


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7 hours ago, Falaise said:

I would be curious to see the average age of the players of "combat mission"
I think it's 40-50 years

About five to seven years ago I calculated the average age of those CM players who volunteered their age in a discussion.

If I remember correctly, it was 46. It probably hasnt gone down since. 

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In looking at the results, I find myself wondering what might happen were BFC to, say, put out versions in Japanese, Mandarin and Hindi, together with new games, such as Combat Mission: China Burma India or Combat Mission: Against the Rising Sun. Strongly suspect this would be a good move, if doable. BFC has already, in its CMx1 days, created a specialized military training version of CMAK targeted specifically on Australian troops fighting in Greece, so there is some sort of precedent for creating tailored games for specific audiences. Something else which I think could do well would be the Spanish Civil War, naturally available in a Spanish edition. It is a popular topic for miniature gaming, and the visuals are tremendous, given the colorful uniforms, Fifth columnists, volunteers, distinctive buildings and the presence later on of both German and Russian forces. Granted, what I'm talking about would go way past that specialized training game for military cadets.

While some might view this idea as crazy, I believe that the longstanding and understandable concentration on the familiar ETO and WITE, together with less familiar MTO, may be unintentionally limiting the pool of CM gamers at a global level, thus sales. Now, I'm not saying BFC has the ability to do this, or is prepared to operate so far out of its normal target audience, never mind putting out new games reflecting what happened in the CBI,PTO and Spain neck of the woods, but I believe what I've described is worth a think. What say you?


John Kettler

Edited by John Kettler
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