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Computer lockups with gold demo!

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Has any body been experiencing lockups during the game where the screen just freezes? I have the res set at 1280x960 on an 700 athlon with 128 ram and ddr geforce card. Any suggestions on why this is happening and how I can fix?

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If you are using an overclocking utility on your GeForce card, then I suggest you set it back a couple of "clicks". CM seems to be a bit more sensitive to overclocking than some other games may be. This type of lockup will usually happen very quickly (i.e. - once the map is displayed in setup, etc.)

Where are you seeing these lockups ? Are you able to play the game for awhile and then get locked up ?

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The freezes occur in-game, usually between turns 4 and 10! The screeen just freezes!

It seems to run just fine and than bang!

So, the freezes don't occur at the beginning, always seems to freeze after playing for awhile!

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The freezes occur in-game, usually between turns 4 and 10! The screeen just freezes!

It seems to run just fine and than bang!

So, the freezes don't occur at the beginning, always seems to freeze after playing for awhile!

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Guest Molyneaux

Yes, I am still experiencing lockups, tried everything I could think of so far, I am using a TNT2 Ultra Diamond Viper and it is set at the default (not overclocked).Thought for awhile it might be the mouse, but that didnt fix it, bought a new sound card, the old one wasnt that good anyway, still cant get past a few turns in 3D. I did manage to play 25 turns in software, but I really REALLY dont want to play this game in software mode. Hope a fix is found soon or newer drivers are released by the folks that make my vid, sound etc.

In agony........


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This will probably NOT fix your freezing problem, but it will give us a clean slate to start from.

Before launching CM I would suggest that you go to the "system tray" in the lower right hand corner and turn off/shut down/exit any utilities that are running here. We want to eliminate any interference these programs may cause while you are running CM (though they may NOT be causing the freezing). Utilities like antivirus checkers, anti-lockup, program schedulers and various other utilities can be accessed from these icons. After you've closed down everything you can from the system tray you will need to "ctrl-alt-del" to bring up the "Close Program" dialog box. In here will be all running programs/utilities. At a minimum we will need "Explorer" and "Systray" left in the list. Highlight a program and click the "End Task" button. You may have to try this upto 3 times with some stubborn programs. Ctrl-Alt-Del until you are left with the previously mentioned two programs (though you may want to leave any graphics/gamma/sound utilities running if it affects the appearance/sound of CM).

With all of this done, now run CM and see if it freezes. If it does (and you don't have this problem with other programs) then we're either talking of a driver/hardware conflict or a problem with CM executing on your machine (maybe a particular routine in the game just craps out on your drivers, etc.).

Oh... you may also want to reduce the resolution on your video card and see how well CM runs. You can also try the latest "reference drivers" from Nvidia or other websites like reactorcritical (which have newer reference drivers than Nvidia's corp. site).

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Argh! I'm a lock-up victim. I'm already severely addicted to the game, but it freezes up in the middle of gameplay. I'm running on a 400mhz PII, 64 megs of RAM, ummm.. Diamond Stealth III S540. Everything runs fine and looks great. Then, after the game has started, the computer will lock-up on me. The screen freezes, the keyboard and mouse lock up, and the sound falls into a 3-4 second loop. It has never happened during the setup or action phase, only during the orders phase. Also, it seems to happen more often when I'm checking LOS or selecting a target or waypoint. However, it does sometimes happen during other parts of the orders phase. Like Specter, I tend to freeze up sometime between turns 4-10, but I have made it to turn 23 once.

I've just finished dl'ing the latest version of DirectX, even though I already have it. I figure it's worth a try at reinstalling. Also, I'm checking for any updates to my Video Card. Any help would be greatly appreciated.


"War is an ugly thing but not the ugliest of things; the decayed state of moral and patriotic feelings which thinks that nothing is worth war is worse. A man who has nothing to fight for, nothing which is more important than his own personal safety, is a miserable creature and has no chance of being free unless made so by the exertions of better men than himself." -- John Stuart Mill

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Hi guys,

I am a recovering lockup victim but I'm much better now wink.gif. After installing DirectCrash7[a], many games, not just CM, would cause lockups. It turned out that DirectX had fscked up my video AND soundcard drivers confused.gif. So, after you install/upgrade DirectX, make sure to reinstall your video, sound and possibly even mouse drivers!

Now I only need to cure myself of Gold Demo addiction...



"A tank is an iron box containing courage." -- Heinz Guderian

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Guest Ol' Blood & Guts

Yes, Marnix is absolutely correct! When you install/re-install a version of DirectX, be sure and re-install your video and sound card drivers.

What happens is that DirectX overwrites some necessary video/audio files that your particular video/audio cards need with its own files. So to restore stability, re-install the video/audio drivers and everything should be fine.

What I do is to keep the self-extracting driver files on my destop and if I ever need to re-install DirectX for any reason, I then immediately double-click on that icon on my desktop and restore my driver files. I do this after I restart the computer each time, of course.

Also make sure you have the latest drivers for your video/audio cards. Especially for your video cards since many new drivers had to be written to be DirextX 7 compatible.

Molyneaux, I have a Diamond Viper TNT2 Ultra also. I'm using the driver from 2/3/00 version 4.12.xxx This driver actually takes away some of those In Control Tools like overclocking. You can find this driver here.


"Why don't we say that we took this one chance, and fought!"

"Stupid humans. Hahahahahahaha!"

--from the film Battlefield Earth

[This message has been edited by Ol' Blood & Guts (edited 05-18-2000).]

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Guest Molyneaux

Hiya OB+G

Didnt read here before I posted in the other thread, but I tried your link and it doesnt work frown.gif I think the diamondmm page is gone, believe all that was moved to the S3 page. Will go there and look for that driver.

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