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Modern Day to WW2 worth it?

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Hello, when Combat Mission Shock Force came out a few years ago I bought it and the Marine bundle, and then shortly after Black Sea came out I bought it. I have enjoyed both titles. I see Shock Force 2 is coming out and I am eager to upgrade. 


I was thinking about getting one based in the WW2 setting and a few questions come to mind that I thought I would seek your guys' input on. Which WW2 title would you recommend and is there much of a gameplay difference, from WW2 to Modern Day, to justify the expense of getting another one, especially since I am going to be upgrading to Shock Force 2.


I should also note, I have the Black Sea engine four, and loved CB Beyond Overlord when it came out almost 20 years ago. Thanks for any feedback and thoughts.

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Lots of game play differences. The difference between SF and BS is large, but the difference between, say BN and SF/BS is vast! The weapon systems, the lethality of handheld ATS and tanks, the unforgiving death that is dealt for small mistakes, I could go on and on. The modern battlefield compared to WWII would probably equate to the technological differences the Civil War had with WWII.

I'd recommend all of the WWII titles but as many have said before it depends on your interests. BN has the most content, FI is second, and RT is tied with FB, though RT has a module on deck. Each one has its own distinct flavor.



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Personally, I'd opt for CM:Final Blitzkrieg just to watch the change of seasons ^_^

CMRT takes place in roughly the same area as CMBS (with a 73 year difference) and they share the same ground tiles and foliage. But despite the external similarities gameplay couldn't be more different. Anti-tank rifles instead of anti-tank missiles.

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Which WW2 base title has the most campaigns and scenarios? I keep hearing that BN has the most content but is that with all the expansions? I would probably stick to the base game for a bit and then move on from there. Thanks everyone for the replies, I really appreciate it.

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10 minutes ago, SubCmdr said:

Which WW2 base title has the most campaigns and scenarios? I keep hearing that BN has the most content but is that with all the expansions? I would probably stick to the base game for a bit and then move on from there. Thanks everyone for the replies, I really appreciate it.

Nah !..Life is too short, and just get whichever WWII game and all it's Modules now...Of course, if you need a PBEM Oppo, then look me up :-)


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2 hours ago, SubCmdr said:

Which WW2 base title has the most campaigns and scenarios? I keep hearing that BN has the most content but is that with all the expansions? I would probably stick to the base game for a bit and then move on from there. Thanks everyone for the replies, I really appreciate it.

Even the CMBN base game has a lot of material...but at this point CMBN with all the modules has BY FAR the most user made content.  And it is all great.

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If you want a totally different environment from what you already have, I'd say go with Fortress Italy. It offers probably the most unique look and feel of all the WW2 titles, IMO. Plus lots of varying landscapes -- flat, to huge hills and mountains. Plus it has snow, if you want, like Final Blitzkrieg. Plus... CMFI base game also has tons of content. (It seems like there's more than the other titles, but I'm not positive.)

CMBN would come in 2nd on my list, but the big determinant in enjoyment of that title is going to be whether a person likes the hedgerow style of fighting. It's very different. Maybe check out a few CMBN AAR's to see if that style appeals to you?

I've gotta say though... you really can't go wrong with any of the WW2 titles. They're all a blast in their own unique way.

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If you are after the most variation in units, terrain, weather, Nations and TO&E, the only choice is CMFI with the Gustav Line bundle. CMFI is hands down my favourite game, even though I never thought I would like it to the extent I do. The scenarios are a challenge, the Italian forces are completely unique and everything from tiny little scout cars to the massive Elephant or Brummbar, CMFI+GL has it all. 

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I must say I am enjoying the modern era (in terms of killing and blowing things up :-)) over WW2.  I started out 5 decades ago fighting tabletop wargames with Airfix figures and kits (1/76th scale).  WW2, Romans, ACW (never a big fave, though I did play it) then Napoleonic. WW2 was probably my favourite and of course since 2000(?) I played CMBO, CMBB, and CMAK among other computer games.  

I also ran huge tabletop WW2 scenarios back in the day with 6-10 players, and created some RPG scenarios with WW2 as a backdrop. (the best one I adapted from a book in the library, which had a terrible illustration of a Panther in the snow on the cover - I thought if it had actually got published, the book must be good - it was.  I took its plot, Intelligence Officers tracking down a Nazi spy ring in late 1944, and modified it slightly.  The poor players end up interrogating a prisoner near US front lines on Dec 16th. Then all hell breaks loose and they have to fight with ad-hoc US units, escape from captivity (the truck taking them towards Malmedy hits a mine, fortunately) and get back to Allied lines to finish their mission and kill the Nazis in US uniform who are about to assassinate Eisenhower). The players loved it. WW2 definitely has a pull.

But I've gone off WW2.  In my mind it's got a bit repetitive.  I like the idea of Italy and different terrain/units but I probably will buy SF2 instead.  

It's down to taste.  Maybe in a few years I will want to fire up the Sherman or Tiger or T34 again and get stuck in.

BTW my mum thought wargaming was "just an adolescent phase" I would grow out of!



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7 hours ago, JulianJ said:

Intelligence Officers tracking down a Nazi spy ring in late 1944, and modified it slightly.  The poor players end up interrogating a prisoner near US front lines on Dec 16th. Then all hell breaks loose and they have to fight with ad-hoc US units, escape from captivity (the truck taking them towards Malmedy hits a mine, fortunately) and get back to Allied lines to finish their mission and kill the Nazis in US uniform who are about to assassinate Eisenhower).

Sounds like it would make a fascinating scenario!   If one added in info from the interrogation which affected what happens in the game and gives the player many options, it would be in a similar genre to what MOS accomplished brilliantly in his TOC scenario for CMBS.  

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12 hours ago, JulianJ said:


But I've gone off WW2.  In my mind it's got a bit repetitive.  I like the idea of Italy and different terrain/units but I probably will buy SF2 instead.  


If you already have CMSF then the upgrade cost is super reasonable, so with the money you saved, I would also recommend CMFI+ GL. A new module will be released soon-ish (hopefully will get an update), and a Big Bundle may then be available for all three. 

In general, there are lots of video AARs of all the different WW2 Games in YouTube. There are also demos of each one (I think).

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23 minutes ago, SubCmdr said:

Thanks everyone for the feedback! I am seriously looking at FI and BN. Though I am leaning towards BN just because the volume of material included, and I believe if I get BN I will just bite the bullet and get the big pack. 

And you‘ll probably buy everything else later any way, like most of us. 😎

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30 minutes ago, SubCmdr said:

Though I am leaning towards BN just because the volume of material included, and I believe if I get BN I will just bite the bullet and get the big pack. 

It's worth it. There is so much cool stuff included.



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Decked out BN is a great choice. It always felt to me that FI and FB are kinda like standalone expansion packs for BN. The terrain does change the gameplay significantly. RT is another beast, all-together. It's the zenith of grandiose combined arms.

I do like modern stuff, but I am significantly bad at it. I find WW2 is generally more forgiving and gives more room for maneuver. In WW2, I know that certain tactics will work in certain situations -- in BS, especially, sometimes I feel I'm damned if I do and damned if I don't.

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25 minutes ago, DerKommissar said:

Decked out BN is a great choice. It always felt to me that FI and FB are kinda like standalone expansion packs for BN. The terrain does change the gameplay significantly. RT is another beast, all-together. It's the zenith of grandiose combined arms.

I do like modern stuff, but I am significantly bad at it. I find WW2 is generally more forgiving and gives more room for maneuver. In WW2, I know that certain tactics will work in certain situations -- in BS, especially, sometimes I feel I'm damned if I do and damned if I don't.

Umm, DK, where do you get the idea that FI is like some sort of expansion to BN ?...If anything FB would be a more closer candidate.

Actually, SubCmdr, and the more I think of it, CMFI+GL Bundle should be your first CM WWII choice as it will give you the greater choice of Combined Units for the West Front (also saves you a little cost compared to the BN Bundle)...Of course, try and get all the WWII titles in the near future.

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A reminder, you're not choosing a heart valve for a life-saving operation. Its a game! Its supposed to be a fun impulse buy! If your fingers get all tingly at the thought of T34s vs Hetzers on the Russian front then grab the CMRT title without giving it any further thought.

Also, if your fingers get all tingly you might want to consult a doctor. Maybe you need that heart valve after all.

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All these games are great, but BN big bundle is the best place to start IMO.  Lots of choices, lots of battles that are less complex (and lots that are very), lots of infantry-only fights, lots of tank fights.  You really can't make a 'wrong' choice.  In the long run you'll own them all anyway if this is the sort of gaming you like.  I have all the WW2 titles and will be getting the new RT & FI upgrades immediately when they come out.  Will get BS when I run out of WW2 -- which will take forever at the rate I get to play.

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5 hours ago, JoMc67 said:

Umm, DK, where do you get the idea that FI is like some sort of expansion to BN ?...If anything FB would be a more closer candidate.

FI is my favourite Western Front title -- so I did not mean that as a diminutive. This being said, BN does have more DLC for it. It seems to get more love from the devs and the community. Not saying it's right, but the numbers don't lie.

It'd be so cool if we had a grand western front campaign, which starts in Sicily and ends in the Rhine.

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16 hours ago, SubCmdr said:

Thanks everyone for the feedback! I am seriously looking at FI and BN. Though I am leaning towards BN just because the volume of material included, and I believe if I get BN I will just bite the bullet and get the big pack. 

:rolleyes: "Bite the Bullet", you won't regret it.

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