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7 minutes ago, Michael Emrys said:

I find it just a little hard to call that unrealistic

It is absolutely unrealistic, no army on the face of the earth trains soldiers to displace out of fighting positions, or to run around like headless chickens when they take indirect fire.

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@Michael Emrys - beating a dead horse but; respectfully no:

If artillery could shoot entrenched men off positions with such ease; 1916 would have indeed been a good year.


Posts like these are why trite accusations of "fanboyism" are tossed around. As @sburke said earlier the 4.0 AI was well-meaning in scope and goal but had some hiccups on implementation. I'm sure it will be brought back to a happy middle ground that satisfies your view and prevent the extreme, unreality that view could potentially lead to (breaking from good cover) from being exhibited again. 

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6 minutes ago, Trasher said:

...no army on the face of the earth trains soldiers to displace out of fighting positions...

But they sometimes do it anyway. Some armies do it a lot. Okay, so the game maybe overdoes it and needs some fine tuning on that point and that tuning may be harder than we know. Who can say? Some players may hunger to be on the inside of corporate issues like this, but as we have already discovered that's not how BFC does things and no amount of kvetching on our part seems likely to change that.


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I could've sworn someone a few pages back here was saying something about tabling evidence but being ignored. Starting to empathize. This thread should read "the blind lead the blind."

We already have a panic feature; when men panic they will break. The "its not a bug, its a feature" rhetoric has to die. Trained soldiers somewhat in control of their wits do not (a) break under artillery fire when in some semblance of fire and (b) break and run in the face of a tank attack. When they do that, it's called panic. In fact the term "tank fright" was literally coined to capture the type of hysteric irrationality that would be required to do so. 

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1 hour ago, sburke said:

You make unsupported accusations.  I give at least circumstantial evidence to the contrary.

You really ought to reflect on some of the statements you make. I provided perfectly reasonable circumstantial evidence as to what might have increased the delay with the patch, yet you dismiss that in favour of your own "circumstantial evidence".  But what is your circumstantial evidence-  I mean you thought that the NZ business was merely some association with dating back over 12 months and I conclusively proved you wrong by providing a direct quote from Steve about the association in January. Moreover, it was ongoing at that point. But you know ... just keep digging!



1 hour ago, sburke said:

Doesn't have to be if we can all just take it down a notch..


Yeh but you are throwing around ad hominem attacks, calling people stupid and suggesting they need to grow up. You really do need a dose of your medicine!



2 hours ago, Rinaldi said:

The (poor) sarcasm is doing you no favors. Jackass move.

To be fair to Ian, he is being genuine I think here. Ian does write things that read or are received negatively, (we are all guilty of that some more than others) but when he clarifies or reconsiders his responses, he's being genuine. It's fine to address the issue but then it's only right to cut these fellas some slack too when we move on. 

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I have no qualms with Ian - or anyone. In fact Ian and SBurke were the first testers to really get the momentum moving for a patch when we contacted them about the bug. He was just having what I thought was a very human moment and I called him out on it. I expect people to do the same to me. 

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5 minutes ago, The Steppenwulf said:

Yeh but you are throwing around ad hominem attacks, calling people stupid and suggesting they need to grow up. You really do need a dose of your medicine!

Fair enough, but I didn't call anyone stupid.  I did say that some of the things being said were stupid. You could try and argue that is semantics, but it is also factually correct.   For example that BF would be charging us for the patch to correct 4.0.  They don't charge for patches- we all know that so yeah that is stupid.  It is one of those snide accusations that come in a post that are really just another opportunity to trash BF because face it, some posters just really like to.  They have a history to it so many of us who are active here can almost tell you in advance what they will post and how they will post it and why they will likely end up getting another timeout eventually.  Just as there are some that folks will call fanboi's, there are also the "anti-fanbois" that just like digging at BF.  They don't need to be factually correct, they just like slinging accusations.  And the suggestion about growing up was in response to the stupid - yes stupid - little comment about maybe if they had good beta testers.  That may have been intended as an insult to me, but it sideswipes every other beta tester most of whom ARE far better than me and we all missed the 4.0 issue.  I see how much effort those folks put in.  So yeah I am gonna call that poster immature.  I'd love to have said quite a bit more, but as you were correct to point out, I was already feeding a bad feedback loop.

I get telling me that I should heed my own advice to not sound like a horse's ass. And you are correct I did miss that comment from Steve was earlier this year.  Fair enough.  But when a beta tester says, "It doesn't look like anything to me" it isn't because I am a host on Westworld (ha I have been waiting to toss that line in somewhere!), but because maybe I am busy enough as a tester that it doesn't seem to have had any impact on what I am having to do.  I've been a beta tester since CMFI so that has to count for at least a little right?  What you proved is that BF is working on something and frankly I know nothing more than anyone else here on that.  That doesn't prove anything regarding impact on workflow.  I on the other hand have first hand experience on workflow and I am busy.  Probably busier than I'd like to be, but I want 4.0 and the additional material out just as much as anyone- especially CMSF2.  No one is sitting around farting in the tub, at least not to my knowledge.

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2 hours ago, Aragorn2002 said:


Lighten up, guys. Let's stop getting personal. BF is to blame for the lousy communication. Let's not take it out on each other.

Ever heard about fake profiles and fake traffic?

What makes you sure, that certain claqueurs are customers...



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7 hours ago, CarlWAW said:

Ever heard about fake profiles and fake traffic?

What makes you sure, that certain claqueurs are customers...



Perhaps YOU don't even exist. I don't bloody care. I most certainly don't like your malicious, paranoid comments. I just want to enjoy these great games, get some decent information from time to time from my favorite gaming company and be able to look forward to coming releases.

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11 hours ago, Trasher said:

It is absolutely unrealistic, no army on the face of the earth trains soldiers to displace out of fighting positions, or to run around like headless chickens when they take indirect fire.

I'm not expert on this, but how much time it takes to train solder in " kill machine " in this modern era? I don't believe in WWII there was plenty of time for training and lot of soldiers weren't born killers. (like today.. ;)).

p.s. I can tell you for Yugoslav partisans there was almost no training, you were happy if you had a gun.... and there were a headless chickens moments..

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On 5/27/2018 at 9:54 AM, CarlWAW said:

Its absolutely clear, that its run now by people with no understanding of how to run a business.

The original creators probably were bought out with a NDA and are long gone. People running their business usually become better and better. Here they want to make the customers believe they turned into totally incompetent "managers"? :rolleyes:

It also explains why the current US-government controlled team running this op, is not capable getting the most simple things into the code within two years - because it was written by someone else...

During that time the old team had developed a whole new game and game engine... :lol:

i cant help myself. my god dude how long you been around here? 3 years? 

Id say BFC coming from a 2 man operation in the late 90s to now is the opposite of not knowing how to run a business.

They never sold out at all. The same designers have been here since CMBO. I remember because Ive been on these boards since fall 99 and its the same team. smh.

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6 hours ago, SgtHatred said:

You think maybe the Deep State is in on this?

Shh... or the lizard people at the center of the Earth will use nano-machines to make you disappear!

39 minutes ago, Sublime said:

i cant help myself. my god dude how long you been around here? 3 years? 

Id say BFC coming from a 2 man operation in the late 90s to now is the opposite of not knowing how to run a business.

They never sold out at all. The same designers have been here since CMBO. I remember because Ive been on these boards since fall 99 and its the same team. smh.

I'm no business expert. Yet, staying in business for circa 20 years does sound like it requires some ability.

As a customer, I prefer this business model to the mainstream video game industry. Can you imagine BFC making CM:FB online only? Pre-orders units? Making CM console exclusive? Micro-transactions? Recently, I read an article about PAID SAVE SLOTS.

All the while, they feed their customers absolute rubbish promises. Showing false videos and promising features that never materialize. I think many of us take BFC's honesty for granted. They can tell us what we want to hear and show us fake screenshots, like Ubisoft or others.

What about support? The industry is infamous from abandon-ware. Most of the current big budget shooters become obsolete as soon as the next one comes out, which happens almost yearly. An ironic example of that is SW: Battlefront. CM-BN has been around since 2011, it got a major patch half a year ago.

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29 minutes ago, DerKommissar said:

Most of the current big budget shooters become obsolete as soon as the next one comes out, which happens almost yearly.

29 minutes ago, DerKommissar said:

CM-BN has been around since 2011, it got a major patch half a year ago.

CMBN is still around and getting patched because the more recent games are still basically the same game with new units. That's why they can and do keep supporting the older ones.

If CMBN got obsolete and stopped getting new patches tomorrow, because the company released a new and fundamentally improved Combat Mission game, I'd personally be very happy with that.

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Just now, Bulletpoint said:

CMBN is still around because the later games are still basically the same game with new units. That's why they can and do keep supporting it.

If CMBN got obsolete and stopped getting new patches tomorrow, because the company released a new and fundamentally improved Combat Mission game, I'd personally be very happy with that.

Aye, innovation is great! Improvement is great! EA and Ubisoft also release basically the same games with new units (ie. Assassin's Creed, Battlefield, FIFA, Far Cry). They get released every year and are "new", yet fundamentally the same -- often, inferior. I am curious if anyone remembers the Command & Conquer franchise.

I would also be happy with that. I am more likely to believe that BFC's new CM game is fundamentally improved than most other developers/publishers. Much more so than I am likely to believe that the new Final Fantasy or Call of Duty is worthy of investing cash into, when there's a new one scheduled for next year.

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2 minutes ago, DerKommissar said:

Aye, innovation is great! Improvement is great! EA and Ubisoft also release basically the same games with new units (ie. Assassin's Creed, Battlefield, FIFA, Far Cry). They get released every year and are "new", yet fundamentally the same -- often, inferior.

We completely agree. But I think those games are more like movies, in the sense that they are never meant to be something you keep playing. They offer a very cinematic, scripted experience, and once that's over, you move on to the next blockbuster game/summer movie.

Combat Mission is one of the last 'true games' that are actually games, in the sense that it's something you have to focus on, learn, and get good at. That's why we're still here after ten years of playing fundamentally the same game, and still having fun (or cursing in frustration, be as it may..) 

But the moment CM gets obsolete because there's a better CM out, I'll be the first to buy the new version. Until then, I'm not much in a hurry to collect them all.

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Also Id like to add BFC has an EXCELLENT track record of support and discussion with the community. If its anyones fault they dont divulge more bones its OURS. Dont believe me? Look at the absolute whining and crap that happemed when they released ALPHA FB screen shots. They were working hard on a product and got sh*t all over for tossing us a bone. Accussed of being swindlers etc.

Real life happens, IT IS THE SAME CODERS WHOEVER SAID THAT ABSOLUTELY HAS THEIR HEAD UP THEIR ASS, and who knows if someone fell ill, had a family crisis etc. We also all dont know anything about how simple or not simple things are.

Also in my experience when people start really bitching and it reaches its zenith because BFC is radio silent we suddenly get hit with a few releases pretty soon after.

Then all the same people suddenly cant stop gushing to everyone about the great game, or they conveniently forhet their boycotts, tin foil hat conspiracies, etc and never acknowledge they were wrong or apologize - no suddenly you just see posts about their in game experiences meaning they went ahead and bought the game.

Im sorry but the level of inanity and rudeness has gotten to a new level this last year or two and it just isnt right. if yiu dont like CM or BFC go fu*k off and play something else. no one is making you stay and post here. FFS at least BFC isnt doing microtransactions, or worse doing microtransactions and becausw theyre a US company making every US unit from BS to FI. OP as FU*K (looking at you wargaming, WoT, WoWs cept theyre from Russia.. soo)


Finally pointing out repeatedly they have a deal with the NZ military is bad how? Any other war game company would see that as an utter honor especially considering this is a FOREIGN military too!  BFC worked with the US Army before Shock Force and noone was claiming the developers now worked at DARPA and *****y coder replacements have come in under disguise to keep us poised and waiting for updates thatll never happen, spending their time abd money just trolling us. I mean obviously IT MUST BE THAT because BFC doesnt answer EVERY SINGLE QUESTION I POST.

(btw they havent been mia either, I saw a post by Steve this am. However out of respect for one of my friends the thread is about Im not going to name it in the hopes ypu dont bring your dumbass **** there)


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Innovation is great, but so is CMSF2! :)

I think it's great the original game I bought around 10 years ago will be updated with all the new features introduced since. At least I think it will be great. I'm in the 'don't like playing with current 4.0 AI behavior bug' and the patch is taking relatively unusually long for BFC. Which is a complaint and a compliment at the same time. 
Also: I don't know whether they are working on a CMx3 title, but I wouldn't mind if they were doing it. Maybe that's what's causing the delay ;)

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3 minutes ago, Sublime said:

oh just wait for the first screens. everyone will be equating BFC to a ponzi scheme, saying BFC is ripling everyone off selling the same game ( like theyre forced to buy it)

Yes there are those types. I have learned, and am still learning, that it is easy for any man to confront every wrong when it occurs to them, a wise man only confronts those that are willing to learn and improve.
Of course sometimes confronting the hordes can be amusing. But remember, never go full .....! :D

Anyway I'm looking forward to CMSF2 and whether others also do or not doesn't concern my interests in such a way that I could say I really care.

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Brave Rinaldi, Miller and others have long battled against those who think the lack of communication and fixes is acceptable!  Fortunately many others have come to their aid as more forum posters grow restless after months and months of nothing.

I didn't put anyone specific for the orcs but they represent the people who think the current situation is reasonable (of course they can believe what they wish but in this video they're shown to be wrong) and in general represent steve's lack of communication and fixes.

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