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C2 & Information Sharing (REDUX)

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The screenshots in the original C2 and Information Sharing topic were destroyed by Photobucket. As a result a REDUX C2 and Information Sharing topic was created with new screenshots. Some mods that will show up most often in the screenshots are, user interface (UI) and floating icons:  

Floating Icons – Cat Tactical Icons CMFI

User Interface – Juju’s TweakedUI CMFI V5

Some interesting topics have been started about how information moves through the C2 chain both vertically (up & down the chain of command) and horizontally (directly from one team to another team).  As a result I did some experimenting with C2 & information sharing.  Below are the results with screenshots from the experiment.  If anyone can offer a correction or additional information please do. 

Additional useful information and supplemental C2 rules:   

4.0 Engine Manual page 66 Command & Control.

@Bil Hardenberger Command Friction 2.0 -  http://community.battlefront.com/topic/125172-command-friction-20/

@Peregrine Command Layers - http://community.battlefront.com/topic/110861-command-layer-in-ai-battles/



The distance information can be shared vertically (chain of command).

Voice C2: Up to six action spots, approximately 48 meters. If either unit is on Hide then the distance is reduced to approximately 16 meters.

Close Visual C2: Up to 12 action spots, approximately 96 meters. This is also the maximum distance a higher HQ can fill in for a lower HQ. Example: Company or battalion HQ fills in for a platoon HQ and provides C2 to the platoon's fire teams. 

Distant Visual C2: As far as the unit’s line of sight.  (In the experiment I had units in distant visual C2 at 40 action spots, approximately 480 meters before I stopped.)

Radio C2: Entire map.  In the WWII titles, CMSF & CMA - C2 via backpack radio is lost during foot movement. C2 is maintained during foot movement in CMBS.

The distance information can be shared horizontally (directly between teams).

Up to four action spots, approximately 32 meters. (Sometimes a team had to move to within 3 action spots)

Can information be shared horizontally between teams from different battalions?


Can information be shared between two different HQs that do not have a common higher HQ?

Vertically: No (With no common higher HQ there is no bridge for the information to pass over) 

Horizontally: Yes

The experiment was conducted on skill level Iron in CMFI v2.0 Engine 4.  I used two different US battalions on a custom made map for the experiment.  The 4th US Tank Battalion on the west (left) side of the map and the 1st US Infantry Battalion on the east (right) side.  A high ridgeline divided the two battalions.  HQ units are blocked from C2 Voice, Close Visual and Distant Visual with other HQ units. At the beginning of the experiment no units of the 4thBattalion were in C2 with units of the 1st Battalion.  An immobilized German Tiger and a destroyed Tiger were used as the OpFor unit to be spotted and reported.  

The Area of Operations (A/O) for the experiment. Note the highlighted scout team with no C2.   54dLUY6h.jpg


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The scouts move out to locate the German Armor. gKsylsch.jpg


The scout team obtained tentative armor contacts, however they are out of C2 and unable to make a SPOT report back to their platoon HQ.  fk597nCh.jpg


The scouts obtain a confirmed armor contact for German Tigers however they are still out of C2 and unable to make a SPOT report.  9RKKXCwh.jpg

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1st Platoon HQ is selected but shows no contact icon for the German Armor.  No C2 with the scout team means there is no way for the scout team to report the Armor contact. If the scout team is KIA the information about the Tiger tanks will be lost with the scouts.   6DuGX9Mh.jpg

The scouts move to report to 1st Platoon HQ which still has no contact icon for the Tiger. The contact has changed back to tentative because it is now the last known location for the Armor.   lD9s5ZVh.jpg

As the scouts approach 1st Platoon HQ they come within close visual C2 range (12 Action Spots).   abdB3rEh.jpg

The scouts report the tentative armor contacts to 1st Platoon HQ at about 10 Action Spots. JJQGwyqh.jpg

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Bravo Company HQ is selected but has not yet received the report of the Armor, so shows no contact icon.  JRLaZrCh.jpg


1st Platoon HQ radios Bravo Company HQ with the report of the Armor.   UuTbDeoh.jpg


1st Battalion HQ is selected but has not yet received the report of the Armor, so shows no contact icon. zNCiKR9h.jpg


At 03:52:20 Bravo Company makes radio contact with 1st Battalion. Prior to this Bravo Company was having problems reaching Bn. on the radio. If you look at Bravo Companies C2 links two & three screenshots above you will see Bravo Company had no C2 with Battalion for a short time.  Both HQs were stationary so in theory should have been able to communicate.  I’m not sure if this is intended behavior but it does happen occasionally.  Intended or not I think it adds realism. SS0ipuTh.jpg


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Bravo Company HQ radioed 1st Battalion HQ with the report of the Armor.  1st Battalion HQ then showed tentative armor contact icons after it received the report.  DaZf8Grh.jpg


4th Tank Battalion HQ is selected but has no reports of the Armor, so shows no contact icon. With no common higher HQ and no liaison in place between 1st Infantry Battalion and 4th Tank Battalion the 4th does not receive any reports about the Tiger.  dieNy0Wh.jpg


A 4th Tank Battalion Recon team is selected but has no information about the Armor, so shows no contact icon. eJQWoDbh.jpg


Back at 03:53:00 the XO Team of Bravo Company / 1st Infantry began to travel over to 4th Battalion’s A/O to report.  Kz4ajmrh.jpg

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4th Tank Battalion Recon is selected but has no information about the Armor or the disposition of 1st Battalion units.  As a result it shows no contact icons on the east (right) side of the map.   hVDpSyIh.jpg


1st Bn. Bravo Company XO Team moves to within horizontal information sharing distance (4 Action Spots) of 4th Tank Bn. Recon Team and horizontally shares contact information.  Now when 4th Bn. Recon is selected it displays contact icons on the east (right) side of the map.  Contact icons fade with age so the Tentative Armor contacts for the Tigers are very light.   nHb8DMEh.jpg


The 4th Tank Battalion Recon Section HQ is selected but has no information about the OpFor Armor or friendly contacts. ndgwOtah.jpg


4th Battalion Recon moves to establish C2 with Recon Section HQ and vertically relay the spotting contacts from the east side of the map. kstJTkEh.jpg

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The 4th Tank Battalion Recon team moves into distant visual contact of the Recon Section HQ and from 330 meters reports the Armor & some friendly unit dispositions to the Section HQ (Vertical information sharing).  The Recon Team was given a Pause while moving so they would stop and kneel instead of stopping and going prone.  Kneeling facilitates spotting at distance and when in tall grass/crops.  Jy0BA7Ih.jpg


The Recon Section HQ is selected and displays the new contact icons.  QdC4B1uh.jpg


The Recon Section HQ radios 4th Battalion HQ with the contact reports and 1st Battalion unit dispositions.  4Th Battalion HQ then shows the contact icons when selected. B4g3oSHh.jpg


In summary.



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1 hour ago, JoMc67 said:

Thanks again for this C&C (Redux)...

Ops, I probably posted too soon as you might have more posts to come.


:D No problem.  That made me laugh while I was jumping back and forth between Imgur, my notes and the forum. :lol:

1 hour ago, IanL said:

Excellent, information post! Again.

Thank you.  Now I have to quick check for mistakes while I can sill edit. 

PS - Thank you for the cool floating icons mod. 

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Ok, so you are saying in just 15 minutes both Friendly Battalion HQs know where the German Armor is...I mean, WOW !..That is pretty Freaking quick.

This means, both Battalion HQ's can technically act, literally, against that Armor Threat on turn 16...WOW !..I say.

In my mind, I always think of a CM Turn as equally 2 minutes of RL, and still, that would mean only 30 minutes before your Battalions HQ's can react.

Well, at least CM does have a C&C system in place...That counts for something.

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11 minutes ago, JoMc67 said:

<Snip> This means, both Battalion HQ's can, technically, Setup and move against that Armor Threat on turn 16...WOW !..I say.  <Snip>  

With some planning during set up and the use of liaisons it could be even quicker.  If XO Teams, with radios, were used as liaisons to the other battalions HQ the information sharing would be even quicker.  If a team with a radio was used, instead of the scout team I used, the information sharing would be quicker still.  

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Ok. So, now that they are all aware that there is a tank in the vicinity of that building will that increase their spotting ability once they approach the area? Give them a bonus say, in getting LOS on it? Outside of the coolness of all that information being shared between teams and HQs and tanks (and it is cool), what is the benefit in game playing terms? How does it translate?



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1 hour ago, Mord said:

<Snip>  what is the benefit in game playing terms? How does it translate?  

Some stuff in general: There are many benefits in general from C2 page 66 of the 4.0 Engine manual explains some.  Also @Josey Wales did some testing which in part states Troops within C2 range of their HQ unit are less affected by the temporary impact of suppression upon Morale. Troops within the C2 link are less stressed by being shot at and the immediate impact of seeing team/squad mates killed & wounded is reduced.  The C2 effect is noticeable with senior HQ's over their junior HQ subordinates. For example, a Platoon HQ being in close visual C2 link with its Company HQ provides a clear resistance to the temporary Morale effect of being suppressed. 

Link to Josey Wales topic:  http://community.battlefront.com/topic/125728-the-relationship-between-soft-factors-morale-fatigue/?tab=comments#comment-1723417 

Some stuff specific to the information reference the two tanks:  The 4.0 Engine Manual pg. 68 states one of the benefits of good communications is spotting of enemy units.  It also states a unit isolated from C2 wouldn't be able to target something it didn't spot itself.  (I paraphrased both of those statements) 

The AI can't shoot at tentative contacts but it can generally acquire a confirmed contact quicker if it has a tentative contact to begin with.  (This is my opinion from playing the game I have not experimented with it.)  

And to paraphrase something @womble posted in February 2015 - In terms of situational awareness an intact C2 network will pass spotting information down to the fire teams more quickly, giving them an advantage when trying to acquire the hostile for themselves.   

Link to womble's post: http://community.battlefront.com/topic/118133-leaders/?do=findComment&comment=1582020


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Yeah, I have always understood the whole HQ C2 keeping the subordinate units calmer and the like. That was the easy part of C2 that I carried with me from CMBO+. Being in C2 is better than NOT being in C2, especially during firefights.

So, it does give them a leg up on spotting it themselves. Basically they get a heads up on what to look out for and where. That's cool! Thanks for the clarification.



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52 minutes ago, Thewood1 said:

I asked about mode because there was a thread years ago about the mode having an impact on the range for visual comms being impacted my game mode.

Hmmmm, that is interesting.  There was a recent comment by @Vanir Ausf B in the below link.  The link is recent but could it be the same general situation you are talking about? 



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