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An Open Letter to Developing Team.

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Nothing that has been said about CMSF 2 has suggested that it will be anything more than a port - essentially CMSF, running on Engine 4.

...and that's great. I would be unsurprised if this didn't involve *some* changes, particularly to TO&E, and possibly with drones or other assets, but primarily I think the expectation should be that it'll essentially be a desert-themed CMBS, circa 2008.

I have no idea what they'll do for British mortars, trenches, forward observers calling more than one mission, pre-baked missions, etc. I don't know whether secondary weapons will be visible, or whether there will be more hardware variants, etc. There is clearly a huge amount of work involved. Steve has suggested previously that the intent was for older modules to work as-in. I have no idea if that's possible, but it does give you an idea of how restricted the margins are.

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I'd like a trip back to CMSF or a similar setting.  It felt like you had a great spectrum of capability, ranging from the dinosaur T-62 models and BMP-1s to the ultra modern NATO/US stuff.  If you wanted a semi-fair fight it was totally possible, but it was also equipment that felt a lot closer to the state of the art vs near future (or like, the hardware of CMSF wasn't much of a jump if it was a jump at all, while APS, T-90AMs and the like all are pretty central to the CMBS dynamic).

Doesn't CMBS bad, just CMSF was a lot of fun.  

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Hm, is it thread where people write letter to St.Claus?

My 5 cents - please add indirect fire for AGS. It is usual way to use it, there are a lot of videos from the Ukraine.

And may be indirect fire for MGs, please! Now MG shoots 1 m above the target area, may be it is possible to add some variation, higher/lower.

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On 2017-6-22 at 5:21 AM, LUCASWILLEN05 said:

True. The problem is that things are happening so fast at the moment. 

My point is that, in terms of narrative conjecture, the fast pace of events is almost irrelevant and in some ways a boon. So long as projected events tie in with long term trends in multiple ways then the storyline will feel inherently realistic. 

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  • 2 weeks later...

I guess add the VDV should be great. VDV are always in the soviet/russia open conflict, they are use as spearhead. In these case a airdrop should be hard with the NATO air presence, that's why VDV should be dropped in early stages of the war. 

VDV squad is different than MSV squad, for exemple today in VDV the RPG-7 is not a squad weapon. I guess today a VDV squad is a squad leader with AK74M, a squad leader assistant with AK74M, an automatic rifleman with PKP Pecheneg, a rifleman with AK74M and a rifleman with AK74M and GP-25/GP-30/35. Some of these guys carrying RPG-26. Less firepower, but more lighter unit than MSV squad. Individual equipment in fact similar to MSV troops with just some adjustment to fitted their dropped nature, for example SVD-S instead SVD or RPG-7D instead of RPG-7.

Vehicles to add in CM:BS should be BMD-2, BMD-2K, BMD-2M, BMD-4, they are the most common IFV in VDV. They also use the NONA SP Howitzer and the Sprut light tank/tank destroyer.

Russian tanks troops should have new vehicles too: T80UK and T80UM. These tanks are still big part of Russian tank troop, like the 4th Russian tank brigade for example.

Ukrainian troops should have a new vehicle, the humvee fitted with dsshkm, something frequent apparently.

For the blue side, I guess add the US Marines should be good. They can beach land on Crimea, but this means blue side took control of Black Sea, wich is not an easy task. An other blue side team can be good too, like Poland, Danemark, Germany, France, UK. We saw UK and Germany in CM:SF so it can be easy to recycle some things. Poland use some eastern equipment so it can be easy to integrates it too. France or Danemark is totally new, more job to make but more new things to discover for players.

So I guess a "big" dlc around VDV and a new blue country could be nice.

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2 hours ago, kgb613 said:

Russian tanks troops should have new vehicles too: T80UK and T80UM. These tanks are still big part of Russian tank troop, like the 4th Russian tank brigade for example.

Like the 4th Guards Tank Division only (and then not all regiments, I think).  And that is T-80U mostly.  Some T-80UK and maybe a handful of T-80UE-1s.  T-80UM is just rumor at this point (although T-80Us have received some modernizations, e.g. laser illuminators).

Vitaly Kuzmin recently published a photo report on an open day for the division:


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  • 2 weeks later...
On 7/10/2017 at 10:26 AM, DougPhresh said:

In the Lend-Lease thread in CMRT there were some updates recently, CMSF2 is coming, no CMBS module on the near-horizon.

Thats so not true. I've talked to few people here - some people who are related to the story of this game and some content of this game. Long story short -  module is coming. Not sure when exactly it will be out but it will be there. But what Im talking about here is not like a module thing or a gear pack itself. In terms of this game the most wanted thing of mine is winter. This is so far the most interesting game in series, it is the most difficult to play (because of high level of technology on all sides) and it can only get better. CMSF2? Well they might work on that but I think that CMBS will get itself at least few updates prior to new game. Not sure if we will get winter here soon. Winter would be awesome. 

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They have a much more robust and well-thought out scenario than they ever did for Shock Force; I (hope) believe they will stick to it rather strictly. The summer-campaign limited scenario is compelling because it's plausible.

We've already had a battlepack, so we'll not see much in the immediate future I speculate.  The 'not much future in it then' is you projecting, Squarehead ;). DLC will certainly expand the armed forces a bit to reflect hitherto unseen units such as Russian VDV. As for the when; its probably further down the list of to-dos.CMSFII which has been confirmed, Red Thunder which have been hinted at, etc. Other titles need the attention right now.  

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I'm only teasing!  :D

If they expand it, I'll buy it.....Probably won't play it much, but I'll no doubt mess around in the editor, just as I am with the current iteration.  Eventually I'll find a scenario I can build with it, but it won't be set in the Ukraine, of that you can be quite sure.  ;)

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I think that CM:BS will be a major game what will get most of updates and will be most focused on in a closest future. Furthermore in terms of a storyline - winter is possible because NATO will get in and Ukraine will be part of it. By the way Ukraine will be part of NATO in real life as well. Yet, even if we will go down to game itself - it would be nice to see Polish, and Lithuanian armies as well. From the red team it would be interesting to see army of Belarus (which is getting softly occupied while we are speaking) with all its light APC's and other unique stuff. I think that Europe is the most important setting because it is obvius that the major interest and focus of the United States and other countries is lying in Ukraine. Since US basically gave away middle east - there is nothing interesting in SF2 - i mean all those low techonology wars between different kinds of rebbles is boring. War in Ukraine from the other hand is interesting. So in terms on real situation in the world as well as from a gameplay point of view I think that CM:BS is holding leadership. I played 4 games from this series so far and this is my favorite. Yet, I will ask you guys to add comments to this topid related to CM:BS. Because this open letter is about asking developers to add stuff in CM:BS - and it will be cool if you would share your ideas. Ideas about how to make this wonderful game even better. I understand that some of you like to play against less developed enemies like terrorists or something. But those serious gamers and strategiests that I know so far are really excited about CM:BS and its future. Glad that we have a discussion tho. With that regard I have a question for you - do you think it is possible for developers to make a game about Vietnam one day? Do you think we will ever see Asian armies in the game? Like North Korea against South and then China against Japan Self-Defence forces? Your opinion. 

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42 minutes ago, Sgt.Squarehead said:

I'm only teasing!  :D

If they expand it, I'll buy it.....Probably won't play it much, but I'll no doubt mess around in the editor, just as I am with the current iteration.  Eventually I'll find a scenario I can build with it, but it won't be set in the Ukraine, of that you can be quite sure.  ;)

You not really a fan of Ukrainian Armed Forces arent you? lol But its ok. Yet, since you playing this game for sometime (and Ive seen some of your posts before) I wanted to ask you  - why dont they make MRLS systems? Do you think automatic mortars are something that could be added one day? What about tactical operational missile complexes?  You think they might do something like this? I've also herd about VDV update but that would be Ukrainian VDV. Hopefully they will add Ukrainian drones and stuff.  Yet, we will see. But what do you think about adding MRLS, automatic mortars, and TOMS's? You think it will fit into this game one day or no? 

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On 6/24/2017 at 8:18 AM, DMS said:

Hm, is it thread where people write letter to St.Claus?

My 5 cents - please add indirect fire for AGS. It is usual way to use it, there are a lot of videos from the Ukraine.

And may be indirect fire for MGs, please! Now MG shoots 1 m above the target area, may be it is possible to add some variation, higher/lower.

Inderect fire from AGS's would be awesome man. Furthermore it sometimes being used by SPG's as well. Yet, I dont think that SPG thing is so important. 


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38 minutes ago, Oleksandr said:

You not really a fan of Ukrainian Armed Forces arent you?

You are quite wrong.....I just don't want to see them getting killed, same goes for Russians, Americans, Iraqis, Syrians, right on through to Eskimos & Aborigines.

'Head-Choppers' on the other hand.  :mellow:

I'd definitely like to see most of the weapon systems you mention, plus one or two others, but only in the hope that they would subsequently find their way to CM:SF II.....I infinitely prefer the war against ISIS as a background for modern scenarios, it's as simple as that.  I'd really like to have a couple of Ukrainian weapons systems for use in my Mosul scenarios as I've said elsewhere (or maybe here, earlier).

PS +1 for the indirect firing AGS too.....Seems a pretty common use for them too.

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17 minutes ago, Sgt.Squarehead said:

You are quite wrong.....I just don't want to see them getting killed, same goes for Russians, Americans, Iraqis, Syrians, right on through to Eskimos & Aborigines.

'Head-Choppers' on the other hand.  :mellow:

PS +1 for the indirect firing AGS.....Seems a pretty common use for them too.

You know that storyline can be edited any time right?) So essential story was about summer well that can be easily extended. I think that real story will affect ingame story sooner or later. Glory to Ukraine Man! 

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I don't think so TBH.....Steve has said pretty much the same for CM:SF II, it will be set against the original BfC 'Syria Scenario', not the real one, so I'd guess the same goes for the 'Ukraine Scenario' and frankly I think that's a damned good idea.  :mellow:

PS - Since we're being dicks about it again.....Rule Britannia!  :P



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