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HT and Troops stuck

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I'm not sure if this has been talked about before, although I couldn't find it when I did a search. I've just finished the mission "Concentration No.9" from the US campaign "Courage Conquers" and encountered a problem that I have never faced before. I had a platoon caught by German mortar fire. Two Squads were emerging from buildings and the Platoon HQ got killed. The third Squad were dismounting from a HT some distance away and were "Rattled" despite not taking a casualty. They then spent the next 50 or 60 minutes of the battle laying underneath the HT. Whilst the HT would not move in any direction due to the fact that the back door was open. I even tried dismounting the Driver and remounting him. Nothing worked. Meanwhile the Squad's morale just seem to switch back and forth between "Rattled" and "Broken". Has anyone else encountered something like this?

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I had something like that happen playing the CMRT scenario "Baranovichi" under v 4.0 a few weeks ago. A squad dismounted from a T-34 and then spent the rest of the game under it, with their icon faded out like they were in the midst of dismounting. The tank was able to fire but neither it nor the squad could move. I assumed it was a one-off bug.

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58 minutes ago, Erwin said:

Given the RL circumstances, cowering in cover for the entire mission is quite sensible from a survival POV.  It's likely one of those low probability random outcomes programmed into the game for added realism.

Yes, but unfortunately, in Game terms it's most likely a Bug that needs fixing...


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3 hours ago, Warts 'n' all said:

<Snip>  the Platoon HQ got killed. The third Squad were dismounting from a HT some distance away and were "Rattled" despite not taking a casualty. They then spent the next 50 or 60 minutes of the battle laying underneath the HT. Whilst the HT would not move in any direction due to the fact that the back door was open. I even tried dismounting the Driver and remounting him. Nothing worked. Meanwhile the Squad's morale just seem to switch back and forth between "Rattled" and "Broken". Has anyone else encountered something like this?

I think the morale part of this situation is probably correct.  However the HT and troops not being able to move sounds like a bug.  Even rattled troops can respond to movement commands.  Maybe the trigger for the bug was that the troops became rattled in mid dismount?  Should probably try to get a save of that turn into BFC.  

Maybe a work around:  Did you try the Instant Command of Evade for the troops?  Maybe that would give you a movement waypoint.  Also if possible can the company commander move to within close visual contact of the troops and get them back in C2.  Just possible work arounds for what sounds like a bug.  

As for the morale part, if any unit in a platoon takes a casualty this can negatively effect the morale of any other unit in the same platoon.  The other teams and squads do not have to be in C2 or line of sight of the team taking the casualties to be negatively effected.  (So even if there is no way for them to know that their buddies were just KIA they may still take a negative morale hit)    

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I should have made a "Save" but at the time I was far too busy wanting to win the battle. Obviously, when you have so many units to play with you just press on. In smaller engagements having a Squad get stuck like that would have far more impact.

To be honest playing WEGO I never use any of the Instant Commands, thanks for the tip, if it ever happens again I'll give it a try. As for the Company HQ by the time it occurred to me to try that after messing about with the driver not obeying any commands etc the battle had moved on very successfully.

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1 minute ago, Warts 'n' all said:

<Snip> To be honest playing WEGO I never use any of the Instant Commands, <Snip>  

I'm glad you were able to fight through the bug.

Just FYI: The Evade command is useful in WEGO for getting pinned troops to move.  Pinned troops will take but ignore all movement commands while pinned except for Evade.  Evade will generate a Fast movement waypoint that can then (since some upgrade, I forget which one) be moved to a different location if the player so desires.  One of the few times I will use an instant command.     

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I have a save of the turn when this happened to me, and I just went back to it. Evade doesn't do anything for the squad; it doesn't even get a Fast waypoint--just nothing happens. The squad is showing up as Rattled, but its icon is also faded out so I can't give it any normal commands. I also tried dismounting and remounting the vehicle crew and it didn't help--but it did generate another odd glitch where after the crew remounted, they kept a separate icon from the tank itself. now if I click on the tank icon, it shows as dismounted, but if I click on the crew's icon, it shows them occupying the tank. They can even fire the weapons, but if I give them a movement command, they bail out of the tank instead of driving it away. Warts 'n' all, did this happen to you? Does it sound like the same glitch?

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@ the Good General. The third time I tried remounting even with the crew sat in the HT it still said "Dismounted". But I didn't go back and check it again, and the Germans threw in the towel a couple of minutes later anyway.

@Swant .. No, this ISN'T single soldier getting stuck somewhere problem. The entire Squad were laying directly underneath the vehicle.

@ MOS ... I didn't know that "Pinned" units would respond to Instant Commands. I know that units Evade on their own, and that you can click and drag the Endpoint if you want to.

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1 hour ago, Erwin said:

(Ummm... what other instant commands work in WEGO??)

There are three (no idea what they are really called). Pause, either pauses the currently selected unit or cancels an existing pause order. Cancel, which deletes all orders the selected unit has Evade, works as discussed.

They are all useful at times in WEGO but Evade is the most useful by a long shot since it is the only one that cannot be done by other commands or keys.

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1 hour ago, General Liederkranz said:

I have a save of the turn when this happened to me, and I just went back to it. ...

Care to share? :) You can post a drop box link here. Send me a PM for other ways to share. Whatever works. If it needs a password don't for get to say so.

There have been and probably still are ways to get a team member to wonder off. Many of these bugs have been squashed as they have been found but they still come up from time to time. When that happens along with a embark or dismount order it will hang up the vehicle as well as the squad and remove the ability to cancel or adjust orders to boot. Yuck.

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39 minutes ago, IanL said:

Care to share? :) You can post a drop box link here. Send me a PM for other ways to share. Whatever works. If it needs a password don't for get to say so.

There have been and probably still are ways to get a team member to wonder off. Many of these bugs have been squashed as they have been found but they still come up from time to time. When that happens along with a embark or dismount order it will hang up the vehicle as well as the squad and remove the ability to cancel or adjust orders to boot. Yuck.

Thanks for taking a look! The tank in question is 1st Platoon HQ, 1st Company, and the squad is 1st Squad, 1st Platoon, 6th Squadron.

https://www.dropbox.com/s/gt7sfzlnw8o4ljg/Baranovichi 3 1451.bts?dl=0

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