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T-64BV video-pro quality?

John Kettler

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This is a splendid visual study of Ukraine's T-64BV, whether static or moving. There is one problem, though. while I love the stirring military march, I'd much rather have the actual audio. The rousing music is quite the immersion killer. "In Action" is not the same as the "In Combat" you might think it means.


John Kettler

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6 hours ago, John Kettler said:

This is a splendid visual study of Ukraine's T-64BV, whether static or moving. There is one problem, though. while I love the stirring military march, I'd much rather have the actual audio. The rousing music is quite the immersion killer. "In Action" is not the same as the "In Combat" you might think it means.

Here it several videos of T-64B1M1 of "Azov" regiment. These tanks were appointed for Congo, but in 2015 were directed for "Azov" tank company. I think, this is most beautiful look of T-64B upgrading - designers of T-REX obviously were inspirated by its turret form. T-64B1M1 is upgraded T-64B1 with "Nozh" ERA, which cover a tank on turret and side much better than BM "Bulat"




Edited by Haiduk
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1 hour ago, Haiduk said:

Here it several videos of T-64B1M1 of "Azov" regiment. These tanks were appointed for Congo, but in 2015 were directed for "Azov" tank company. I think, this is most beautiful look of T-64B upgrading - designers of T-REX obviously were inspirated by its turret form. T-64B1M1 is upgraded T-64B1 with "Nozh" ERA, which cover a tank on turret and side much better than BM "Bulat"




How does the nozh performe, compaird to K5?

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2 hours ago, Armorgunner said:

How does the nozh performe, compaird to K5?

There is no stastistic, I know only one episode, when BM Bulats have clashed with T-72B mod.1989 with K-5 - during Debaltsevo battle in Lohvynove area. There was two episodes "platoon on platoon", but in one case T-64BV participated. Bulat have survived after direct hit in turret from Russian tank (possibly HEAT shell), Russian tanks in both cases were destroyed almost completely. We lost one T-64BV. Also Azov's tank survived after ATGM hit in ERA turret block, but was moved on factory for repaire and optic changing. Big disadvantage of Nozh (and K-5) is the need to move tank to rear for ERA HE changing after initiation. Because of "Microtec" have designed "Nozh" HE elements, which can be placed in K-1 boxes for fast repalcing on frontline.

Also during Ilovaisk massacre, two Russians T-72BA with K-5 were destroyed by tankers of 51st brigade, but I can't say how it happened, what ammunition was used and in what places of tanks our shells hit.

Total Russian losses of T-72 with K-5 ERA:  5 T-72B mod. 1989 (one of its have received penetration from MT-12 AT-gun in lower front hull and was decomissioned) + 3 damaged and probably decomissioned, 3 T-72BA, 4 T-72B3 +2 damaged, but its destiny unknown.

Total Bulat losses: 17 destroyed, 1 abandoned and not captured by enemy, 3 captured, 6 damaged.

In some cases in ERA blocks of Bulat was mounted K-5 HE elemnets. In whole, in this war there was not many situations, which would give opportunity to develop of Nozh all its strong and weak sides. Designers of Nozh say this ERA can reduce up to 20-30 % effectiveness of tandem HEAT and resist to EFP ammunition, but these specimens very rare in this war. Most of our tank losses causes are mines, indirect large caliber artillery/MLRS fire and technical failures.  So, I can say,  for that weapon (mostly old soviet), which uses both sides, both ERAs are approximately equal, possibly Nozh some better (on 10 %) 

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That first Azov video shows one fine looking tank. Hard to imagine the Congolese operating something so impressive and combat effective.


That Syria video looks like something from a dystopic FPS. Wrack and ruin everywhere, not to mention MG operators who thing shooting at tanks from the front where they can see you and shoot back is wise! "See your MG fire and raise you with 125 mm HE-Frag." That tank that was hit was a master class for modelers in how thrashed looking armor can become.


I liked those next three videos, except once again I couldn't hear much and that strobing did terrible things to my brain. Was both momentarily blinding and hurt! Noted with interest the estimated ZU-23 armed MTLB-M and the apparent lack of turret or hull numbers on the Azov AFVs. Those Azov tankers sure look like they know what they're doing. That said, any foulups would never have made it into their presumed propaganda/recruitment videos. Strongly suspect they've done more live firing than their Russian counterparts--not that it would be difficult. The slick animated unit graphic reminded me very much of the Reich of the Black Sun symbol.


Never cease to be amazed by the super granular information you present on the combat there. Am I to understand Bulat survived a turret hit, shot back and destroyed its attacker? Can well understand why factory refit would be needed if optics were involved. High velocity steel and explosions don't mix well with optics. Are you saying that Microtec has fielded a way to replace ERA blocks in the field? If so, that's great. Providing tank types and ERA types, together with engagement outcomes, blows my socks off. Presuming US intelligence all-source analysts are on the ball, I imagine they just love the information being reported on this Forum.


John Kettler



John Kettler

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@John Kettler

MTLB with ZU-23 isn't Azov new feature. Such vehicles were in service of 128th mountain brigade as far as before a war. Different units have different ZU-23 carriers - there is no any system, some were lucky and received MTLBs, but most uses trucks with mounted ZU or even just towed version.

Azov really can make great videos, they spent many times on ranges, but... their real combat experience still under big question - in Army, "Azov" is sometime calling "selfie-regiment". I say about infantry - their tankers are mostly skilled men, which have experience of Soviet/Ukrainan army service or as minimum want to learn to be a tanker. System of service in National Guard and especially in "court" regiment ("Azov" is a favorite toy of Internal affairs minister Avakov - therefore unit has many new weapon) some differs itself from Army. "Azov" already have experienced several "generations changing" - there is remained not so much people, which fought in 2014-2015. Already almost a year or more National Guard hi-command didn't use this unit on frontline. Some say this is because Minsk agreements (as if only Army units can be on frontline), some say about Azov not to let on front, because they have negative "nazi" image in eyes of EU politics, some say about Azov not let on front because there is deep business and political conflict between people of Poroshenko and people of Avakov - National Guard commander is a man of Poroshenko.

About black sun and other symbolic - many have opinion that this is evidence of nazi-chatacter of Azov, but in real they better to compare with Norway battalion "Telemark" with similar "viking" traditions (also were blamed in nazi-propaganda). Both of these units uses elements of cult of Germanic mythology (in case of Azov + Slavic mythology), ancient symbolic, cult of "predaccesor-warriors". Because of this Azov, for example, has biggest concentration of neo-paganists :). Of course, this attrackting in the regiment also and real neo-nazi, though as say one man on our forum form Azov recon unit, recently commanders interdicted toughly all public developments of frankly nazi things. But fіguratively speaking, really very hard to differ where ending a gesture "from heart to sun" and starting "hail !" All in the heads. Also because of Russian propagada is portraying Ukrainians as "junta, fascists" and Russians in social networks is naming our troops as UkroWehrmacht, our society and army, which inherent the irony and great skill to ridicule of the enemy - we are thinking "Well, do you want fascists? Ok, you will receive fascists" - and this motivates many our troopers to cosplay "Wehrmacht-cult" - photos on bikes with Yugoslaviaan clones of MG-42 in sidecars, comments to photos "Oh, you real fascist in this gears! How much Russian toddlers are you crucified today in glory of our Ukrainain Reich and Bloody Pastor ?", rhunes on helmets, joking "zig-hailes" etc. Of course, many in Westrn world perceive it as "disgusting things" (I'm recalling big scandal, when USMC trooper draw SS rhunes on own helmet), but indeed this is just feature of our mentality - to banter over all what impeds to live. I'm also medieval re-enactor - in our museums lay many artefacts with swastikas, black suns and other. In slightly modified versions all this symbolic survived on our lands untill the end of 17th century. Ofen we are replicating its in our clothes decores or other things. This is part of our culture and alway will be a people which will use it in militray culture, especillay on frontline, where enemy close and hi-ranked committees too far.  Well, sorry for offtop :) 

On photo - crew of Bulat after that fight near Lohvynove. On other photo - the same tank, but better seen a damage. HEAT shell impact tangentially, initiated two ERA blocks and caused residual penetration. By statistic, any ERA roughtly reduces RPG shells penetration capability on 90-100 %, ATGMs on 80 % and tank HEAT shells on 70 %.



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An explanation so detailed and deep I shall have to revisit it. That damage photo made me cringe and my stomach knot--this after two separate encounters with a (expletive deleted) rat racing around my room about 5 AM while I was online. Blasted thing raced under my bed, and I couldn't find it thereafter. Believe it dashed away as soon as I started looking and moving stuff. I HATE my landlord! Makes a POS an improvement. Haven't slept a wink.


John Kettler


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