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Add-on pack stuff........(BTS)

Guest mch

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We've been told it's coming.........

What is the current status of it?

Any new vehicle list?

I found that the only really underdeveloped section of the vehicle list is SP arty.Is this what will be added?

also,any new Infantry types?

The Whermacht is covered verry well,but

the American side could use an Armored Inf.

selection.The Armd.Inf. had alot more small arms than the rifle teams.I was also wondering about Ranger Inf,but,seems they

could be portrayed by Para squads..So,no big

deal there.

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Here's my personal wish list..

..not that anyone probably cares.......


(s.I.g.33)on Pz.Kpfw chassis "Bison"

StuPz IV "Brummbär" (Like the KT,it did see

limited action in the Ardennes)


M12 GMC!

Armored Inf.

Ranger Inf?


Commando Inf.

There you go!

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Guest Michael emrys

Something needs to be stressed about SP arty units such as Wespe, Hummel, Priest, Sexton, etc. They were put on tracked chassis to give them enough mobility to keep up with armored and other motorized forces. They also had some armor protection, but this was *not* so that they could trade shots with enemy units on the front line, which *rarely* happened. It was to protect the crews at any time they were receiving counterbattery fire, which did happen from time to time.

Those of you who are using high-angle SPA in a direct fire role are doing something that almost never happened historically. There were genuine assault guns to do that kind of work, especially in the German and Soviet armies, but the Americans had the 105 Shermans too.


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Here's my short list of vehicle for an add-on.



FlakPz 38 (single 20mm on a Hetzer chassis)

PSW 234/4 (long 75mm)


M16 GMC (quad .50s on a halftrack)

M15 GMC (37mm + 2 .50s on a halftrack)

Sherman Caliope

Sherman DD (no amphib during game, but delete BMG and adjust target size?)


M22 Locust (They were used by Brits in operation Varsity, I think)

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SP Arty in direct fire was not something desireable at all, and never really planned.

Optics had a minimum range they were usable for, closer than that it was barrel sighting.

Currently reading "History of Panzer Regiment Grossdeutschland" where yes, it was done, but only against marauding armor in the rear that was charging arty positions.

Some really frightful battle scenarios in the two book series. Can't wait for CM2 and the Bolsheviks to model some of these.

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Id like to see more german support weapons.

Skf 7/? the one with the 88mm AA

37mm at gun

M16 Quad 50cal

Ammo Carriers for all nations

Recovery Vechiles for all nations

Mabe some new whays of choosing units- A section like Make unit favrote ( 1 Grenader squad / 4 skfs 2 Lmg esc)

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How about some amphib vehicles...

DD Shermans

The DUWK that Allied Amphib truck

the Axis

Schwimmmwagen ? ( Like a VW "Thing" jeep that swims) again Amphib

Why is it that there are no amphib vehicles in this game? Can someone remind me.

I was just suggesting these so that some units could drive/swim across rivers that that don't have any tile that troops can ford across.


-tom w


<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR> "Have you thanked BTS by buying your SECOND copy of CM yet?" <HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

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A request for demolition engineers to blow bridges along with the satchel charges, 1 or two per platoon.

If there's some way to model this type of action now I'd appreciate the info. I've had a hell of a work load lately and I really haven't had a chance to study the manual like I'd like to, need to.

A nasty SAS style recon jeep with a gunner on a 50 cal. standing in the back.

2 1/2 ton truck with a 50 cal. for an armoured Red Ball Express ambush senario.

extra explosive ammo and fuel carriers?

Star shells for nite ops w/ parachutes.

Flail Shermans and Churchills(or maybe it was the Scorpion). Dozer Sherman

for some nasty Seigfred Line senarios.

German engineers platoon equiped with the Goliath remote controlled demolition device.

Great for blowing that last open bridge across the Rhine.(okay maybe not a bridge how bout a group of nasty paratroopers hole up in a cellar...LOL)

Sd.Kfz-222 great for fast recon.

Churchill Ark or Churchill AVRE with SBG Bridge dropable within 30 sec. over a 30 foot stream/ditch.

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Herr Oberst:

SP Arty in direct fire was not something desireable at all, and never really planned.


Not necessarily so. Since everyone is quoting Michael Doubler these days, I thought I would bring up his discussions of how the Americans started to use direct-fire self-propelled 155mm howitzers to crack particularly tough nuts. He says that after seeing how buildings were soaking up tank and TD fire in the First Infantry Division's attack on Aachen, the 3d Battalion commander called for an SP 155 for the direct fire role. "Impressed with the gun's use, the regimental commander sent one to support Colonel Daniel's attack. On 16 October a strong German defensive position centered on the city's main theater building held up G Company's advance; artillery, mortar, and armored vehicle firepower proved ineffective against it. In a scene more akin to the infantry-artillery tactics of the American Civil War than the open-order tactics of modern warfare, Daniel pushed the big gun forward to operate among his infantry squads. Downtown Aachen's buildings and cobblestone streets shuddered under the thunderous onslaught from the 155-mm, as it slammed more than a dozen shells into the position, tore the theater's outer facade from the face of the building, and broke the back of local German resistance. On similar occasions the 2d Battalion also employed the artillery piece to smash German defenses, and Daniel reported the gun's effects as 'quite spectacular and satisfying.' After his capture, Colonel Wilck protested the use of direct fire artillery at such close range, calling it 'barbarous' and claiming it should be outlawed, but his appeals fell on the deaf ears of VII Corps soldiers whose sensibilities had been dulled by the heavy fighting since D-Day."

See, we need BIG SPA, at least on the Ami side. smile.gif

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Guest Pillar

Does CM let you use SPA with vertical trajectory? I've only ever been able to employ them directly.

Do they work like Mortars in that you have to have LOS? I've never seen the guns on CM's SPA rotate up into the 30 degree and up range.

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Guest Germanboy

Number of 'Funnies', b/c they would be, well...

Flail tanks, bridge layers etc.

.50 quad


Buffaloe (for Commonwealth river crossings)

maybe a ford tile, as Tom_W suggested.

Motorcycles, they make great targets

Oh, and an US SP155mm - I need it to take Berli on in Aachen...

But all this would come second to further work on the Tac AI, IMO. That will never be finished, if I understand AI development correctly, and as The Grumbling Grognard (IIRC) pointed out, it is the heart of the game. Not as flashy as having shiny new vehicles, but much more rewarding for us players. Hmm, maybe BTS with all their newfound wealth can farm out vehicles completely?



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Guest Michael emrys

How about an add-on pack of units and scenarios that would cover the Italian campaign?


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Aside from AFV, what about adding wagons and the like for atmospheric effect(s)? To dress up the battlefield a bit, you know. The maps would look much better if some civilian type vehicles and movers were abandoned at various locations.


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Guest Germanboy

<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Michael emrys:

How about an add-on pack of units and scenarios that would cover the Italian campaign?


Will be CM3, IIRC. So I can not really see BTS cannibalising on their future sales. You would also need a much higher emphasis on fortifications, and probably need to address some AI issues around arty.



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Guest Michael emrys

I thought CM3 was to be devoted to the early years of the war. It wouldn't make much sense to include the Italian campaign in that because the armies evolved so much between 1939 and 1943 that the amount of units that would have to be included would be simply humongous. On the other hand, the TO&Es didn't change so much between '43 and '44.

Other things were unique to the early years of the war that would have to be accounted for by the AI. Tank fright for instance. Infantry units would be more likely to panic when approached by enemy tanks prior to 1943 and the introduction of effective man-portable anti-tank weaponry in the infantry.

And so forth. Trying to write both kinds of behavior (pre- and post-1943) into the same game seems uneconomical to me. Why not divide the periods covered along this natural cleavage?


[This message has been edited by Michael emrys (edited 07-02-2000).]

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Guest Michael emrys

Ah. Thanks, Berli. Any idea which one will contain the North Africa fighting?


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