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Ya buncha rabid skunks!!! HOLY crap but there is nothing but madness going on with this board! Sure this new dude is a complete friggin schmuck for asking the very question we who have nothing else to live for ask ourselves every waking moment. and certainly we would like nothing better than to rip his living organs from his belly and feed them to vermin plagued ward healers. MY GOD! of course we want to hear his dying breath gasping out of his bloody maw; a gaping YAWP of a fat face filled with his own steaming excrement for asking if the GAME has been released. His temerity at assuming he can just waltz in and ASK "HEY IS THE GAME READY YET? OH, AND BTW I WANT AN ENGRAVED, GOLDEN INVITATION" is appalling to those of us who perhaps have been around a while...asking, probing, taunting, tweaking textures and sounds, fighting and dying together...LIVING THIS NIGHTMARE!!! but should he be cursed? should the CM community so wontonly abuse a newcomer? a supplicant at the altar of the CM faith? Should we, who have waited for so long, and so patiently, jump down a poor sojourner's throat? one who asked a such simple question? YER GD RIGHT WE SHOULD!!!! DIE YOU ROTTEN FILTHY SWINE, DIE DIE DIE!!!!

sorry, just lost at CE to Elvis. it was a bit of a shock.

Peng out


Peng sez "die a lot now."

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Thomas William Davie wrote:

But....how does it benefit me that CM is not on the shelf? (I'll grant that because Steve and Charles answer only to themselves they face far less pressure to rush the game out of the door in response to the suits and marketing droids).

It benefits you inthat this game will me made the way the developer wants, not some marketing suit.

- the price ain't gonna be any lower for this Canadian.

If you had preordered it was #37.00 US + S&H. Cheaper than the CCIV dog.

- there are no refunds.

Most stores in Calgary do not give refunds, only on UNOPENED software. I don't know about your area. And why would you return it. Hell, I would pay $ for the demo plus another 20 or so scenarios.

- i don't get warm fuzzies from supporting a developer; I pay my cash and take my product. That's what capitalism is.

I do get warm fuzzies. What other developer is as active as on this board and actually listens to customers input and makes changes in the game. IF BTS isn't around, new wargames = 0!

- i don't particularly see direct mail order marketing as conducive towards keeping the hobby alive.

Unless you want crap or RTS or 1125 versions of Deer Hunter, this is the only way to go. If a big developer/distributor had taken this project over you would be getting an RTS game a la Tiberian Sun or something with rocket halftracks (ya, I know, I really think CCCIV sucks), pitiful AI but a great box and lots of ads in mags. Direct niche marketing is the only way a game of this quality will see the light of day.

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Good god all the guy did was ask when the game was going to be released. I see no reason to jump all over him.

The answer by the way is there is no release date. BTS are going by a "we release it when its done" philosophy.

If you want a guess I would say 2-3 months but thats just my guess, others may have better information.

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Guest Big Time Software

OK, settle down now wink.gif

To answer Tom's question, I thought I already have a few times now. Quite simply put, we are INCAPABLE of getting onto the store shelves. Sorry, we lack the few HUNDRED THOUSAND DOLLARS to do this. And I think getting tossed into the discount bin at retail earliest whim isn't in anybody's best interest either, since there would be NO follow up products.

This isn't about us getting a higher yeild per sale, but about us surving to make the kinds of games we want for years to come. Do you think we can just snap our fingers and get put on the shelf, either through a publisher or by ourselves? Sorry, but it doesn't work that way. We have to pay CASH to get onto the shelves, then give the thieves discounts, then accept 280 day terms if they are so gracious as to pay when all is said and done.

So you want to know what you get by us being Web only? The freedom for us to make the game WE want, not the game some marketing suits want. That means Combat Mission, Combat Mission 2, Combat Mission 3, Combat Mission 4, etc. What you won't get is a RTS/FPS piece of watered down crap in a fancy box with no documentation to speak of complete with lame tech support and patches to fix the plethora of bugs since the game would be shipped before it was ready all for the wonderful price of $50. Hey, but at least you can return it if you don't like it (maybe)

I don't understand what it is you don't get about this. Been over this a hundred times before. Pretty simple concept if you ask me.

If you are so overly concerned about our total disregard for fixing bugs and crappy attention to quality inspite of all you have seen over the last 2 years, DON'T BUY IT until you have played the full TCP/IP enabled demo. Nobody is forcing you to pay before you play, so don't try and shove some guilt trip on us. You are free to do as you want, and if you don't want to wait, that is your choice not ours.



[This message has been edited by Big Time Software (edited 02-08-2000).]

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I can't understand why I'm replying to this thread... But anyway,

Major Tom wrote:

The main problem about Communism, is, that you cannot have democracy in a communist system. All of the political parties have to be communist, or else the system won't work.

Actually, I would phrase that as:

The main problem about Communism is that _everyone_ has to be a Communist or the system won't work. (The recent history of East Block countries seem to prove this).

This is the reason why I don't think that there will ever be a working Communist society with more than 30 people.

- Tommi

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I get the distinct sense of deja vu from Tom's question and your answer. I get the inkling that if I could be bothered doing a search (I can't) I would find he has had the SAME 'bee in his bonnet' for ages and he has got the SAME answer before. Kudos to you for your patience.

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A word of advice... There WILL be a TCP/IP enabled beta. It will be released when TCP/IP is added to the game.

So, my advice to you, given your stance is simply to wait until the TCP/IP enabled beta and than decide if you want to buy it or not.

One thing I don't understand though is why you are so hung up on CM's TCP/IP possibly being incompatible with your system when in another thread you talk about getting Rising Sun even though it almost certainly wouldn't work under Windows 2000.

I see a sort of imbalance there IMO.. Anyways though the MAIN issue here is that you get to play a TCP/IP demo at some stage. It might mean you have to wait 2 months after the first gold demo is out to play the TCP/IP enabled demo but so be it. At least you'll get your TCP/IP demo eh?

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Guest Thomas William Davie

Fionn; I did buy Rising Sun because the demo worked under Win2K. I was curious because I was able to get West Front working, and wanted to see if RS suffered from the sme copy protection problem, and yah know what....it did. I was able to disable the copy protection, and it worked like a charm. Curiosity solved. Game deleted and returned to the EB where I bought it. No imbalance.

Well, I've asked politely about whether a tcp/ip enable demo would be released (you can, ah search the threads if you want smile.gif ), and didn't receive an answer. At least, I don't think I recived an answer.

So, tell me where I'm doing somethign wrong (I'm not dumping on Steve, Charles, Big Time, Battlefront, Combat Mission, or the testers).

I've got honest concerns about the game, and I don't like the distribution method. Ok, so what?

If I was rich enough, I'd just give them enough $ to put it into retail channels, but I'm not smile.gif



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Anyone who understands the workings of an open market economy can become a millionaire. People with entrepreneurial spirit are arriving on boats and airplanes everyday that are dirt poor. Many of them will become very wealthy. The key reason most people do not become wealthy is that they do not understand that it takes delayed gratification in the short run to amass great wealth in the long run. I contend that any person in his 20s making $15k to $20k a year can become a millionaire with the right amount of discipline.

The hard truth is that the enemy is always within -- never without.


Fact is the enemy of truth. - Don Quixote

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Ah gotcha..

Well, now you've got your answer... There will be a TCP/IP demo but it won't be out until TCP/IP is done.

BTW you should write to someone who runs a Talonsoft game website at TGN with a "how to" on how to get the TS games to work under Win 2000. I'm sure a lot of people are being stumped.

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Guest Thomas William Davie

Fionn; the trouble with passing along info on how to get TS games to run under Win2K is that I'm well aware that it can be used to pirate the software, and I don't, won't, can't and never will support that.

All I can say is that if someone is determined and stubborn enough to learn a little bit of programming in assembly (hint), it can be done. That plus backing up your entire directory structure where you've installed the game, plus the pertinent sections in the registry.

And then, one by one trying out removing the CD check.

But I stress, there is nothing inherently wrong with TS games that keep them from running under Win2K, it's the copy protection.

And ya know, it's a bugger because if I had kept Rising Sun, I would have had to remove the CD check from every patch they issued.

Shrug; I'd rather support a business that treats it's customers with a bit more respect and trust than that.



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Guest Big Time Software

Tom, at some point there will be a demo with TCP/IP enabled. I thought that was clear, as well as logical. But what we can not do is have a Gold Demo with TCP/IP because the Gold version won't have it, so how can the demo? smile.gif When it is added for real a new demo (hopefully also a patch option for the original Gold Demo) will be released. If TCP/IP is that much of an issue, then wait. But I can tell you that if TCP/IP doesn't work on your system then it won't likely work at all, so the fear is very much unfounded. Plus, we kinda have a reputation for getting things right the first time smile.gif

Just to respond to this comment:

<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>I've got honest concerns about the game, and I don't like the distribution method. Ok, so what?<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

NP, but understand that we don't like the fact that the rich get richer and only games with hundreds of thousands of dollars behind them can get on the store shelves. So complaining about our distribution method is about the same as complaining about it getting dark at night smile.gif There is nothing we can do about it.

We could have sold out to a major publisher 1.5 years ago, but we felt that CM would be horribly compromised if we did, so we turned down the rather sizeable offer. If we had gone with this publisher you would be getting your nice box in your local store, but I can assure you that it wouldn't be half the game as we will release ourselves.

Even if a publisher came to us today we are better off than having gone with one so long ago. The game is already done, so there isn't much they can do to screw it up, is there? smile.gif


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Guest Thomas William Davie

Steve; thanks for the reply. As always, I appreciate it.

About the tcp/ip enabled demo; great! I had directly and explicitly asked 2wice after the Nov 9 chat about whether or not you would be releasing 2 demoes and never got an answer (you people are busy so no need to bug you a third time).

No you're right, I can't do anything about the distribution method, and no I don't like it. And yes, I'll live with it.

I know that the tcp/ip won't be included with the Gold demo, but no, to be honest it was not clear whether there would be a subsequent demo with tcp/ip included (heck, to me it's logical, but the world doesn't always work according to Tom....pity that), since I never received a reply to my posts.

Thanks for making it clear though. And no, there isn't much the major publishers can do to screw things up; thank God.



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OK I am sorry if I offended you guys but I did not know how many people come and send replies to posts here. If I knew there was going to be 20 in the first 10 minutes then I would have just check in 10 minutes. I am used to waiting days - weeks for an awnser. I didn't find this offencive. I don't really get why you did. From now on I guess I'll just seek out my awnsers by myself and live in a cave or something so I wont bother anyone.

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Guest Captain Foobar

Now, you've got the idea Peter! Be a hermit, and trip like I do biggrin.gif

Fionn, my favorite quote from that whole ordeal was "it depends on what the definition of is, is." rolleyes.gif



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We seem to have a kind of sideline offtopic thread going here about socialism (rather entertaining)...what the hell i'll join in:

The essential refutation of the socialist economic system was authored by Ludwig Von Mises in his treatise 'Socialism' published in 1922. Naturally Mises was labeled a crackpot at a time when socialism was considered the wave of the future. The gist of it is that socialist central planners have no way to rationally calculate prices without the existence of an external market economy to emulate. Perfect worldwide socialism would have no workable price structure at all for goods, while socialist systems in this century which observe market economies and try to emulate them experience a slow decay as the incorrect prices build up into crippling inefficiencies. It is simply beyond the capabilities of any bureaucrat(s) to accurately calculate prices for the millions of goods necessary to the survival of a modern technological-industrial civilization, and to continuously update them in response to changing human demands. This would require an omnipotent god at the controls 24hrs a day. Thus, pure Marxist socialism is a theoretical impossibility while the semi-socialism of our century is doomed to stagnation, decay and ultimate dissolution (but not before murdering millions in demented attempts to make the impossible work...5-year plan anyone?). This is essentially what the first commentator on this thread presented and it is now being taught in (some) Universities 78 years after original publication. Mises was chased from Europe to America by the National Socialists only to be hounded for the remainder of his 92-year life by soft-socialists in the US, yet he maintained his integrity through it all. Mises died in 1973, not living quite long enough to see the triumph of his theory.

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If we are not talking about capitalism. I can sure spare some money if the designers will get socialists ideas....

The game given to all to the pure enjoyement of making it so. Yes we can dream. But Capitalism is just a word to generalise the whole comcept of earning money by working. distrubuters work is to distrubute and making the game to be available to more people. If no distributors, then no big sells. Without distributors the profit margin is higher, but less sells. If the game is going as good as everyone thinks, any publisher will put money in it, and use his ditributions gates to make the game a success. And by haing a publisher they could give a hand on the money side so the game will be available for the good sell season.

So i guess with no real publisher we will have to wait to see the game get out of the basement of steve house... No dates, no annoucement, no time table.

For me i will buy another game if CM is not out in one month. Maybe in fall ill spend other money of CM if its released then.....

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