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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×

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Guest Thomas William Davie

Ah ****, I'll ask; WHY is it so *good* that CM will not be in stores, huh?

Yeah I know that a greater % of $ goes to the developers, as it should.

Yeah I know that retail is a sleazy business, and it might take a few kilo dollars just to get a game on the shelves.

Yeah I know that shelf games have a limited lifetime.

Etc, etc, blah blah blah.

But....how does it benefit me that CM is not on the shelf? (I'll grant that because Steve and Charles answer only to themselves they face far less pressure to rush the game out of the door in response to the suits and marketing droids).

- the price ain't gonna be any lower for this Canadian.

- there are no refunds.

- i don't get warm fuzzies from supporting a developer; I pay my cash and take my product. That's what capitalism is.

- i don't particularly see direct mail order marketing as conducive towards keeping the hobby alive.

I want Big Time/Battlefront to succeed. I think they will succeed.

We'll see what happens.



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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Peter5897:

I just wanted to know when the release date of this game is. My E-mail address is Peter5897@aol.com. Plz E-mail me for I am likely not to check this again.

PS will this game be put into retail stores<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Is someone going to start the van?... mad.gif

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Guest Captain Foobar

<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>i don't get warm fuzzies from supporting a developer; I pay my cash and take my product. That's what capitalism is.


Well, unfortunately there are too many middlemen in the process, complicating the issues. The customer being served is the store, not the end buyers. As long as they sell X number of "something" every month, I dont think they give a rats ass about pandering to specific tastes and preferences. Unfortunately, not all gamers are too picky. In my case, I can only play so many 1st person shooters before I want to vomit.

The great thing about Capitalism, is that everybody is free to do whatever the hell they want. BTS is under no obligation to provide a game for me, or are they obligated to make it even convenient. I am under no obligation to buy a game from them; I do not exist to subsidize anyone's operation.(except for my government mad.gif )

Its in their best interest to make the best damn wargame out there, so that I will want it so bad, that I'll go through the process of mail-ordering from them. This is just the way it is out there, we need to train better gamers. I go to LAN parties and try to convert FPS-ers, but its an uphill battle smile.gif

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Guest KwazyDog

'But....how does it benefit me that CM is not on the shelf?'

Thats an easy one, I mean it is being released, isnt it? smile.gif

If Steve and Charles werent releasing CM the way they are, maybe it wouldnt be released at ALL. There have been many great games in the past that had to fight to get a distributer, we can only imagine how many have never seen the light of day becuase of this, easpecially in the wargaming genre.

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Guest Thomas William Davie

No KwazyDog, it ain't that easy. Since the game might not be released with tcp/ip included I'm going to have to take a chance that it will work on my system when they release that feature.

Do I get my money back if it doesn't work? Apparently not. If it was on the shelves, I'd have 10 days before I could not return it.

In other words, what is the distinction (for me) between walking into a store and buying CM, or using plastic and ordering CM over the phone? I get the product in either case, but in the latter situation, the developer gets a larger portion of money than he/she would have otherwise.



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Guest Ol' Blood & Guts

In theory, Communnism works, in theory. But of course, we all know that it doesn't.

The theory behind Communnism is that everybody gets an equal share *according* to one's needs. Trouble is...Who decides what one needs?

In Capitalism, one is given the opportunity to contribute to society by working for a "salary" to be able to obtain anything one *wants*.


"I want you to remember that...no bastard ever won a war...by dying for his country...He won it...by making the other poor dumb bastard...die for his country."--George S. Patton

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Guest KwazyDog

Ummm, well to be honest you ask a pretty much simple question, so I gave a simple answer.

Where I am from once you open a box from a store you cant return it (so count yourself lucky), thus I guess for me its really no difference between buying in a store or off the net except I am supporting developers whom are interested creating true wargames like the days of old and not bowing to the temptation to dumb them down for the general public.

So the question is what is the difference to you? I guess that one is personal, and each to their own opinions. For me the difference is Im support my 'hobby' for lack of a better term, one which I thought was pretty much dead until I found CM. If CM was in the stores and online I would buy it online ANY DAY if more money went back to the developers and the possibility of more such games.

From what youve said I take it you have no interesting in supporting independant developers and thats fine, as I say each to their own.......when you look at it like that I guess to you it make no difference what so ever.

[This message has been edited by KwazyDog (edited 02-07-2000).]

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The main problem about Communism, is, that you cannot have democracy in a communist system. All of the political parties have to be communist, or else the system won't work. You couldn't have a "Republican" party in the old Soviet system, as, once they get in power, down goes the entire Communist structure. Communism was a neat idea, but, that is what it should have remained as.

However, Capitalism works, but, it still isn't the best system. Way to many people get scr*wed (Damn censors!) by the capitalist system. The dream that anyone can be a millinare is a myth, well, let's just forget Regis' cruddy show for a second... Capitalism works in a way where the rich get richer, and the poor stay poorer. You cannot make money without money. Personally, I perfer a mixed Socialist-Capitalist system, with checks and ballances. Private Capitalist Corporations have no allegiance except to profit, Government's allegiance SHOULD be towards the population which elects it. This isn't always true, but, in theory, it should be.

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Jezus Christ all I wanted to know was if it was going to be released in stores and you guys are makeing me feel bad about it. Quite a community you have here. I guess all these wargames have gotten to your head. Maybe... as my little brother says... you guys should take a chill pill.

And you never awnsered the question I want awnsered the most. Is this game released? Or is it still in R&D? I have been looking on a whole bunch of sites that have game movies already posted. Can you guys plz maybe awnser this question with out discraceing my family or giveing me negative points or whatever the hell. All I want is some infromation. smile.gif

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Check out the thread entitled

"Board gettin' a little stale?"

You should get your answer there. Sorry if you have to do a little searching wink.gif




[This message has been edited by JonS (edited 02-07-2000).]

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Funny how a query about a release date gets turned into some commie-pinko thing... lol

There is no announced release date.


Floreat Jerboa !

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Peter - please do a search for any words you like such as "release date" or something similar to answer your question as it will provide you with plenty of information plus the reason behind why you are feeling disparaged by the replies above.

Also, please be advised that your post in its tone was rather offesive in such as you state that you can't be bothered to come back and find out about items of interest like the rest of us and want to be personally e-mailed after your first visit.

In short, eat a sack of ****.

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Goanna:

Peter - please do a search for any words you like such as "release date" or something similar to answer your question as it will provide you with plenty of information plus the reason behind why you are feeling disparaged by the replies above.

Also, please be advised that your post in its tone was rather offesive in such as you state that you can't be bothered to come back and find out about items of interest like the rest of us and want to be personally e-mailed after your first visit.

In short, eat a sack of ****.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Way to go, Goanna... biggrin.gif Now, about his spelling.... wink.gif

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Neg five...like hell...more like neg 15<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

upon further consideration... -5 for starting the thread, -5 for asking if its going to be in stores and -10 for starting the thread with no intention of checking it. This gives us a total of -20 cool points.

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Hmmm...I think we need somebody who majored in PoliSci to explain the differences between Communism and Socialism, 'cause the two are not interchangeable, altho I think they're being used that way here.

Also, I've read that the true problem with Communism and Socialism both is that they state that the value of "things" can be something OTHER than what people are willing to pay for it. When the system is set up so that "things" cost more than what people can/will pay for them, nobody buys them and that's bad. Take food as an example, and observe the problems in most economic systems that set all prices for all food all the time: Cuba, former USSR, others.

When the value is set LOWER than what people will pay, that's bad too because the value set is almost always going to be LOWER than the value of the stuff used to produce the "things." When you're putting more into the production machinery than you're getting out at the other end, eventually you won't be able to afford to run the machinery in the first place. Observe the attempts at various times by various systems to set (generally ridiculously low) rigid prices for things (usually basic food goods). After a few cycles of farmers being forced to sell their output for less than the value of the input, Willie Nelson comes noodling in along with about 100 of his friends, and pretty soon CNN shows up, and in the ruckus the flowerbeds get the hell stomped out of them.

Oh, and BTW Peter, I DID answer your request with an email, from work, about 6:45 pm EST. I tried to warn you off from pursuing this line of questioning.


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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>The major rules are as follows:

1. No Flaming and/or Baiting. If you have a strong opinion, that is fine. But express it in such a way that is non-abusive and not emotionally charged...We like to think our gamers are mature, rational people. Please help us keep this opinion of you!

2. No foul language. Standard decency request here...


Play nice, fellas.


Floreat Jerboa !

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As far as I got in economics was 5th Year High School, the only amount of Politics I could stand was up to 2nd year University. Supply and demand, yes, all that makes sense. We covered the problem with the Soviet Union et al. and their shoddy production methods. They would have an entire city producing just one item, very stupid. They had too much of things that people didn't want, and not enough of what they needed. Plus, the Communist system wasn't a true "Marxist Communist System". There was too much corruption (This happens in extremely centralized governments) and stupidity. Personally, I would rather like to live in a capitalist nation and take my chances than a Communist. Yet, no system is perfect (or else everyone would want it, eh?)

Goanna, you might want to save the insults for when I bust your butt all over the battlefield! You don't want to use them all up on this board, eh? :)

PS, Peter90210, nobody has control of a single thread that they start. This one could very well change itself into one talking about wether or not 88mm Shells can be used to hunt deer.

[This message has been edited by Major Tom (edited 02-08-2000).]

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