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New CMBN Campaign: Operation Clipper:The Geilenkirchen Salient

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1 hour ago, dragonwynn said:

The download in a zip file is about 500mg. You can try it out if you like and if your system struggles then I understand completely. You will probably have some slow load times but if you alt-T the foliage off on the trees and just have the trunks showing it should run ok. There is custom music to the loading screen so it will give you something to listen to while it loads lol.


Ah.. too bad. 500 GB is too much for my non DSL internet connection and limited volume download capability. Battle sizes, I can´t tell. I at least know of one battle (a GeorgeMC monster) that I can´t get running and quits with a CTD during initial data load. :P 

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Geez...  that's a bummer for allied players.  Not sure what happened to the interest earlier, surely a few of them will chime in and help you out??  Erwin will once his new rig is broken in. :)
Have you tried FGM's, The Proving Grounds II? 

Edited by Blazing 88's
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Michael, you can't let this awesome effort sit on a shelf! Send it to me. It will obviously take a long time to get through all 12 battles but I'm willing to give it a go. I love your maps and have a soft spot for the 84th Div after reading "The Men of Company K" 30 or so years ago.

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7 hours ago, dragonwynn said:

It's no worries RockinHarry.  Have not seen much on interest in play testing this thing and I didn't want to release it without some feedback so I'm just going to archive this one for myself I guess. 

Feedback after release won't count?

( I feel almost guilty, because I have no time to test it now and it would be a pity not to release it. )

Ahhh... well .....

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1 hour ago, Ales Dvorak said:

Feedback after release won't count?

( I feel almost guilty, because I have no time to test it now and it would be a pity not to release it. )

Ahhh... well .....

Thanks guys for the response. Ales you actually have a good point. I just wanted a few players to give a few of the missions a spin to see how the thing plays out. This was a massive undertaking and I probably made it to big for most players but as I mentioned to one player the thing that drew me to design something from this operation was that I could use all the modules for CMBN in one campaign.  Plus to do it smaller would really not do the Operation justice. If the initial testing goes well I will put it up for public download.


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Hi Mike,

So, I can handle a 500MB download without TOO much problem.  I would be happy to blunder through a few scenarios, HOWEVER, to be honest, it won't be for a couple weeks when the wife is out of town :D and I can grab my beer and pretzels.

I am of course, STILL trying to play your CMBS Russian campaign 2nd mission, I am so far behind the CM playing curve it may take until Xmas to catch up.

A campaign that uses ALL the CMBN content would be awesome..I know there isn't a lot of content that uses all the modules.


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Yeah, I hope you keep the faith on this one.  I have to get familiar with Win 10 plus catch up on urgent work after being away for so long. So haven't yet had time or energy to reinstall all the titles.  It's killing me not to be able to help you or Koh with his new project.  But, life etc...l;

Edited by Erwin
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Thanks guys. Links are being sent out by PM. Erwin I completely understand I have had W10 for about 8 months and still fumbling around with it lol. Just let me know when you want the link.  GruntGi  Ill send you the link and just when you get time. Its no rush. I work 13hr night shifts so I understand about real life stuff.


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Hey Michael, thanks for sending it. I'll open it up in a few minutes and let you know if I have any troubles with its size. I put together a 7 battalion scenario for RT last year, and had no trouble with it, so this shouldn't be a problem.


i know what you and Erwin mean about Win 10.  Drives me nuts.

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Ok, downloaded very zippily...very nice.  Just my $.02, but after having some major mod conflicts between Stalingrad and Last Panzer, I scrapped my usual Zmod and just put  these mods in...with of course JuJu's excellent UI mod and everything loaded just fine.  Of course my CMBN seemed a little rusty, haven't played it in weeks. :blink:

So, quick question, the very first battle is for what purpose?

I uploaded the screenshot as I cannot figure out what the heck I was supposed to do besides blast the truck with my Sherman tanks?  It's been a long crappy week, so I reread the brief, but can't figure this one out...so went to cease-fire, got a tactical victory (?) and then loaded the first scenario.

NOW this scenario was classic dragonwynn...outstanding and very treacherous looking map, huge ORBAT for both sides and of course, crappy weather and night combat.  C'mon man, can't we get some sunny weather and hard ground?  :P 

I cannot even begin to wrap my brain around this battle...just looking at those Flail tanks makes my head hurt as I have never played with those...excellent use of all the modules though...I can tell there's gonna be some fun toys to play with.

Your campaign briefing and first scenario briefing, were, as always, detailed and full of good information.  SO, depending on how the rest of my week goes, may have a chance to dive into the first scenario.  

YOU KNOW, of course that I have three of your campaigns going at once...LAST PANZER, MOUNTAINS OF ALLAH, and this one...DAMN, man, you're taking up all my CM time.




Screen Shot 2016-08-04 at 8.16.50 PM.png

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Lol yes kill the truck no if you read the designer notes the first mission is a interlude. It gives you info on the current events of the campaign. Just cease fire to get to the first mission. There are four of those interludes to give you info about the campaign. 

And the weather will suck through most of the campaign. Use the specialized armor wisely as well as engineers. The  Germans believed in mines during this campaign 



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3 hours ago, grunt_GI said:

Ok, thanks, yea, there is a lot of history to read there.  :D

Yea, I am really worn out from this week...totally missed that in the briefing...

Yea well I understand the fall weather in 1944 did pretty much suck...so....

Yea November around Geilenkirchen in 1944 had double the rainfall.  Another neat fact is that by the time I finished this campaign I could spell Geilenkirchen without looking at it 10 times while typing. :lol:

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Huge OOB, I will play in wego mode, very nice map.

About the Sherwood Rangers Yeomanry (SRY): you use historical names which is fine by me, the CO of SRY in November was Lt. Col. Stanley Christopherson, he became CO in mid June 1944 and stayed in command until the end of the war. Any reason A Sq./SRY has no Sherman Fireflys ?

It would be nice to know if objectives are touch or occupy.


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Can't believe I missed this. I'd love to play this Dragonwynn - I have all your other released work but find this time period and front super interesting. It would take me months to play it out though - the reason I don't normally volunteer to play-test stuff when the designer is waiting for feedback.


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7 minutes ago, niall78 said:

Can't believe I missed this. I'd love to play this Dragonwynn - I have all your other released work but find this time period and front super interesting. It would take me months to play it out though - the reason I don't normally volunteer to play-test stuff when the designer is waiting for feedback.


No problem naill78 let me get a little feedback on the first few missions and I will put it up for download. By the way are you one of the designers of the Stalingrad Mod or am I thinking of someone else? 

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22 minutes ago, Lille Fiskerby said:

Huge OOB, I will play in wego mode, very nice map.

About the Sherwood Rangers Yeomanry (SRY): you use historical names which is fine by me, the CO of SRY in November was Lt. Col. Stanley Christopherson, he became CO in mid June 1944 and stayed in command until the end of the war. Any reason A Sq./SRY has no Sherman Fireflys ?

It would be nice to know if objectives are touch or occupy.


Thanks for the info. I tried to find as many of the commanders as possible there just was not a  lot of material on this campaign. Thought I had covered all the objectives in the brief but I will check when I get home. 

I think the Fireflys are in a later mission 

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4 hours ago, dragonwynn said:

No problem naill78 let me get a little feedback on the first few missions and I will put it up for download. By the way are you one of the designers of the Stalingrad Mod or am I thinking of someone else? 

It's great to read this campaign will be released Dragonwynn.

I've had no input into any mod let alone the magnificent Stalingrad Mod. I wish I had the talent or the time.

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20 minutes into mission 1 "The red and the blue" and its very interesting and fun.


Maybe you should check elevation around bunkers think they are to low you cant see them before 50 meters or so and its to easy for infantry to get behind them and KO them.

Maybe some tank obstacles at rail/road junctions ? and some barb wire in front of trenches and at their flanks ?

I have some info about the TOE of 8th Armd. Bde. if you like.

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1 hour ago, Lille Fiskerby said:

20 minutes into mission 1 "The red and the blue" and its very interesting and fun.


Maybe you should check elevation around bunkers think they are to low you cant see them before 50 meters or so and its to easy for infantry to get behind them and KO them.

Maybe some tank obstacles at rail/road junctions ? and some barb wire in front of trenches and at their flanks ?

I have some info about the TOE of 8th Armd. Bde. if you like.

Thanks Lillie I will add that to the fix list. I wanted to add in some more fortifications on several missions but with the maps already big I was afraid of tasking the older systems of some players even more. I will take it under advisement though. 

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