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CM: Warsaw vs NATO ??? Please?

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Goofy:

Cuchulainn said..Some of the 1982 Falkands/Malvinas War assaults would also be possible. Boy, does this give me ideas! It could be done with what we already have, just have to shuffle things around a bit, hmmmm. Need to go look at the avaliable equipment again.


As a side note, the past week I was editing some video images on Malvinas war and I saw a British Para with a beautiful looking BREN!!!!

They used the Bren in Malvinas. What a good design. Was Czec?


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The reports of the sabot's demise have been greatly exaggerated. A Cypriot T-80 crewman over on the old Tanker's Net said that his Russian advisers said that Kontakt-5 provided 38% better protection against M829A1 rounds, e.g. not enough to guarantee a stop. No modern tank is really frontally immune to a hit from another modern tank cannon. I ought to add that M829A3 is designed to defeat Kontakt-5 and other reactive armors. The battle goes on.

Oh yeah, and modern CM would rule.


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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Dan Weaver:

The reports of the sabot's demise have been greatly exaggerated. A Cypriot T-80 crewman over on the old Tanker's Net said that his Russian advisers said that Kontakt-5 provided 38% better protection against M829A1 rounds, e.g. not enough to guarantee a stop. No modern tank is really frontally immune to a hit from another modern tank cannon. I ought to add that M829A3 is designed to defeat Kontakt-5 and other reactive armors. The battle goes on.

Oh yeah, and modern CM would rule.


Well Dan we never did establish what M829 round was used in the LF tests, the speculation on the old Tankers' was it vs the M829A1, while others thought that the tests would be conducted useing the latest round at the time which was the M829A2.

We only have what Janes printed which was; that T-72s with K-5 survived frontal aspect hits in live fire tests vs US LR penetrators.

The question also remains concerning the Cypriot T-80 crewman's post on Tankers. If the M829A1 could not reliably defeat tanks with K-5; why not just use the M829A2 round, why expediate the M829E3 project.

To date what round used in the LF tests has not been released, but you can draw speculative conclusions based on events after the test, Ie, stepped up interest in the M829E3 project despite the available M829A2 etc.

The M829E3 development is an response to KONTAKT-5, while KAKTUS TERA was developed as a response to the M829A2, DM43A1 APFSDS rounds, this raises more questions, again with K-5 if the M829A2 was a threat why push the M829E3 project.

We also don't know how much protection vs APFSDS KAKTUS TERA provides. published KONTAKT-5 data reported that K-5 added the equivelent of 250 - 280mms RHA vs APFSDS to the covered areas of glacis & turret, roof etc, and KAKTUS reportedly improves KE resistance beyond KONTAKT-5's, as well as allowing more plate coverage of the turret & glacis compared to K-5's 60% turret coverage and 80% coverage on the glacis.

Yes the shot vs armor race goes on wink.gif. The signifigance of KONTAKT-5 was that it was in service in 1985, and stood up to 1996 APFSDS-DU ammunition.

Anyway perhaphs its time to bug Rick, Paul, & Andrew to see if they sorted this out yet smile.gif.

Regards, John Waters


People who can smile when things go wrong

have found someone else to blame.

[This message has been edited by PzKpfw 1 (edited 08-21-2000).]

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I cast my vote for a modern CM.

And I have another radical idea: perhaps heresy,... I think BTS should develop the Eastern front, mediteranian, African and early battles as scenario add-ons to CM1.X... to sell for roughly $20 each and instead of CM2,3, 4 as outlined should focus on CM2 which deals with modern combat.

Just my $0.02


"He tasks me!" - Captain Ahab, referring to the great white whale in Moby Dick

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Hey fellas,

I would love to see a modern CM, because it would be a great training tool for junior Army officers like myself. Question: Where is this old tankers board? Souns interesting and informative. I've been a M1A1 Tank Platoon leader and now I'm a scout platoon leader that is transitioning to M3A3s. This old Tankers board sound like it has some informative and useful stuff.



-Scout's Out!

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by felixgrey:

This old Tankers board sound like it has some informative and useful stuff.


The old Tankers site shutr down (still cant believe its gone). But a new site opened with most if not all the old crew their and can be found at:


Regards, John Waters


"Go for the eyes Boo, go for the eyes!!".

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As a side note, the past week I was editing some video images on Malvinas war and I saw a British Para with a beautiful looking BREN!!!!

They used the Bren in Malvinas. What a good design. Was Czec?



An excellent piece of kit. Used even now and then nowadays. It was used in the '82 conflict in the 7.62 configuration.

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