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More often than not in Last Defence as the Germans I end up with two or three hellcats left after one turn and me with only tiger (who is hiding behind a house).

It usually hangs out there gor a couple of turns and finally emerges to combat the Hellcats. Sometimes it is victorious, more often it is scrap. What I would like to be able to do is tell the Tiger, "Roll out, dump off a couple of shots, and get your butt behind the house." Currently I am ordering the Tiger to hunt forward while targeting the Hellcat. If I order it to reverse back to the house it either dosen't fire any shots and moves out and back or stays out firing for the whole turn. Is there a command: "Pause and Fire for x seconds"? If not, I think it would be useful for ambushes and whatnot.

- Bill

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Use hunt forward and then reverse...

I've used it, just this evening, to bring two StuGs into positions just peeking over hills in LD and gotten 5 shots off for 3 hits before reversing back down again.

RANT ALERT: Of course the bloody StuGs got 3 hits BUT the US got a single hit and killed one of mine while ALL THREE of my hits were simply damages frown.gif

My first hit was an immobilisation of the Sherman 75+.. My SECOND hit was a track hit on the same bloody tank... It was immobilised so that track hit was worthless frown.gif

My third hit was a penetrating hit on the front turret of a Sherman which only shocked him.

End result, I have 1 StuG left facing 5 Shermans ( 1 has lost a crewman and one is immobilised but still it's not much comfort frown.gif ). My PBEM opponent can now run rampant towards the church frown.gif with his takn platoon.

Fortunately for me I've pretty much wiped out his infantry at the cost of only one platoon in total and own 3 of the VLs but that 4th one in the wheatfield is going to be tough to take in the face of 5 Shermans.

That movie should be of great help to people trying to figure out how to get hull-down etc.



Fionn Kelly

Manager of Historical Research,

The Gamers Net - Gaming for Gamers

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AHA! I told you those damn Shermans in Chance Encounter were deadly! I have played that scenario several times as the Germans and each time the Shermans get the better of my Stugs regardless of what kind of ambush I set. Frustrating when my shots fail to knock out the M4s while their (extraordinarily accurate) fire repeatedly makes mincemeat of the frontal armor of my Stugs. Glad to see I'm not the only one experiencing this :P

And I thought it was just my new computer, since I played the other scenarios on my old one and was having much better luck.

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I usually drives one StuG at the far left, one in the middle and the last to the right by the forrest. The one to the left should be put hull down overlooking the small hill and road (excellent for side shots). Let an MG and a shreck unit ride with the middle StuG to take position behind the church (let them crawl and hide in position on the second floor) with the gun rotated against the field. Finally the last StuG should be hull down on the ridge to the right, pop up maybe shoot a sherm if you're lucky and reverse. This should draw some towards him and the others will finish off a couple of Sherms for you from the flanks. The shreck in the church almost every game take out a sherman.

With this tactic you'll end up with 2 stug's after the smoke has settled (usually).

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I would like the "Pause" order key to take effect *before* you enter the next order and *after* the order you've just entered, to get this same effect you describe, Bill. I.e., I tell an AFV to "Fast" move to point X, hit "Pause" twice, and then "Reverse" behind an obstruction, in effect causing it to race to point X, engage any targets spotted for 30 seconds, and retreat before getting plastered by return fire. While I imagine I can get the same results roughly by first "Pausing" the order to fast move so the AFV arrives at point X near the end of a turn, and then entering orders to retreat after a 30 second pause in the next orders phase, I would still prefer the former case.

I would prefer that to the "Hunt" and "Retreat" method you suggest, Fionn, because the vehicle will continue to engage until all visible targets are knocked out or it is knocked out itself, and I may only want it to expose itself long enough to get off a couple of shots and beat feet before it gets overwhelmed.

As a side note, has anyone had an AFV stopped and engaging with "Hunt" orders get a hit that knocked out the gun, causing the AFV to resume following the "Hunt" path? It's not a very easy scenario to repro, but it's happened to me a couple of times, and I consider it buggy behavior. After all, if you're being engaged by a target that's strong enough to hurt you and knocks out your main weapon, I'd be for backing out of there instead of advancing along the "Hunt" path with a useless weapon.


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That's exactly what I would like to see. It's silly to stick around in a kill zone if you don't have overwhelming firepower. Hunt/Reverse leaves the AFV out in the open until someone dies, which is not good (it's usually me.) If the pause could work that way it would make things much easier.

- Bill

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Yeah... I've found hunt keeps you exposed too long for comfort. What I've done, to great success in CE, is move to a carefully chosen hull down position, then reverse, with one stug by the woods and one behind the church moving alternately. My stugs have time for only one shot, but by the time the shermans have aimed at the first stug, it's gone, and the one on the other side is firing...

-John Hough

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I tried something like you suggested last night, and yes it worked much better. I took out all 5 Shermans, but it did cost me 2 stugs. I lost one when trying to reverse it back off the ridge after it popped an M4, just didn't get it back in time. But that Stug over behind the church did the trick.

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