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CMFB Bonus Beta AAR (Allied: Attacking, Advancing, Allied)


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I just went looking for the post that someone made recently where they Photoshopped the background a lighter gray to match the fog and it made it look way better.  Now an improved version of the demonstrated idea is in the game and so soon!  Clearly a Hip Hip Hooray are in order for the photohopper but I cant remember who or find it.  Ill guess Ian tho since hes a photoshop guy.  Anyway Hip Hip Hooray!

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Turn 37:00 to 36:00

Quadrophenia, in stereo.

(With my apologies to the non-pederast members of The Who.)

Without further ado, I shall post some pix. Some show my plans, some show results. Some even show how hard it is to give orders. Recalcitrant troopers are difficult to control. But waste no sympathy on me! No, it's alright. My intern understands. Here we go...





















(It's been like this for many turns. Sigh.)
















SEVENTEEN SCREENIES!!! I have not looked at Baneman's pathetic thread, but I am sure the paucity of pix would tilt the game to my favor.

I MUST win!!! I am willing to have my men perform valorous feats which would make timorous men quake to behold them!

The Dell is...problematic. My bazooka and remaining sniper team are moving to interdict. I'm pushing more halftracks up. There were some acts, not worthy of mention, which occurred this turn. Such as Germans dying trying to grab buildings. I expect such things, so will not report them.

I sense a certain desperation in Baneman's actions.

One remaining issue: Should I keep the M16 in position to duel with the latest 8-wheeler? What say you?

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  Yikes, a bewildering cornucopia of documented action, flooding the thread.  The action crackles like bolts of lightning.  Will the flamethrower dude remember he still has the damn thing strapped to his back?  Does he know how to turn it on or does he need his partner to turn the wheelie things on the back to start the flow of fuel?  I heard he was just a clerk typist about a week ago before he got "Shanghaied" by some wild commander spouting something about how he should be grateful he wasn't going to die typing out meal requisitions and condoms when he had a chance of bursting into a flaming ball of fiery glory.  [Errrrhhh...cue Scooby-Do sound effect]

  I'd ease the M16 back a tad and let the Acht-trad advance into his fire.  Just my 2 cents.


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Turn 37:00 to 36:00

Quadrophenia, in stereo.

(With my apologies to the non-pederast members of The Who.)

Without further ado, I shall post some pix. Some show my plans, some show results. Some even show how hard it is to give orders. Recalcitrant troopers are difficult to control. But waste no sympathy on me! No, it's alright. My intern understands. Here we go...







  Oh Good Lord, I say, Major, what the bloody 'ell is that man doing with his rifle to the dead man?  I 'eard you Yanks were a peculiar lot, eh wot?  Stress of combat and all that rot!

  What sort of buggery is going on 'ere?  'Ave you Yanks no decency?  Let the dead lay in peace.  Your lads 'ave been at the front for waaay too long.

  Monty shall hear of this, I promise you.



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  Oh Good Lord, I say, Major, what the bloody 'ell is that man doing with his rifle to the dead man?  I 'eard you Yanks were a peculiar lot, eh wot?  Stress of combat and all that rot!

  What sort of buggery is going on 'ere?  'Ave you Yanks no decency?  Let the dead lay in peace.  Your lads 'ave been at the front for waaay too long.

  Monty shall hear of this, I promise you.



Beau Geste style, I've ordered my men to prop the dead up over the wall. That's yankee ingenuity at its best. Put a bit of iron in his spine, that.

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  Yikes, a bewildering cornucopia of documented action, flooding the thread.  The action crackles like bolts of lightning.  Will the flamethrower dude remember he still has the damn thing strapped to his back?  Does he know how to turn it on or does he need his partner to turn the wheelie things on the back to start the flow of fuel?  I heard he was just a clerk typist about a week ago before he got "Shanghaied" by some wild commander spouting something about how he should be grateful he wasn't going to die typing out meal requisitions and condoms when he had a chance of bursting into a flaming ball of fiery glory.  [Errrrhhh...cue Scooby-Do sound effect]

  I'd ease the M16 back a tad and let the Acht-trad advance into his fire.  Just my 2 cents.


Indeed. I was tempted to have the M16 fire or delay for 15 seconds. However, that is the path to regrets. He has an immediate withdrawal order. I'd like to use the M16 later...  Too many times I've been tempted by "just one more turn" or "just one more shot". 


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Indeed. I was tempted to have the M16 fire or delay for 15 seconds. However, that is the path to regrets. He has an immediate withdrawal order. I'd like to use the M16 later...  Too many times I've been tempted by "just one more turn" or "just one more shot". 


that's always a tough choice...one I tend to louse up! 

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(It's been like this for many turns. Sigh.)

Let me guess, the dead guy seems to be in the space between two action spots? Have you tried moving that lazy trooper one action spot forward, and giving a [Face] command back towards the casualty? If that doesn't work, I hear a flogging is good for discipline and morale...

On a serious note, I really do wish the yellow box indicator showing action spot movement had hard edges to better identify action spot placement.

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On a serious note, I really do wish the yellow box indicator showing action spot movement had hard edges to better identify action spot placement.

I just wish there were some identifiable logic as to which AS will allow me to buddy aid someone.  I don't even need something on map, just some info.  If I really need to I end up just dumping a whole squad around the guy.  Eventually someone will do it. 

I had messed around at one point playing using dismounted drivers that I renamed as medics.  Problem is as individuals, getting them to do buddy aid was just a major headache and not worth it.  The immersion of having medics was broken by them all being apparently incompetent.

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I had messed around at one point playing using dismounted drivers that I renamed as medics.  Problem is as individuals, getting them to do buddy aid was just a major headache and not worth it.  The immersion of having medics was broken by them all being apparently incompetent.

I use my XO's as medics all the time, so long as the CO is still alive, XO's have nothing better to do.

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Let me guess, the dead guy seems to be in the space between two action spots? Have you tried moving that lazy trooper one action spot forward, and giving a [Face] command back towards the casualty?

Oh yes. That bazooka-man was inconsiderate enough to die right at the intersection of 4 actions spots. I've had his buddy enter each spot and face towards him. He still can't find it. I suspect a flagging morale...

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Turn 36:00 to 35:00

Not too many more like this...please.


Action in the middle, on the right, and over on the left. Let's watch!






























The good news is, I can't have too many more like that. The bad new is, it'd only be because I'd run out of men and vehicles. I've got to whittle down his vehicles. My M8 on my left was stationary, but buttoned. Even after getting spranged with 20mm last turn, they died. (I did not give a cover armor arc because they'd started reversing last turn and had a continuation of that order this turn. The crest line would've protected them in just a few more seconds. Oy.)

The Dell is falling. Has fallen? I hope my uphill sniper and bazooka can get some kills. My M8 is working Lori's Mound. I'm sending more halftracks over there, filled with odd scraps of men and whatnot, to man the machineguns. In the Village, my flamer has orders to hose down the building from which the bullets came which killed my squaddies. A bit of fire would cheer up the lads.

I'm also remanning that .50 halftrack. Let's see if they can find the keys.


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  Gaah!!  Not good at all.  At least you put paid to the German flame thrower boys.  Now, if you could only get your flamethrower to stop using his gun and start using the flame thing on his back...^_^

  Crazy how that schrek round blew up under the halftrack.  Ugly business that.  They evidently weren't sitting ON their helmets, a la "Apocalypse Now"...  :o

  Rally the boys quickly.  Perhaps promises of more monuments...


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Oh yes. That bazooka-man was inconsiderate enough to die right at the intersection of 4 actions spots. I've had his buddy enter each spot and face towards him. He still can't find it. I suspect a flagging morale...

Here is what you do in situations like these. 

For casualties between to action squares you moved your medic team into one of them and give them a slow move order into the other square and a 45 second pause. Then as you watch the turn you will see that once the medics start crawling they will end the turn on top the casualty. Cancel their move order and the next turn they will aid their fallen comrade.

For those unfortunate soals who land at the intersection of four action squares do the same but make the move order kitty corner along the diagonal again with a 45s pause.

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