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Adding Doodads (flavor objects)

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Fellow carbon based beings;

I have searched the forums for a bit but can't find the answer to this here question, either because my internet connection is acting up or because I suck at forum searches, anyho I would be very grateful to know if it's possible to add doodads to the CM2 games, I know the existing doodads can be modded of course, but can you increase the number of Doodads available?

A while back I created a monster mod directory where I renumbered a lot of building textures so I have an immense number of choices when I build my maps, which I found very useful to increase the immersion level of the maps (of course I mainly play head to head games with friends that have the same mod directory).

So; is there a way to add to the bag of Doodads? Specifically I would love to bring the farm doodads from CMRT over to CMBN for a start.

Any and all suggestions are welcome!




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Are you talking doodads (which are leafy bits in fields etc) or flavour objects (buckets and dead cows etc) ?


I think he is talking about flavor objects and whether or not players can add more to the game.  I am pretty confident that the answer is no because you have to be able to create the object and add it into the game which is impossible for the player to do.

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I think the answer to both is yes but while you can move flavour objects between games but you cannot create new models. To move a flavour object you need to find the model file (.mdr) and associated texture and move them to the new game.  You must then either rename and replace an existing FO file or use a blank space. As an example of this FB has three wood-pile models and so wood-pile slots 4-9 can be used for additional .mdr files, but they need to follow the naming convention so they can be selected in the editor.

Hope that makes sense



Edited by Pete Wenman
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I think the answer to both is yes but while you can move flavour objects between games but you cannot create new models. To move a flavour object you need to find the model file (.mdr) and associated texture and move them to the new game.  You must then either rename and replace an existing FO file or use a blank space. As an example of this FB has three wood-pile models and so wood-pile slots 4-9 can be used for additional .mdr files, but they need to follow the naming convention so they can be selected in the editor.

Hope that makes sense



If anyone would know it would be you!  Maybe the OP can post again to clarify because you are the right person to ask about adding additional flavor objects.  Of course getting them the correct size inside the game can be an issue!

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Thanks, I do indeed refer to Flavour objects, 'twas in a moment of confusion I grabbed the wrong term.

Pete; I think I understand you, but to clarify; you cannot create a completely new flavour object and add it to the game (which is odd, now I come to think on it, didn't someone create a parachute object for Market Garden?) but you can add an existing object from another game if you name the files correctly.

Another question then; how do you select that new object, will there appear a new number in the editor when you use a previously unused slot?

Oh, and BTW Pete, looking forward to new maps from you in CMFB, I have used and sometimes modified your maps (properly credited, of course) for our little group of H2H players for years now.




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Kohl; exactly what I was looking for. Molto Gracie!

Sequoia; Yeah, good point, as I mentioned above, I always update the mod/graphics directories of the other computers in a tournament (our usual form of play) so they are exactly the same. Perhaps a missing flavor object here or there doesn't make that much difference but I want immersion dammit!

While we're on the subject, wouldn't it be a good idea for a BFC update that includes all general flavor object (i.e those not super specifically linked to a certain theatre/game) in all the games? Perhaps It's just me, but when I see what guys like Pete W or  Umlaut can do with the present set of flavor objects in a particular game I really, really would like to see what the can do if they get even more choices.

Hmm... maybe we could just create a collection of all standard (those that come with the various games) flavor objects ready for inclusion in all games, I suppose that would mean a bit of work renaming and so on but still... hmmm (again) maybe someone has done this already?


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....but you could modtag the mods and flavor objects with [tourney1] or [tourney2] and then import that same modtag to the tourney battles too.

As long as not QB's, modtags do not import for QB's...

Each of the flavor object sets is like a table that CAN seat up to 9 people but usually with initial purchase BFC has only sent less than 9 chairs. As you bring in custom flavor objects or import from other CM games you add the numbered chairs. A modtag on the files can even allow the table to have more than 9 POSSIBLE chairs available but you tell it which 9 to use in the scenario being played. You can send your opponent the tagged mods and maybe he installs them and sees the "roadsign pointing toward Valkenswaard and EIndhoven" I made but if he doesn't install them, he sees a pile of junk bricks or sacks and bottles! :D

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Well, that was easier  than I expected. A couple of hours fiddling and I now have a folder named "Additional Flavor Objects" in my CMBN Mod folder containing all or nearly all the Flavor Objects from the other two titles that aren't in CMBN.

Next step, I suppose, will be to put in some modded Flavor Objects or (gasp!) actually mod one or two myself... well, we'll see.

If there's any interest I can zip the folder and put it in the new repository.

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Pete; I think I understand you, but to clarify; you cannot create a completely new flavour object and add it to the game (which is odd, now I come to think on it, didn't someone create a parachute object for Market Garden?) but you can add an existing object from another game if you name the files correctly.

As I recall the parachute was a texture painted on a terrain tile, with a supply container made up from modded oil drums (on their side). There is currently no way for any third party to introduce new models in the game without them going through Battlefront, but yes you can move models within the games and modules. 


Another question then; how do you select that new object, will there appear a new number in the editor when you use a previously unused slot?


Oh, and BTW Pete, looking forward to new maps from you in CMFB, I have used and sometimes modified your maps (properly credited, of course) for our little group of H2H players for years now.

 I build the maps to be used so great to hear this. As for CMFB I have to say the number and quality of the maps is superb. I've only made the one, but at 5k x 3k it's not too shabby. Hope you enjoy it once it's released



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Interesting to know is that flavor objects are not limited from the available assortment of flavors in the CMX2 games. I´d made some successfull experiments with other model (*.mdr) files, i.e adding a Pz IVH model in haystacks, full size trees in tree stumps and so forth. It´s basically shifting and renaming *.mdr files from the games vehicles folder and others that looks interesting. Another flavor I could add was one the pillbox mdr´s. How much of that is of use, or non use is another question though. I´d figured that imported trees in tree stumps will create considerable drops in frame rates, if placing many of these. Unlike normal game trees, the new "flavor" trees do not just cast shadows, they also receive shadows.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Hullo again,

Just a quick line to let you know I've gone completely bonkers with the whole "Flavor Objects" thing. After collecting every single FO in all the CM2 games (thanks for the tip about CM Afghan Demo, Sequoia) I then started messing about with other things such as vehicles and buildings. So I now, among other things, have a windmill as a flavor object in CMBN.

Why? I hear you ask, probably raising an eyebrow or three.

Well, it so happens that a few of my cheap... er... frugal friends couldn't be arsed to buy the Market Garden module so if I place a windmill on a multiplayer map, it won't show up for some of the players.

Of course it's still a FO, you cant enter it or interact with it, but if you want it to add a bit of local colour in some remote and inaccessible part of your map, it looks great.

Also vehicles, I've added a few trucks parked in various suitable places on city or town maps and it's remarkable how much more "lived in" the map looks. Of course they're still military trucks, next thing is to mod them into a civilian guise.

Also, and this might actually be something that affects gameplay; if you place an abandoned vehicle on your map, perhaps to indicate that fighting has been going on for a while, it will in all likelihood get fired on repeatedly until your pixeltroops realize that it's dead. On the other hand, if you put a knocked out or abandoned vehicle on the map as a FO it will get ignored. Depending on your purposes, you might want either thing to happen, but at least you can choose how you want the active units to react.


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Just a quick note/warning about flavor objects:

Unfortunately, Kohlenklau is wrong about mod tagging flavor objects. Unless somehting has changed recently with some upgrade, then flavor objects cannot be mod tagged in the same way as vehicles and other units.

This leads me to the second warning:

If you make and release your own flavor objects you should be aware that their names/numbers might be identical to other edited flavor objects. If you dont take this into account, you'll probably wreak havoc on the maps of players using the previous flavor objects.

An example:

In my Factory Mod set I have made a flavor object that is meant to resemble a piece of old machinery. This is the "Cart 2" flavor object and is strewn across the factory area of my Bitvagorod map. If you name your windmill "Cart 2" then every player who is using your flavor object and my Factory Mod set will have a factory area in the Bitvagorod map that is strewn with windmills!

Read more about this in this thread:

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uh oh. Maybe we have a terminology issue or some misunderstanding?

But yes indeed flavor objects as bmp's can be modtagged and are already done so by BFC as stock procedure for example roadsigns and [snow] covered flavor objects.

AND thanks to RockinHarry's thread, I back a few months ago learned that flavor object mdr files can be modtagged. That is a great problem solver.

Proper modtagging can solve most of the mod conflicts but anyone editing a map must know what they are doing before adding in more modded or modtagged flavor objects to an already modtagged map. The OP is organizing a tourney and would have control to modtag in whatever he desires and to make sure the players had the proper mod files in place. The modtag text files can get very long as you pile the mods on! [snow gc coat fj beute 24pd frosty] is my record longest text file to gather up all I needed for a battle.  



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@Derfel 2nd

Are you mostly a CMBN player? Where are we now? Oh. CMRT Forum...perfect!

OK, I have some projects you might like to work on together for flavor objects.

Would you like to see a knocked out lend-lease Sherman or knocked-out lend-lease Churchill as your axis soldiers battle against the Soviets? :D


CMRT Forum? Bah! Details. I can be equally confused and confusing in any Forum. 

In fact I started this thread here because I really wanted some of the Farm FOs from CMRT for use in CMBN, as it turned out I got all I wanted and more.

I'll happily take on any collaboration as long as it doesn't involve any... you know... work. 

As for knocked out tanks as FOs I think that would be useful, especially if they really look knocked out, as noted above there is a point in putting up vehicles from a previous battle as FOs rather than adding them from the Unit selector in the editor.

I'm going to abstain from commenting on the whole modtagging debate as I don't know squat about modtagging. Whenever we have a multiplayer tournament (or just a h2h game) I just prepare a modfolder that all players download and use during the games.  There's probably a better way of doing this, but it works, so I ain't fixing what works.


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Well, it did involve work with renaming the files so I guess that means you decline?

The modtagging debate. Not really a debate. A misunderstanding. I am showing umlaut what I mean so it gets clarified. 

Your tourney. Do it whatever way works best for you for mods. Indeed modtags are not necessary in that specific case but beyond the tourney they would be a big clusterfuzz without being tagged.

We'll be releasing many new FO mods in the coming months. Keep an eye out!


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