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On Snow and Mud ...


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Dear BTS !

Did you consider to visualize snow and mud by simply lowering vehicles and soldiers a little bit below the level of the terrain surface (until they would hit solid ground). This would mean that the observer would instantly realize how deep a vehicle is stuck in the snow and reconsider his orders accordingly. This would also help in distinguishing deep and very deep snow fields. Maybe just a few centimeters would already give a nice visual effect !

With Z-buffers and such I do not think it would have any impact on the frame rate, would it ?



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The problem with this is that the game engine treats the tank models and the ground as solid objects; they aren't supposed to occupy the same place at the same time. Doing any sort of "blending" of vehicles into the terrain would require modifying the "hardness" of the ground; that is sure to add much more coding time.

Personally, I'm not looking at how deeply a vehicle is sinking into the ground; I'm worried about how deeply enemy AT fire is cutting through its armor.


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Guest Big Time Software

Actually, it wouldn't be THAT hard to do it. In fact, I am fairly sure it is on The List. However, there is a big problem with infantry (tanks and guns are easy). Say the troops are walking through snow that is 8 inches deep. Well, easy... drop their feet 6 inches below the surface. But now they have to hit the "dirt". With their new position they would go "underground" because they would start lying down 6 inches under the surface. We *can* code around this so that there are two different positions (one for walking and one for lying down), but this would take quite a bit of time. So it most likely won't go into the intial release.


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As you indicate it would be very easy to argue that a body lying in the snow does not sink as deep as somebody walking ! Thus, that problem could be solved easily ! You do simulate ground pressure after all, don't you wink.gif !

I think it would *really* enhance the immersion factor and be well worth the effort ! And since all of the sudden vehicle shadows appeared magically all over the screen-shots I do not take a no for a no anymore wink.gif !

Regards, Thomm

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I agree put it in. I have never understood why weapons and bodies in 3D games end up falling through walls and floors. I understand the coding is a difficult task to handle terrain, especcially if differently for various body positions. If my King Tiger is bogged down in snow, then I would really like to see it lowered into the terrain.

Richard Kalajian

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Just a thought but I don't think I'd even notice if feet slipped into the ground a little or a lot in snow and mud..

I think, as Steve said, its one of these.. nice for CM2 type things.

Anyways, think about how many other games out there would have this feature? None.. Not even your action shooters. That its even being considered for a strategy game says something ;)



Fionn Kelly

Manager of Historical Research,

The Gamers Net - Gaming for Gamers

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Guest Battlefront

It's on The List, but that is all I can say about it. There are FAR more important things left to be coded, so it will just have to wait its turn. Eventually it will find its way in, but not necessarily in the first release.


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