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Stone, Brick or Block

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Bit of a technical question.

Do the stone walls in the game represent actual stone or concrete blocks?

I would suspect that the stone in rural stone walls would be actual stones and offer the best protection, although I suppose the stone I get near me in Scotland (largely granite) might offer more protection than limestone (Fortress Italy). If the stone walls were actual stone, depending on what issued in Ukraine then they would be better than brick, but if they were block, especially light weight they might not. 

In the same way as in warm climates where as the frame of a building is reinforced concrete. Most of the blocks are clay and hollow which might mean that even small arms fire can penetrate. I am not sure what the norm is for buildings in the Ukraine so I wondered if although the same walls are offered in BS and SF if the protection they offered differs.

while posting I should put in my long standing request for chain link fencing. If we take a simplistic view that Walls & hedges interrupt sighting,  Fire and movement a solid high stone wall is best at all three, a bocage wall is good at the first and third but not in terms of protection, while a rural wall can be good at one and two but doesn't so much imped movement. High chain link adds a new element because it impedes movement but not really sighting our fire!

oh and as I am asking is it possible to request rough ends for rural walls so they can sort of fade out or be more irregular going up and down in height. It wouldn't add much to game play but would add realism!



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