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NOOB to CM titles

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Hi everyone, I have only recently stumbled across the CM titles and battlefront.com, from there I ended up here and boy am i glad.  I initially read the AAR from Bil and GAJ on the Gustav line, eye of the elefant and that was it i was hooked, i have now read a few more and i just love the detail you guys go into and also how some of them have storylines to go with them, it makes for excellent reading.  Anyway I have been playing the demos and trying to get a feel for the games and their mechanics which basically boils down to me getting shwacked at every turn and losing LOTS of men and armour, but heyho its a learning curve and im loving it.  I have now bought CMRT, I chose this one because the Eastern Front is my favourite so hopefully after a bit more practising I will be in a position to get into a MP game with some of you fine gents, and get my ass kicked again lol.  


Thanks for reading




P.S.  I am ex military, i served 8 yrs in her majesty's RAF Regiment, deployed on numerous tours to countries of a middle eastern persuasion.  I am now a civvie but I still serve in the reserve forces.

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So out of curiosity and because it is a constant source of debate here, how did you find out about CM? We know you didn't find it on a 3 1/2 " floppy of demos in a game magazine. :D

I actually came across videos of CM on YouTube and then went searching for the games on Google and happily found myself here. Hurrah for YouTube.

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Welcome aboard...the YouTube videos by ChrisND and others are awesome.


I think you will be very happy...I have been playing CM for almost 13 years and I still get my ass handed to me by the AI and sneaky PBEM players.


All in a day's work for your Pixeltruppen.

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Your men will continue to die. But don't despair: this is what they WANT to do. Really. It's an honor for them to do so. I give my men all the opportunity for honor that they'd ever dreamed of having. ;)


Lots of tips floating around the forum. Read 'em, and welcome aboard...



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Thanks for the warm welcome everyone. Just playing through the tutorials on CMRT. Not doing badly but I dropped the ball on mission 2 and got 2 of my t34's killed by the panzer 4. The AI is sneaky on this game, the panzer 4 shot the first tank over on the right. I then followed up with my more central tank expecting the panzer 4 to be in the same place but no the sneaky bugger had displaced off to the left so bang went my 2nd tank. However not sure why my infantry couldn't get eyes on. I do however have a question, I play the game in WeGo mode and I would like to know if it's possible to dismount tank riders mid turn then give them a move order to carry on with. I was trying to get them to do this but couldn't figure it out and it wasted about 40 secs of their turn. Any answers would be greatly appreciated.

I'm gonna have to figure out how to capture photos and post them here it'll make life so much easier. I also used to do AARS for the mod NTW3 HB battles and I would like to do the same here.

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Hi Doc,


Welcome aboard.


I also play wego. Vehicles and passengers always cause me grief. The vehicle has to be absolutely stopped not just paused before the passengers can get on or off.


I think that is the bottomline rule. So, you can give a movement order to your riders while they are riding, say quick over to that barn 100m away right now.


The tank say has a fast order with final waypoint maybe another 50m down the road. This is how you can try for the midturn jump off.


Hit the red button and you should see the tank moving down the road


and as soon as the tank stops the troops jump off and head to the barn. The goofs can be you put in another earlier waypoint for the troops and when tank stops 


they jump off and head back the opposite direction away from the barn to the badly placed waypoint and then turn around and finally go to the barn.


If the tank takes too long to get to the final waypoint then the troops stay onboard til the next turn so that tank's final waypoint is what gets you the mid-turn debarkation.


The same with picking guys up. They will chase the dang truck or whatever til it finally stops.


Anybody can please confirm that? 

Edited by kohlenklau
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Another thing that might help is to save your games during the order phase, if something goes wrong you can just reload it and try a different tactic, which as stated in another thread can help acclimate you and accelerate you through the learning phase. Beats having to replay the entire battle over again.




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Yeah, "save-whoring" is no sin when you're just trying to get to grips with what the interface is trying to tell you and what it lets you do and how it lets you do it. It's not even "tactics" that you'll get wrong. You may well pull all kinds of goofy stunts while you're getting your head round the game's idiom; it's very different from most games of the genre. For example, infantry do a lot more "calculating how to be lazy" (i.e. the fastest route between waypoints) than vehicles do. If you want infantry to go "the hard way", you have to give them lots of waypoints in the difficult terrain, but for vehicles, it's more about giving them waypoints around difficulties because they won't do much optimising themselves, and won't find a smooth way past obstacles, but drive up to the blockage and then try and drive round it.

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Welcome to the ongoing madness that is CM. :)


Vehicle boarding.


1) Men will only board/debus from a stationary vehicle.

2) This can occur at the beginning or end of a vehicle's movement path.


How to debus at the beginning of the vehicle's movement :


1) Both vehicle and riders must NOT have any orders.
2) Select riders
3) Press DISMOUNT button.
4) Give men movement command(s)
5) Give vehicle movement command(s).


Result : Men debus, move off, when all men are off, vehicle drives off according to its movement commands.


Boarding at the beginning of a vehicle's movement can also be done - you just have to ensure that the vehicle is PAUSED for long enough. As long as they start boarding before the vehicle's Pause timer runs out, it will wait for them to finish before moving out.
Naturally, timing this is tricky ( if your pause is short by even 1 second, your men will spend the rest of the turn chasing the truck :lol: ), but with practice you can get it to work.


If a turn has ended and a unit of men are mid-board/debus, they will be greyed out and unselectable.
They will, however, complete the boarding/debus process next turn.

In this case, you can give the vehicle orders normally - it will wait until the process of boarding or debussing completes, then carry out its orders.


NB : Note that both DISMOUNT and BAIL-OUT are "button of no return" toggles. ie. Once pressed, it cannot be "taken back" - you'd have to reload the game turn to "undo".
For this reason, I ensure they they are blanked out under Controls - that way, an errant keypress cannot mess up your orders turn, you have to click it with your mouse.

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Yep thanks baneman. Just done the canarius scenario and beat the Russians cold I only lost one tiger knocked out and one damaged. I'm now playing the army group North scenario. One thing I find at the moment is that I'm wasting a fair bit of time on my approach marches and de-bussing troops too early. Still haven't got the hang of the Spotting mechanics and I'm afraid of running into ambushes but I did wipe out the russian column on the left for the loss of two men, so I'm getting better. I think. Lol.

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The spotting mechanics, while complex under the hood are pretty simple in execution: moving troops don't spot well; buttoned tanks don't spot well; troops with vision aids listed in their equipment spot better; higher experience and leadership troops spot better; high experience troops are harder to see; distance matters; what's between the observer and the target matters; infantry hide best. 


So, ideally, have bino-equipped infantry sit still with a good field of view for a couple of minutes. They'll see most things close up, stuff that's not too well hidden in the middle ground, and the obvious stuff in the distance. With some exceptions that can sometimes seem hinky, it's pretty well visually represented. 

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Good choice to get RT .  


My big tip is suppresion fire.  The day i worked out that scouting and suppression fire were the keys to succeding in battles was a great day.


By that i mean when an enemy unit is spotted, plant some area fire all over it with units that may not be able to see it clearly, but can see the area in general. This will suppress the enemy unit and enable  you to get to it and kill it, or it may even actually take out the enemy unit 


Scouting and suppression fire   FTW


Also, I use Fire Briefly a lot ( I have it mapped to a very easy to find key )  Then I allocate area fire 'briefly' and hit the key three or four times. This will give you fire for 30,45,or 60 seconds.   it means that you can then forget about that unit and not have to "turn off" the fire command, because it will automatically turn off.


After the turn cycle, re-evaluate which units need to be laying down fire and repeat

Edited by W1ndy
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