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ALLIED HQ/AAR CMPzC Operation Nyakleves

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The Allied Commander will be SLIM who is evaluating the intel and will make some operational decisions....

(Up above a few posts I had asked Baneman but I was confused. He has offered to play as axis CO if needed and has stayed out of the allied thread.)

It is Turn 3A, 1000 local on 23 SEPT 1944, and the Soviets are revving up their engines!




Edited by kohlenklau
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Here are the preliminary orders, I'll need some umpiring on the movement points cost, because I'm not sure I understood movement costs correctly:

Orders: All directions relative to top of map = North


134th Cav and 152nd Tank – Move N, N, N – 30 Movement Points?

Conduct reconnaissance of town Nyiregyhaza, attack and destroy enemy forces if able.

783rd Assault Aviation Regt to support attack on town if made.

Commander’s Intent: Destruction of enemy artillery assets, and disruption of enemy supply route.


133rd Cav and 1440th SU Regt – Move S, SW, NW – 24 Movement Points

Dig In, Defend in Place.

1289th SU Regt and 27th Guards Mech Rifle Bn – Move SW – 12 Movement Points

Dig In, Defend in Place

724th Assault Aviation Regiment to support these movements and be on-call in case of enemy attack.

Commander’s Intent: All named units to concentrate, dig in, and prepare for further action on following turn.


Attack on Pink Colored Enemy Hex:

78th Guards Hvy Tank – Move SE, NE, N – 18 Movement Points

Attack Enemy Hex

78th Sapper Bn – Move N – 6 Movement Points

Attack Enemy Hex

569th and 136th Assault Aviation Regiments to support this attack.

Commander’s Intent: Destroy all enemy forces.


Attack on Yellow Colored Enemy Hex:

27th Guards Tank and Starshina Safonov  – Move N – 60/20 Movement Points?

Attack Enemy Hex

464th Rifle Regt – Move NW, N  – 32 Movement Points?

Attack Enemy Hex

All available Artillery and Katyusha Rockets to support this attack.

Commander’s Intent: Destroy all enemy forces after saturation artillery barrage.


Anyway, that's what I had been planning, let me know any umpire's decisions that effect anything, and I'll make changes.

It's time to kick the Germans in the teeth.

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Excellent! I will process it and provide feedback. Thanks Comrade Slimovich...


EDIT: It can all happen as you asked except the forces sent up to recon Nyirgehazaya cannot conduct an assault THIS same turn.

They ran out of MP. (I will provide recon report from them a bit later.)


I will rack up the 2 battles. Get me 2 trusted commanders! EDIT: the 27th has 14 tanks, I will fix that next time. They came back from crew replacement. Lots of crew headshots during the attack on Migojo.



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23rd Army Command Dispatch:

Scout forces have approached the enemy town of Nyiregyhaza and see it lightly defended by a small Hungarian unit with some armor.

We have word that a platoon of Penal Company infantry are guarding several immobile T-34's along the Migojo road. See below map.


If the axis forces do not attack to destroy the isolated group, they can potentially be "rescued" by Soviet forces entering that hex during Turn 4A.


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Hi Bulletpoint,

This is "Budapest '44" a title in the "Panzer Campaigns" series by John Tiller Software. Yes, there are zones of control and 3 different options for the rules regarding moving through an enemy ZOC.

I went with this Nyakleves as the option that it is possible to cross through an enemy ZOC but at increased movement penalty. 

The 2nd option is you flat out cannot pass through enemy ZOC. The 3rd option is that you can only if you leapfrog through friendly units in the hexes you transit through. 

The option I picked seemed to match this period of the war, the terrain and the mechanized nature of the forces.

So, those Soviet units were in travel mode for best distance achievable and only got those few hexes. They suffered significant penalty as they cut through there.

They were also shot at by those axis units ("ADF" Automatic Defensive Fire) ....but lady luck was on their side and no effect was achieved. They could have taken losses or been disrupted.

I am not an expert at what is best but try and experiment with this hybrid mix of the 2 games. 

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My mistake, You wrote about this a few posts earlier. Please don't stress yourself ;) I'll take Hvy tank rgt & sappers and lead them to glory. 

Good luck Comrade Snols! Smash those fascists! Your force is like a clenched steel fist, and the Sturmoviks are the knife clenched in that fist!

It is a small force, but given the nature of the enemy, smashing their tanks and carriers is really all I expect. Force preservation is necessary for the future.

I would look on this as a spoiling attack, meant to damage and disrupt, but if you can take the ground and hold it, more the better.

Edited by SLIM
Fixing a comma.
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