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ALLIED HQ/AAR CMPzC Operation Nyakleves

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Correct. Here is the big picture.





OK: assaulting into Migojo. 27th Gds Tnk Bde (16xT-34/85) and 458th Rifle Rgt (240men) <lost 10 by defensive fire>.

You fired some at the Migojo axis and took out 4 men total.

Assault into forest. 151st Tk Rgt (11xT-34/76C)<lost one by defensive fire>and Penal Co (95men)<lost 5 by defensive fire> and Starshina Sakonov. No losses to defenders. This assault will be supported by 45th Artillery Rgt (4x122mmHow with 168 rounds) and 207th Hvy Mrtr Co. (4x120mmMortar with 72 rounds). You have an FO team on foot with the Starshina. CMPzC Artillery rules must be followed for max diameter for area fire.

It is 0600. Both battles will be 50~55 minutes. Players must stop when the timer goes red and notify umpire.
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How about this new carrot and stick idea?


Where as I have indeed made AAR as non-mandatory, I am thinking how to show preference to PBEM foot soldiers who do post screenshots with an interesting narrative.


This could be head of the line treatment for future battles or perhaps a special addition or interesting wrinkle in their next battle.

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Turn One, forest assault at dawn, west of Migojo; briefing by CO.


Polkóvnik Snols, at ease. Do you want some vodka?

This is a search and destroy mission.

Our scouts have spotted enemy assault guns in the area - no more than 9.

They are your primary targets! Eliminate them.

As you know, the German assault guns have medium frontal armour, so instruct your crews

to use their turrets to advantage and get shots on their flanks where possible.

Engaging them here in the woods is more effective than engaging them on the plains!

Use this opportunity to destroy them.

I strongly suggest using the penal company as scouts for your armour.

Consider splitting them up and sending scout teams out in every direction.

Some teams will reach good vantage points and can stay in cover to observe.

Others you will probably risk sending forward into suspected enemy territory.

It is unlikely they will have the stomach for combat, so use them as your eyes instead.

Be wary of the potential lines of fire on your flanks when crossing the rail lines or the stream.

Also, there are reports of some enemy infantry in the area as well, so tell your crews.

You have all of our available artillery assets at this time. Use them fully.

The plotted footprint of the 122mm howitzer battery can be no larger than 154m diameter.

The plotted footprint of the 120mm mortar battery can be no larger than 88m diameter.

You must keep the Starshina alive. His leadership skills will be most useful during rest of the operation.

Do you have any questions?



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I have created 2 dropbox folders. 1 for each battle and invites are going out to the players.


I have some slight tweaks to do to the forest battle but it should be ready to start tonight after the opponents have reviewed it.


Migojo battle is in production and will be done tonight.

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Turn One, dawn assault on Migojo; briefing by CO.


Polkóvnik Pallebahtep, come and warm yourself by the fire.

Your mission is to take the town of Migojo from the fascists, and destroy them without mercy.

Earlier this night, Comrade Snols lead a reconnaissance mission into the town.
They estimated enemy forces at about 2 companies of infantry, supported by machineguns and a 75mm infantry gun.

They are dug in. No enemy armour.

You have no artillery support for the attack. But you do have 16 tanks and 6 assault guns.

THEY are your artillery comrade. Use their high explosive shells and machineguns to pry the fascists out of their holes like flame onto ticks!

Use your infantry company teams cautiously, to spot the enemy and then quickly crush them with your guns.

Consider joining your tanks and infantry together, as your crews may find it hard to spot the snakes in low light conditions!

With so many vehicles, you should have more than enough HE shells, but remember your tanks have MG's if needed.

Also remember that your assault guns do not have MG's, and should be kept back. Perhaps use them to cover your flanks.

Destroy the defenders surgically and methodically, and keep our troops alive - particularly all of the the armour,

which are some of the best units we have available for this operation, and will be much needed in the days ahead.

Do you have any questions? Good fortunes Pallebahtep.



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Note: Migojo Battle has no SU's. 16xT-34/85 and the Infantry Battalion. Infantry Battalion has 2 platoons of mortars.(6x82mm)


This is the 27th Guards Tank Brigade, (the heroes of the battle of Konkordsikova!) and Morale was redesignated as B.

Motivation is normal with a few highs. Maybe 1 low (the shirker!).

There are many veterans, mostly regulars and only 1 green crew among the tankers.

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This is a new feature and the below preview shows work in progress (by the one and only Juju) for CMPzC Achievement Trophies.




A table will eventually be uploaded to explain their meaning, some are obvious of course!

I will be keeping an eye to award them as they occur or by the end screen results.

They go to the team as well as the PBEM commander fighting the battle. 

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LOL! Time for some parade drills and a field inspection from the -2 German officer! <_<


Great medals Phil, nice work! This whole show is like some kind of interactive performance art heh heh! Including a generous helping of comedy. :D


What will the maximum diameter footprint of the mortars be?


Excellent Pallebahtep, looking forward to seeing the coming battles. :)

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20m per EACH mortar used on that mission or 35m perr EACH “tube” of regular artillery used on that mission. Plus up to 10% wiggle room since it can be hard to exactly adjust it with your mouse. The exact diameter you have requested can be double-checked in the artillery mission dialog box under the spotter for the mission. Example: 2 mortars would be an area target of 2x20=40x1.1= 44m max diameter. 3 mortars = 66m, 4 mortars = 88m.


(N/A for Migojo) 4 x105mm artillery = 4x35=140x1.1 =154m max diameter. 



*** I am in touch with some artillery experienced folks and will be eventually revising these rules....

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