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Bulge Thread Part Deux

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Very nice!  I really like those snow effects on the uni's and boots.  Good job there.



...and you gotta know when I talk about the real pro's and umlaut in the same sentence it is kind of a joke, because if he is an amateur pro, then the real pro's, ok, the "real pro's" better knock our socks off!



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This is a fairly old screenshot and I actually just remembered the background when you mentioned the backpack.

After a few of us did the CMFI GL Bulge 44 mod, I ventured into doing a CMBN MG Bulge 44 mod project.

I cannot really remember why I wanted to do the project and I also cannot remember why it died.  

But since it is CMBN, then that is why you see the backpack.

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This is a fairly old screenshot and I actually just remembered the background when you mentioned the backpack.

After a few of us did the CMFI GL Bulge 44 mod, I ventured into doing a CMBN MG Bulge 44 mod project.

I cannot really remember why I wanted to do the project and I also cannot remember why it died.  

But since it is CMBN, then that is why you see the backpack.


OK thank you!

I think there exist a file which control the US soldier doesn't wear backpack in CMFI.

But the file is hiden ,and we will never find it. :)

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There is plenty that could be shown to you if the powers-that-be was of a mind to show you. But this being Beta work that means there's always going to be something in the screenshot that's not final product. And there's a natural tendency to want to put the best face on the new product for public consumption. Limiting early Beta screenshots means not having to continually explain that - no, those aren't the final uniforms or no, those aren't the final road signs. I recently mentioned to someone that I've been waiting for five years for the opportunity to finally do 'late war' German armor camou and I've been taking full advantage of the opportunity.  :D

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  • 3 weeks later...

This is just my tiny test map with all possible paved road tiles to quickly examine the progress (or lack of) as I struggle to do the mod.


I hope this is already being done by someone working on Bulge. I think it would be a nice addition. As a paved road 1* [snow]  type internal modtag series.


I am a bit surprised it didn't get done for CMFI GL. Maybe it will get done for the next CMFI module?


Italy has that ugly yellowish paved roads but Belgium would I think have the grey asphalt like Holland.


So I am sliding in the grey here for this mod and then laying on the snow with a layer mask with tire marks.


I am struggling with the exact match of the tiremarks between the sections. It has to be exactly symmetrical because several files flip directions to save on bmp storage.


Then I gotta make sure the opacity is the same so the tone is perfectly matched to avoid the mismatch.


I need to know how to save an entire layer effect or just swap out the base original tile but then its alpha goes with it....Ugggh!


Then the turns have to have curved tire marks in various arc shapes that also line up nicely with any straight sections. And the 45 degree dealies. Jeez Malone! 


Easier said than done...



Edited by kohlenklau
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Hi Gary,


Yeah. I dropboxxed everything to myself at work. I will mess with it today...strictly on my lunch hour of course!


I want to add in some slightly wavy tire marks also, guys coming back off a 3-day pass to Paris.


I also will swipe a few from the railroad tracks set so we have one of the long straight road tiles can show some diagonal; marks where someone passed over the road at a semi-perpendicular.

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Beevors excellent for less hardcore grogs but good also for grogs especially in covering the human side of conflicts. I look at him almost as a present day Cornelius Ryan in style. Thank god the Ambrose rage is over with. i couldnt stand his books which hardly if ever gave even grudging respect to Wehrmacht soldiers, and was basically USA USA WE WON THE WAR USA USA. Plus i feel its been proven he lied about a historical incident on DDay. He lied about that what else did he lie about? Or make up?

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