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CMBS Campaign: The Eagle and the Bear

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Is there any reason why the player cant reorganize the defenders to start with? The AT7s are a ittle to close to he front line for my liking


This is something else I noticed. It would be nice to be able to redeploy units, especially the TOW Humvees and the ATGMs. I think an APC or a truck for the Lithuanians to stock up on AT weapons would also be helpful.

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Mission 1. Hell broke loose dragonwynn. 

I hate it how the russian tanks 'appear' at the back of the map after 20mins   :) i thought i had them by surprise by moving MY tanks at the back from the right flank ! But i soon realised - I was in a surprise.


let me work on the AARs for you.. i think i need 4 days/ 1 week to fully complete the campaign. Is that ok, doable ?

When you say the back of the map are you saying they appeared behind where the 3rd ABCT started or on the Russian entry side of the map? Take your time on the AAR's. Its no rush just play and enjoy then give the feedback.


This is something else I noticed. It would be nice to be able to redeploy units, especially the TOW Humvees and the ATGMs. I think an APC or a truck for the Lithuanians to stock up on AT weapons would also be helpful.

I will look at adding a setup zone for the Latvian forces once I get all the feedback in.

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WOW, I also just finished the first scenario with a tactical defeat as those 20 min Russian tanks completely wrecked my flanking attack.  There is a lot going on for this scenario...the Latvians are merely target practice as they clearly can't hit the broadside of a barn with those AT-7s and machine guns are useless against tanks...at least give the guys some RPGs, eh? :)


Otherwise my US BCT was going through the Russians like a knife through butter...this is my first game on CMBS where I had to deploy Stingers and watch out for air attack...very, very scary...I was on the verge of sweeping the Russians back across their bridgehead when those follow on echelon tanks hit me like a sledgehammer. 


Really looking forward to digging into this campaign...


For using stock QB maps, this is a very good effort....

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On my third try, I got a tactical victory on the first one. The Russian armoured reinforcements are still tricky. I had destroyed just about everything else by that point and moved everyone behind cover except for some Javelin teams, which fared reasonably well. I think it would be extremely difficult to win if you didn't know when those reinforcements show up.


I got a total victory on the second mission. I just put my Bradleys and M1 behind buildings and picked off the Russian armour from an angle when they tried to cross the river.


I'm on the third mission and I'm enjoying it quite a bit. 

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Ok, tried the second mission with dismounted infantry and Javelins...not a good plan as Russian artillery just hammered them.


However, was well on my way to trying to salvage at least a draw, but over strengthened the forces guarding the bridge and didn't see that amphibious crossing above town...OOOPS, knocked out bridges don't mean anything to BTRs and BMPs...dang forgot that data point.  Suffered tactical defeat as the valiant M1 ran out of ammo and...well, you can guess the rest.


Both of these were tough defensive scenarios against very long odds...well designed and challenging, but obviously winnable if you don't make a mistake...my plan was similar to Chudacabra and worked pretty well along the bridge...I just left my flank hanging...I hate it when that happens. :o


OH, one Freudian slip I noticed...they aren't REALLY Soviets anymore...just Russians...You may be dating yourself a bit.  I just caught it on the third brief.....seemed very natural to me too!


The briefings, backstory and overall concept are top notch...well thought out and really helps you immerse yourself into the tactical situation...which is very realistic I think for what a NATO force might face in the Baltics...it ain't a pretty picture.


BTW...just so you know I used the awesome CMx2_ScAn_CaDe_v1 utility to unpack your scenarios...I figured rather than beat my head against a wall trying to chug through the campaign, I would just play the scenarios in order...my assumption is that each is pretty much stand alone with no transferring units....I don't have a lot of playing time so I figure I can at least give  you one pass through each.


Hope these comments help...looking forward to mission 3 and some urban combat....

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Thanks grunt_GI. I will make a note of the Soviet/Russian thing lol. Guess I was trying not to use Russian so many times figured it would get reptative while reading. Glad you are enjoying it so far. I do recommend playing it out as the campaign instead of individual scenarios simply because some of them are tied together in paths based on your previous battle success. For instance some of the battles are identical except for certain things based on how you did on the previous mission. A win or draw will take you on one path where a defeat will take you on another.


So you stand to miss some of the storyline if you play just individual scenarios. But either way just enjoy and I will continue to make notes from all you guys trying it out for the revision before release.

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Yes, I figured that might happen...CMx2_ScAn_CaDe also shows the campaign tree, which you clearly put some thought into as well!


However, I have a lot of CM commitments I made that I mean to fulfill, so I will take the hit...so to speak...which just means when it's all buffed up I can play the new improved campaign from scratch!




Ok Dragonwynn you sneaky bastard...:)


BTW for testing purposes, I usually play RT Veteran, and consider myself a Major on the tactical scale of 2nd LT to General...I can usual eke out a tactical victory in most scenarios if I don't blunder...but other than the occasional QB, I rarely get MAJOR VICTORIES on well laid out user made scenarios...just as a point of comparison for other testers.


Started the Spetsnaz scenario...and like Peter Rabbit hopping down the bunny trail ran right into your nasty surprises.....SPOILERS BELOW



Like I said I love urban combat..and this was a nasty little fight.  I assumed, and you know what that means, I could just sneak up the left and right flanks of town..avoiding the obvious obstacles awaiting me up the road...OF course the Russians knew that too...and had those darn BTRs waiting for me..took out the ATGM ambush sites in the tree lines, ..started to pummel them, but they took a toll on my Strykers and command units, so may actually play this one again.


I have to say, the terrain here is definitely a challenge...keeping your guys in cover and concealment in the trees is tough...that's why I think  I will try this again...move a little slower and use my scout teams to better effect.


I think the force balance is good and you definitely have your Russians in a strong defensive position...will have to sneak up on those BTRs.


Another good scenario...trying the FOB defense next...that looks like an absolute bloodbath...will need to be fresh for it...HUGE battles take a lot of work in RT.

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Thanks again GruntGI. Yea I tried to keep it interesting lol. Red Rage I will give that some thought. Because this is a story driven campaign it would be a load of work to switch it around. However if this one turns out well I may try a new project from the Russian perspective.

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I will say the story is one of the best parts...and I do see how there is definitely something to be said for how you have branched the scenarios depending on how the player does.  Once you get if buffed up I will give it a go...I will say that when there is a good campaign I will play a scenario 4 or 5 times to win (sigh) just cuz it will get my dander up.  I know this will be one of those campaigns...


Going to try and defend the FOB tonight...really looking forward to that.




Just finished this...awesome...like Fuldska Gap or something...waves and waves of Russian tanks and BMPs just....keep.....coming.....


Actually earned a total victory....which,  honestly tells me that this was  pretty straightforward shoot everything in front of you sort of battle.




To be fair, the Russians still had a lot of infantry left it seemed to me...they had almost collapsed my left flank...I was doing a hasty retreat of the Latvian mortar teams and my trucks...although an M1 and M2 arrived in time to blunt their drive down the road...but I was REALLY worried that infantry was going to come shooting through those woods...


The Russians also nearly collapsed my right flank...only a valiant stand by 2 Bradleys and their crews..who were wiped out, stopped the 7 or 8 Russian tanks rolling in that way.


However, I was ready to push them back and try and counterattack on my left...how successful I would have been, I don't know.


Some recommendations for the Russians...I would spread the air and artillery support around...they pounded the crap out of the center of my line, BUT didn't really do much suppression, to be honest.


For a typically player like myself, I would use the ol' wave attack...sending everything at once made it pretty inevitable that I just fought things out until I figured out either 

a) where an attack was going to break though or

B) where an attack was stalled and I could shift forces to bolster a weak area.


If the Russians attacked in echelon, like that pesky 1st scenario that gave everyone fits, it would have been a much harder battle, as I very likely would have overcommitted my forces to either flank as those were in severe jeopardy. 


If you wanted to be REALLY sneaky, you could occupy the American forces on the base, and then send your second wave against the Latvians....that would have been ugly...


Just a thought...I generally love huge tank battles like that...


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Finished the third mission and really enjoyed it. I pushed hard up the right flank and got a total victory. Strykers can be pretty nasty if they're not up against anything nasty. Don't think I would necessarily recommend any changes to this one.


Haven't started the fourth mission, but it looks like fun.

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Thanks for the input guys. Ill look at maybe adjusting the attack AI on the Fob attack scenario. I tried to approach it from the Russian point of view in that they have the NATO forces on the ropes and basically go for the kill by overwhelming force. But the input is valuable.

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Making my way through the setup on the fourth mission. I would recommend having a much larger setup zone for the Latvians. They seem right for the picking for a linear artillery barrage. It would also be nice to be able to relocate the mortars further back.

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I'm about 20 minutes into the 4th mission and it's pretty much a turkey shoot so far. As it stands, Javelin teams and Abrams' have wreaked havoc on the Russians (destroyed roughly 20 AFV's) and not taken a single loss so far. The Russian AI plan seems like it needs some improvement. Maybe a large Russian smokescreen to the front of the American positions would make things more challenging? 

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Finished, if that's the right word, the Hill 289 Scenario






DAMN, this scenario was pretty much over before it began with the monstrous Russian artillery barrage.  I probably had 30% casualties before the first Russians even approached the river.


Marvelous suppressive fire...kudos to their FST.  However, as the American player, I was pretty much Custer watching the Indians coming  over the rise.  There isn't a whole lot of tactical finesse here...kinda like the FOB scenario, but with less room to maneuver and fewer options to contain potential breakthroughs.


My guys did manage to recover somewhat and knock out a number of AFVs and I did call down one awesome 120mm mortar barrage on units crossing the bridge...but the nearly constant artillery, especially on Hill 289 itself pretty much ensured that once the first BTR reached my trench line with infantry support, I was toast.


Not sure what to do here...turning down the artillery may give the American player more of a chance. The only other option, which I may try, is to move my guys back out of those trenches, which are obvious targets, but being out in the open with airburst artillery doesn't seem very smart either.  Beyond that, this should be pretty much a cakewalk for the Russians...use artillery and direct fire from the AFV to suppress the hill top and wooded area, and then flood the areas with infantry to mop up.


Ouch, ouch, this was an ass kicking of galactic proportions...

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Finished, if that's the right word, the Hill 289 Scenario






DAMN, this scenario was pretty much over before it began with the monstrous Russian artillery barrage.  I probably had 30% casualties before the first Russians even approached the river.


Marvelous suppressive fire...kudos to their FST.  However, as the American player, I was pretty much Custer watching the Indians coming  over the rise.  There isn't a whole lot of tactical finesse here...kinda like the FOB scenario, but with less room to maneuver and fewer options to contain potential breakthroughs.


My guys did manage to recover somewhat and knock out a number of AFVs and I did call down one awesome 120mm mortar barrage on units crossing the bridge...but the nearly constant artillery, especially on Hill 289 itself pretty much ensured that once the first BTR reached my trench line with infantry support, I was toast.


Not sure what to do here...turning down the artillery may give the American player more of a chance. The only other option, which I may try, is to move my guys back out of those trenches, which are obvious targets, but being out in the open with airburst artillery doesn't seem very smart either.  Beyond that, this should be pretty much a cakewalk for the Russians...use artillery and direct fire from the AFV to suppress the hill top and wooded area, and then flood the areas with infantry to mop up.


Ouch, ouch, this was an ass kicking of galactic proportions...

lol Il will make a note to maybe tone down the arty a bit. It was pretty intense on my play through though they seem to be a bit more accurate on you as I did not suffer the casualties you did just some suppression. I was able to take out some of their armor at the bridge which slowed them up and then concentrated my firepower on the rest to thin out the horde before they reached the trenches. I pulled off a minor victory on my one test run. I will see what the other suggestions are on this one then make the adjustments. Note on arty is down though lol.


This mission is the middle of the campaign one where if you come out ahead here the tide is slowly shifting in favor of the NATO forces.

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