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Is anybody still playing this game?

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Agusto ...



Good idea. I havent  tested yet how the preserve objectives translate to victory points. It simply never occured to me during my tests to intentionally order an artillery barrage on a building that i am supposed to capture intact :D, that' s bit counterintuitive.


If you're going to have preserve objectives, one of the things you need to test is how much it takes to destroy the building and what the thresholds are in terms of damage where the VPs start to be lost. For instance you can merrily fire .50 cal at a building for long enough to zap any enemies in there and put down a short 81mm mortar anti-personnel mission down on the roof of same building and generally not damage it sufficiently to lose VPs - but you gotta test it!!!





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Reference difficulty rating - around 8ish I would say. Conceptually it is a simple scenario but execution was tricky given the size and makeup of the opposition, the preserve constraints for airport infrastructure and the time available. I would struggle to win this second time out I think but might get there third time around.

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I just purchased it, so yes, somebody plays this game :rolleyes:


I am sure you will love it. Although CMBS is really really cool, CMSF is still my personal favorite of the series. I just like the desert i guess :D.


Reference difficulty rating - around 8ish I would say. Conceptually it is a simple scenario but execution was tricky given the size and makeup of the opposition, the preserve constraints for airport infrastructure and the time available. I would struggle to win this second time out I think but might get there third time around.


Man that is a tough one, on a scale of 1 - 10 with a die roll modifier of I suck... hmmm..  :D


The version I played I'd say maybe a 7... considering school of hard knocks was maybe a 9-10.  Basically if I think after the first play through, I can probably win it on my second try, it can't be above an 8.  The hardest thing for me on an initial play through is I usually don't manage the clock well.  I just hate risking my guys trying to rush stuff, then I end up having to risk my guys cause I am running out of time. :P


Okay...i had made the new version easier than the last and after i tested it myself 2 times, i thought it had become too easy, but if you two found the version you played as difficult as you say, i think the new one is going to be fine. Thanks for your feedback.

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Sorry I have taken so long to reply...started the updated scenario.  Going much better this time.  2:30 is a slog...oyyy...but think this version is much better paced and balanced.  


Small spoiler...


Used the sniper teams to good effect...took out 5-6 BMPs before main force showed up...love, love point arty.


Decided to try and use the ol' central position COA...using my sniper teams to pin down OBJ Alpha and Charlie with arty and CAS while I use my main force to take X-ray and Bravo...then figure I can mop up the other two objectives...I am assuming the MAIN enemy force will be concentrated around X-ray...so far so good...except I can't keep my AAVs from getting shot...huge difference between having Bradleys and these huge targets...oyyy


Will see how the CAAT works out....waiting for the arrival of the main enemy armor force...should be interesting...


Will provide complete AAR as soon as i finish!


Thanks for this.

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How are things going? Were you able to finish the scenario? What are your thoughts, shall i release the current version? I already have an idea for a CMBS scenario, so i would like to finish this project within the next week or so. I dont want to put any of you under pressure though, i know you are doing this voluntarily.

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How are things going? Were you able to finish the scenario? What are your thoughts, shall i release the current version? I already have an idea for a CMBS scenario, so i would like to finish this project within the next week or so. I dont want to put any of you under pressure though, i know you are doing this voluntarily.


Ok, just finished...read...just quit cuz I was getting my butt kicked...


However, here are my observations AND SOME SPOILERS:


1)  New scenario is much better paced, more balanced for OOBs (more on that later) and the action picks up very quickly.  As I said, I like the sniper/recon platoon for the first period to try and reduce the enemy forces before my main body shows up.


2) So I got cocky, quickly captured X-Ray and Bravo then sent my tanks off to capture Alpha thinking I could hold off the counter attack I knew was coming with my CAAT and Fire Support.  BIG BIG mistake.  The Mech Company/Tank Company, whatever, came hell for leather and overran my butt in no time, wiping out my CAAT and the infantry holding X-ray...stupid move, should have left my tanks there to absorb the counterattack...I even saw 'em coming from the control tower but couldn't get CAS and artillery on them fast enough...DAMN those T-72s can hurry.


3)  I really like this scenario...gonna try a third time and not get so cocky...leave a good tank/infantry ambush to wipe out the counter attack...I know, not what the player trying this for the first time may do, but NOW of course honor demands I wipe these bastards out. :)


Really well done...I think this is ready for prime time...to be fair your briefing does warn about a counter attack but DAMN when it comes, it's like a freakin' cavalry charge of T-72s....


I would launch it...try and keep some interest in CMSF...I still play it at least as much as CMBS or any of the other titles.

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I ran a livestream while testing this scenario. You can find it here: http://www.twitch.tv/raptor_pilot

I'll warn you, there's about 5 hours of gameplay to wade through. I'll be posting some highlights later.

The stream's not super quality, I'm trying to find settings that work.


So far I'm enjoying the scenario. One of my tanks got immobilized on the wrong side of the airport, and that pissed me off a bit. I also wasted time hunting down an enemy team outside of Alpha. I have a platoon securing Alpha right now, but the enemy tanks have just showed up. I'm going to have to take care of them before I can commit the rest of my forces.


Also, I have never, ever used a CAAT team before. Hopefully they won't just get blown up. I did manage to hit a T-72 with a TOW missile, but the thing just shrugged it off and kept driving. Grrr.


One thing I will say, the enemy tanks just seem to be sprinting across the map, with no real concern about locating my forces. My one operational Abrams killed three T-72's and the rest of them just drove right on by. Maybe adding time to the A.I. waypoints might slow them down a little, and let them observe a bit more. Right now they're just driving at full speed while buttoned up directly into a hasty ambush.


Once I have highlights I'll post them on YouTube and link them here.

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Hi. I liked this scenario !


Quick comments. the recon phase was nice.. some ppl above commented that they could only see two to three at most BMPs.. HOWEVER, if you stand up your units, and remove them from the HIDE command., you will be able to see at least 2 to 3 more.. further back. The point target with arty went fantastic.


The Final Assault by the Syrians was a nice surprise :)


I won the battle as a US Minor Victory. the end report told me i occupied all positions alpha, bravo, charlie, x-ray. However, i can almost swear that i didn't occupy charlie with any of my units. could it be ? Minor bug? Just gently asking..


Other than that- I ENJOYED IT. Thanks agusto.

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@borg: WOW you were fast. I sent it to you when...? A couple of hours ago, maximum. Thanks for the feedback, i will look into Objective Charlie again.


@SLIM: Thanks for your feedback too. Good luck with the CAAT team :D.


Regarding the issues with the AI controlled T-72s, i am aware of that. They are not exactely doing what i told them to do, and i havent managed it yet to get them to do what i want. Actually they are supposed to go behind the wall that starts at the northern edge of the map and goes south, nicely covered and safe from Blues fire, but instead they go around it and run right into the ambush. They should slow down after a few hundered meters though and carefully (warning:SPOILERS) take positions around the objectives.

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I look forward to more... And maybe also CMBS u said ?


Yeah, ever since the release of CMBS i have to think of a huge Fula-Gap style scenario. Currently my plans for the CMBS scenario i intend to make look as follows:


Name: Fuldarovsk - Forntier of Freedom (or something similar)


Background: the official CMBS background story.


Type: BLUE Human vs. RED AI.


Timescale: within the first 24 hours of the Russian invasion of northern Ukraine.


Length: 2 to 3 hours, i  will think of that when i know what the map is going to look like.


Map: 2,5km x 4km or even larger - depends on what my new PC can handle. I was looking for a possible site for the battle on Google Maps recently, but i havent found something fitting yet. I want the area to look a bit like central Germany, ideally like the area between Fulda and the inner German border. The area around Sumy and particularily east and north-east of Sumy (link to google earth below) looks promising though.




Units involved:

RED: Up to 3 Russian mech and/or tank battalions, arriving in 3 waves, possibly some recon units and lots of artillery and air support.


BLUE: About 1 mixed battalion with some AA assets and possible on-map mortars. I also intend to make use of the EW feature of CMBS to dissable the Ukrainians communication systems, so they wont get off-map support of any kind and they also wont be aware of whether or not their reinforcements arrive as planned or if they arrive at all.



The RED objective will be an exit objective along the western side of the map. The Russian commanders intent is to punch through the Ukrainian lines as fast and as violent as possible in order to encricle and defeat them before NATO can come to help.


The BLUE objctive will be to prevent the Russians from exiting the map at the western edge and to limit their advance (RED will have several phase lines as addtional objectives). Furthermore the BLUE side will have to limit friendly casualties and to maximize the enemys casualties.


The whole scenario is planned to be a delaying action from BLUEs perspective to be a mechanized assault from REDs perspective.


Difficulty: The scenario is hopefully going to be a massacre for both sides. It should be possible for an experienced BLUE player to win, but only just.




Thanks to all who took the time to test the scenario and provide feedback - will give you credit for that in the Briefing.

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@SLIM: Thanks for your feedback too. Good luck with the CAAT team :D.



No, thank you, I had a lot of fun. I'll be playing through more of the scenario soon, I think I'll Fraps and post a highlights video, rather than stream for five hours next time. One of my war gaming buddies did come in and watch for a bit, I don't think he'd ever seen Combat Mission before.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Ok, so i went through the problems mentioned in the last few posts and the scneario is finished now. I am gonna upload it to the Repository tonight.


Regarding the CMBS scenario, i think it will have to wait a few week or months until i start working on it. I got a new PC 3 weeks ago and i am currently so busy playing all the games that i couldnt play on my old computer, i just cant motivate myself to work on anew scenario at the moment.

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Ok, i uploaded it. It should be available soon. Link:





looking forward to playing the final version


There werent any major changes. As you suggested i tested slowing down the advance of the T-72s so they fire back a bit more, but actually it made things worse. By ordering them to stop and fire every 100 meters (which is the second fastest form of movement the CMSF AI is capable of), they just became even easier targets for the US ATGMs in overwatch. It' s better to have them dash through the open ground into the relative saftey of the built area in the center. Compared to the version you played, the only thing that has changed are the briefing graphics, which are complete now, and the unit designations - you are now not commanding 1st MEU but 15th MEU - a real life unit.

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