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CM 2

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To BTS (Steve & Charles),

The beta testers have been at it for a while now. I understand that their "job" is to run CM 1 through it's paces and look for what doesn't work.

Have the testers suggested any improvements/additions for CM 2 that you liked? Something that you hadn't thought of, but now is on "The List" for CM 2?

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Guest Big Time Software

Hi Dave,

Thankfully we haven't had any major calls for change. There were some great suggestions for "tweaks" and "improvements", but no core features were requested. Needless to say we are very happy about that! But, as always, there are many good suggestions for improvements we don't have time for. For these we are noting them as worthy additions to The List.

One of the major improvements, on the tips of many of our brains, but brought out by Fionn first, was the request to double the number of terrain elevation levels (20 now instead of 10). This allows for slightly smoother slopes, or more subtle dips and rises. Very nice addition which is already in use!


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Wow! That new terrain is going to look good.

I think that showing all of the people (at realistic scaling only) will be possible in the future. As for now, I'm remembering when this was going to be a 2-D version of Advanced Squad Leader. I used to dream of being able to look at the board this way and have the computer do the calculating.

Will there be a patch called CM2? You guys will probably offer the second version on disk, but having a patch for all of us first-timers would be more convenient. Would there be too much information to download?

The Russian Front is my area of study. I want to do my post-graduate work (if admitted) on Kharkov. I can hardly wait until I see that. Thousands of little men fighting on my new (by then) PIII 600.


Climb to Glory!

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From what I understand there will be no "patch" for CM2. It is going to be written as a total stand alone game, but still loosely based on the CM engine from what I understand. I'll let Steve go into the reasons why, but I think it has something to do w/ the new terrain types, overall future game improvements, and other factors that simply cannot be achieved by, expanding/adding to, the code of the existing (CM1) game.

Mike D

aka Mikester

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Everyone clamors for individual men represented onscreen.

Seems like it would be real messy distinguishing what’s going on to me. At first I wanted it but with as many men as are fighting at once, their current system seems more appropriate.

Maybe Moon or Fionn could help. Now that you've been playing CM for a bit do you still find yourself wanting for every man represented?

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Personally, no I don't...

Once I get playing it becomes quite challenging to win so I just get caught up in the battles.

I don't miss having 12 men per squad and I would NOT trade battalion-level battles for the 12 men (which is what the current situation is).

A lot of the graphical nitpicks which are made here simply won't be remembered once the game is played IMO. Maybe I'm just such a grognard that the kneeling thing never bothered me etc but I think others will feel the same. (FWIW I think the kneeling state is being improved but I'm just saying that while Martin and I played neither of us looked at the kneeling and said UHOH !! BIG problem...

It's a really great wargame and it succeeds wonderfully at that IMO. The other stuff is great eye candy (and I like eye candy) but the CORE of CM is a great wargame. Thankfully the core is good IMO.



Fionn Kelly

Manager of Historical Research,

The Gamers Net - Gaming for Gamers

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Dear Fionn !

You are "[...] just saying that while Martin and I played neither of us looked at the kneeling and said UHOH !! BIG problem ..."

Well since I brought up this knee position stuff I feel like apologizing to you: I really did not want to upset you, but - you see - the difference between you and me is (as you correctly stated) that YOU ARE PLAYING THE GAME while I have to look at SCREENSHOTS.

So, if you put yourself into my shoes you might realize that - given that I am desperate to contribute something to this great game - the only way to do this is to judge what *I* see and to suggest improvements to that.

So maybe it is a little bit unfair to imply that this is pedantic as YOU are in the lucky situation of enjoying the game already, while I have to restrict myself to positive (?!) criticism.

Therefore, I think that, especially in your position, it is not necessary to attack other people for their well-meant suggestions.



PS.: Sorry for this not-CM-related post.

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Thomm, I don't think Fionn meant any criticism at all. For example note his words:

<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>FWIW I think the kneeling state is being improved but I'm just saying that while Martin and I played neither of us looked at the kneeling and said UHOH !! BIG problem...<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

In other words it is an improvement (as evidenced by the fact it has been added to the code), but until you pointed it out he simply didn't notice. smile.gif

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LOL Thomm,

I think the wait is getting to you wink.gif. I certainly don't think that what I wrote was an attack on you or anyone else who spoke about improving the kneeling soldiers. It certainly wasn't intended that way.

I was simply making the point that during the gamePLAY as opposed to the gameWAIT that the players get "caught up in the game" and don't notice all the graphical details which people are spotting because they ONLY have the screenshots to look at.

When I was looking at the screenshots I also was looking at them and thinking things needed tweaking here, there and everywhere BUT once I got the game I completely forgot all my "the backpack needs fixing, the shoes look bad" etc comments since they simply never occured to me during the gamePLAY.

THAT is what I was saying. FWIW I think that the way you have the kneeling soldiers IS more life-like and since it seems an easy fix it's something I'm very glad to see go in. I certainly wasn't trying to dismiss your pointing it out as pedantic I was simply trying to give you MY perspective on the issue as someone playing it.

Certainly I think it is valuable for everyone to hear from someone playing the game on whether or not the gliding soldiers or kneeling at right angles impacts the game's enjoyment when playing right? That's all I was trying to do.

<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Well since I brought up this knee position stuff I feel like apologizing to you: I really did not want to upset you,

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Well, so much for misconception of written language !

Sorry for bringing this thread to the top again, but of course I want to thank Fionn for his reply ... herewith !



PS: "... than slam yours k?"

This missing "o" inspires an "ironic Okay", namely " wink.gifk".

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