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The Peng Challenge Thread: Some one get me a drink, and tell me what's going on, eh?

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So, it seems that I have begun a totally new Peng Challenge Thread, eh?  


Well, you know what?  I can totally DO that.  


That's one of Our powers.  The Old Ones, that is.  The One Who Capers, the One Who Judges, and the One Who Cuts the Thread. 


Three Old Ones.


So...what's going on?  Someone who isn't a fecking idiot, fill me in?

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Nice to know you can actually DO something. Anything really. As for trying to find a non-idiot to explain something to you, why bother? It isn't like you would understand them.

Now being a squire yet, I think it is probably up to me to fetch you a drink. Anything in particular or would just any of the vile swill we keep around here suffice?

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Unfortunately you starting a new thread Story Teller, seems to have awakened groups of Aussies who have not been around here for quite sometime. We were quite happy with their absence, have you not heard of the phrase. "Let sleeping dogs lie"

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Good grief!

Seanachai staggers in (AGAIN!), pants around his ankles, reeking of Absinthe and Aqua Velva, holding half a pineapple with a paper umbrella hanging out of it and immediately begins to give orders!

Have I gone back in time? 

Is it suddenly 2002 or thereabouts?


Ah... wait.  Not to worry. Much like Joe Shaw, Seanachai will no doubt wander back out and we won't see him for another six months or two years.


But I would still like to know what's happened to Emrys.

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Yes, still no word from Emrys. He said nothing about going on a trip or sumfink. It has been a month now. Hmmmm. Has Emrys been gone for weeks on end before? Some of you have known him for a long time.


I even checked the Port Townsend online newspapers, but only found an article from 2006 about a fire in the complex where a Michel Emrys lived. His room was damaged. The guy was 62 at the time. I think that is THE Emrys. But that is old news.


There is an email address on the Joe Shaw homepage: http://home.comcast.net/~joe.shaw/wsb/html/777807/view.cgi-.html


But this site has not been updated for ages by the looks of it, so I don't know if that email address is still in use.


Emrys, where art thou?

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I think its kinda creepy, sort of like the NSA or FBI checking on you. Perhaps he just dropped off the grid for a time....we all know how weird he is. Maybe a Reptoid got him, I understand there is a huge battle against them going on in the Pacific region.

Edited by Nidan1
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Kniggethood? What did I ever do to you?

Here's the thing - no possible good can come from knighting you. This is understood.

But, you've been a squire for some time now, freely abusing the power of the position, fighting various nobodies in pissant, pusillanimous, pas de deuxs.

Time to put down the piss-bucket, I say. Where's Boo? How do we make this thing happen? (May God forgive me.)

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Here's the thing - no possible good can come from knighting you. This is understood.

But, you've been a squire for some time now, freely abusing the power of the position, fighting various nobodies in pissant, pusillanimous, pas de deuxs.

Time to put down the piss-bucket, I say. Where's Boo? How do we make this thing happen? (May God forgive me.)

I put down the pissbucket which was then taken up by one squired by you know who... and that all came to an ignominious end.  Leave well enough alone.  When my sire Sir Joe Shaw JFLPCT Knight Champion of the M.B.T., Justicar for Life of the Peng Challenge Thread, Creator of the Peng Challenge Thread Podcast, CessPool Drain Commissioner and Founder of the Shavian House deems it time, it will be time, not a moment before.


Personally I view Kniggethood as sort of the management of the cesspool.  As with anywhere else the higher one goes in management, the more brain cells one seems to lose trying to utilize as many of the latest buzz words while speaking.  This is of course excepting my sire Sir Joe Shaw JFLPCT Knight Champion of the M.B.T., Justicar for Life of the Peng Challenge Thread, Creator of the Peng Challenge Thread Podcast, CessPool Drain Commissioner and Founder of the Shavian House.

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Here's the thing - no possible good can come from knighting you. This is understood.

But, you've been a squire for some time now, freely abusing the power of the position, fighting various nobodies in pissant, pusillanimous, pas de deuxs.

Time to put down the piss-bucket, I say. Where's Boo? How do we make this thing happen? (May God forgive me.)

It's up to that nasty old Joe Shaw. And with his track record and swiss cheese-like memory, it's probably nothing we need worry about in the near future.

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