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Game for those who served in South Pacific


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I'm sick of hearing that it's not in Steve's plans. Nothing against you Whitehot. Its just that, we should talk about it. A game set in the pacific would be awesome. Island hopping, island landing *(it can't be that much of a stretch, they have amphibious tanks in Black Sea) the list goes on and on.


Its too bad no one talks about this. A game set in the Pacific would be amazing. Seeing as this game is basically a revenue generator for who knows what (making new skins, a couple new tanks, and then saying viola, its a brand new game is pretty lame BF); they might as well either create it or third party it like Afghanistan and collect royalties. Seriously, a few modders could have a Pacific game out in a month if BF would allow access to certain files.



Or just release a new theatre every few years with the same engine. No wait... charge separate for any new additions. 

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I'm sick of hearing that it's not in Steve's plans. Nothing against you Whitehot. Its just that, we should talk about it. A game set in the pacific would be awesome. Island hopping, island landing *(it can't be that much of a stretch, they have amphibious tanks in Black Sea) the list goes on and on.


Its too bad no one talks about this. A game set in the Pacific would be amazing. Seeing as this game is basically a revenue generator for who knows what (making new skins, a couple new tanks, and then saying viola, its a brand new game is pretty lame BF); they might as well either create it or third party it like Afghanistan and collect royalties. Seriously, a few modders could have a Pacific game out in a month if BF would allow access to certain files.



Or just release a new theatre every few years with the same engine. No wait... charge separate for any new additions. 


Ah another game designer.  I'm glad you like the Pacific...I don't and apparently BF doesn't feel like "reskinning" yet another game.  Glad to see your so well informed on the game design effort and marketing.



So what was your software companies name again?

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Sounds like there is definite interest, glad. A lot of men that got sick on the way to Normandy Beach with Measles and other stuff instead were sent to the toughest (suicide missions) hopping islands and clearing all sorts of atrocities too graphic to talk about here. After they hopped, literally own tanks falling into crevices down steep cave embankments, releasing their guns(blam!!!!)into the ammunition sites of others, and then clear, they found themselves all sitting in boats waiting to invade Japan, until planes came and dropped the atomic bombs, lots of them. A tank commanders own words, " we thought we were all going to die until the planes showed up. We heard how terrible the Japanese officers were to there own soldiers (psycho), we knew we would get it even worse than they".

But, these American soldiers were going to liberate the Japanese from their own tyrannical leadership, anyway.

Their devotion plus fantastic designers give these games of war much purpose.

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Sort of confused why this is on the CMBS forum.




But, these American soldiers were going to liberate the Japanese from their own tyrannical leadership, anyway.


I think the mentality of the day was killing the Japanese until they quit trying to kill us vs any sort of grand humanitarian post war plans of Japanese freedom.  

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*Crickets* ya pz, i think to those guys it was all about killing the Japanese. Heinlin was a PTO and used his experiences as a template for Starship troopers. Lol i think it says a lot to US opinion of the Japanese soldiers then their analogy in a sci fi novel was a race of insect aliens

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@ Thewood1
What do you expect if the first post in a thread starts with calling Japanese Soldiers "tyrannical scumbags"...

The BFC forums were once good for "above average objective" historical discussions (because the focus was mostly on the military aspects only) but that time seems long gone.

Edited by Wiggum15
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@ Thewood1


What do you expect if the first post in a thread starts with calling Japanese Soldiers "tyrannical scumbags"...

The BFC forums were once good for "above average objective" historical discussions (because the focus was mostly on the military aspects only) but that time seems long gone.

To be fair the poster never mentioned who he considered  to be the "tyrannical scumbags" maybe he was referring to the British?


We have had our share of internet crazies around here, they usually get just enough rope.....you know the rest.

Edited by Nidan1
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For the love of…  I hope they go to North Africa 40-43, Barbarossa and then France 1940 instead.  Don't care about the Pacific for CM what so ever.  BF please ignore the OP at least until those other theatres are made.  Thanks in advance.   ;)

Edited by Blazing 88's
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Personally I would love to see a pacific game. I would even hope to see it as a stepping stone to doing Vietnam, but as much as you don't want to hear it, BF has so far repeatedly said no and I suspect that is primarily based on financial expectations. They aren't going to lose money to create it. LongLeftFlank actually did a Makin mod which was quite good.

Beyond that there is already enough in the pipeline for us to continue debating this for years before BF will even be in the position of saying, gee we ran through everything else, heck maybe we should do the pacific.

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Thank you Kudos, for "heck maybe we should do the Pacific".  If anyone needs information regarding, I may be of assistance, well I hope I already have given pointers.  These men and women will be remembered or honored for their service, and when I mean service, that service was key to our positions in the South Pacific right now!  Thanks again!   Without their service, we would not have had the knowledge of the region without Texas born,  Fleet Admiral Chester W. Nimitz,  Commander, of Atlantic Submarine Force 1912,  Rear Admiral  1938,  in 1941 Made Commander in Chief of Pacific Fleet on the U.S.S. Nimitz, , and then Chief of Naval Operations in 1945. 






Yes, all talented Pacific fleet veterans please stand up.  Thanks you for your support!

Edited by Cheese
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The Pacific was an especially brutal war. Some of the people I grew up knowing fought in it. In fact I still have the WW2 Campaign medals given to me as a kid by a Marine who fought at Pelieu. My mom was of Japanese decent who grew up in Hawaii and was there when Pearl Harbor was bombed. Went to her grave as a loyal American and would disown me if I ever said anything bad about America.


The Japanese soldier in WW2 was indoctrinated with a medieval belief ideology that was difficult for westerners to comprehend. I think the same is true today for the threat western societies face from radical islam. Unfortunately the politically correct ideology that has taken hold in western societies makes it difficult to have a frank and honest discussion about this.


Since the oil boom that took place in the 70's when OPEC wielded its monopoly power and saw a huge increase in oil revenues there was a huge rush to modernize what was up to then medieval societies that had changed little since the medieval period. With modernization came western know how, technology and what the ruling monarchies desperately wanted to contol and keep from its people-western ideals and culture which was viewed as decadent. Our enemy now is one driven by very medieval beliefs that reject western culture and ideals, yet embrace western technology, much like Japan in WW2 was-although you can't draw too many parallellels 

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I also would like to see a Barbarossa and France 1940 game. Africa would be great also. I remember playing the old AH game Tobruk as a kid and loved it. The weaker weapon systems and shorter ranges would be well suited for this system.  Not sure a Pacific game would be that interesting tactically. It was basically massive firepower being called in and then brutal mopping up. Outside of initial setup for the Japanese, not that much to do at this scale. The vehicle system is the best part of the CM system. Infantry combat is not it's strength. 


One thing I would like to add. A lot of scenario designers seem to be overly concerned with play balance. In other words, closely matched forces where either side can defeat the other. But sometimes, as in a hypothetical 1940-41 game, the odds were often not equal. I would  like to see more scenarios where a small inferior force can win by simply doing better than expected. This can be reflected in the victory conditions. I know many scenarios like this exist, but would hope that an emphasis on play balance would not preclude a game about more unbalanced campaigns like France in 1940. I think it would be fun to see what well handled British or French tanks could do to a Panzer spearhead, or an advancing infantry column. 

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The Pacific was an especially brutal war. Some of the people I grew up knowing fought in it. In fact I still have the WW2 Campaign medals given to me as a kid by a Marine who fought at Pelieu. My mom was of Japanese decent who grew up in Hawaii and was there when Pearl Harbor was bombed. Went to her grave as a loyal American and would disown me if I ever said anything bad about America.


The Japanese soldier in WW2 was indoctrinated with a medieval belief ideology that was difficult for westerners to comprehend. I think the same is true today for the threat western societies face from radical islam. Unfortunately the politically correct ideology that has taken hold in western societies makes it difficult to have a frank and honest discussion about this.


Since the oil boom that took place in the 70's when OPEC wielded its monopoly power and saw a huge increase in oil revenues there was a huge rush to modernize what was up to then medieval societies that had changed little since the medieval period. With modernization came western know how, technology and what the ruling monarchies desperately wanted to contol and keep from its people-western ideals and culture which was viewed as decadent. Our enemy now is one driven by very medieval beliefs that reject western culture and ideals, yet embrace western technology, much like Japan in WW2 was-although you can't draw too many parallellels 

Very interesting parallels between the Japanese and radical Islam. 

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Since the oil boom that took place in the 70's when OPEC wielded its monopoly power and saw a huge increase in oil revenues there was a huge rush to modernize what was up to then medieval societies that had changed little since the medieval period. With modernization came western know how, technology and what the ruling monarchies desperately wanted to contol and keep from its people-western ideals and culture which was viewed as decadent. Our enemy now is one driven by very medieval beliefs that reject western culture and ideals, yet embrace western technology, much like Japan in WW2 was-although you can't draw too many parallellels 


I would broad out the concept that our present enemy rejects western culture and ideals to one where it rejects everything that is not its own pre-medieval "culture" (we shouldn't forget that in obscure ages muslims were considered kinda enlightened and tolerant); as these days one can watch these valorous warriors demolishing historical sites thousands years old, which imho are a heritage to the whole mankind.. if I were to decide, those acts alone should be triggering a global campaign to eradicate IS from the world forever, but sadly that doesn't seem to be some high priority for the leading civilizations leaders.

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