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Movie Replay

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Wouldn't it be cool if you could watch a battle you just completed from beginning to end, skipping through the dull parts (if necessary)? And then save said video for future playbacks/video AAR's? 


Is possible, or no? If it was, would the file size simply be too huge to be practical?

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And getting a fully interactive up-to-240-minute replay isn't something that's going to happen any time soon, either. This has been discussed to death a thousand times (may contain hyperbole). The Search function, now that it works will reiterate that discussion more fully than anyone should be prepared to in yet another thread.

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Hey, lots of us think it would be cool. We have been told "not bloody likely " before. So feel free to discuss it again and get told the same or just not hear anything.

@womble was just providing an expectation setting service.

It would be loads of fun to watch a battle from the beginning with free camera controls. The thing is I don't really think I would want BFC to spend the time solving the problems and getting it all to work. I would rather they create more content or work on their UI revamp, or move earlier in the war, of do my three favorite feature requests (see sig). But that is just me.

Bottle line if this feature dropped into the next version that would be cool but there are a ton of things I would want them to spend time on and BFC have already said this poses technical challenges.

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Think about it this way from BFs perspective of priorities.

1. While it might be cool to see for those that are interested in creating a video AAR (which can already be done), for the average user how often would you go back and watch an entire battle?

2. Those saves would probably become useless as you upgrade so they have a limited shelf life even if you had one you really liked. For example I really enjoyed the CM campaign broadsword and I did from the St Lo game, but those turns are unplayable anymore

So you have something that probably doesn't have the usage demand that you might expect and a limited usefulness that adds absolutely nothing to the game play itself..... Kind of bound to not make BFs short list, so comments like "should have been integrated already" reflect nothing more than an individual bias are are very divorced from the guidelines that BF is going to follow.

Don't mean to piss on the parade, but think about it - the only difference between what you have now and this feature is you would not have to load individual turns. What does BF gain from putting in the effort to somehow link all those turns as they are created? Then think of the sheer file size you are looking at. It might be interesting occasionally, but is that what folks want BF focused on, the occasionally interesting item that adds nothing to game play?

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...comments like "should have been integrated already" reflect nothing more than an individual bias are are very divorced from the guidelines that BF is going to follow.

Not to mention arrogantly dismissive of the programming challenge of creating such a player from the existing code base that can work on a "reasonable" rig.

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Don't, you'll just find your own thread and then get caught in a CM topic time differential space loop! We may even have to do something with the dilithium crystals to bring you back!


Then the rational delliejonut would be forever arguing with the irrational delliejonut in a closed thread that allows only the two of them to read and post!


It would be hell for them! Yet, the rest of us would be safe.


But what of delliejonut...


But what of delliejonut...

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Think about it this way from BFs perspective of priorities.

I prefer to think of it from my own perspective as a customer.  It's a feature I'd like to see.


I'm not demanding anything, and I'm sympathetic to a list of reasons it hasn't been done.  Still, I see no reason to drop the request.  Full battle playback would add a lot to the final product.  In fact, I think it would end up selling more copies of CM because you could introduce people to the game by showing them what it looks like in the end.  They wouldn't have to wade into the complexities of the control system for their first impression.


That's all.



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  I'll toss in my two cents and say I'd like to see this or some form of it implemented.

One idea might be the ability to splice a particular sequence of turns into a replay system.

ie: rather than the game/player having to compile an -entire- compilation of saved games

from a scenario/battle, he could perhaps select ten turns/files and watch things

play out without a stop for ten minutes.

  After that, if he so desired, he could splice the next ten turns, etc., etc., 

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Yeah don't feel bad about bringing it up. Anything brought up around here typically gets pounced upon by senior members, but as the years go by many features have been added to the game as the team get to them. I think Quintus hit it nicely:


"I prefer to think of it from my own perspective as a customer.  It's a feature I'd like to see."




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Yeah don't feel bad about bringing it up. Anything brought up around here typically gets pounced upon by senior members, but as the years go by many features have been added to the game as the team get to them. I think Quintus hit it nicely:


"I prefer to think of it from my own perspective as a customer.  It's a feature I'd like to see."





I'm aware of the aggressive attitudes that crop up occasionally. I also understand it stems from the frustration of repeating themselves over and over to whoever pops their head in the door. But as frustrating as it is for members who have already taken part in the discussion, it stands to reason that if it keeps coming up, it's valid. My first post (after having been a customer and fan for a long time) was about Steam integration. It was if I had personally insulted some of the members. Now I know not to do that again.

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Well, I was going to say nothing at all but I will leave it to this: you reap what you sew. No one jumped on the OP of anyone else here because the OP asked a reasonable question with a reasonable tone. The threads that get heated get that way when demands get made and unreasonable people jump on board to restart their personal axes grinders.

Note I am not talking @delliejonut in any way. Just talking about the pattern that some people insist on repeating.

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I'm aware of the aggressive attitudes that crop up occasionally. I also understand it stems from the frustration of repeating themselves over and over to whoever pops their head in the door. But as frustrating as it is for members who have already taken part in the discussion, it stands to reason that if it keeps coming up, it's valid. My first post (after having been a customer and fan for a long time) was about Steam integration. It was if I had personally insulted some of the members. Now I know not to do that again.


The movie replay feature is something I'd love to have and am actually glad you brought it up again. I sometimes make videos and it would be a huge help. I just made a funny because it so happens that I saw the Star Trek episode "The Alternative Factor" just the other day. Of course, I understand it is a low-priority feature and has some hurdles in addition, as the old hands have pointed out. Still, it doesn't hurt to bump it now and again since it has not been ruled out permanently by BF.


The Steam thing is a different kettle of fish because of the irrationality of those few who cannot accept BF's firm position--no matter how well or often it is explained. Those folks never allow new posters to just get status and be done with it. 

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Well, I was going to say nothing at all but I will leave it to this: you reap what you sew. No one jumped on the OP of anyone else here because the OP asked a reasonable question with a reasonable tone. The threads that get heated get that way when demands get made and unreasonable people jump on board to restart their personal axes grinders.


and I am inching closer day by day of taking the same stance as some beta testers of just not participating in the outer boards.  It seems unless you immediately agree with whatever anyone suggests someone inevitably brings up the "aggressive" response knee jerk slam.  It gets really old.

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I think the basic reason we will not see such a feature is for the fact of the file size.

I could hear the cries now even if they did provide it.

Way too much time to load up the replay movie or issues with machines not handling the file size well.

(You might even be thinking, well this other game does it) But this is not that other game, and the plain and simple fact is, this game works on some principles that no other game does and because of that it has a huge amount of data that it is

creating compared to most games.

So in short, it would be nice, but it is not a practical request

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One possibility to make it work, in addition to the idea of offering chunks of the game, would to load the next turn in the background while the current turn is being viewed.

Just a thought but I suspect the work involved and the priority will mean this idea will not come to pass. Still a cool idea though.

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