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More Bulge Info! (and a few screenshots...)

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New uniforms! I sure hope we get some new mdr skeletons.


Maybe, right at this very moment, somewhere, some wonderfully talented sweetheart of a guy is working on this file?




or maybe this one?




specialy the PARKA HOODED  all winter uniforms have to come in, that will make it atmostpheric

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Thanks for sharing :)

Looks awesome!


Well I am not so sure. According to Chris's preliminary info no imortant changes/improvements to the gameplay will be introduced. The screenshots provided look no better than something you could achieve by a decent modding work basing on existing vehicles/terrain (e.g. kohlenklaus excellent mod). And here people are already wetting their pants because a couple of vehicles will be added in the new/separate/full priced release. Yeah and of course the 2 campaigns, some scenarios and new OOB. Well, CM is my favorite game title and I hardly play anything else, but if things remain as they are now in alpha and nothing will be added in later stages of development CM Bulge will be the first WWII title from BF I will not buy.


Just my two cents. Sorry that my opinion is not in line with those generally presented in this thread.

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Well I am not so sure. According to Chris's preliminary info no imortant changes/improvements to the gameplay will be introduced.

Apart from tank riders on the Western Front, cold weather issues and updated equipment bringing the Allies "tank-for-tank" closer to the Germans.



The screenshots provided look no better than something you could achieve by a decent modding work basing on existing vehicles/terrain...

Screenshots, schmeenshots. Mods can't change characteristics or shape. You can't "mod" an Easy-8 out of a M4A3 because you can't mod the armour. If you don't care about the underlying numbers, you could have an ersatz Bulge game by using a limited selection of models in an FI winter setting... But if you don't care about the underlying numbers, I'm surprised you're even playing BFC games, so you probably do.



...new OOB.


And equipment. And environment/terrain.


Just my two cents. Sorry that my opinion is not in line with those generally presented in this thread.

Just trying to remind you that your opinion might (on the basis of how it's been expressed) be hastily formed and not considering the full potential of the new gud stuf. Of course, it's possible a chunk of the work (tank riders, amphibian capability, though the vehicles to exploit that would probably have to wait for a Pack; probably not snow) will get backported into CMBN and you'll be able to get most of the gameplay goodies for an upgrade price. But you won't get snow and you won't get end-war equipment and the TOs that hold them.

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I guess we should take it for what it is, alpha screenshots. But I must admit I was a bit disappointed too. I really like the snow in CMFI, but it could use an overhaul graphically, especially how deep snow look both on the ground and on trees. And units moving through it. But I'll probably buy the game anyway. Still hope for improvements though.

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Just my two cents. Sorry that my opinion is not in line with those generally presented in this thread.

We've asked for screenshots, although it is obvious BF ain't ready for it yet, so for the moment these will have to do. The unit and vehicle list is very impressive, the screenshots are pretty bad, but they are Alpha and those guys at BF are no fools. They know very well that the landscape of the Ardennes is all about snow, fog and atmosphere, so give them some credit and let's not draw premature conclusions. Main thing is the Bulge is in the pipeline and boy, did I miss that theater of war.

Edited by Aragorn2002
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Looking good so far. I hope you pay particular attention to the snowy terrain - I find that some games struggle with rendering it in a believeable way. The first screnshoot seems promising, snow of varying thickness, rather than a "coca cola ad" white blanket :)


This is all just graphical concerns of course, but I enjoy little touches like that. No joking about this please.

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I must admit that my first reaction is a bit of disappointment too. The composition of forces looks very good to me, but I find the screenshots depressing. As I have said earlier in the CMFI forum:


When releasing an all-winter base game I strongly assume that BFC will have added snow to the in game vehicles. But I must admit that I´m looking very much forward to seeing how they are going to do it.


Personally, I hope that they have devised some sort of snow layer that will spread randomly on top of the vehicles, rather than being part of the textures themselves as the snow in my mods has to be. A separate layer would add the few extra centimetres of snow on top of the vehicles that is impossible to depict with the current system. Furthermore, it would spare BFC´s vehicle artists - as well as us modders - the work of having to make separate snow versions of the vehicles. But it´s probably not easy to code.



Hopefully, the screenshots just aren´t showing new snow textures because simply they aren´t finished yet. If so, this just proves why BFC are right to generally be so reluctant to reveal anything about a new release until it is ready. Because forumites like me tend to zero in on every little detail - and bitch over it.


But if the screenshots do show how snow in the Bulge game is depicted - then I´m pretty disappointed.

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It is essential for this game to have typical buildings for each area, for instance the Ardennes need solid, stone buildings with little windows etc. Apart from that this game needs improved weather and landscape effects, like dense fog, thick mud and heavy snow(fall). The vehicles do not need that much attention, since they are basically good and can be modded. The (winter) uniforms however need a LOT of attention, same for the trees. Good trees are essential, absolutely essential. Those factories in CMBS also look nice btw. :P


That's it for my shopping list. Well, they have until the end of this year.  :)

Edited by Aragorn2002
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Will it be possible to have an option with MORE snow-covered trees..?






I remember when Chris said in CMFI there was some outlook problems with foliage vs snow...  alpha shots look very CMFI-ish to me.

Edited by Ales Dvorak
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If BFC creates a CM Bulge forum today, BFC should be able to edit the name of the forum later when they decide on a name for the new family.


Come on BFC, please just get that forum up in place! It is needed...

1. c3k needs the forum for his free game contest (c3K, okay..what is that format again for the date/time of the release and you send me a free copy of CM Bulge?)

2. Bil Hardenberger needs it for his cool beta battle scenario AAR.


I think this is going to be an awesome game. Everybody is saying how great CMBS is, so I am thinking this game should benefit.


REQUEST: Please do not DO NOT DO NOT go with the "random milestone signs subroutine" <or whatever you call it> in the flavor objects. ~16 milestone signs, each looks pretty good, I can guess the names of the towns, we all probably can... But when you use them in the map editor, AFAIK, they just randomly pluck out of a box and will change each time you load the map. Trois Pont is suddenly Spa? This is what I see in CMBN MG. CMFI has it the old way. I am not sure about CMRT or CMBS. Make it the old CMFI way please? 


REQUEST: I have always wanted a burnt-out building with just the chimney remaining behind. We can mod burnt out foundation area, juju had a nice one for his railyard mod. But that chimney with the bricks still standing is an icon of war. Very scorched earth iconic. You will want this over in CM Stalingrad! Please bust out those 3D mdr's and some simple textures, charge it to this CM Bulge work order! :D Some of the fellas out here will mod it better, just get us the skeleton files.

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I have a weird request. after Kohlenklau excellent Bulge mod for CMFI there was some talk of a winter  mod for CMBN. I made a very detailed map for Wardin Belgium for the battle of Wardin (501st). I hate to see the man hours wasted. Can I give it to someone on the team doing QBs, maybe they can convert it to the new Bulge game and use it, I must have spent 25 hours on that map.




 send it to me for qb map markDOTezra3591ATgmail.com

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Hope that also some badly needed attention is given to develop new pillboxes and overhead covered foxholes/trenches, to make combat for fortified positions, particularly the Siegfried line, a more realistic experience, than it is now with V3.0 CMBN!

Honestly, ...the current pillboxes and shelter thingies, simply don´t work. We need neutral objects, that can be entered and used by all parties, until they´re blown up by lots of TNT. During the siegfried line campaign, countless hardened structures were engaged, captured, lost, recaptured and used, by both the western allies and germans. Can´t imagine to recreate any such battles and situations with the current immobile vehicle type oddities.

There´s no realistic Ardennes, or Hurtgen forest combat with entrenchements, that are death traps to tree and air bursts, as they are now. There was some good suggestion in the forum to vary entrenchement types by applying an "experience" soft factor to them. So a "veteran" foxhole type might have added some log and earth cover, to provide overhead protection against shrapnel and medium mortar direct hits, while "regular" and below means, it does have not.

Another overhaul for a new game family deserves heavy buildings to be treated as more massive and having basements, or half basements, to offer better protection vs artillery and bombs, as well as providing well covered fire positions (from half basements).

I´d also wish for more and larger types of trees, incl. fir trees that extend branches to close to above the ground. With the current assortment of trees (in CMBN V3.x), forestst are still too open and lack a realistically varied look.

These would be some new features that would make me interested to invest in the Bulge family. New vehicles and OOB´s of the period and autumn/winter textures ain´t enough for me.

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Come on BFC, please just get that forum up in place! It is needed...

1. c3k needs the forum for his free game contest (c3K, okay..what is that format again for the date/time of the release and you send me a free copy of CM Bulge?)

2. Bil Hardenberger needs it for his cool beta battle scenario AAR.


3. Our Resident Troll is running out of forums in which to ramble. 

4. a brand new forum. A brand new forum. 'Nuf said.



Fixed that for ya.

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I also add my vote to several others on here that I sure would like to see it as a module rather than a stand alone.  That way I can still play on maps I already made, plus, hopefully it would add a bit of content to the Normandy/ Market Garden scenarios.  (Plus, I hate to keep installing the same program over and over, simply wastes space on the hard drive.)  They were talking about a NEW CMSF instead of a 3.0 upgrade.  Probably easier, but that city map I spent 200 or so hours on.... all wasted.  I loved how CMBB went from, well Barbarossa to Berlin.  I could build scenarios to mix and match whatever equipment I wanted.  (I also love the early war stuff.)


Once again, MODULE PLEASE, even if it's still $55.  (I know that throws a wrench into their "CMBN Master Installer" theory though.)



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