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CMPzC Operation "Bloody Christmas" (Ortona '43)

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I guess all the tricks he could have think of are in the coming file. I think that a detailed Recon of the map once it will be available will be once again necessary. I hope he will have some troops and or vehicles  moving. That might give me some indication of its attack axis, unless he is trying to lure me into a trap.


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The axis commander just said this is the biggest CM battle he has ever played and the defensive set up took him 6 hours and that the file is on the way....

Just in time for the weekend! :D

I usually take 2-3 hours setting up a defensive position.  I have also discovered a bug in the game by doing this, and I will pass it on (verified by CM staff).  When you are in set up mode, time does not freeze. So if you spend 3 hours setting up and plotting your first moves, then 3 hours will pass in the game.  Implications?  I was playing an Italian battle that began approx 05:30/06:00 and it was quite dark. I was planning my defence, taking several hours.  Of course time was passing in the game and it became light out (I didn't notice). I was siting my AT guns and MGs etc in broad daylight...had some great killing zones...and then I pressed the red button and everything went dark as the game reverted back to "at start" time. My kill zones disappeared and my support weapons were quite useless.  Beware!

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Hi Koh,

Thanks for letting me know. I do not use the CM Helper, should I ?

Anyway, I am right now uploading with the correct capital C   Cider OO7

I shall erase cider 007 once Cider 007 it will be seen in Dropbox

Looks like we are going to have pretty good battle, full of surprise on either side


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I had it also yesterday. The sync was continuous. I was unable to connect to Dropbox either with Edge and or Chrome.

However I had been able to send to Dropbox Cider 013 from its outgoingmail game folder, using the scrolling menu with the right mouse Ctrl and clicking "sending to Dropbox".

But I was unable to see if it was leaving or not, being unable till this morning to get a Dropbox connection.

This morning, I saw it and just had to move it to Cider road folder

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I had the spinning sync not so long and  I don't have CMH. What I do is to hit the message again and again then the spinnig ends ! Takes 5 and more to get rid of the issue.

More, I can not upload Cider 017, since I can not have access to Dropbox. I had the same yesterday !


Happy to have some new assets.

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OK I have learned something else...when CMH is not open, or the CMH link to the cider file folder in dropbox is erased, the endless "spinning" of dropbox syncing does not happen.  Bizarre that this only happens for this particular file folder...solutions anyone?

If the constant drop box syncing is the 'chat' file then it usually means more than two people have their CMH tuned into a single battle.

The solution is to make sure no more than two people use CMH for that battle and everyone else instead copies,pastes and deletes the files manually before activating CMH for any other battle they might be playing.

Though sometimes one forgets so you just tell CMH to clear the incoming/outgoing mail folder but not the drop box folder!

Edited by Kuderian
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It is time to give you some insight of how the battle is being carried.

I had already the difficult task to inform you of the lost of one of our two Shermans force. The entire crew is now safe huddled in a shell crater.

During the fight its mate positioned on the left of our defense line managed to hit the drive sprocket of a Pz III mounting a50 mm gun. The tank was later seen moving.

In the next turns the Sherman was submitted to a rain of AP shells - 5 penetrating hits and one denting the turret front. However it was not destroyed, but it lost one of its crew. The gun is damaged so it will only be able to fire its MG's (bow and turret)


At the moment we can consider that we don't have any more any tank asset. We are facing 5 Pz IV mounting a 75 gun, 3 Pz III mounting a 50 gun and a new comer mounting the short 75 mm.

We might not exclude to have obne or two more tanks around. That makes a for sure 9 tanks and maybe up to 11 ones.

We are mortaring the area where the Pz IV are overwatching our lines. There seems to be some Infantry coming to their level.

Our Intelligence makes us believe that the Pz III forces is moving to the left (seen from the German side) in order to come staright down to the right of Saskatoon.

We believe that the Pz IV force is maintening its overwatch, the time for the Infantry to move forward, before they resume their advance.


That is perhaps the best thing they could do, since the closer they will come the better the 6 Pounder will be able to hit them successfully. The only incertitude is wether the ATG crews will stand and fire without panicking .


In any case the main road is under enemies tanks observation and thus any move along or close to it is to be avoided.


An airplane was heard not long ago, but we have not heard or seen any straffing and or bombing.

We are moving a small force toward Saskatoon, besides the one that came by truck. They had to leave it and are right now trotting along the road. The problem will be for them to go past the house at the Xroad. That road portion is seen and repeatedly fired upon.


Turn 26 Sherman's damages



Turn 20Sherman knocked out


Turn 20 Pz III hit in the drive sprocket. That did not prevent th etank to drive away and be seen elsewhere in turn 26



Turn 26 The front




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EDIT: Bad news. That aint your plane you just heard...

Hang tough! You should have the 120mm heavy mortars now, oui?

Between 1210-1230 you will get an air mission (Kittyhawk fighter-bomber HEAVY mission with bombs!) and you MUST use your FO to direct him to the

enemy "panzer lager". ...and with that air mission you will get a battery of 25 pounders and a towed 17 pounder. The ATG arrives at the church. Maybe

have some smoke ready from the little 2" mortars to provide cover while it sets up? The 17 pounder takes 3.8 minutes to deploy! An agonizingly long

wait. Often the bren carriers have a 2" mortar in there for anybody to grab and use! Look around. :D 

This is a tough battle. 

Edited by kohlenklau
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Many thanks and in particular for your smoke advice. I am the one to advice others to use a smoke barrage more than often  and this time I did not even think of it !

I hope the enemy plane is not going to target our ATGs positions.

My biggest problem right now is to find a suitable location for the Artillery FO.  In Real action they have a map with coordinates and pre registered kill zone. That is not the case here. The FO must have a LOS to the target and that is the problem. Once he has it, you must be sure that the enemy is seeing him. You know the end of the story, no ? He gets shot and the shelling is done everywhere, but not on the target.

I hope that this time, I might fare a little better and that the tanks will not move outside the shelling area that will be planned, before the shells fall all around.

The Kittyhawk might bring better results. The problem, another one you are going to tell me, yes another one is that the delay for each one might prevent me to get good results depending on my choice. Anyway the arty could be asked by a leader, while the plane has to be called by the FO. Better not make a mistake in the choice.


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