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CMPzC Operation "Bloody Christmas" (Ortona '43)

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Isn't this ironic? :D

Here in this CMPzC Ortona Operation we have an actual Irishman with Kuderian commanding Canadian CM pixel troops.

Then over in the CMPzC Eindoven Operation we have an actual Canadian with Chappy commanding Irish Guards CM pixel troops.

But of course we have also had real Canadians commanding Canadian pixel troops and the real Irishman commanding the Irish Guards pixel troops.

Ol' mjkerner fighting as the axis in both operations is thoroughly confused! 

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Isn't this ironic? :D

Here in this CMPzC Ortona Operation we have an actual Irishman with Kuderian commanding Canadian CM pixel troops.

Then over in the CMPzC Eindoven Operation we have an actual Canadian with Chappy commanding Irish Guards CM pixel troops.

But of course we have also had real Canadians commanding Canadian pixel troops and the real Irishman commanding the Irish Guards pixel troops.

Ol' mjkerner fighting as the axis in both operations is thoroughly confused! 

I like it!  And that damn axis-loving MJ better see the light and join our side for a change :)

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Gentlemen, orders!

(refer to map below for place names/locations)

Time now:  1200 hrs


      En - The Germans paid dearly for their defence of San Leonardo. Although they put up a skilled defence, they were crushed in the end, and their scattered remnants have retreated towards Casa Berardi. At San Donato, a smaller German force was likewise eliminated, and our flank secured. We have identified our opponents as the 65th Grenadiers and 190 PG Regt/90th PG Division. Intelligence has indicated that a counter-attack can be expected shortly towards San Leonardo, consisting of panzers and panzer grenadiers. Additionally, the enemy has been seen setting up ATGs in and around Cider Crossroads.

      Fr - RCR Battlegroup has successfully captured San Leonardo, but not without loss. A and B Coys sustained moderate casualties, and B Coy commander was killed. B Coy has been folded into D Coy to bolster its strength. A Coy is resting/replenishing in San Leonardo and will become the battlegroup reserve. D Coy is holding the line forward of San Leonardo.  C Coy is preparing to move through D Coy and continue the advance towards Ortona. Cbt Team Stonecutter remains mobile and ready to advance alongside C Coy.  At San Donato, A Coy of the Hasting & Prince Edward Regt (Hasty P’s) and a troop of tanks destroyed the German paras there, and San Donato has been captured. The Hasty P’s, our brigade friends, may provide us with support during this operation.

      Ground - the area between San Leonardo and Cider Crossroads is largely open with sparse trees and vineyards, and occasionally broken up by a farm or small village. The ground is undulating, providing dead ground to hide. However, there are large flat areas. The ground is muddy and wet - we had many tanks and other vehicles immobilized during the assault on San Leonardo. Vehicles should operate on roads whenever practical.  A daunting terrain feature is “The Gully” located between Cider Crossroads and San Donato. Beware.

MISSION:   RCR Battlegroup will advance to, and capture, Casa Berardi in preparation for an assault on Cider Crossroads.

EXECUTION:  This operation will be conducted in 2 phases:

        Phase 1 - defend against imminent German counterattack towards San Leonardo; and

        Phase 2 - advance to Casa Berardi and capture it

    A Coy (Kuderian):   
                    Ph 1 - rest, replenish, feed in San Leonardo;

                    Ph 2 - battlegroup reserve; follow along at a tactical bound behind C Coy

                       Atts/Dets:  nil

    C Coy (IanL):        
                    Ph 1 - rest, replenish, feed in San Leonardo; move towards D Coy and pass through them on Ph 2;

                    Ph 2 - spearhead the advance to Casa Berardi, commencing at 1300 hrs, and capture it;

                    Atts/Dets:  for Ph 2 only, under command, all atts from D Coy (see below), Engineer squadron, 1+ bty 25lber, 2 x Kittyhawk missions

    D Coy (Snake_eye):    
                    Ph 1 - defend high ground north of San Leonardo;

                    Ph 2 - prepare to advance to Cider Crossroads;

                    Atts/Dets:  for Ph 1, you have under command 1 Tp, A Sqn, 3RR (2 x Shermans), 1 x FOO, Mortar Platoon, AT Platoon (6 x 6lber), ACs/carriers of 4PLDG,

                                      1 x bty 4.2” hvy mortars, 1 x Kittyhawk mission.  For Ph 2, all attachments will be detached to C Coy.

    Cbt Team Stonecutter (Stonecutter):
                    Ph 1 - rest, replenish, feed to SE San Leonardo;

                    Ph 2 - support C Coy assault on Casa Berardi, maintain right flank protection, seize opportunities for pursuit ops

                    Atts/Dets:  for all phases, A Sqn, 3RR, elements 4 PLDG with carrier infantry

    Hasty P Cbt Team (Stonecutter):

                    Ph 1 - move from San Donato area towards Cider Crossroads;

                    Ph 2 - assist RCR Battlegroup with attack on Casa Berardi/Cider Crossroads.

                    Atts/Dets:  for all phases, B Coy, Hasty P’s and 2 x Tp, B Sqn, 3RR, 1 x FOO, various arty sp, elements 4 PLDG


    1.  1200 hrs - Time now; D Coy in position to defend

    2.  1205-1210 hrs - 4.2” hvy mortars avail for D Coy

    3.  1215 hrs - 1 x Kittyhawk mission for D Coy

    4.  1300 hrs - C Coy and Cbt Team Stonecutter begin advance on Casa Berardi

    5.  1315 hrs - 1 x Kittyhawk mission for C Coy;  Hasty P’s arrive

    6.  1330 hrs - 1 x Kittyhawk mission for C Coy

    7.  1400 hrs - operation ends, consolidate as per orders


    Phase 1 - Snake_eye (Greg) you are on your own for an entire hour! Let me know what you intend to do

    Phase 2 - IanL (Ian) and Stonecutter (Frank) will partake in a 2 player multi-battle; coordinate with each other often via email and CC me as well.  Ian: A Coy will follow you at a tactical bound behind....they may not appear on map for phase 2 (depending on what our umpire does), but if they do, you can move them along safely behind.




Good luck commanders and Pro Patria!




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Combat Team Stonecutter stands ready to resume offensive operations! This should be really cool as the current day HQ for the Hasty P's is a quick drive down the road from where I live. Time to read up on the regimental history. 

Our esteemed Canadian novelist, Farley Mowat, was both a rifle platoon commander and the Intelligence Officer for the Hasty P's in Italy...I would highly recommend his book, "The Regiment":  it is shocking and horrifying

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@ChappyCanuck,  I am away, as you know and nearly out of touch but with my cellphone used as a modem - a limited use I admit ! -. I had made arrangements prior to leave last week with "Stonecutter" to take command of  D Company. 

Besides, I have tried to have a look at the new map without any success ( It does not load on my laptop - out of memory  ! - Once I get back I shall try to get back into the battle. That if my internet link has been repaired by the provider. The 60 minutes I have to stay on my own might allow me to keep up with the fight. Meanwhile I expect Frank "Stonecutter" to establish a more or less hedgehog defence at the crossroad with the 2 Shermans ready to roll to any threatened side.

For the rest, I have admiration for all of you guys contributing to the making of that fantastic Campaign. It really brings CM to a level i had not even dreamed off. 

Thumb up to all of you.



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Greg, you said it best:  "For the rest, I have admiration for all of you guys contributing to the making of that fantastic Campaign. It really brings CM to a level i had not even dreamed off."  For me, this is best this game can get. I am just amazed that more CM players do not get involved with campaigns.

So when are you back? Because Koh will not have the game ready to go yet

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Greg, you said it best:  "For the rest, I have admiration for all of you guys contributing to the making of that fantastic Campaign. It really brings CM to a level i had not even dreamed off."  For me, this is best this game can get. I am just amazed that more CM players do not get involved with campaigns.

So when are you back? Because Koh will not have the game ready to go yet

Hi ChappyCanuck,

I should be back on the 29th. Meanwhile, I hope the provider has been able to repair the internet link, broken down since the 9th !!!!!! . I have a meeting planned with them on that day. I hope that I'll find it working on my return, since they were unable to give me a straight answer. 

In any case I shall inform you all..

P.S: I was not out of memory, The original bts file was simply not in my laptop !!!!

Edited by snake_eye
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Thanks to all of you, I really appreciate and I can’t wait to handle once again the destiny of good old D Company !



You were surprised that not so many people were involved in campaigns.

I think one of the reason is that it is difficult to put together few people willing to play, to follow rules which are necessary to bring a good playability and having a mutual trust and understanding of each other.

On our Canadian side I think, that, if we were willing, for sure,  to play it, we went along together, discovering each other, learning from each other to become a fine team .

Our motto could be “One for all, all for one”

ChappyCanuck our fourth Musketeers can be proud of us three “StoneCutter, Kuderian and Snake eye”

I should not forget his Royalty ! “Koh” without him and some close friends nothing would have been possible.

I think the same spirit is among the “Axis” team




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Bonjour Greg! :D

With this extra week or so I have time to refine a few things and cook up some surprises! Maybe a habanero pepper in your Crepe Suzette mon ami!

I have placed some objectives on the map more for historical purposes and general locational guidance only visible to allied side.

The D Coy 3 platoons are each in a separate set up zone with some flexibility for positioning in them but they each have a named fortified area to occupy. I used from history that they used Canadian city names for objectives near San Leonardo and then added a few of my own as you will see. Taking some poetic license.

I placed one on there to show where Ian's and Frank's forces will materialize and another for the Hasty P's "beam me down Scotty!" location.

Over towards Casa Berardi I have a general objective called "Morning Glory" from historical reference. And Cider Crossroads has one called "Orange Blossom".

Chappy can double check if I got them right maybe! :D You guys don't have to head towards them, and it is all always Alt-J removable....

I have one hidden touch objective in there. The remnants of 11 Troop are on the map and let me just say that I blended history a tad and one section HQ is led by Sergeant Sterlin. If that is not something Chappy wants to simulate/re-enact, then we can delete that. But I think it will be honorable. 

I am excited to see this big baztard play out! 

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For any allied team member that wants to see it. Here is the link to download the password protected save game file. The usual password! Copy it to your saved game folder NOT the scenario folder. Then open as a saved game NOT in scenario editor. Don't do any set-up actions yet in case we make any changes. Provide feedback or ask any questions, raise concerns/issues. Now is best. :D



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