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Future modules ideas (unofficial topic)


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"..infantry that doesn't run in single file, can keep spacing(Seriously they are always like 4 feet apart instead of 8-10ish...situation dictates) and can use formations. In a game where individual soldiers can spot enemys while others in their squad can't this is a freaking must. We have formations for this very reason."


This! Definitely stressful when there are mortars and precision artillery strikes abound...


Re: SOF, why not just up the skill/motivation/leadership modifiers on specific units (LRS Teams/Scout Teams) to simulate Rangers/SF units? Add coyote brown gear to visually differentiate those troops from the regular line troops.

Edited by jmh
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Here's the ways I see SOF showing up:


1. Small scenarios.  Like the Opportunity Knocks scenario only kicked up a notch.  Wouldn't be too hard to do as the models more or less exist (possibly EPIC BEARDS for operators but more likely than not simply same troop models arranged into new squads and capabilities).


This would actually be really good for giving some new units to a "small" scenario pack that was something like a huge mess of platoon vs platoon or smaller fights.  I think that'd push some dollarz because there's certainly the audience, and we've all played some really well done platoonish level games (the US vs Syrian infantry platoon+1 IFV from each mission in CMSF is a favorite of mine for the simplicity of task allowing you to focus on the complexity of accomplishing it).   


2. Included as part of the militia pack as options for the Ukrainians (regular and militia types) and the Russian focused insurgents to represent SOF trainers attached to those units, and allow for the sort of support those organizations lack (Ukrainian militias likely lack JTACs for fixed wing assets, the actual pro-Russian insurgents vs the "insurgents" also lack that sort of training to call in for CAS and some of the not gifted fires equipment).  


Either would be good, but we really need a context that fits the SOF dudes, and right now the steel on steel warfare isn't quite where they're at.  


The USMC, UK, French, German, and Poles for the west all seem like a shoe-in, with a smattering of lesser NATO forces too (although I heard rumors of Italy showing up), but even the CMSF standby of the Netherlands is pretty much no longer in the serious military business.  For the Russians VDV and possibly Naval Troops or whatever doesn't seem too out there either, although a lot of the hardware is already in the game so I'm not sure it'll be quite as robust or new and shocking as some of the NATO late comers.  

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This! Definitely stressful when there are mortars and precision artillery strikes abound...


Re: SOF, why not just up the skill/motivation/leadership modifiers on specific units (LRS Teams/Scout Teams) to simulate Rangers/SF units? Add coyote brown gear to visually differentiate those troops from the regular line troops.

Don't forget the Scar 17. My brother-in-law just left the 3d SFG right as they transitioned rifles.

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2. Included as part of the militia pack as options for the Ukrainians (regular and militia types) and the Russian focused insurgents to represent SOF trainers attached to those units, and allow for the sort of support those organizations lack (Ukrainian militias likely lack JTACs for fixed wing assets, the actual pro-Russian insurgents vs the "insurgents" also lack that sort of training to call in for CAS and some of the not gifted fires equipment).  


Either would be good, but we really need a context that fits the SOF dudes, and right now the steel on steel warfare isn't quite where they're at.  



A good idea, the Pro Russian separatists are being trained and armed by Russians so yeah why not have a pack with militias and their SOGs respectively. As for the steel on steel warfare you mentioned, you addressed that yourself when you mentioned its how the scenario is designed. I loved the Band of brothers persistent campaign that was  made for CMBN.

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Combat Mission has sure come a long way from the fondly remembered Beyond Overlord.  I think now that the game has entered the realm of equally matched modern forces slugging it out with each other I'd love to see a "fun" module modeling the invasion of the good ol USA.  I figure Alaska would be a good spot to invade for starters and you can have Russian marines, airborne units and Spetsnaz units going up against the usual military units plus US National Guard units, various US spec ops units working behind the lines, local police SWAT, angry crab fishermen (well perhaps this may be hard to model), our Canadian friends lending a hand, etc.  Varied terrain in Alaska as well.  We can even bring the possibly retired A-10 back into the mix since when faced with an invasion, beggars can't be choosers. I wouldn't be surprised if many folks have a secret desire to play out a Red Dawn scenario on their computers.  


With the wide range of military units we have in the world and no shortage of trouble spots we can certainly have all sorts of hypothetical conflict situations.  A new land war in Korea would be interesting as well.

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I appreciate that the tools are there for us to make our own missions and whatnot, but the problem I have is I'm only really into the campaigns and you tend to get a lot less of them made by the community (for obvious reasons).  Plus I prefer the longer campaigns (like the Road to Monteburg in CMBN).  So number 1 on my wishlist is more and longer campaigns.


I also agree with the suggestion of French, Italian and Polish forces.  While more nationalities and formations of any sort would be great it'd be fun to play with some kit we haven't seen in CM before.

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my first wish is coop missions, but i think that this should need a whole new game engine, so i'm hoping for irregulars.

Maybe this cold be an introduction for the winter: let's say, after august cease fire, in winter (that means snow and ice) irregular formations would start an asymmetric war against occupying forces (that means snow camo for men and vehicles)

Edited by franci
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  • 3 months later...

I would love to see Civilians modeled in. 


Right now, pretty much any SP or MP battle, my IFV's briefly target EVERY building they have in their sights, to suppress or kill anything that may be hiding there. I also indiscriminately drop arty on city centres and villages, where enemy troops may be hiding.


However, it would be nice to have civilians with random behaviour (hiding/running across the street in panic, etc) to be modeled into the game engine, because the reality right now is that civilian casualties is even more of a big thing than it ever used to be before. As we can see from online videos in areas of operations around Eastern Ukraine, people don't really vacate their homes, because its all they have to their name and its likely to get looted if they are gone. 


Therefore, as a way to be more accurate in the use of your troops, I would love it if civilians were a factor, with penalties to final scoring for killing said civilians (say, each civilian death will remove 75 points from final score). There doesnt need to be loads of them - maybe 3 or 4 families per battle map (10-16 pixelpersons), randomly distributed in the maps buildings near victory objectives, so as to promote smarter play, rather than "brief fire at every building", or area deny 152mm arty strike. 

Edited by VasFURY
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Guest thedude72

I noticed Eurocorps got a mention as being involved in one of the Task force 3-69 campaign mission briefings, so I wouldn't be surprised if they made an appearance.


Also IIRC I read that irregulars will be making an appearance in a module.

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Big NO to SF being in game.  Unless they were extremely restricted, they have absolutely no place in CM, barring for some extremely themed single player missions.


British, Polish, German/French units would be pretty cool to see though.  I'd kinda like to see China in game, but I think that's for an entirely different theater and it'd be one helluva stretch to work them into BS.  A modern day 2nd Korean War game would be pretty awesome though.

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Recon troops for VDV formations are often subordinated to GRU - these are the "elite" troops we will most likely see, essentially they are still light role infantry.


With all due respect to the modding contributions that you have made to CMBS and other games, which I very much appreciate - it is worth noting that VDV recon (i.e. 45th Recon Regiment) have completely different subordination and command hexarchy than GRU Spetsnaz and SSO forces of Russian MOD. Not that is not entirely impossible for them to cooperate on the same mission; but that would probably be an exception rather than the rule; as all of these formations have quite different command and subordination structure.

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