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Future modules ideas (unofficial topic)


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If you have ideas of what you want in future add-ons of CMBS, put it here to help battlefront to choose ;).




=> 1vs1 campaigns, but I understand it's a very difficult task to implement such a thing in the game.

=> Engineers who could deploy mines on battlefield

=> Special Forces which special abilty would be to be deployed in a field outside the inital blue or red zone ( as if they were dropped to it)

=> Units with silent weapons (difficult to implement too)


Have a nice day.









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All those ideas except the 1v1 campaign are bad.


However, focusing on what would be the best thing to add:

More forces for the nations already in game are numba 1 in my opinion. US marines and Ukraine and Russian VDV. Orthodox marines would be nice too, ukraine marines too but less so given their very small numbers.

More NATO countries would be Nice, specifially POLAND LAND OF THE STRONG/FREE/BRAVE THE HEROES OF EUROPE, Germany, and Canada are muh most wanted NATO boys.

Also, CMBS vehicle pack 1 T-80UD for Russia and Ukraine, T64bm1 Bulat or whatever the hell that new t-64 they are producing is called for ukraine, BTR-80 baseline (both ukraine and Orthodox empire use this wagon) possible but very speculative features would be T-14 and M1a3 both of which should in theory be shown to the public in this year. Also vehicle pack could include older tanks like the old t-72b which still makes up alot of Russian armor. Older US tanks would be nice if unrealistic, if for no other reason than variety. IE a US tank that isn't the FInal Solution to the T-90 question, but on tracks. 


In short, add the Army Rangers.

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-More single player campaigns - jeez in CMSF we had tens of missions in campaigns..


-ofc more countries. They will probably add UK and Germany, but it wouldn't be bad if we could have something totally new. France for example: would love to see the Leclerc in action, and the organization/doctrine of that country military formations. USMC is quite a logical presence in the region. Eastern NATO nations like Poland and Czech, maybe Hungary and Romania.


-more Russian formations and equipment - VDV and Naval Infantry should be a must in this setting.

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is an American game, so it's normal to see american troops first, but there in the context of a conflict in Europe, it is the Franco-German Brigade (3 th  Regiment de Hussard (FR)  ,  Jagerbataillon 292 & 291( RFA )  , 110 regiment d’Infanterie(  FR ), Panzerpionierkompanie 550 (RFA)  ,  artilleriebataillon  295( RFA )   ..  fallschirmjager (RFA) et RPIMA(FR) )         , British  and Polish that would occur more quickly, the canada happen certe with sea but the second plane

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I am pretty sure that in the future there will be the following formations: USMC, VDV and UKR 2nd line troops. Possibly we will also see other NATO allies, such as UK, France or Germany. Maybe something completely new, such as Poland or Belarus.

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I belive the first module will include VDV for Ukr and Rus and MARINES for USA.

It will include some new terrain/buildings/flavour objects types (civilian vehicles and commercial standard containers are already hinted in game files)

It will surely have a MARINES campaign, possibly also a campaign for Rus VDV. 



The second module will include a new country, possibly one like Germany or United Kingdom.

Although I'd like to see something really new like France, Poland, Italy.

On the Rus side naval infantry could be added.


Irregular formations could be interesting too, for Ukr and Rus sides.

B type formations both for Rus and Ukr are also possible.

Edited by Kieme(ITA)
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Bring in the Marines, OOH-RAW! An Odessa and possibly a Crimea campaign would work. Would like to see NATO represented as well (I agree with the previous posts regarding UK, Canada, Germany, France, Poland ... however, I think Turkey would make an interesting inclusion as well)

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It is possible that the format used for CMSF NATO module might be used here too, that is, introducing a "main" new country's force (in that case was Ger) toghether with some "minor" country forces, in terms of involvement/units.


While I understand that many would like to see UK and Germany, I personally prefer new coutnries with different assets and organization.

Edited by Kieme(ITA)
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More scenario or campaign packs would be awesome. We used to have tons of missions in campaigns back in the days of CMSF (I understand that we have a campaign for each army now, but still... more content wouldn't hurt).


I remember the USMC campaign having different paths to take, which affected the upcoming missions (like tanks battles on open ground or infantry fighting in the mountains, etc). That was cool.

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It is possible that the format used for CMSF NATO module might be used here too, that is, introducing a "main" new country's force (in that case was Ger) toghether with some "minor" country forces, in terms of involvement/units.


While I understand that many would like to see UK and Germany, I personally prefer new coutnries with different assets and organization.


 I think that a NATO module that reintroduces some of the CMSF NATO factions is quite likely because it would allow recycling of some of the 3D models and TOEs and thus speed up the development process.

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Pro-Moscow militia are the number 1 on my wishlist for CMBS.


French and German troops would be interesting additions especially since we didn't have France in shock force.


Maybe some more elite units for Russians? They seem to be rather mid-tier troops in comparison to US forces which have all the newest and fanciest equipment available. Maybe GRU Spetsnaz to support the pro-Moscow militia? They would have some really interesting equipment like VSS Vintorez.


@dams-fr: deploying mines and dropping specials forces wouldn't make sense in the scale of CM missions. "Silent weapons" are already kind of included in the game if you mean suppressors. Mk. 21 snipers for US have them (but suppressors don't really matter that much in reality).

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Pro-Moscow militia are the number 1 on my wishlist for CMBS.


French and German troops would be interesting additions especially since we didn't have France in shock force.


Maybe some more elite units for Russians? They seem to be rather mid-tier troops in comparison to US forces which have all the newest and fanciest equipment available. Maybe GRU Spetsnaz to support the pro-Moscow militia? They would have some really interesting equipment like VSS Vintorez.


@dams-fr: deploying mines and dropping specials forces wouldn't make sense in the scale of CM missions. "Silent weapons" are already kind of included in the game if you mean suppressors. Mk. 21 snipers for US have them (but suppressors don't really matter that much in reality).


Recon troops for VDV formations are often subordinated to GRU - these are the "elite" troops we will most likely see, essentially they are still light role infantry.

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I would love to see the Israel Defence Force in CM but it's probably a hot potato and I must admit that I do not know what they might be doing in Ukraine. And any implementation of the IDF in CM would have to be historic (1973 would make a lot of sense) as the CM engine would not be best suited to the kind of asymmetrical warfare they seem likely to face in the near future.

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More feature oriented modules - Coop, 1vs1 campaigns, replays  (realtime which you could pause and rewind the action).

Wouldn't mind if it would take more time to develop, with the current frequency of CM releases I have enough content to play with for a year.

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Ok, don't call it a module then, call it anyway you want, I just would like more functionality instead o content. Somehow I've expected that the new modern setting will make a huge leap like CMSF once did, or maybe not that huge, but huge within in the possibilities of the CMx2 engine.

Edited by kulik
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Ok, don't call it a module then, call it anyway you want, I just would like more functionality instead o content. Somehow I've expected that the new modern setting will make a huge leap like CMSF once did, or maybe not that huge, but huge within in the possibilities of the CMx2 engine.

Unfotunately for us, it seems that BFC's experience is that content sells titles, not features. I'd pay twice the price of a normal engine upgrade, per title I have (2), for a pure AI-boost, for example, or a full game price for a boost to all the titles, but apparently I'm too small a minority to make that kind of product economical.

I suspect that some of the things like co-op games that people want are extremely difficult to arrange in the current architecture. Sadly, BFC don't seem to want to maintain a single repository where people can see ideas that have been suggested before and express their support for one or more of the features, and where BFC can categorically tell us "No! We are never doing that!" for others.

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@dams-fr: deploying mines and dropping specials forces wouldn't make sense in the scale of CM missions. "Silent weapons" are already kind of included in the game if you mean suppressors. Mk. 21 snipers for US have them (but suppressors don't really matter that much in reality).

Yes Mvp, I mean suppressors ;)

For mines and SF jump ability, on reflexion, it seems to be bad ideas , you're right.


Militia would be a great add to the game, as much as brit/fr/ger troops.

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I'd love to see United States Marines, but with Commadant Dunfords' new direction for the Marine Corps as a QRF its hard to see us being used in a conventional warfare as a conventional force. I would love to play with all the new updated equipment and vehicles the MEUs will be buying for our new role though like the EFV, JTLV, and the MPC. Yeah, I'm a gear geek btfo.

I'd also put my bid in for polish forces, Silencers, and Green Berets(Army SF would be playing a massive role as they would be training up the Ukrainian military(militia) forces. (Side note, I'm proud to say Marine Raiders are also currently adding g4 training to their mop)

Any nay sayers to silencers are not thinking about larger sized maps. sure tiny maps it might not be that much help but when the maps get big or massive and you can have intermingled force on force it would be great to get guys behind the lines and be able to engage the enemy without giving off an immediate sound contact. The fact that the maps can and will be huge gives great opportunity's for  silencers and special forces.

I'd also like to see Co-op, and infantry that doesn't run in single file, can keep spacing(Seriously they are always like 4 feet apart instead of 8-10ish...situation dictates) and can use formations. In a game where individual soldiers can spot enemys while others in their squad can't this is a freaking must. We have formations for this very reason.

Edited by Oakheart
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More scenario or campaign packs would be awesome. We used to have tons of missions in campaigns back in the days of CMSF (I understand that we have a campaign for each army now, but still... more content wouldn't hurt).



Fortunately, we don't have to wait for official scenario releases.  The tools included with the game are the same used to make the official scenarios, and most of the "official" scenario-makers continue to produce battles long after release.  There's a lot of talent in this community.

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