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Help needed! Re-enactment, Fury ending

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Personally I enjoyed Fury for what it was. I also liked the fact the tank crew where not flawless heroes who you would be happy if they dated your daughter but cynical,  unpleasant and probably far more historically correct than 99% of War movies made before.I've read enough books now to know that some of those medal winning heroes of WW1 and WW2 where actually pretty unpleasant people ranging from being a bully to criminality and someone if there hadn't been a War you'd have stayed well clear of.

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No tank crew in the history of the world would sit in an immobile vehicle in enemy territory with no chance of assistance or even the ability to call for help especially a crew of American draftees who have the end of the war well in sight.  It's not only illogically stupid, but also goes against everything we've learned about these characters who throughout the film talk about "keeping alive."  Yet, in the end they commit suicide rather than abandon their broken-down tank?  It's not like they didn't have any other options.  The screenwriter didn't even bother to surround them.  It's clear that all they had to do was start walking in the opposite direction and they live. 


And then you have even more their suicidal opponents.  I'm used to Hollywood German soldiers being portrayed as incompetent warriors who rival the Imperial Stormtroopers of the Star Wars movies for tactical ineptitude, but "Fury's" climax with a German battalion immolating itself against an isolated tank was a "bridge too far" for my usual suspension of disbelief.


"Fury" has some things to commend it, but its ending was as dumb as Lloyd Christmas saying: "You'll have to excuse my friend.  He's a little slow.  The town is back that way!"


Pretty much have to agree with everything you said.

The only realistic thing in the ending is the German being surprised that the Americans are still in the tank when he opens the hatch. Because they wouldn't have been.


Once they'd ambushed the German column with some HE and .50 cal, they could have bugged out with job done, the Germans would have been slowed down and deployed into "Move to Contact" mode because they don't know it's just one tank. Logically they would have assumed at least a tank platoon plus support elements. By the time they know different, it's night and the danger to the American position is over as they would have either been reinforced or at least prepared for action.

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I can't help but comment on this.  :D


It was a good story, but the ending was so bad that it ruins the entire movie with nonsense. First, the only German capable of common sense when under fire is the Sniper. This is stupid. (The sniper was the grizzly looking veteran that takes out Pitt.) All those SS were well armed and geared up it seems, too bad they apparently ALL lacked common sense. And the panzerfausts were only used toward the end of the fight and everyone misses, ala CMBN. But the biggest problem with the movie is how it builds up the hatred of the SS and in the end, an SS soldier leaves the American soldier alive under the tank. As if he wouldn't shoot the guy after he slaughtered his battalion...


Sorry for the rant, I'll go back to CM and Band of Brothers now.


If you want a "Fury" scenario, put a Waffle SS Battalion with a date as late as you can make it (September 1944 I think) down on a map with road and give them a single order to advance past the Sherman and hold fire.

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Just do the scenario yourself in CMRT.

Google translate says Fury = ярость (yarost) in Russian. Braddnikov Pittshikovskiev.

Good luck, have fun and let us know when you have the scenario and youtube video ready! :D

I could do this. Is it possible to buy/deploy immobile vechile in editor?

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So I made Russian Fury. Battle lasted four minutes. Maybe the map size should be little bigger. Immobilized T-34 (early) and company of crack grenadier. One faust hit the tank, did not kill it, but crew opened the hatch and took fast death from 10 000 bullets.









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Have you even seen the movie? Apparently not.


Night time/low-vis

Highly trained and motivated tank crew.

Green or conscript fusiliers, low motivation and terrible leaders.


By the by; the movie outcome should be a possible outcome, but not the expected outcome.

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Well, in the movie first there was bright weather and max vis. Suddenly there came night. I changed immobile guys fanatic-lunatics. I believe in the movie SS was made as serious threat, so I keep them high-quality.








Two and half minutes from the distance I made. Well, this is just playing. ;)

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It's good you took the time to do this, but the "Fury" engagement wasn't war on the steppe, more like a war on a narrow, mostly tree enclosed, road, down which the Germans had to come, greatly constraining their movement options. And the engagement began with the SS battalion in four abreast route march. Had it been me, I would've let 'em have it with everything while they were in that state, well down the road. Imagine the carnage! But it wouldn't have been anywhere nearly as dramatic in terms of how the movie played out. In fact, the shattering effects of 76 mm HE, .30 cal coax, .50 BMG  and .30 bow MG might well have so gutted the battalion there would've been no attack possible for quite some time.  I think if you decide to have another go, it would be good to use a T-34/85, rather than a T-34/76, because the T-34/85 has the same number of men as the Easy 8 and the much better situational awareness and crew resilience that comes from having five men, a bigger turret and a cupola. That, I believe, would better represent the situation than the T-34/76 you used.  




I don't own CMRT, but I went back and checked the vehicle list. I was shocked, shocked, I say, to see not a single Sherman type listed. What, pray tell, is HSU Dmitry Loza of 6 GTA supposed to fight the tail end of the GPW in during the operations in Ukraine and so on? Where is his beloved Emcha--M4A2(76)W VVSS--only Guards units rated?




John Kettler

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I don't own CMRT, but I went back and checked the vehicle list. I was shocked, shocked, I say, to see not a single Sherman type listed. ...

John, AIUI, Lend-Lease equipment will probably show up in the first Module for RT, much as Commonwealth and so forth showed up for CMBN in the first module of that title.

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